612 research outputs found

    Ground-based intercomparison of two isoprene measurement techniques

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    International audienceAn informal intercomparison of two isoprene (C5H8) measurement techniques was carried out during Fall of 1998 at a field site located approximately 3 km west of Boulder, Colorado, USA. A new chemical ionization mass spectrometric technique (CIMS) was compared to a well-established gas chromatographic technique (GC). The CIMS technique utilized benzene cation chemistry to ionize isoprene. The isoprene levels measured by the CIMS were often larger than those obtained with the GC. The results indicate that the CIMS technique suffered from an anthropogenic interference associated with air masses from the Denver, CO metropolitan area as well as an additional interference occurring in clean conditions. However, the CIMS technique is also demonstrated to be sensitive and fast. Especially after introduction of a tandem mass spectrometric technique, it is therefore a candidate for isoprene measurements in remote environments near isoprene sources

    The X-ray Telescope of CAST

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    The Cern Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) is in operation and taking data since 2003. The main objective of the CAST experiment is to search for a hypothetical pseudoscalar boson, the axion, which might be produced in the core of the sun. The basic physics process CAST is based on is the time inverted Primakoff effect, by which an axion can be converted into a detectable photon in an external electromagnetic field. The resulting X-ray photons are expected to be thermally distributed between 1 and 7 keV. The most sensitive detector system of CAST is a pn-CCD detector combined with a Wolter I type X-ray mirror system. With the X-ray telescope of CAST a background reduction of more than 2 orders off magnitude is achieved, such that for the first time the axion photon coupling constant g_agg can be probed beyond the best astrophysical constraints g_agg < 1 x 10^-10 GeV^-1.Comment: 19 pages, 25 figures and images, replaced by the revised version accepted for publication in New Journal of Physic

    Estimating pore-space gas hydrate saturations from well log acoustic data

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 9 (2008): Q07008, doi:10.1029/2008GC002081.Relating pore-space gas hydrate saturation to sonic velocity data is important for remotely estimating gas hydrate concentration in sediment. In the present study, sonic velocities of gas hydrate–bearing sands are modeled using a three-phase Biot-type theory in which sand, gas hydrate, and pore fluid form three homogeneous, interwoven frameworks. This theory is developed using well log compressional and shear wave velocity data from the Mallik 5L-38 permafrost gas hydrate research well in Canada and applied to well log data from hydrate-bearing sands in the Alaskan permafrost, Gulf of Mexico, and northern Cascadia margin. Velocity-based gas hydrate saturation estimates are in good agreement with Nuclear Magneto Resonance and resistivity log estimates over the complete range of observed gas hydrate saturations

    Total Observed Organic Carbon (TOOC): A synthesis of North American observations

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    Measurements of organic carbon compounds in both the gas and particle phases measured upwind, over and downwind of North America are synthesized to examine the total observed organic carbon (TOOC) over this region. These include measurements made aboard the NOAA WP-3 and BAe-146 aircraft, the NOAA research vessel Ronald H. Brown, and at the Thompson Farm and Chebogue Point surface sites during the summer 2004 ICARTT campaign. Both winter and summer 2002 measurements during the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study are also included. Lastly, the spring 2002 observations at Trinidad Head, CA, surface measurements made in March 2006 in Mexico City and coincidentally aboard the C-130 aircraft during the MILAGRO campaign and later during the IMPEX campaign off the northwestern United States are incorporated. Concentrations of TOOC in these datasets span more than two orders of magnitude. The daytime mean TOOC ranges from 4.0 to 456 μgC m^−3 from the cleanest site (Trinidad Head) to the most polluted (Mexico City). Organic aerosol makes up 3–17% of this mean TOOC, with highest fractions reported over the northeastern United States, where organic aerosol can comprise up to 50% of TOOC. Carbon monoxide concentrations explain 46 to 86% of the variability in TOOC, with highest TOOC/CO slopes in regions with fresh anthropogenic influence, where we also expect the highest degree of mass closure for TOOC. Correlation with isoprene, formaldehyde, methyl vinyl ketene and methacrolein also indicates that biogenic activity contributes substantially to the variability of TOOC, yet these tracers of biogenic oxidation sources do not explain the variability in organic aerosol observed over North America. We highlight the critical need to develop measurement techniques to routinely detect total gas phase VOCs, and to deploy comprehensive suites of TOOC instruments in diverse environments to quantify the ambient evolution of organic carbon from source to sink

    Climate and Weather Impact Timing of Emergence of Bats

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    We thank two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript and Barry Nickel for advice on statistical analysis. We thank the National Severe Storms Laboratory for radar data processing and access, in particular Brian Kaney and Katherine Willingham. We thank Danny Scipión and Sarah Stough for help with data preparation.Conceived and designed the experiments: WFF THK JFK KWH PBC. Performed the experiments: WFF PMS PBC. Analyzed the data: WFF. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: KWH CMK. Wrote the paper: WFF PMS JFK PBC.Interest in forecasting impacts of climate change have heightened attention in recent decades to how animals respond to variation in climate and weather patterns. One difficulty in determining animal response to climate variation is lack of long-term datasets that record animal behaviors over decadal scales. We used radar observations from the national NEXRAD network of Doppler weather radars to measure how group behavior in a colonially-roosting bat species responded to annual variation in climate and daily variation in weather over the past 11 years. Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) form dense aggregations in cave roosts in Texas. These bats emerge from caves daily to forage at high altitudes, which makes them detectable with Doppler weather radars. Timing of emergence in bats is often viewed as an adaptive trade-off between emerging early and risking predation or increased competition and emerging late which restricts foraging opportunities. We used timing of emergence from five maternity colonies of Brazilian free-tailed bats in south-central Texas during the peak lactation period (15 June–15 July) to determine whether emergence behavior was associated with summer drought conditions and daily temperatures. Bats emerged significantly earlier during years with extreme drought conditions than during moist years. Bats emerged later on days with high surface temperatures in both dry and moist years, but there was no relationship between surface temperatures and timing of emergence in summers with normal moisture levels. We conclude that emergence behavior is a flexible animal response to climate and weather conditions and may be a useful indicator for monitoring animal response to long-term shifts in climate.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee

    Cluster analysis of the organic peaks in bulk mass spectra obtained during the 2002 New England Air Quality Study with an Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer

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    International audienceWe applied hierarchical cluster analysis to an Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) bulk mass spectral dataset collected aboard the NOAA research vessel Ronald H. Brown during the 2002 New England Air Quality Study off the east coast of the United States. Emphasizing the organic peaks, the cluster analysis yielded a series of categories that are distinguishable with respect to their mass spectra and their occurrence as a function of time. The differences between the categories mainly arise from relative intensity changes rather than from the presence or absence of specific peaks. The most frequent category exhibits a strong signal at m/z 44 and represents oxidized organic matter most probably originating from both, anthropogenic as well as biogenic sources. On the basis of spectral and trace gas correlations, the second most common category with strong signals at m/z 29, 43, and 44 contains contributions from isoprene oxidation products. The third through the fifth most common categories have peak patterns characteristic of monoterpene oxidation products and were most frequently observed when air masses from monoterpene rich regions were sampled. Taken together, the second through the fifth most common categories represent as much as 5 µg/m3 organic aerosol mass ? 17% of the total organic mass ? that can be attributed to biogenic sources. These numbers have to be viewed as lower limits since the most common category was attributed to anthropogenic sources for this calculation. The cluster analysis was also very effective in identifying a few contaminated mass spectra that were not removed during pre-processing. This study demonstrates that hierarchical clustering is a useful tool to analyze the complex patterns of the organic peaks in bulk aerosol mass spectra from a field study

    Investigation of the correlation between odd oxygen and secondary organic aerosol in Mexico City and Houston

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    Many recent models underpredict secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particulate matter (PM) concentrations in polluted regions, indicating serious deficiencies in the models' chemical mechanisms and/or missing SOA precursors. Since tropospheric photochemical ozone production is much better understood, we investigate the correlation of odd-oxygen ([Ox]≡[O3]+[NO2]) [([O subscript x] ≡ [O subscript 3] + [NO subscript 2])] and the oxygenated component of organic aerosol (OOA), which is interpreted as a surrogate for SOA. OOA and Ox [O subscript x] measured in Mexico City in 2006 and Houston in 2000 were well correlated in air masses where both species were formed on similar timescales (less than 8 h) and not well correlated when their formation timescales or location differed greatly. When correlated, the ratio of these two species ranged from 30 μg [mu g] m−3/ppm [m superscript -3 / ppm] (STP) in Houston during time periods affected by large petrochemical plant emissions to as high as 160 μg [mu g] m−3/ppm [m superscript -3 / ppm] in Mexico City, where typical values were near 120 μg [mu g] m−3/ppm [m superscript -3 / ppm]. On several days in Mexico City, the [OOA]/[Ox] [[OOA] / O subscript x]] ratio decreased by a factor of ~2 between 08:00 and 13:00 local time. This decrease is only partially attributable to evaporation of the least oxidized and most volatile components of OOA; differences in the diurnal emission trends and timescales for photochemical processing of SOA precursors compared to ozone precursors also likely contribute to the observed decrease. The extent of OOA oxidation increased with photochemical aging. Calculations of the ratio of the SOA formation rate to the Ox [O subscript x] production rate using ambient VOC measurements and traditional laboratory SOA yields are lower than the observed [OOA]/[Ox] [[OOA] / O subscript x]] ratios by factors of 5 to 15, consistent with several other models' underestimates of SOA. Calculations of this ratio using emission factors for organic compounds from gasoline and diesel exhaust do not reproduce the observed ratio. Although not successful in reproducing the atmospheric observations presented, modeling P(SOA)/P(Ox) [P (SOA) / P (O subscript x)] can serve as a useful test of photochemical models using improved formulation mechanisms for SOA.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ATM-528227)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ATM-0528170)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ATM-0513116)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ATM-0449815)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Biological and Environmental Research. Atmospheric Science Program (Grant DE-FGO2-05ER63982)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Biological and Environmental Research. Atmospheric Science Program (Grant DEFGO2- 05ER63980)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Biological and Environmental Research. Atmospheric Science Program (Grant DE-FG02-08ER64627)United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Grant NA08OAR4310656

    First results from the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST)

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    Hypothetical axion-like particles with a two-photon interaction would be produced in the Sun by the Primakoff process. In a laboratory magnetic field (``axion helioscope'') they would be transformed into X-rays with energies of a few keV. Using a decommissioned LHC test magnet, CAST has been running for about 6 months during 2003. The first results from the analysis of these data are presented here. No signal above background was observed, implying an upper limit to the axion-photon coupling < 1.16 10^{-10} GeV^-1 at 95% CL for m_a <~0.02 eV. This limit is comparable to the limit from stellar energy-loss arguments and considerably more restrictive than any previous experiment in this axion mass range.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by PRL. Final version after the referees comment

    Ozone variability and halogen oxidation within the Arctic and sub-Arctic springtime boundary layer

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    The influence of halogen oxidation on the variabilities of ozone (O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) within the Arctic and sub-Arctic atmospheric boundary layer was investigated using field measurements from multiple campaigns conducted in March and April 2008 as part of the POLARCAT project. For the ship-based measurements, a high degree of correlation (&lt;i&gt;r&lt;/i&gt; = 0.98 for 544 data points collected north of 68° N) was observed between the acetylene to benzene ratio, used as a marker for chlorine and bromine oxidation, and O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; signifying the vast influence of halogen oxidation throughout the ice-free regions of the North Atlantic. Concurrent airborne and ground-based measurements in the Alaskan Arctic substantiated this correlation and were used to demonstrate that halogen oxidation influenced O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; variability throughout the Arctic boundary layer during these springtime studies. Measurements aboard the R/V &lt;i&gt;Knorr&lt;/i&gt; in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans provided a unique view of the transport of O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;-poor air masses from the Arctic Basin to latitudes as far south as 52° N. FLEXPART, a Lagrangian transport model, was used to quantitatively determine the exposure of air masses encountered by the ship to first-year ice (FYI), multi-year ice (MYI), and total ICE (FYI+MYI). O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; anti-correlated with the modeled total ICE tracer (&lt;i&gt;r&lt;/i&gt; = &amp;minus;0.86) indicating that up to 73% of the O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; variability measured in the Arctic marine boundary layer could be related to sea ice exposure