2,435 research outputs found

    A novel topology for a HEMT negative current mirror

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    A new solution for the implementation of a HEMT negative current source is presented. The topology can be also profitably employed as a current mirror and as an active load in high-gain MMICs voltage amplifiers. A small-signal model of the proposed circuit is developed which allows to find accurate expressions for the required transfer functions (i.e., the output impedance of the current source, and the current gain of the circuit when operated as a current mirror). Design examples using Philips PML ED02AH GaAs PHEMT process are provided. Spice simulations show that a 10- kW output impedance for the current source and a 35dB voltage gain for a differential pair loaded with the proposed current mirror are easily achieved

    Perturbative analysis of disordered Ising models close to criticality

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    We consider a two-dimensional Ising model with random i.i.d. nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic couplings and no external magnetic field. We show that, if the probability of supercritical couplings is small enough, the system admits a convergent cluster expansion with probability one. The associated polymers are defined on a sequence of increasing scales; in particular the convergence of the above expansion implies the infinite differentiability of the free energy but not its analyticity. The basic tools in the proof are a general theory of graded cluster expansions and a stochastic domination of the disorder


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    This paper presents the results of multidisciplinary research in which reconstructive digital modelling operates on different areas of heritage and at different scales to realize an analysis, interpretation, and communication experience in the field of museum valorization. It is, in fact, a work that includes both the philological reconstruction of the lost parts of a Buddha statue of Gandhāra, dating back to the second century b.C. and kept at the Museum of Oriental Art (MAO) in Turin, and its contextualization within a coeval architectural complex, recognized as philologically compatible, located in Balo-Kale, in the region of Gandhāra. The reconstructive models are finally used with communicative purposes for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications inside the museum

    Metastability for reversible probabilistic cellular automata with self--interaction

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    The problem of metastability for a stochastic dynamics with a parallel updating rule is addressed in the Freidlin--Wentzel regime, namely, finite volume, small magnetic field, and small temperature. The model is characterized by the existence of many fixed points and cyclic pairs of the zero temperature dynamics, in which the system can be trapped in its way to the stable phase. %The characterization of the metastable behavior %of a system in the context of parallel dynamics is a very difficult task, %since all the jumps in the configuration space are allowed. Our strategy is based on recent powerful approaches, not needing a complete description of the fixed points of the dynamics, but relying on few model dependent results. We compute the exit time, in the sense of logarithmic equivalence, and characterize the critical droplet that is necessarily visited by the system during its excursion from the metastable to the stable state. We need to supply two model dependent inputs: (1) the communication energy, that is the minimal energy barrier that the system must overcome to reach the stable state starting from the metastable one; (2) a recurrence property stating that for any configuration different from the metastable state there exists a path, starting from such a configuration and reaching a lower energy state, such that its maximal energy is lower than the communication energy

    First in-beam studies of a Resistive-Plate WELL gaseous multiplier

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    We present the results of the first in-beam studies of a medium size (10×\times10 cm2^2) Resistive-Plate WELL (RPWELL): a single-sided THGEM coupled to a pad anode through a resistive layer of high bulk resistivity (\sim109Ω^9 \Omegacm). The 6.2~mm thick (excluding readout electronics) single-stage detector was studied with 150~GeV muons and pions. Signals were recorded from 1×\times1 cm2^2 square copper pads with APV25-SRS readout electronics. The single-element detector was operated in Ne\(5% CH4\mathrm{CH_{4}}) at a gas gain of a few times 104^4, reaching 99%\% detection efficiency at average pad multiplicity of \sim1.2. Operation at particle fluxes up to \sim104^4 Hz/cm2^2 resulted in \sim23%\% gain drop leading to \sim5%\% efficiency loss. The striking feature was the discharge-free operation, also in intense pion beams. These results pave the way towards robust, efficient large-scale detectors for applications requiring economic solutions at moderate spatial and energy resolutions.Comment: Accepted by JINS

    Phenotypic and Molecular Selection of a Superior Solanum pennellii Introgression Sub-Line Suitable for Improving Quality Traits of Cultivated Tomatoes

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    The Solanum pennellii Introgression Line (IL) population can be exploited to identify favorable alleles that can improve yield and fruit quality traits in commercial tomato varieties. Over the past few years, we have selected ILs that exhibit increased content of antioxidant compounds in the fruit compared to the cultivar M82, which represents the genetic background in which the different wild regions of the S. pennellii ILs were included. Recently, we have identified seven sub-lines of the IL7-3 accumulating different amounts of antioxidants in the ripe fruit. Since the wild region carried on chromosome 7 induces a low fruit production in IL7-3, the first aim of the present work was to evaluate yield performances of the selected sub-lines in three experimental fields located in the South of Italy. Another aim was to confirm in the same lines the high levels of antioxidants and evaluate other fruit quality traits. On red ripe fruit, the levels of soluble solids content, firmness, and ascorbic acid (AsA) were highly variable among the sub-lines grown in three environmental conditions, evidencing a significant genotype by environment interaction for soluble solids and AsA content. Only one sub-line (coded R182) exhibited a significantly higher firmness, even though no differences were observed for this trait between the parental lines M82 and IL7-3. The same sub-line showed significantly higher AsA content compared to M82, thus resembling IL7-3. Even though IL7-3 always exhibited a significantly lower yield, all the sub-lines showed yield variability over the three trials. Interestingly, the sub-line R182, selected for its better performances in terms of fruit quality, in all the trials showed a production comparable to that of the control line M82. A group of species-specific molecular markers was tested on R182 and on the parental genotypes in order to better define the wild genomic regions carried by the elite line R182. In these regions three candidate genes that could increase the level of AsA in the fruit were identified. In the future, the line R182 could be used as pre-breeding material in order to obtain new varieties improved for nutritional traits

    Relaxation Height in Energy Landscapes: an Application to Multiple Metastable States

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    The study of systems with multiple (not necessarily degenerate) metastable states presents subtle difficulties from the mathematical point of view related to the variational problem that has to be solved in these cases. We introduce the notion of relaxation height in a general energy landscape and we prove sufficient conditions which are valid even in presence of multiple metastable states. We show how these results can be used to approach the problem of multiple metastable states via the use of the modern theories of metastability. We finally apply these general results to the Blume--Capel model for a particular choice of the parameters ensuring the existence of two multiple, and not degenerate in energy, metastable states

    Experimental assessment of a new form of scaling law for near-wall turbulence

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    Scaling laws and intermittency in the wall region of a turbulent flow are addressed by analyzing moderate Reynolds number data obtained by single component hot wire anemometry in the boundary layer of a flat plate. The paper aims in particular at the experimental validation of a new form of refined similarity recently proposed for the shear dominated range of turbulence, where the classical Kolmogorov-Oboukhov inertial range theory is inappropriate. An approach inspired to the extended self-similarity allows for the extraction of the different power laws for the longitudinal structure functions at several wall normal distances. A double scaling regime is found in the logarithmic region, confirming previous experimental results. Approaching the wall, the scaling range corresponding to the classical cascade-dominated range tends to disappear and, in the buffer layer, a single power law is found to describe the available range of scales. The double scaling is shown to be associated with two different forms of refined similarity. The classical form holds below the shear scale L s . The other, originally introduced on the basis of DNS data for a turbulent channel, is experimentally confirmed to set up above L s . Given the experimental diffulties in the evaluation of the instantaneous dissipation rate, some care is devoted to check that its one-dimensional surrogate does not bias the results. The increased intermittency as the wall is approached is experimentally found entirely consistent with the failure of the refined Kolmogorov-Oboukhov similarity and the establishment of its new form near the wall.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Copper and Zinc Metal–Organic Frameworks with Bipyrazole Linkers Display Strong Antibacterial Activity against Both Gram+ and Gram− Bacterial Strains

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    : Here, we report a new synthetic protocol based on microwave-assisted synthesis (MAS) for the preparation of higher yields of zinc and copper in MOFs based on different bis(pyrazolyl)-tagged ligands ([M(BPZ)]n where M = Zn(II), Cu(II), H2BPZ = 4,4'-bipyrazole, [M(BPZ-NH2)]n where M = Zn(II), Cu(II); H2BPZ-NH2 = 3-amino-4,4'-bipyrazole, and [Mx(Me4BPZPh)] where M = Zn(II), x = 1; Cu(II), x = 2; H2Me4BPZPh = bis-4'-(3',5'-dimethyl)-pyrazolylbenzene) and, for the first time, a detailed study of their antibacterial activity, tested against Gram-negative (E. coli) and Gram-positive (S. aureus) bacteria, as representative agents of infections. The results show that all MOFs exert a broad-spectrum activity and strong efficiency in bacterial growth inhibition, with a mechanism of action based on the surface contact of MOF particles with bacterial cells through the so-called "chelation effect" and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, without a significant release of Zn(II) and Cu(II) ions. In addition, morphological changes were elucidated by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and bacterial cell damage was further confirmed by a confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) test

    High-throughput genotyping of resilient tomato landraces to detect candidate genes involved in the response to high temperatures

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    The selection of tolerant varieties is a powerful strategy to ensure highly stable yield under elevated temperatures. In this paper, we report the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of 10 tomato landraces to identify the best performing under high temperatures. The phenotyping of five yield-related traits allowed us to select one genotype that exhibits highly stable yield performances in different environmental conditions. Moreover, a Genotyping-by-Sequencing approach allowed us to explore the genetic variability of the tested genotypes. The high and stable yielding landrace E42 was the most polymorphic one, with ~49% and ~47% private SNPs and InDels, respectively. The effect of 26,113 mutations on proteins’ structure was investigated and it was discovered that 37 had a high impact on the structure of 34 proteins of which some are putatively involved in responses to high temperatures. Additionally, 129 polymorphic sequences aligned against tomato wild species genomes revealed the presence in the genotype E42 of several introgressed regions deriving from S. pimpinellifolium. The position on the tomato map of genes affected by moderate and high impact mutations was also compared with that of known markers/QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) associated with reproductive and yield-related traits. The candidate genes/QTLs regulating heat tolerance in the selected landrace E42 could be further investigated to better understand the genetic mechanisms controlling traits for high and stable yield trait under high temperatures