754 research outputs found

    The context of the Local Volume: structures and motions in the nearby universe

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    The 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) and the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) provide the most complete maps of the large-scale structures and motions in the nearby universe. These maps have been used to reconstruct the density field in the local volume, and to predict the corresponding velocity field and the dipole of the Local Group motion.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in "Galaxies in the Local Volume", 2008, eds B. Koribalski and H. Jerjen, Springer Astrophysics and Space Science Series (proceedings of conference held in Sydney on 8-13 July 2007

    Noncanonical quantization of gravity. II. Constraints and the physical Hilbert space

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    The program of quantizing the gravitational field with the help of affine field variables is continued. For completeness, a review of the selection criteria that singles out the affine fields, the alternative treatment of constraints, and the choice of the initial (before imposition of the constraints) ultralocal representation of the field operators is initially presented. As analogous examples demonstrate, the introduction and enforcement of the gravitational constraints will cause sufficient changes in the operator representations so that all vestiges of the initial ultralocal field operator representation disappear. To achieve this introduction and enforcement of the constraints, a well characterized phase space functional integral representation for the reproducing kernel of a suitably regularized physical Hilbert space is developed and extensively analyzed.Comment: LaTeX, 42 pages, no figure

    Scattering and delay time for 1D asymmetric potentials: the step-linear and the step-exponential cases

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    We analyze the quantum-mechanical behavior of a system described by a one-dimensional asymmetric potential constituted by a step plus (i) a linear barrier or (ii) an exponential barrier. We solve the energy eigenvalue equation by means of the integral representation method, classifying the independent solutions as equivalence classes of homotopic paths in the complex plane. We discuss the structure of the bound states as function of the height U_0 of the step and we study the propagation of a sharp-peaked wave packet reflected by the barrier. For both the linear and the exponential barrier we provide an explicit formula for the delay time \tau(E) as a function of the peak energy E. We display the resonant behavior of \tau(E) at energies close to U_0. By analyzing the asymptotic behavior for large energies of the eigenfunctions of the continuous spectrum we also show that, as expected, \tau(E) approaches the classical value for E -> \infty, thus diverging for the step-linear case and vanishing for the step-exponential one.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Weighing the local dark matter with RAVE red clump stars

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    We determine the Galactic potential in the solar neigbourhood from RAVE observations. We select red clump stars for which accurate distances, radial velocities, and metallicities have been measured. Combined with data from the 2MASS and UCAC catalogues, we build a sample of 4600 red clump stars within a cylinder of 500 pc radius oriented in the direction of the South Galactic Pole, in the range of 200 pc to 2000 pc distances. We deduce the vertical force and the total mass density distribution up to 2 kpc away from the Galactic plane by fitting a distribution function depending explicitly on three isolating integrals of the motion in a separable potential locally representing the Galactic one with four free parameters. Because of the deep extension of our sample, we can determine nearly independently the dark matter mass density and the baryonic disc surface mass density. We find (i) at 1kpc Kz/(2piG) = 68.5 pm 1.0 Msun/pc2, and (ii) at 2 kpc Kz/(2piG) = 96.9 pm 2.2 Msun/pc2. Assuming the solar Galactic radius at R0 = 8.5 kpc, we deduce the local dark matter density rhoDM (z=0) = 0.0143 pm 0.0011Msun pc3 = 0.542 pm 0.042 Gev/cm3 and the baryonic surface mass density Sigma = 44.4 pm 4.1 Msun/pc2 . Our results are in agreement with previously published Kz determinations up to 1 kpc, while the extension to 2 kpc shows some evidence for an unexpectedly large amount of dark matter. A flattening of the dark halo of order 0.8 can produce such a high local density in combination with a circular velocity of 240 km/s . Another explanation, allowing for a lower circular velocity, could be the presence of a secondary dark component, a very thick disc resulting either from the deposit of dark matter from the accretion of multiple small dwarf galaxies, or from the presence of an effective phantom thick disc in the context of effective galactic-scale modifications of gravity.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Chemical gradients in the Milky Way from the RAVE data. II. Giant stars

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    We provide new constraints on the chemo-dynamical models of the Milky Way by measuring the radial and vertical chemical gradients for the elements Mg, Al, Si, Ti, and Fe in the Galactic disc and the gradient variations as a function of the distance from the Galactic plane (ZZ). We selected a sample of giant stars from the RAVE database using the gravity criterium 1.7<<log g<<2.8. We created a RAVE mock sample with the Galaxia code based on the Besan\c con model and selected a corresponding mock sample to compare the model with the observed data. We measured the radial gradients and the vertical gradients as a function of the distance from the Galactic plane ZZ to study their variation across the Galactic disc. The RAVE sample exhibits a negative radial gradient of d[Fe/H]/dR=0.054d[Fe/H]/dR=-0.054 dex kpc1^{-1} close to the Galactic plane (Z<0.4|Z|<0.4 kpc) that becomes flatter for larger Z|Z|. Other elements follow the same trend although with some variations from element to element. The mock sample has radial gradients in fair agreement with the observed data. The variation of the gradients with ZZ shows that the Fe radial gradient of the RAVE sample has little change in the range Z0.6|Z|\lesssim0.6 kpc and then flattens. The iron vertical gradient of the RAVE sample is slightly negative close to the Galactic plane and steepens with Z|Z|. The mock sample exhibits an iron vertical gradient that is always steeper than the RAVE sample. The mock sample also shows an excess of metal-poor stars in the [Fe/H] distributions with respect to the observed data. These discrepancies can be reduced by decreasing the number of thick disc stars and increasing their average metallicity in the Besan\c con model.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, A&A accepte

    Kinematic modelling of the Milky Way using the RAVE and GCS stellar surveys

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    We investigate the kinematic parameters of the Milky Way disc using the RAVE and GCS stellar surveys. We do this by fitting a kinematic model to the data taking the selection function of the data into account. For stars in the GCS we use all phase-space coordinates, but for RAVE stars we use only (l,b,vlos)(l,b,v_{\rm los}). Using MCMC technique, we investigate the full posterior distributions of the parameters given the data. We investigate the `age-velocity dispersion' relation for the three kinematic components (σR,σϕ,σz\sigma_R,\sigma_{\phi},\sigma_z), the radial dependence of the velocity dispersions, the Solar peculiar motion (U,V,WU_{\odot},V_{\odot}, W_{\odot} ), the circular speed Θ0\Theta_0 at the Sun and the fall of mean azimuthal motion with height above the mid-plane. We confirm that the Besan\c{c}on-style Gaussian model accurately fits the GCS data, but fails to match the details of the more spatially extended RAVE survey. In particular, the Shu distribution function (DF) handles non-circular orbits more accurately and provides a better fit to the kinematic data. The Gaussian distribution function not only fits the data poorly but systematically underestimates the fall of velocity dispersion with radius. We find that correlations exist between a number of parameters, which highlights the importance of doing joint fits. The large size of the RAVE survey, allows us to get precise values for most parameters. However, large systematic uncertainties remain, especially in VV_{\odot} and Θ0\Theta_0. We find that, for an extended sample of stars, Θ0\Theta_0 is underestimated by as much as 10%10\% if the vertical dependence of the mean azimuthal motion is neglected. Using a simple model for vertical dependence of kinematics, we find that it is possible to match the Sgr A* proper motion without any need for VV_{\odot} being larger than that estimated locally by surveys like GCS.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The RAVE survey: the Galactic escape speed and the mass of the Milky Way

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    We construct new estimates on the Galactic escape speed at various Galactocentric radii using the latest data release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE DR4). Compared to previous studies we have a database larger by a factor of 10 as well as reliable distance estimates for almost all stars. Our analysis is based on the statistical analysis of a rigorously selected sample of 90 high-velocity halo stars from RAVE and a previously published data set. We calibrate and extensively test our method using a suite of cosmological simulations of the formation of Milky Way-sized galaxies. Our best estimate of the local Galactic escape speed, which we define as the minimum speed required to reach three virial radii R340R_{340}, is 53341+54533^{+54}_{-41} km/s (90% confidence) with an additional 5% systematic uncertainty, where R340R_{340} is the Galactocentric radius encompassing a mean over-density of 340 times the critical density for closure in the Universe. From the escape speed we further derive estimates of the mass of the Galaxy using a simple mass model with two options for the mass profile of the dark matter halo: an unaltered and an adiabatically contracted Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) sphere. If we fix the local circular velocity the latter profile yields a significantly higher mass than the un-contracted halo, but if we instead use the statistics on halo concentration parameters in large cosmological simulations as a constraint we find very similar masses for both models. Our best estimate for M340M_{340}, the mass interior to R340R_{340} (dark matter and baryons), is 1.30.3+0.4×10121.3^{+0.4}_{-0.3} \times 10^{12} M_\odot (corresponding to M200=1.60.4+0.5×1012M_{200} = 1.6^{+0.5}_{-0.4} \times 10^{12} M_\odot). This estimate is in good agreement with recently published independent mass estimates based on the kinematics of more distant halo stars and the satellite galaxy Leo I.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Polarization phenomena in open charm photoproduction processes

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    We analyze polarization effects in associative photoproduction of pseudoscalar (Dˉ\bar{D}) charmed mesons in exclusive processes γ+NYc+Dˉ\gamma+ N\to Y_c +\bar{D}, Yc=Λc+Y_c=\Lambda_c^+, Σc\Sigma_c. Circularly polarized photons induce nonzero polarization of the YcY_c-hyperon with xx- and zz-components (in the reaction plane) and non vanishing asymmetries Ax{\cal A}_x and Az{\cal A}_z for polarized nucleon target. These polarization observables can be predicted in model-independent way for exclusive Dˉ\bar{D}-production processes in collinear kinematics. The T-even YcY_c-polarization and asymmetries for non-collinear kinematics can be calculated in framework of an effective Lagrangian approach. The depolarization coefficients DabD_{ab}, characterizing the dependence of the YcY_c-polarization on the nucleon polarization are also calculated.Comment: 36 pages 13 figure

    Scattering in flatland: Efficient representations via wave atoms

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    This paper presents a numerical compression strategy for the boundary integral equation of acoustic scattering in two dimensions. These equations have oscillatory kernels that we represent in a basis of wave atoms, and compress by thresholding the small coefficients to zero. This phenomenon was perhaps first observed in 1993 by Bradie, Coifman, and Grossman, in the context of local Fourier bases \cite{BCG}. Their results have since then been extended in various ways. The purpose of this paper is to bridge a theoretical gap and prove that a well-chosen fixed expansion, the nonstandard wave atom form, provides a compression of the acoustic single and double layer potentials with wave number kk as O(k)O(k)-by-O(k)O(k) matrices with O(k1+1/)O(k^{1+1/\infty}) nonnegligible entries, with a constant that depends on the relative 2\ell_2 accuracy \eps in an acceptable way. The argument assumes smooth, separated, and not necessarily convex scatterers in two dimensions. The essential features of wave atoms that enable to write this result as a theorem is a sharp time-frequency localization that wavelet packets do not obey, and a parabolic scaling wavelength \sim (essential diameter)2{}^2. Numerical experiments support the estimate and show that this wave atom representation may be of interest for applications where the same scattering problem needs to be solved for many boundary conditions, for example, the computation of radar cross sections.Comment: 39 page