3,868 research outputs found

    Analysis in weak systems

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    The authors survey and comment their work on weak analysis. They describe the basic set-up of analysis in a feasible second-order theory and consider the impact of adding to it various forms of weak Konig's lemma. A brief discussion of the Baire categoricity theorem follows. It is then considered a strengthening of feasibility obtained (fundamentally) by the addition of a counting axiom and showed how it is possible to develop Riemann integration in the stronger system. The paper finishes with three questions in weak analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Professores de educação física em Portugal: entre a formação inicial e o exercício profissional

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    No presente estudo procurou-se analisar as representações que os professores das diferentes escolas de Educação Física em Portugal possuem acerca da relação existente entre a sua formação inicial e o exercício da profissão docente, nomeadamente a nível da sua adequabilidade, das limitações dessa formação e das expetativas criadas. Recorrendo a uma metodologia de cariz qualitativo o estudo centrou-se num grupo de quinze professores com formações iniciais realizadas nas instituições portuguesas mais marcantes do século XX: o Instituto Nacional de Educação Física, as Escolas Superiores de Educação Física, os Institutos Superiores de Educação de Lisboa e do Porto e as Faculdades de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física. Concluiu-se que estes professores, independentemente da sua escola, consideram que a sua formação inicial, apesar de algumas limitações em áreas muito específicas, os preparou adequadamente para o exercício da sua atividade enquanto professores de Educação Física, tendo correspondido, na sua generalidade, às suas expectativas.In this study, we have sought to analyse the representations that teachers from the various schools of Physical Education in Portugal have of the relationship between their initial training and the teaching practice in terms of its adequacy, limitations of training and expectations. Based on a qualitative methodology, the study focused on a group of fifteen teachers with initial training performed in the most distinguished Portuguese institutions in the 20th century: the National Institute of Physical Education, the Higher Schools of Physical Education, the Colleges of Physical Education of Lisbon and Porto and the Faculties of Sports Sciences and Physical Education. We have concluded that, regardless of their school, teachers feel that their initial training, despite being limited in some very specific areas, has prepared them adequately for practice, and has, in general, met their expectations.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    A auto-estima profissional dos professores de educação física em Portugal

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    A nossa prática profissional em instituições de formação de professores de Educação Física, tem contribuído para uma maior atenção com questões inerentes à definição da identidade docente. Com o intuito de estudar estas questões, desenvolvemos o presente estudo, procurando analisar a forma como os professores de Educação Física se avaliam enquanto docentes, considerando o reflexo da formação inicial na definição da sua identidade. Recorrendo a uma metodologia de cariz qualitativo o estudo centrou-se num grupo de quinze professores com formações iniciais distintas na área disciplinar de Educação Física realizadas nas instituições mais marcantes de Portugal. Concluímos que os professores, independentemente da escola de formação e da experiência profissional, definem-se como bons professores, assegurando possuir boas capacidades pedagógicas, procurando promover as aprendizagens e desenvolver as capacidades dos seus alunos, incutindo-lhes valores e valorizando a questão do saber estar.Our professional practice in institutions of the formation of teachers on Physical Education, has contributed for a bigger attention with inborn questions to the definition of the teaching identity. In order to study these questions, we developed the present study, looking forward to find out about the structure of teachers of Physical Education. We mean to identify if teachers evaluate while, considering the consequence of the initial formation in the definition of its identity. Appealing to a methodology of qualitative form, this study has been centered in a group of fifteen teachers with distinct initial formations in the Physical Education area in the most known institutions in Portugal. We conclude that teachers, independently of their school of formation and their professional experience, define themselves as good teachers, assuring to possess good pedagogical capacities, looking forward to promote the learning’s and to develop the capacities of the pupils.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    A Identidade socioprofissional dos professores de educação física em Portugal

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    O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo investigar a forma como os professores de Educação Física se relacionam e se veem relativamente a outros colegas do grupo disciplinar, avaliando o poder preditivo de variáveis, como a escola de formação inicial ou a experiência profissional, que concorrem para a (in) definição da sua identidade profissional. Recorrendo a uma metodologia de cariz qualitativo a investigação centrou-se num grupo de quinze professores com formações iniciais distintas da área disciplinar de Educação Física realizadas nas instituições mais marcantes de Portugal no século XX: Instituto Nacional de Educação Física (INEF), Institutos Superiores de Educação Física (ISEF), Escolas Instrutores de Educação Física (EIEF) e Faculdades de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física (FCDEF). As principais conclusões do estudo sugerem-nos a existência de alguma coesão dentro do grupo disciplinar de Educação Física, já que os professores mais novos reconhecem que a sua evolução depende, também da relação que estabelecem com os mais velhos e os mais velhos reconhecem que os mais novos são indispensáveis na atualização de determinados saberes, procurando, pois, baseados nestes pressupostos, estabelecer uma relação profícua entre todos, independentemente da geração em questão ou da escola de formação inicial.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    A auto-imagem profissional dos professores de educação física em Portugal

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    O presente artigo pretende analisar a forma como os professores de Educação Física se percepcionam enquanto docentes. É um estudo que coloca a ênfase na percepção dos sujeitos em questões relativas à construção da sua identidade docente. Situando-nos num quadro de um paradigma não positivista, recorremos a uma metodologia de cariz qualitativo. O estudo centrou-se num grupo de quinze professores com formações iniciais distintas da área da Educação Física realizadas nas instituições mais marcantes de Portugal. Concluímos que os professores, independentemente da escola de formação, se definem como exigentes, disciplinadores e metódicos. Verificámos, ainda, que há concepções e actuações diferentes no âmbito do ensino da Educação Física.This article aims to analyze how Physical Education teachers perceive themselves as instructors. It is a study that emphasizes perception of teachers regarding the construction of their teaching. Placing ourselves in a context of a non- positivist paradigm we resort to a methodology of a qualitative nature. The study focused on a group of fifteen teachers with basic training other than the subject area of Physical Education held in the most remarkable institutions in Portugal. We conclude that teachers, independently of school training are defined as demanding, disciplining and methodical. We also verified that there are different conceptions and actions in teaching Physical Education.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    The socio-professional status of physical education teachers in Portugal: a qualitative approach

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    Despite some worth mentioning initiatives, Physical Education teaching in Portugal was only unveiled and recognized at a later stage by others than the ones directly involved in it. In fact, during most of the 20th century, both the subject and the teachers were clearly considered to have a peripheral status, particularly when compared to their professional peers. Considering the changes in the last decades, we found it pertinent to analyse how these teachers perceive the status that is assigned to them by teachers of other subjects, and also by their students. For the purpose of this analysis, we used a qualitative methodology in our study focused on a group of fifteen teachers with varied degrees in Physical Education, and graduated from some of the most distinguished schools in Portugal since the 1940s until the end of the 20th century. We concluded that there could be made a definition to a certain extent, regarding what the other teachers think about the status of Physical Education teachers. Some of the teachers, namely those graduated from institutes, ISEF (College of Physical Education), realise that their fellow teachers do not recognize their true value and treat them as the "poor relatives" of education. Nevertheless, there are those who perceive and recognize their value and treat them as equals. More consensual, however, seem to be their perceptions about the opinion of students and staff, as our study tends to show that Physical Education teachers feel that they assign them anidentical status to that of teachers of other subjects.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Perceptions of pedagogical practices of physical education teachers in Portugal since the 1970s

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    The aim of this study is to analyse how Physical Education teachers in Portugal organise their lessons, taking into consideration the most valued lesson models. Moreover, we sought to understand the existing relationship between those practices, their experiences, attitudes and the influence of training schools, ie, the existing relationship between pedagogical work and a habitus, seen as a product of history and a defining principle of group and individual practices learned empirically in specific contexts. Based on a qualitative methodology, the study focused on a group of fifteen teachers with varied degrees in Physical Education, who graduated from some of the most distinguished schools in Portugal, for e.g., the National Institute of Physical Education, Colleges of Physical Education, and some of the most famous Portuguese faculties in this field of study established in the early 1990s. We concluded that these teachers defend the use of well structured classes, based on strict planning, not neglecting students’ motivations. Moreover, that the existence of different pedagogical practices (and attitudes) is possible due to different training, to the specific historical context and different experiences, personalities and motivations of each teacher. These differences suggest, therefore, there is a relationship between pedagogical practices and a habitus, which means experiences acquired in different cultural, political and educational environments.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    CERNAS – Current Evolution and Research Novelty in Agricultural Sustainability

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    This book addresses original studies and reviews focused on the current evolution and research novelty in agricultural sustainability. New developments are discussed on issues related with quality of soil, natural fertilizers or the sustainable use of land and water. Also crop protection techniques are pivotal for the sustainable food production under the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, allied to innovative weed control methodologies, as a way to reduce the utilization of pesticides. The role of precision and smart agriculture is becoming more pertinent as the communication technologies improve at a high rate. Waste management, reuse of agro industrial residues, extension of shelf life and use of new technologies are ways to reduce food waste, all contributing to a higher sustainability of the food supply chains, leading to a more rational use of natural resources. The unquestionable role of bees as pollinators and contributors for biodiversity is subjacent to the work of characterization of beekeeping activities, which in turn contribute, together with the valorization of endemic varieties of plant foods, for the development of local communities. Finally, the short circuits and local food markets have a decisive role in the preservation and enhancement of rural economies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integration of Visual Languages with SCS tools in the Software Development Industry

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    Source Control Systems (SCS), also known as Version Control Systems (VCS), help teams to organize and track changes in the software development process. These systems have become vital in the software development industry as the increased growth and geographical diversity of teams, forced them to find solutions to deal with multiple people accessing the same pieces of software concurrently. Although for a while SCS seemed to be coping well with the needs of software development, the rise of the low-code platforms and Visual Programming Languages (VPLs) brought a new challenge to version control: how to manage visual artifacts without losing SCS functionalities? The biggest cause of this challenge is the fact that SCS are mostly oriented to work with text-based programming languages. Thus text-oriented SCS are (in general) incapable of dealing with visual artifacts as well as they do with text. So, to cope with the loss of SCS functionalities in VPLs projects, teams either accept and work with this loss or are forced to come up with a solution of their own to tackle a specific version control problem. These issues can be found in the OutSystems platform, which is our case study. To solve this problem, we propose a system, termed OSGit, that acts as a man-in-themiddle between the low-code platform and the designated SCS. The proposed system will translate the requested version control operations from the low-code platform to native operations of the given SCS. In operations that require visual artifacts to be managed - like applying blames - we propose the creation of metadata files. The metadata files contain the needed information about the visual elements used to build applications in the lowcode platform. This information is thus a compacted representation of the visual elements through text. Therefore, using metadata files will allow the SCS to correctly handle the required visual artifacts while integrating this system with a low-code platform or a VPL. The produced system obtained auspicious results in the usability tests that were performed and that featured ten OutSystems developers. They showed great satisfaction when using OSGit and also gave suggestions for future improvements. OSGit bridges the gap between text-based SCS and visual artifacts, which proves the possibility of integrating these systems in the world of VPL with a high-level of user satisfaction

    Water Planning In Alcobaça Cistercian Lands / O Ordenamento Hidráulico no Território Cisterciense de Alcobaça

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    This paper concerns the main domain (coutos) of the Cistercian Abbey of Alcobaça (central Portugal), founded in 1153. It shows the involvement of the monks in shaping hydraulic landscapes along time. This monastic territory is limited westwards by the Atlantic ocean with a cliff coast indented by two large gulfs, the former Pederneira and Alfeizerão lagoons, sanded up presently. These landscapes have been consolidated along with the monks’ intervention in the hydrographic plan, particularly through a network of canals, the types of which can be summarized as follows: canals for water conveyance and evacuation, to and from the abbey buildings; canals related with water-powered engines as grain-, oil-, saw- and fulling-mills, forges and other industrial devices; canals consequent to the diversion of rivers and streams with two main purposes: to drain the fields in order to improve the marshes for agricultural use, and to irrigate cultures