1,391 research outputs found

    Modeling the chemical impact and the optical emissions produced by lightning-induced electromagnetic fields in the upper atmosphere: the case of halos and elves triggered by different lightning discharges

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    Halos and elves are Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) produced in the lower ionosphere as a consequence of lightning-driven electromagnetic fields. These events can influence the upper-atmospheric chemistry and produce optical emissions. We have developed different two-dimensional self-consistent models that couple electrodynamical equations with a chemical scheme to simulate halos and elves produced by vertical cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharges, Compact Intra-cloud Discharges (CIDs) and Energetic In-cloud Pulses (EIPs). The optical emissions from radiative relaxation of excited states of molecular and atomic nitrogen and oxygen have been calculated. We have upgraded previous local models of halos and elves to calculate for the first time the vibrationally detailed optical spectra of elves triggered by CIDs and EIPs. According to our results, the optical spectra of elves do not depend on the type of parent lightning discharge. Finally, we have quantified the local chemical impact in the upper atmosphere of single halos and elves. In the case of the halo, we follow the cascade of chemical reactions triggered by the lightning-produced electric field during a long-time simulation of up to one second. We obtain a production rate of NO molecules by single halos and elves of 1016^{16} and 1014^{14} molecules/J, respectively. The results of these local models have been used to estimate the global production of NO by halos and elves in the upper atmopshere at 107\sim10^{-7} Tg~N/y. This global chemical impact of halos and elves is seven orders of magnitude below the production of NO in the troposphere by lightning discharges

    Barrier formation at metal/organic interfaces: dipole formation and the Charge Neutrality Level

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    The barrier formation for metal/organic semiconductor interfaces is analyzed within the Induced Density of Interface States (IDIS) model. Using weak chemisorption theory, we calculate the induced density of states in the organic energy gap and show that it is high enough to control the barrier formation. We calculate the Charge Neutrality Levels of several organic molecules (PTCDA, PTCBI and CBP) and the interface Fermi level for their contact with a Au(111) surface. We find an excellent agreement with the experimental evidence and conclude that the barrier formation is due to the charge transfer between the metal and the states induced in the organic energy gap.Comment: 7 pages, Proceedings of ICFSI-9, Madrid, Spain (September 2003), special issue of Applied Surface Science (in press

    Use of serology in a systematic screening programme for strongyloidiasis in an immigrant population

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    Objectives: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to describe the results of a systematic serological screening programme for strongyloidiasis. Methods: Aprospective serological screeningprogramme for strongyloidiasis wasperformedbetween2009 and2014 for allimmigrantpatients attending theTropicalMedicineUnit. Three formalin-etherconcentrated stool samples and an ELISA for anti-Strongyloides stercoralis antibodies were used as screening tools. Results: Of 659 patients screened, 79 (12%) were positive for S. stercoralis regardless of the diagnostic method used. The prevalence of infection was 42.9% in East African patients, 16.3% in Central African patients,10.9% in those fromSouthAmerica, and 10% in the case ofWestAfrica. Univariate analysis showed thatinfection by S. stercoralis was significantly more frequentinpatients from CentralAfrica (p = 0.026; OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.03–2.85) and East Africa (p<0.001; OR 5.88, 95% CI 1.75–19.32). Taking West Africa as the reference (as the area of lowest prevalence among the positive prevalence areas), the statistical analysis showed that the risk of infection was higher in East Africa (p = 0.001; OR 6.750, 95% CI 2.127–21.423) and Central Africa (p = 0.065; OR 1.747, 95% CI 0.965–3.163). Conclusions: Due to the potential complications of strongyloidiasis infection, we recommend that immigrantpatients fromdevelopingcountriesbe routinelyscreenedfor S. stercoralis, especiallythose from East Africa. A serological test is a highly appropriate screening tool

    Morphology and characterisation of the relict facies on the internal continental shelf in the Gulf of Cadiz, between Ayamonte and Huelva (southern Iberian Peninsula)

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    The objectives of the present paper are the determination of the morphologic characteristics of the superficial Quaternary relict facies on the internal continental shelf in the Gulf of Cadiz, between Ayamonte and Huelva (southern Spain), their characterisation, and their evolution in the final phases of the last eustatic hemicycle. The study area extends from the mouth of the Guadiana River to the mouth of the Tinto-Odiel River, and from the 6 m isobath to the 56 m isobath. High-resolution seismic profiles (3.5 kHz and Geopulse, 175 J), sonographic profiles (SSS, 100 kHz), and bathymetric profiles (Echotrac sounder) were used in this study. Sediment samples were obtained using Van Veen and Shipek drags. Bathymetric, physiographic, lithologic and morphologic analyses were performed to determine the superficial sediment distribution, relict facies distribution, and thickness of the unconsolidated sediment cover. Analysis of the data obtained indicated that the relict facies beaches and coastal barriers associated with coastal spits located in the ancient outlets of the rivers. Relict facies were grouped into well-differentiated depths, indicating that their position on the continental shelf is influenced by the still-stands and the periods of rapid sea-level changes. The nature of the outcropping relict facies shows that their final configuration can be related to the shelf construction processes, as well as to the most important Holocene transgressive phases.Los objetivos de este trabajo son la determinación de las características morfológicas, la caracterización de las facies relictas cuaternarias superficiales y el estudio de su evolución con relación a las fases finales del último hemiciclo eustático en la plataforma continental interna del golfo de Cádiz, entre Ayamonte y Huelva. El área de estudio abarca desde la desembocadura del río Guadiana hasta la del río Tinto-Odiel y desde los 6 m hasta 56 m de profundidad. Se utilizó gran cantidad de material geofísico, en el que se encuentran perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución (3.5 kHz y Geopulse, 175 J), perfiles sonográficos y perfiles batimétricos, además de muestras de sedimentos obtenidas con dragas Van Veen y Shipek. Con esta información se han realizado análisis batimétricos, fisiográficos, litológicos y morfológicos, además de determinar la distribución de los sedimentos superficiales y de las facies relictas y de cuantificar la potencia de la cobertera sedimentaria. Con todos los datos obtenidos se ha determinado que las facies relictas son interpretadas como playas y cordones litorales asociados a flechas litorales situadas en las antiguas desembocaduras de los ríos. Las formas descritas están agrupadas en zonaciones batimétricas bien diferenciadas, lo que indica que su posición en la plataforma continental está influida por las paradas y etapas de movimiento rápido del nivel del mar. Las características de las facies relictas aflorantes indican que su configuración final puede estar relacionada con los procesos de edificación de la plataforma a partir de las mayores fases transgresivas holocenas.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Reliability and validity of the geriatric depression scale in a sample of Portuguese older adults with mild-to-moderate cognitive impairment

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    Although the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is a well-established instrument for the assessment of depressive symptoms in older adults, this has not been validated specifically for Portuguese older adults with cognitive impairment. The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of two Portuguese versions of the GDS (GDS-27 and GDS-15) in a sample of Portuguese older adults with mild-to-moderate cognitive impairment. Clinicians assessed for major depressive disorder and cognitive functioning in 117 participants with mild-to-moderate cognitive decline (76.9% female, Mage = 83.66 years). The internal consistency of GDS-27 and GDS-15 were 0.874 and 0.812, respectively. There was a significant correlation between GDS-27 and GDS-15 with the Beck Depression Inventory-II (GDS-27: rho = 0.738, p < 0.001; GDS-15: rho = 0.760, p < 0.001 ), suggesting good validity. A cutoff point of 15/16 in GDS-27 and 8/9 in GDS-15 resulted in the identification of persons with depression (GDS-27: sensitivity 100%, specificity 63%; GDS-15: sensitivity 90%, specificity 62%). Overall, the GDS-27 and GDS-15 are reliable and valid instruments for the assessment of depression in Portuguese-speaking older adults with cognitive impairment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (9)

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    Sumario : Investigación: Las colas de polvo de los cometas.-- Agua en el Universo.-- Ventana Abierta: Sobre la enseñanza de la ciencia en la educación secundaria.-- Charlas con… Max Pettini.-- Actualidad Científica: La luz y los colores de las nebulosas planetarias.-- Magnetares.-- Actividades IAA.-- Agenda.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda de la Acción Especial DIF 2001-4284-E del Programa Nacional de Difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.Peer reviewe

    Global Frequency and Geographical Distribution of Nighttime Streamer Corona Discharges (BLUEs) in Thunderclouds

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    Blue LUminous Events (BLUEs) are transient corona discharges occurring in thunderclouds and characterized by strong 337.0 nm light flashes with absent (or weak) 777.4 nm component. We present the first nighttime climatology of BLUEs as detected by the Modular Multispectral Imaging Array of the Atmosphere-Space Interaction Monitor showing their worldwide geographical and seasonal distribution. A total (land and ocean) of E~11 BLUEs occur around the globe every second at local midnight and the average BLUE land/sea ratio is E~7:4. The northwest region of Colombia shows an annual nighttime peak. Globally, BLUEs are maximized during the boreal summer-autumn, contrary to lightning which is maximed in the boreal summer. The geographical distribution of nighttime BLUEs shows three main regions in, by order of importance, the Americas, Europe/Africa and Asia/AustraliapublishedVersio