44 research outputs found

    Comparación experimental de la tenacidad a fractura transversal de laminados unidireccionales correspondientes al crecimiento longitudinal o transversal de grietas

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    XI CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MATERIALES COMPUESTOS. Celebrado en Móstoles los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2015El objetivo del trabajo es determinar y comparar, en laminados unidireccionales, las tenacidades a fractura transversal correspondientes a dos direcciones de crecimiento de grieta, paralela (GIcpar) y perpendicular (GIcperp) a las fibras. Con este propósito, se han diseñado y fabricado dos tipos de probetas para el ensayo de flexión a tres y cuatro puntos, con dimensiones iguales pero con distintas orientaciones de fibras con respecto a la grieta inicial. La principal dificultad encontrada durante la fabricación ha sido la generación de grietas. En este artículo se describen las diferentes técnicas implementadas para la generación de las grietas y los problemas encontrados. Los resultados muestran que los valores de la tenacidad para ambas direcciones de propagación son cercanos, detectándose un valor ligeramente más alto cuando la dirección de propagación es paralela a la fibra.Ministerio de Educación FPU 2009/3968Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT2009-14022Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2012-37387Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional MAT2012-37387Junta de Andalucía P08- TEP-4051Fondo Social Europeo P08- TEP-405

    Early outcome of a 31-gene expression profile test in 86 AJCC stage IB-II melanoma patients. A prospective multicentre cohort study

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    Background: The clinical and pathological features of primary melanoma are not sufficiently sensitive to accurately predict which patients are at a greater risk of relapse. Recently, a 31-gene expression profile (DecisionDx-Melanoma) test has shown promising results. Objectives: To evaluate the early prognostic performance of a genetic signature in a multicentre prospectively evaluated cohort. Methods: Inclusion of patients with AJCC stages IB and II conducted between April 2015 and December 2016. All patients were followed up prospectively to assess their risk of relapse. Prognostic performance of this test was evaluated individually and later combined with the AJCC staging system. Prognostic accuracy of disease-free survival was determined using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox regression analysis. Results of the gene expression profile test were designated as Class 1 (low risk) and Class 2 (high risk). Results: Median follow-up time was 26 months (IQR 22-30). The gene expression profile test was performed with 86 patients; seven had developed metastasis (8.1%) and all of them were in the Class 2 group, representing 21.2% of this group. Gene expression profile was an independent prognostic factor for relapse as indicated by multivariate Cox regression analysis, adjusted for AJCC stages and age. Conclusions: This prospective multicentre cohort study, performed in a Spanish Caucasian cohort, shows that this 31-gene expression profile test could correctly identify patients at early AJCC stages who are at greater risk of relapse. We believe that gene expression profile in combination with the AJCC staging system could well improve the detection of patients who need intensive surveillance and optimize follow-up strategies

    New polymorphisms associated with response to anti-TNF drugs in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis

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    Anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) drugs are effective against psoriasis, although 20–30% of patients are nonresponders. Few pharmacogenomic studies have been performed to predict the response to anti-TNF drugs in psoriasis. We studied 173 polymorphisms to establish an association with the response to anti-TNF drugs in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis (N=144). We evaluated the response using PASI75 at 3, 6 and 12 months. The results of the multivariate analysis showed an association between polymorphisms in PGLYR4, ZNF816A, CTNNA2, IL12B, MAP3K1 and HLA-C genes and the response at 3 months. Besides, the results for polymorphisms in IL12B and MAP3K1 were replicated at 6 months. We also obtained significant results for IL12B polymorphism at 1 year. Moreover, polymorphisms in FCGR2A, HTR2A and CDKAL1 were significant at 6 months. This is the first study to show an association with these polymorphisms. However, these biomarkers should be validated in large-scale studies before implementation in clinical practiceThis study was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI10/01740), Fundación Teófilo Hernando, and AbbVie. RPP has a grant from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (FPI program 2013

    Los comités de ética asistencial

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    En el ámbito sanitario, los Comités de Ética son grupos de reflexión y/o decisión cuyo objetivo principal es abordar los problemas éticos que surjan en este ámbito profesional, ya sea con la intención de ofrecer guías y consejos para la actuación u orientaciones para la toma de decisiones, de establecer pautas de obligado cumplimiento, de supervisar las acciones llevadas a cabo y/o de analizar los conflictos más habituales en dicho campo

    PGD analysis of the heating of a composite laminate during ultrasonic compaction

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    X CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MATERIALES COMPUESTOS. Celebrado en Algeciras los días 2, 3, 4 y 5 de julio de 2013Compaction of composite layers just after placing them is a key requirement for the new out-of-autoclave in-situ curing techniques. A solution proposed for this task is the use of ultrasonic compactors. In fact, the ultrasonic vibration over the laminate induces a viscous heating of the resin that becomes less viscous and lets the air bubbles escape. The numerical study of this heat generation and distribution within the laminate implies several modeling problems because of its different dimensions (10 cm for the width of the prepreg tape and 0.01 mm for its thickness) and its two scales of time (10 seconds for the process and 1O m icroseconds for the vibration). The Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) is a suitable technique to overcome this kind of problems. The formulation and implementation of the PGD for the problem of viscous heating inside composite laminates is presented in this work

    Metodologías de valorización de neumáticos al final de su vida útil

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    Los neumáticos al final de su vida útil (NFVU), son un elemento fundamental de la sociedad, debido a sus aplicaciones en diversos sectores industriales y de la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo, al ser piezas que se fabrican pensando en su durabilidad y exigencia en sus prestaciones, su manejo como desecho una vez que alcanzan el final de su vida es bastante complicado y diferente en comparación con otros polímeros. Los NFVU representan un riesgo ambiental y sanitario, pero, mediante diferentes métodos y técnicas de valorización se pueden reutilizar como neumáticos de segundo uso, recuperarse como materias primas de alto valor añadido para la fabricación de nuevas piezas, o bien transformarse en energía para alimentar procesos industriales. Es por ello que se requiere tener y ampliar el conocimiento de los diversos enfoques y estrategias para poder lograr un adecuado manejo de los NFVU, y ser capaces de recuperar lo que estos nos brindan, donde los modelos de gestión adoptados por cada país juegan un papel importante.End-of-life tires (ELT) are a fundamental part of society, due to their applications in various industrial sectors and day-to-day life. However, as they are manufactured with durability and performance requirements in mind, their management as waste once they reach the end of their life is quite complicated and different compared to other polymers. ELTs represent an environmental and sanitary risk, but through different valorization methods and techniques they can be reutilized as second-use tires, be recovered as raw materials with high added value for the manufacture of new parts or be transformed into energy to feed industrial processes. That is, therefore, it is necessary to have and extend the knowledge of the different approaches and strategies to be able to achieve an appropriate management of the ELTs and to be able to recover what they provide us, where the management models adopted by each country play an important roleAgradecimiento por la financiación al Minis- terio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-096636-J-I00), Ministerio de Cien- cia e Innovación (PID2020119047RB-I00 y PLEC2021-007793) y CSIC (201860E045). El grupo de Elastómeros pertenece a SUS- PLAST, plataforma interdisciplinar del CSIC. Se agradece al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT-México) por la beca posdoctoral otorgada a ZZR para el desarrollo de los proyecto

    Determination of Generalized Fracture Toughness in composite multimaterial closed corners with two singular terms - Part II: Experimental results

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    In this paper the experimental part of the procedure for the Generalized-Fracture-Toughness determination in multimaterial closed corners with two stress singularities is presented. The so-called Generalized-Fracture-Toughness (the critical values of the Generalized Stress Intensity Factors (GSIFs) at failure) can only be determined if each singular term can be isolated, after which the value of GSIF at the instant of failure can be evaluated. The loading configuration which allows the isolation of the stress singularities was analyzed in Part I, while the details of the testing procedure and postprocessing of the experimental results are covered in the present paper. The proposed test is a modified configuration of the Brazilian test in which the multimaterial corner tip is located at the center of the disk. A failure envelope based on the GSIFs and Generalized-Fracture-Toughness values at the corner tip is defined and proposed as a failure criterion for joints including this type of corners. Results for real adhesively bonded double-lap joints are presented showing a satisfactory agreement with the proposed failure criterion.CAPES Brazilian Ministry of Educatio