9 research outputs found

    Platform crowdfunding demiapa.com dalam pembuatan film ā€œdemi ucokā€ & wujudkan.com dalam pembuatan film ā€œatambua 39Ā° celciusā€

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    Sebagai pembuat film independen, pembuat film sering sekali kesulitan mencari dana untuk membiayai film mereka. Berbagai cara sudah dilakukan oleh para pembuat film mulai dari mengumpulkan uang dari setiap anggota kru sampai dengan mencari sponsor ke berbagai instansi/perusahaan. Sayangnya, mayoritas perusahaan menganggap sponsorship tidak memberikan keuntungan apapun bagi mereka dengan alasan yang bermacam-macam, misalnya cerita film yang kurang menarik, atau ketidakpercayaan perusahaan kepada para pembuat film yang bersangkutan. Oleh karenanya, pembuat film harus mencari cara lain untuk membiayai film mereka. Salah satunya melalui crowdfunding. Dalam Skripsi ini penulis ingin membahas bagaimana seorang pembuat film dapat membiayai pembuatan film melalui crowdfunding


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Factors Affecting Level Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) (Studies in Real Estate And Property Company Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2013-2015). ). The population used in this study is a company belonging to the sector of Real Estate and Property listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange the period 2013 to 2015 that reported financial data is complete and published in Indonesian Capital. The results of research show that the variable board size berpengaruhterhadap CSR in the Real Estate and Property that terdaftardi Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2015. The variable proportion of independent commissioners has no effect on the company's CSR Real Estate and Property that terdaftardi Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2015. Variable size of the audit committee has no effect on CSR in companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Institusionalberpengaruh ownership variables to CSR in its Real Estate and Property that terdaftardi Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2015. Institutional ownership variable does not berpengaruhterhadap CSR in Companies Real Estate and Property that terdaftardi Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-201

    Karakteristik Endapan Sedimen: Studi Kasus Pantai Parangkusumo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Keragaman karakteristik endapan sedimen berdasarkan perbedaan proses geomorfologinya memiliki tantangan dalam dunia eksplorasi yang berkaitan dengan batuan sedimen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik tekstur endapan sedimen berdasarkan perbedaan proses geomorfologi yang bekerja untuk menjadi sebuah analog. Metode yang digunakan dengan pengumpulan data lapangan, serta tahap pengolahan data berupa analisis granulometri di laboratorium. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sampel endapan pasir yang diambil pada daerah gumuk pasir memiliki rata-rata bentuk butir yang lebih menyerupai bentuk bola, kebundaran yang lebih membundar, ukuran butir yang lebih halus, sortasi yang lebih baik dan kedewasaan yang tingkatannya lebih dewasa dibandingkan dengan sampel endapan pasir pada daerah pasang suru

    Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Kejadian Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut pada Balita di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk Bulan Agustus 2016

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    Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is one of the main causes of patients to visit health facilities. The incidence and prevalence of ARI in Indonesia in 2013 is 1.8 and 4.5%, respectively. ARI is still among the top ranks of eleven major causes of morbidity and mortality in children under five in 2013. One of the factors that makes a person get exposed to respiratory diseases is the nutritional status. This study aimed to determine whether there is a relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of ARI in infants at Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk on August 2016. Research subjects were toddlers who sought treatment at MTBS (Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit) health center in Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk. Eighty-four subjects participated in this study were selected by a consecutive sampling technique. Nutritional status was categorized based on anthropometric standards by measuring body weight age ratio. Among the subjects, 9 infants (64,3%) had bad nutrition and ISPA, whereas 49 infants (70,0%) had good nutrition and ISPA. Statistical analysis using Fisher test obtained a significance value, with a p-value of 0.754 (p> 0.05). The study concludes that there was no association between nutritional status and the incidence of ARI in infants in Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk in August 2016.Keywords: respiratory infections, nutritional status, toddler, Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeru


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    Teenager is among the biggest number of society consuming social media in Indonesia. The initial reason they become so active in social media is to get attention, to seek for opinion, and also to present their image. However, in the long term they become addicted of social media consumption. It is difficult for them to stay away from activities related to social media. Although social media in general has a positive side to be consumed, the overused of social media has a negative consequence. A bulk of studies shown that the overused of social media by teenager give consequences on the increase of self concept incongruence because there is a large distance between the real self and the ideal self. The self presenting in social media is the ideal self which has such a large distance from the real self. Teenagers are enjoying the ideal self of them presenting in social media so that they prefer to stay in social media rather than their daily activities of real self. This manuscript aims to describe the data collection which being used to propose campaign of decreasing consumption of social media for teenager, particularly which damage their self concept. 150 teenagers and young adult participated, the range of age was 15-25 years old. All of them were actively using of social media. Survey was used for data collection. The result showed that most of the participants want to look good at their social media profile by presenting their ideal self, even though it is not the image that they have in the real self. Based on the data, the campaign of decreasing consumption of social media is design. The campaign is focused on how to develop the positive self concept without overused consumption of social media. By decreasing consumption of social media, teenagers would be more productive and develop their positive self concept in their real life

    Salep Ektrak Daun Jamblang (Syzygium cumini) sebagai Penghambat Bakteri Propionibacterium acnes Penyebab Jerawat

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    Jerawat merupakan gangguan pada permukaan tubuh yang umumnya sering muncul pada wajah. Bakteri Propionibacterium acnes merupakan salah satu bakteri penyebab jerawat. Penggunaan antibiotik memiliki efek samping pada resiko hipersensitivitas atau alergi, sehingga penggunaan bahan alami sebagai obat herbal menjadi alternatif pengobatan yang baik. Salah satu bahan alami dengan potensi antibakteri yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri P. acnes adalah daun tanaman jamblang dengan kandungan antibakteri. Metode pengujian daun jamblang berupa pembuatan ekstrak daun jamblang, skrining fitokimia ekstrak, formulasi salep, uji zona hambat dan uji stabilitas produk salep. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan salep ekstrak daun jamblang dalam menghambat bakteri penyebab jerawat P. acnes, serta sifat fisik dan stabilitasnya selama penyimpanan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun jamblang memiliki kandungan flavonoid, triterpenoid, tannin, saponin, dan alkaloid. Hasil terbaik pada uji zona hambat ekstrak dan salep tampak pada konsentrasi 10% yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri paling baik terhadap P. acnes dengan diameter zona hambat 9,17 mm, sedangkan hasil uji stabilitas terbaik pada salep konsentrasi 15% dengan pH 6,5 Ā± 0,5, daya sebar 3,17 Ā± 0,26, daya lekat >2 menit.


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    Teenager is among the biggest number of society consuming social media in Indonesia. The initial reason they become so active in social media is to get attention, to seek for opinion, and also to present their image. However, in the long term they become addicted of social media consumption. It is difficult for them to stay away from activities related to social media. Although social media in general has a positive side to be consumed, the overused of social media has a negative consequence. A bulk of studies shown that the overused of social media by teenager give consequences on the increase of self concept incongruence because there is a large distance between the real self and the ideal self. The self presenting in social media is the ideal self which has such a large distance from the real self. Teenagers are enjoying the ideal self of them presenting in social media so that they prefer to stay in social media rather than their daily activities of real self. This manuscript aims to describe the data collection which being used to propose campaign of decreasing consumption of social media for teenager, particularly which damage their self concept. 150 teenagers and young adult participated, the range of age was 15-25 years old. All of them were actively using of social media. Survey was used for data collection. The result showed that most of the participants want to look good at their social media profile by presenting their ideal self, even though it is not the image that they have in the real self. Based on the data, the campaign of decreasing consumption of social media is design. The campaign is focused on how to develop the positive self concept without overused consumption of social media. By decreasing consumption of social media, teenagers would be more productive and develop their positive self concept in their real life


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    PERANCANGAN ULANG IDENTITAS VISUAL FOUR SEASONS CAKES & BAKERY - perancangan ulang identitas visual, four seasons cakes & bakery, fresh-moder