13,255 research outputs found

    Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) for particle physics and synchrotron applications

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    A new avalanche silicon detector concept is introduced with a low gain in the region of ten, known as a Low Gain Avalanche Detector, LGAD. The detector's characteristics are simulated via a full process simulation to obtain the required doping profiles which demonstrate the desired operational characteristics of high breakdown voltage (500 V) and a gain of 10 at 200 V reverse bias for X-ray detection. The first low gain avalanche detectors fabricated by Micron Semiconductor Ltd are presented. The doping profiles of the multiplication junctions were measured with SIMS and reproduced by simulating the full fabrication process which enabled further development of the manufacturing process. The detectors are 300 μm thick p-type silicon with a resistivity of 8.5 kΩcm, which fully depletes at 116 V. The current characteristics are presented and demonstrate breakdown voltages in excess of 500 V and a current density of 40 to 100 nAcm−2 before breakdown measured at 20oC. The gain of the LGAD has been measured with a red laser (660 nm) and shown to be between 9 and 12 for an external bias voltage range from 150 V to 300 V

    Conservation of energy and momenta in nonholonomic systems with affine constraints

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    We characterize the conditions for the conservation of the energy and of the components of the momentum maps of lifted actions, and of their `gauge-like' generalizations, in time-independent nonholonomic mechanical systems with affine constraints. These conditions involve geometrical and mechanical properties of the system, and are codified in the so-called reaction-annihilator distribution

    Competency-Based Education: Developing an Advanced Competency Framework for Indonesian Pharmacists

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    INTRODUCTION: Pharmacists need to be adaptable, flexible, and capable of advancing their practice to adapt to rapidly changing population health needs. We describe an educational approach to pharmacy workforce transformation in Indonesia through an advanced practice competency framework development using an “adopt and adapt” methodology. METHODS: The competency framework development process comprised a translation phase, an adopt and adapt phase, validation through a nationwide mapping survey, and a completion phase through leadership consensus panels. We conducted a forward-backwards translation of a previously validated Advanced to Consultancy Level Framework (ACLF) to yield the Indonesian Advanced Development Framework (IADF) draft. The subsequent adoption and adaptation process was conducted through a series of consensus panels. We validated the IADF through a nationwide workforce survey. The final phase included leadership consensus panels with the professional leadership body in Indonesia. We analyzed the qualitative data thematically and the quantitative data using a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) technique. RESULTS: We identified conceptual challenges in adopting and adapting the existing ACLF, which were addressed by providing a national glossary and concrete examples. A total of 6,212 pharmacists participated in the national workforce survey, of which 43% had <2 years of post-license (post-registration) experience. The MCA results showed that practitioner self-assessment to the IADF could discriminate their career development stages. The results also indicated a four-stage career model (including early years career training). Embedding this model in a structured national training program will enhance the professional workforce development through a more structured career journey. CONCLUSIONS: We describe the first validation of an advanced competency development framework for the pharmacy workforce in a non-Anglophone country, showing the possibility of transnational applicability of this framework. We argue that this methodology can be used in Low and Middle-income countries (LMICs) for the more rapid advancement of pharmaceutical care practice

    BradPhys to BradViz or from archaeological science to heritage science

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    YesArchaeology is a broad church and its role as a “two culture” discipline is frequently cited. This position at the interface of the arts and sciences remains central to archaeological activity but there have been significant changes in the structure of archaeology and its relationship to society overall. The growth of heritage science, in particular, is driving change and development within archaeology at a national and international level. This paper discusses these developments in relation to the author's own research trajectory and discusses the significance of such change

    Fluids of platelike particles near a hard wall

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    Fluids consisting of hard platelike particles near a hard wall are investigated using density functional theory. The density and orientational profiles as well as the surface tension and the excess coverage are determined and compared with those of a fluid of rodlike particles. Even for low densities slight orientational packing effects are found for the platelet fluid due to larger intermolecular interactions between platelets as compared with those between rods. A net depletion of platelets near the wall is exhibited by the excess coverage, whereas a change of sign of the excess coverage of hard-rod fluids is found upon increasing the bulk density.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Effective action for the field equations of charged black holes

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    In this article, we consistently reduce the equations of motion for the bosonic N = 2 supergravity action, using a multi-centered black hole ansatz for the metric. This reduction is done in a general, non-supersymmetric setup, in which we extend concepts of BPS black hole technology. First of all we obtain a more general form of the black hole potential, as part of an effective action for both the scalars and the vectors in the supergravity theory. Furthermore, we show that there are extra constraints specifying the solution, which we calculate explicitly. In the literature, these constraints have already been studied in the one-center case. We also show that the effective action we obtain for non-static metrics, can be linked to the "entropy function" for the spherically symmetric case, as defined by Sen and Cardoso et al.Comment: 18 pages, (v2: small corrections, version to be published in CQG

    Fractional Hamiltonian Monodromy from a Gauss-Manin Monodromy

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    Fractional Hamiltonian Monodromy is a generalization of the notion of Hamiltonian Monodromy, recently introduced by N. N. Nekhoroshev, D. A. Sadovskii and B. I. Zhilinskii for energy-momentum maps whose image has a particular type of non-isolated singularities. In this paper, we analyze the notion of Fractional Hamiltonian Monodromy in terms of the Gauss-Manin Monodromy of a Riemann surface constructed from the energy-momentum map and associated to a loop in complex space which bypasses the line of singularities. We also prove some propositions on Fractional Hamiltonian Monodromy for 1:-n and m:-n resonant systems.Comment: 39 pages, 24 figures. submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Investigating organic aerosol loading in the remote marine environment

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    Aerosol loading in the marine environment is investigated using aerosol composition measurements from several research ship campaigns (ICEALOT, MAP, RHaMBLe, VOCALS and OOMPH), observations of total AOD column from satellite (MODIS) and ship-based instruments (Maritime Aerosol Network, MAN), and a global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem). This work represents the most comprehensive evaluation of oceanic OM emission inventories to date, by employing aerosol composition measurements obtained from campaigns with wide spatial and temporal coverage. The model underestimates AOD over the remote ocean on average by 0.02 (21 %), compared to satellite observations, but provides an unbiased simulation of ground-based Maritime Aerosol Network (MAN) observations. Comparison with cruise data demonstrates that the GEOS-Chem simulation of marine sulfate, with the mean observed values ranging between 0.22 μg m−3 and 1.34 μg m−3, is generally unbiased, however surface organic matter (OM) concentrations, with the mean observed concentrations between 0.07 μg m−3 and 0.77 μg m−3, are underestimated by a factor of 2–5 for the standard model run. Addition of a sub-micron marine OM source of approximately 9 TgC yr−1 brings the model into agreement with the ship-based measurements, however this additional OM source does not explain the model underestimate of marine AOD. The model underestimate of marine AOD is therefore likely the result of a combination of satellite retrieval bias and a missing marine aerosol source (which exhibits a different spatial pattern than existing aerosol in the model)

    A Geometric Theory of Diblock Copolymer Phases

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    We analyze the energetics of sphere-like micellar phases in diblock copolymers in terms of well-studied, geometric quantities for their lattices. We argue that the A15 lattice with Pm3n symmetry should be favored as the blocks become more symmetric and corroborate this through a self-consistent field theory. Because phases with columnar or bicontinuous topologies intervene, the A15 phase, though metastable, is not an equilibrium phase of symmetric diblocks. We investigate the phase diagram of branched diblocks and find thatthe A15 phase is stable.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 eps figures include

    The environmental and genetic determinants of chick telomere length in Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)

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    Conditions during early life can have dramatic effects on adult characteristics and fitness. However, we still know little about the mechanisms that mediate these relationships. Telomere shortening is one possibility. Telomeres are long sequences of DNA that protect the ends of chromosomes. They shorten naturally throughout an individual's life, and individuals with short telomeres tend to have poorer health and reduced survival. Given this connection between telomere length (TL) and fitness, natural selection should favor individuals that are able to retain longer telomeres for a greater portion of their lives. However, the ability of natural selection to act on TL depends on the extent to which genetic and environmental factors influence TL. In this study, we experimentally enlarged broods of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to test the effects of demanding early-life conditions on TL, while simultaneously cross-fostering chicks to estimate heritable genetic influences on TL. In addition, we estimated the effects of parental age and chick sex on chick TL. We found that TL is highly heritable in Tree Swallow chicks, and that the maternal genetic basis for TL is stronger than is the paternal genetic basis. In contrast, the experimental manipulation of brood size had only a weak effect on chick TL, suggesting that the role of environmental factors in influencing TL early in life is limited. There was no effect of chick sex or parental age on chick TL. While these results are consistent with those reported in some studies, they are in conflict with others. These disparate conclusions might be attributable to the inherent complexity of telomere dynamics playing out differently in different populations or to study-specific variation in the age at which subjects were measured.John Weber endowment; Athena fund at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Andrew W. Mellon Student research Grants at Cornell University; Sigma Xi; Society for Integrative and comparative Biology; American Ornithologists' Union; NSF LTREB grants [DEB-0717021, DEB-1242573]Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]