431 research outputs found

    Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion by binary stars

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    Binary stars often move through an ambient medium from which they accrete material and angular momentum, as in triple-star systems, star-forming clouds, young globular clusters and in the centres of galaxies. A binary form of Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion results whereby the accretion rate depends on the binary properties: the stellar masses and separation, and the relative wind speed. We present the results of simulations performed with the hydrodynamic code GANDALF, to determine the mass accretion rates over a range of binary separations, inclinations and mass ratios. When the binary separation is short, the binary system accretes like a single star, while accretion onto stars in wide binaries is barely affected by their companion. We investigate intermediate-separation systems in some detail, finding that as the binary separation is increased, accretion rates smoothly decrease from the rate equal to that of a single star to the rate expected from two isolated stars. The form of this decrease depends on the relative centre-of-mass velocity of the binary and the gas, with faster-moving binaries showing a shallower decrease. Accretion rates vary little with orbital inclination, except when the orbit is side-on and the stars pass through each others' wakes. The specific angular momentum accretion rate also depends on the inclination but is never sufficient to prevent the binary orbit from contracting. Our results may be applied to accretion onto protostars, pollution of stars in globular and nuclear clusters, and wind mass-transfer in multiple stellar systems.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Kiloparsec-scale Spatial Offsets in Double-peaked Narrow-line Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Markers for Selection of Compelling Dual Active Galactic Nucleus Candidates

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    Merger-remnant galaxies with kpc-scale separation dual active galactic nuclei (AGNs) should be widespread as a consequence of galaxy mergers and triggered gas accretion onto supermassive black holes, yet very few dual AGNs have been observed. Galaxies with double-peaked narrow AGN emission lines in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey are plausible dual AGN candidates, but their double-peaked profiles could also be the result of gas kinematics or AGN-driven outflows and jets on small or large scales. To help distinguish between these scenarios, we have obtained spatial profiles of the AGN emission via follow-up long-slit spectroscopy of 81 double-peaked narrow-line AGNs in SDSS at 0.03 < z < 0.36 using Lick, Palomar, and MMT Observatories. We find that all 81 systems exhibit double AGN emission components with ~kpc projected spatial separations on the sky, which suggests that they are produced by kpc-scale dual AGNs or kpc-scale outflows, jets, or rotating gaseous disks. In addition, we find that the subsample (58%) of the objects with spatially compact emission components may be preferentially produced by dual AGNs, while the subsample (42%) with spatially extended emission components may be preferentially produced by AGN outflows. We also find that for 32% of the sample the two AGN emission components are preferentially aligned with the host galaxy major axis, as expected for dual AGNs orbiting in the host galaxy potential. Our results both narrow the list of possible physical mechanisms producing the double AGN components, and suggest several observational criteria for selecting the most promising dual AGN candidates from the full sample of double-peaked narrow-line AGNs. Using these criteria, we determine the 17 most compelling dual AGN candidates in our sample.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, published in ApJ. Modified from original version to reflect referee's comment

    Investigating the evolution of the dual AGN system ESO~509-IG066

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    We analyze the evolution of the dual AGN in ESO 509-IG066, a galaxy pair located at z=0.034 whose nuclei are separated by 11 kpc. Previous observations with XMM-Newton on this dual AGN found evidence for two moderately obscured (NH∌1022N_H\sim10^{22} cm−2^{-2}) X-ray luminous (LX∌1043L_X\sim10^{43} erg/s) nuclear sources. We present an analysis of subsequent Chandra, NuSTAR and Swift/XRT observations that show one source has dropped in flux by a factor of 10 between 2004 and 2011, which could be explained by either an increase in the absorbing column or an intrinsic fading of the central engine possibly due to a decrease in mass accretion. Both of these scenarios are predicted by galaxy merger simulations. The source which has dropped in flux is not detected by NuSTAR, which argues against absorption, unless it is extreme. However, new Keck/LRIS optical spectroscopy reveals a previously unreported broad H-alpha line which is highly unlikely to be visible under the extreme absorption scenario. We therefore conclude that the black hole in this nucleus has undergone a dramatic drop in accretion rate. From AO-assisted near-infrared integral-field spectroscopy of the other nucleus, we find evidence that the galaxy merger is having a direct effect on the kinematics of the gas close to the nucleus of the galaxy, providing a direct observational link between the galaxy merger and the mass accretion rate on to the black hole.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Search of sub-parsec massive binary black holes through line diagnosis II

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    Massive black hole binaries at sub-parsec separations may display in their spectra anomalously small flux ratios between the MgII and CIV broad emission lines, i.e. F_MgII/F_CIV <~ 0.1, due to the erosion of the broad line region around the active, secondary black hole, by the tidal field of the primary. In Paper I by Montuori et al. (2011), we focussed on broad lines emitted by gas bound to the lighter accreting member of a binary when the binary is at the center of a hollow density region (the gap) inside a circum-binary disc. The main aim of this new study is at exploring the potential contribution to the broad line emission by the circum-binary disc and by gaseous streams flowing toward the black hole through the gap. We carry out a post-process analysis of data extracted from a SPH simulation of a circum-binary disc around a black hole binary. Our main result is that the MgII to CIV flux ratio can be reduced to ~ 0.1 within an interval of sub-pc binary separations of the order of a ~ (0.01-0.2)(f_Edd/0.1)^(1/2) pc corresponding to orbital periods of ~ (20-200) (f_Edd/0.1)^(3/4) years for a secondary BH mass in the range M_2 ~ 10^7-10^9 M_sun and a binary mass ratio of 0.3. At even closer separations this ratio returns to increase to values that are indistinguishable from the case of a single AGN (typically F_MgII/F_CIV ~ 0.3-0.4) because of the contribution to the MgII line from gas in the circum-binary disc.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure, accepted for publication in MNRA

    HST Observations of the Double-Peaked Emission Lines in the Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 78: Mass Outflows from a Single AGN

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    Previous ground based observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 78 revealed a double set of emission lines, similar to those seen in several AGN from recent surveys. Are the double lines due to two AGN with different radial velocities in the same galaxy, or are they due to mass outflows from a single AGN?We present a study of the outflowing ionized gas in the resolved narrow-line region (NLR) of Mrk 78 using observations from Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and Faint Object Camera (FOC) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope(HST) as part of an ongoing project to determine the kinematics and geometries of active galactic nuclei (AGN) outflows. From the spectroscopic information, we deter- mined the fundamental geometry of the outflow via our kinematics modeling program by recreating radial velocities to fit those seen in four different STIS slit positions. We determined that the double emission lines seen in ground-based spectra are due to an asymmetric distribution of outflowing gas in the NLR. By successfully fitting a model for a single AGN to Mrk 78, we show that it is possible to explain double emission lines with radial velocity offsets seen in AGN similar to Mrk 78 without requiring dual supermassive black holes.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures (2 color), accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    PHIBSS: molecular gas content and scaling relations in z~1-3 normal star forming galaxies

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    We present PHIBSS, the IRAM Plateau de Bure high-z blue sequence CO 3-2 survey of the molecular gas properties in normal star forming galaxies (SFGs) near the cosmic star formation peak. PHIBSS provides 52 CO detections in two redshift slices at z~1.2 and 2.2, with log(M*(M_solar))>10.4 and log(SFR(M_solar/yr))>1.5. Including a correction for the incomplete coverage of the M*-SFR plane, we infer average gas fractions of ~0.33 at z~1.2 and ~0.47 at z~2.2. Gas fractions drop with stellar mass, in agreement with cosmological simulations including strong star formation feedback. Most of the z~1-3 SFGs are rotationally supported turbulent disks. The sizes of CO and UV/optical emission are comparable. The molecular gas - star formation relation for the z=1-3 SFGs is near-linear, with a ~0.7 Gyrs gas depletion timescale; changes in depletion time are only a secondary effect. Since this timescale is much less than the Hubble time in all SFGs between z~0 and 2, fresh gas must be supplied with a fairly high duty cycle over several billion years. At given z and M*, gas fractions correlate strongly with the specific star formation rate. The variation of specific star formation rate between z~0 and 3 is mainly controlled by the fraction of baryonic mass that resides in cold gas.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal; 14 figure

    Radial Velocity Offsets Due to Mass Outflows and Extinction in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We present a study of the radial velocity offsets between narrow emission lines and host galaxy lines (stellar absorption and H I 21-cm emission) in Seyfert galaxies with observed redshifts less than 0.043. We find that 35% of the Seyferts in the sample show [O III] emission lines with blueshifts with respect to their host galaxies exceeding 50 km/s, whereas only 6% show redshifts this large, in qualitative agreement with most previous studies. We also find that a greater percentage of Seyfert 1 galaxies show blueshifts than Seyfert 2 galaxies. Using HST/STIS spatially-resolved spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 and the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151, we generate geometric models of their narrow-line regions (NLRs) and inner galactic disks, and show how these models can explain the blueshifted [O III] emission lines in collapsed STIS spectra of these two Seyferts. We conclude that the combination of mass outflow of ionized gas in the NLR and extinction by dust in the inner disk (primarily in the form of dust spirals) is primarily responsible for the velocity offsets in Seyfert galaxies. More exotic explanations are not needed. We discuss the implications of this result for the velocity offsets found in higher redshift AGN.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A comparison of the strong lensing properties of the Sersic and the NFW profiles

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    We investigate the strong lensing properties of the Sersic profile as an alternative to the NFW profile, focusing on applications to lens modelling of clusters. Given an underlying Sersic dark matter profile, we study whether an NFW profile can provide an acceptable fit to strong lensing constraints in the form of single or multiple measured Einstein radii. We conclude that although an NFW profile that fits the lensing constraints can be found in many cases, the derived parameters may be biased. In particular, we find that for n~2, which corresponds to massive clusters, the mass at r_200 of the best fit NFW is overestimated (by a factor of ~2) and the concentration is very low (c~2). The differences are important enough to warrant the inclusion of Sersic profile for future analysis of strong lensing clusters.Comment: 19 pages (single column format), 11 figures. Accepted for publication by JCA

    Arc sensitivity to cluster ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures

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    We investigate how ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures separately affect the ability of galaxy clusters to produce strong lensing events, i.e. gravitational arcs, and how they influence the arc morphologies and fluxes. This is important for those studies aiming, for example, at constraining cosmological parameters from statistical lensing, or at determining the inner structure of galaxy clusters through gravitational arcs. We do so by creating two-dimensional gradually smoothed, differently elliptical and asymmetric versions of some numerical models. On average, we find that the contributions of ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures amount to ~40%, ~10% and ~30% of the total strong lensing cross section, respectively. However, our analysis shows that substructures play a more important role in less elliptical and asymmetric clusters, even if located at large distances from the cluster centers (~1Mpc/h). Conversely, their effect is less important in highly asymmetric lenses. The morphology, position and flux of individual arcs are strongly affected by the presence of substructures in the clusters. Removing substructures on spatial scales <~50kpc/h, roughly corresponding to mass scales <~5 10^{10}M_\odot/h, alters the image multiplicity of ~35% of the sources used in the simulations and causes position shifts larger than 5'' for ~40% of the arcs longer than 5''. We conclude that any model for cluster lens cannot neglect the effects of ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures. On the other hand, the high sensitivity of gravitational arcs to deviations from regular, smooth and symmetric mass distributions suggests that strong gravitational lensing is potentially a powerfull tool to measure the level of substructures and asymmetries in clusters.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures. Accepted version. Version with full resolution images can be found at http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~massimo/sub/publications.htm
