310 research outputs found

    Isocurvature fluctuations in the effective Newton's constant

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    We present a new isocurvature mode present in scalar-tensor theories of gravity that corresponds to a regular growing solution in which the energy of the relativistic degrees of freedom and the scalar field that regulates the gravitational strength compensate during the radiation dominated epoch on scales much larger than the Hubble radius. We study this isocurvature mode and its impact on anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background for the simplest scalar-tensor theory, i.e. the extended Jordan-Brans-Dicke gravity, in which the scalar field also drives the acceleration of the Universe. We use Planck data to constrain the amplitude of this isocurvature mode in the case of fixed correlation with the adiabatic mode and we show how this mode could be generated in a simple two field inflation model.Comment: Version updated to match published version. No changes in the result

    A measurement method of routing flexibility in manufacturing systems

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    Article history: Received 27 January 2011 Received in revised form 25 February 2011 Accepted 2 March 2011 Available online 3 March 2011 This paper focuses on routing flexibility, which is the ability to manufacture a part type via several routes and/or to perform different operations on more than one machine. Specifically, the paper presents a comprehensive method for the measurement of routing flexibility, in a generic manufacturing system. The problem is approached in a modular way, starting from a basic set of flexibility indexes. These are progressively extended to include more comprehensive and complex routing attributes, such as: the average efficiency, the range and the homogeneous distribution of the alternative routes. Two procedures are finally proposed to compare manufacturing systems in terms of routing flexibility. The first one uses a vectorial representation of the previously defined indexes and the second one is based on data envelopment analysis, a multi-criteria decision making approach. The paper concludes with a numerical example, supported by discrete event simulation, which validates the proposed approach. © 2011 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserve

    Online Motion Planning for Safe Human–Robot Cooperation Using B-Splines and Hidden Markov Models

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    When humans and robots work together, ensuring safe cooperation must be a priority. This research aims to develop a novel real-time planning algorithm that can handle unpredictable human movements by both slowing down task execution and modifying the robot’s path based on the proximity of the human operator. To achieve this, an efficient method for updating the robot’s motion is developed using a two-fold control approach that combines B-splines and hidden Markov models. This allows the algorithm to adapt to a changing environment and avoid collisions. The proposed framework is thus validated using the Franka Emika Panda robot in a simple start–goal task. Our algorithm successfully avoids collision with the moving hand of an operator monitored by a fixed camera

    Honeybees exposure to natural feed additives: How is the gut microbiota affected?

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    The role of a balanced gut microbiota to maintain health and prevent diseases is largely established in humans and livestock. Conversely, in honeybees, studies on gut microbiota perturbations by external factors have started only recently. Natural methods alternative to chemical products to preserve honeybee health have been proposed, but their effect on the gut microbiota has not been examined in detail. This study aims to investigate the effect of the administration of a bacterial mixture of bifidobacteria and Lactobacillaceae and a commercial product HiveAlive™ on honeybee gut microbiota. The study was developed in 18 hives of about 2500 bees, with six replicates for each experimental condition for a total of three experimental groups. The absolute abundance of main microbial taxa was studied using qPCR and NGS. The results showed that the majority of the administered strains were detected in the gut. On the whole, great perturbations upon the administration of the bacterial mixture and the plant-based commercial product were not observed in the gut microbiota. Significant variations with respect to the untreated control were only observed for Snodgrassella sp. for the bacterial mixture, Bartonella sp. in HiveAlive™ and Bombilactobacillus sp. for both. Therefore, the studied approaches are respectful of the honeybee microbiota composition, conceivably without compromising the bee nutritional, social and ecological functions

    Inhomogeneous gas model for electron mobility in high density neon gas

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    Experimental studies of electron mobilities in Neon as a function of the gas density have persistently shown mobilities up to an order of magnitude smaller than expected and predicted. A previously ignored mechanism (gas in--homogeneity which is negligible in the thermal mobilities for He and other gases) is found to reproduce the observed Neon mobilities accurately and simply at five temperatures with just one variable parameter. Recognizing that a gas is not a homogeneous medium, a variation in local density combined with the quantum multi--scattering theory, shifts the energy and cross section -- which in turn changes the collision probability and finally the mobilities. A lower density where a momentum transfer interaction occurs moves the mobility strongly in the same direction as the anomalous experiments. By going backwards from the observed mobilities, the collision frequency at each temperature and density is made to reproduce the experimental data by looking for the local (as opposed to average) density at which the (rare) momentum transfer interactions occur. These density deviations give a picture of the size and behavior of the wave packets for electron motion which looks very much like the often discussed wave function collapse.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Sustainability in Aquaponics: Industrial Spirulina Waste as a Biofertilizer for Lactuca sativa L. Plants

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    Aquaponics represents an alternative to traditional soil cultivation. To solve the problem of nutrient depletion that occurs in this biotechnological system, the application of a spirulina-based biofertilizer was assessed. The microalgal waste used in this study came from industrial processing. Four different dilutions of the supernatant portion of this waste were sprayed on lettuce plants cultivated in an aquaponics system installed at the Botanical Gardens of the Tor Vergata University of Rome. The biofertilizer was characterized to evaluate its amount of macro- and micronutrients. The analysis conducted on the plants involved both morpho-biometric aspects and qualitative–quantitative measurements. The experiments showed that the spirulina extract had a positive effect on the growth and nutraceutical content of the lettuce plants; the obtained results highlighted that a dilution of 75% was the best for treatment. The use of the proposed organic and recycled fertilizer could increase the sustainability of crop cultivation and promote the functioning of aquaponics systems

    Microparticles from dental calculus disclose paleoenvironmental and palaeoecological records

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    plants have always represented a key element in landscape delineation. Indeed, plant diversity, whose distribution is influenced by geographic/climatic variability, has affected both environmental and human ecology. the present contribution represents a multi-proxy study focused on the detection of starch, pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs in ancient dental calculus collected from pre-historical individuals buried at la sassa and pila archaeological sites (central Italy). the collected record suggested the potential use of plant taxa by the people living in central Italy during the copper-middle bronze age and expanded the body of evidence reported by previous palynological and palaeoecological studies. the application of a microscopic approach provided information about domesticated crops and/or gathered wild plants and inferred considerations on ancient environments, water sources, and past health and diseases. moreover, the research supplied data to define the natural resources (e.g., C4-plant intake) and the social use of the space during that period. another important aspect was the finding of plant clues referable to woody habitats, characterised by broad-leaved deciduous taxa and generally indicative of a warm-temperate climate and grassy vegetation. other unusual records (e.g., diatoms, brachysclereids) participated in defining the prehistoric ecological framework. thus, this work provides an overview on the potential of the human dental calculus analysis to delineate some features of the ancient plant ecology and biodiversity
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