96 research outputs found

    A multiscale hybrid model for pro-angiogenic calcium signals in a vascular endothelial cell

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    Cytosolic calcium machinery is one of the principal signaling mechanisms by which endothelial cells (ECs) respond to external stimuli during several biological processes, including vascular progression in both physiological and pathological conditions. Low concentrations of angiogenic factors (such as VEGF) activate in fact complex pathways involving, among others, second messengers arachidonic acid (AA) and nitric oxide (NO), which in turn control the activity of plasma membrane calcium channels. The subsequent increase in the intracellular level of the ion regulates fundamental biophysical properties of ECs (such as elasticity, intrinsic motility, and chemical strength), enhancing their migratory capacity. Previously, a number of continuous models have represented cytosolic calcium dynamics, while EC migration in angiogenesis has been separately approached with discrete, lattice-based techniques. These two components are here integrated and interfaced to provide a multiscale and hybrid Cellular Potts Model (CPM), where the phenomenology of a motile EC is realistically mediated by its calcium-dependent subcellular events. The model, based on a realistic 3-D cell morphology with a nuclear and a cytosolic region, is set with known biochemical and electrophysiological data. In particular, the resulting simulations are able to reproduce and describe the polarization process, typical of stimulated vascular cells, in various experimental conditions.Moreover, by analyzing the mutual interactions between multilevel biochemical and biomechanical aspects, our study investigates ways to inhibit cell migration: such strategies have in fact the potential to result in pharmacological interventions useful to disrupt malignant vascular progressio

    Minimal state models for ionic channels involved in glucagon secretion

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    Pancreatic alpha cells synthesize and release glucagon. This hormone along with insulin, preserves blood glucose levels within a physiological range. During low glucose levels, alpha cells exhibit electrical activity related to glucagon secretion. In this paper, we introduce minimal state models for those ionic channels involved in this electrical activity in mice alpha cells. For estimation of model parameters, we use Monte Carlo algorithms to fit steadystate channel currents. Then, we simulate dynamic ionic currents following experimental protocols. Our aims are 1) To understand the individual ionic channel functioning and modulation that could affect glucagon secretion, and 2) To simulate ionic currents actually measured in voltage-clamp alpha-cell experiments in mice. Our estimations indicate that alpha cells are highly permeable to sodium and potassium which mainly manage action potentials. We have also found that our estimated N-type calcium channel population and density in alpha cells is in good agreement to those reported for L-type calcium channels in beta cells. This finding is strongly relevant since both, L-type and N-type calcium channels, play a main role in insulin and glucagon secretion, respectively

    Amyloid Precursor Protein Is Trafficked and Secreted via Synaptic Vesicles

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    A large body of evidence has implicated amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its proteolytic derivatives as key players in the physiological context of neuronal synaptogenesis and synapse maintenance, as well as in the pathology of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Although APP processing and release are known to occur in response to neuronal stimulation, the exact mechanism by which APP reaches the neuronal surface is unclear. We now demonstrate that a small but relevant number of synaptic vesicles contain APP, which can be released during neuronal activity, and most likely represent the major exocytic pathway of APP. This novel finding leads us to propose a revised model of presynaptic APP trafficking that reconciles existing knowledge on APP with our present understanding of vesicular release and recycling

    High Speed Two-Photon Imaging of Calcium Dynamics in Dendritic Spines: Consequences for Spine Calcium Kinetics and Buffer Capacity

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    Rapid calcium concentration changes in postsynaptic structures are crucial for synaptic plasticity. Thus far, the determinants of postsynaptic calcium dynamics have been studied predominantly based on the decay kinetics of calcium transients. Calcium rise times in spines in response to single action potentials (AP) are almost never measured due to technical limitations, but they could be crucial for synaptic plasticity. With high-speed, precisely-targeted, two-photon point imaging we measured both calcium rise and decay kinetics in spines and secondary dendrites in neocortical pyramidal neurons. We found that both rise and decay kinetics of changes in calcium-indicator fluorescence are about twice as fast in spines. During AP trains, spine calcium changes follow each AP, but not in dendrites. Apart from the higher surface-to-volume ratio (SVR), we observed that neocortical dendritic spines have a markedly smaller endogenous buffer capacity with respect to their parental dendrites. Calcium influx time course and calcium extrusion rate were both in the same range for spines and dendrites when fitted with a dynamic multi-compartment model that included calcium binding kinetics and diffusion. In a subsequent analysis we used this model to investigate which parameters are critical determinants in spine calcium dynamics. The model confirmed the experimental findings: a higher SVR is not sufficient by itself to explain the faster rise time kinetics in spines, but only when paired with a lower buffer capacity in spines. Simulations at zero calcium-dye conditions show that calmodulin is more efficiently activated in spines, which indicates that spine morphology and buffering conditions in neocortical spines favor synaptic plasticity

    Within-plant variation in concentrations of amino acids, sugar, and sinigrin in phloem sap of black mustard, Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (Cruciferae)

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    Although within-plant variation in the nutrient and allelochemical composition of phloem sap has been invoked to explain patterns of host use by phloem-feeding insects, little is known about within-plant variation in phloem chemistry. Here I describe a new technique in which I use the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulz., to investigate within-plant variation in the concentrations of chemicals in the phloem sap of black mustard, Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (Cruciferae). Relationships between the concentrations of chemicals in aphid diets and honeydew were established using honeydew from aphids fed on artificial diets with known concentrations of amino acids, sucrose, and sinigrin. These relationships were applied to honeydew from aphids fed on different aged leaves of black mustard to estimate the concentrations of the chemicals in phloem sap. Sinigrin concentration was estimated to be high (>10 mM) in phloem sap in young leaves, calling into question the prevailing opinion that phloem sap contains only low concentrations of allelochemicals. High concentrations may function as defenses against sap-feeding herbivores. Within-plant variation in phloem sap composition was high: (1) young leaves had high concentrations of nutrients (216 mM amino acids, 26% sugar) and sinigrin (>10 mM); (2) mature and presenescent leaves had lower concentrations of nutrients (77–83 mM amino acids, 19–20% sugar) and low concentrations of sinigrin (1–2 mM); and (3) senescing leaves had high concentrations of nutrients (199 mM amino acids, 25% sugar) and low concentrations of sinigrin (3 mM).Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44893/1/10886_2005_Article_BF02027950.pd