4,476 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic stress on fractal aggregates of spheres

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    We calculate the average hydrodynamic stress on fractal aggregates of spheres using Stokesian dynamics. We find that for fractal aggregates of force-free particles, the stress does not grow as the cube of the radius of gyration, but rather as the number of particles in the aggregate. This behavior is only found for random aggregates of force-free particles held together by hydrodynamic lubrication forces. The stress on aggregates of particles rigidly connected by interparticle forces grows as the radius of gyration cubed. We explain this behavior by examining the transmission of the tension along connecting lines in an aggregate and use the concept of a persistance length in order to characterize this stress transmission within an aggregate

    The phylogenetic origin and evolution of acellular bone in teleost fishes: insights into osteocyte function in bone metabolism

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    Vertebrate bone is composed of three main cell types: osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes, the latter being by far the most numerous. Osteocytes are thought to play a fundamental role in bone physiology and homeostasis, however they are entirely absent in most extant species of teleosts, a group that comprises the vast majority of bony ‘fishes’, and approximately half of vertebrates. Understanding how this acellular (anosteocytic) bone appeared and was maintained in such an important vertebrate group has important implications for our understanding of the function and evolution of osteocytes. Nevertheless, although it is clear that cellular bone is ancestral for teleosts, it has not been clear in which specific subgroup the osteocytes were lost. This review aims to clarify the phylogenetic distribution of cellular and acellular bone in teleosts, to identify its precise origin, reversals to cellularity, and their implications. We surveyed the bone type for more than 600 fossil and extant ray‐finned fish species and optimised the results on recent large‐scale molecular phylogenetic trees, estimating ancestral states. We find that acellular bone is a probable synapomorphy of Euteleostei, a group uniting approximately two‐thirds of teleost species. We also confirm homoplasy in these traits: acellular bone occurs in some non‐euteleosts (although rarely), and cellular bone was reacquired several times independently within euteleosts, in salmons and relatives, tunas and the opah (Lampris sp.). The occurrence of peculiar ecological (e.g. anadromous migration) and physiological (e.g. red‐muscle endothermy) strategies in these lineages might explain the reacquisition of osteocytes. Our review supports that the main contribution of osteocytes in teleost bone is to mineral homeostasis (via osteocytic osteolysis) and not to strain detection or bone remodelling, helping to clarify their role in bone physiology

    Mesoscale dynamics on the Sun's surface from HINODE observations

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    Aims: The interactions of velocity scales on the Sun's surface, from granulation to supergranulation are still not understood, nor are their interaction with magnetic fields. We thus aim at giving a better description of dynamics in the mesoscale range which lies between the two scales mentioned above. Method: We analyse a 48h high-resolution time sequence of the quiet Sun photosphere at the disk center obtained with the Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode. The observations, which have a field of view of 100 \arcsec×\times 100 \arcsec, typically contain four supergranules. We monitor in detail the motion and evolution of granules as well as those of the radial magnetic field. Results: This analysis allows us to better characterize Trees of Fragmenting Granules issued from repeated fragmentation of granules, especially their lifetime statistics. Using floating corks advected by measured velocity fields, we show their crucial role in the advection of the magnetic field and in the build up of the network. Finally, thanks to the long duration of the time series, we estimate that the turbulent diffusion coefficient induced by horizontal motion is approximately 430km2s−1430 \mathrm{km}^2 \mathrm{s}^{-1}. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that the long living families contribute to the formation of the magnetic network and suggest that supergranulation could be an emergent length scale building up as small magnetic elements are advected and concentrated by TFG flows. Our estimate for the magnetic diffusion associated with this horizontal motion might provide a useful input for mean-field dynamo models.Comment: to appear in A&A - 8 pages, 13 figures (degraded quality) - Full resolution version available @ http://www.ast.obs-mip.fr/users/rincon/hinode_roudier_aa09.pd

    Graphene Ripples as a Realization of a Two-Dimensional Ising Model: A Scanning Tunneling Microscope Study

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    Ripples in pristine freestanding graphene naturally orient themselves in an array that is alternately curved-up and curved-down; maintaining an average height of zero. Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to apply a local force, the graphene sheet will reversibly rise and fall in height until the height reaches 60-70 percent of its maximum at which point a sudden, permanent jump occurs. We successfully model the ripples as a spin-half Ising magnetic system, where the height of the graphene is the spin. The permanent jump in height, controlled by the tunneling current, is found to be equivalent to an antiferromagnetic-to-ferromagnetic phase transition. The thermal load underneath the STM tip alters the local tension and is identified as the responsible mechanism for the phase transition. Four universal critical exponents are measured from our STM data, and the model provides insight into the statistical role of graphenes unusual negative thermal expansion coefficient.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Dynamic reconfiguration of human brain networks during learning

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    Human learning is a complex phenomenon requiring flexibility to adapt existing brain function and precision in selecting new neurophysiological activities to drive desired behavior. These two attributes -- flexibility and selection -- must operate over multiple temporal scales as performance of a skill changes from being slow and challenging to being fast and automatic. Such selective adaptability is naturally provided by modular structure, which plays a critical role in evolution, development, and optimal network function. Using functional connectivity measurements of brain activity acquired from initial training through mastery of a simple motor skill, we explore the role of modularity in human learning by identifying dynamic changes of modular organization spanning multiple temporal scales. Our results indicate that flexibility, which we measure by the allegiance of nodes to modules, in one experimental session predicts the relative amount of learning in a future session. We also develop a general statistical framework for the identification of modular architectures in evolving systems, which is broadly applicable to disciplines where network adaptability is crucial to the understanding of system performance.Comment: Main Text: 19 pages, 4 figures Supplementary Materials: 34 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Interpretation of Light-Quenching Factor Measurements

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    We observe that the pattern of the quenching factors for scintillation light from various ions, recently studied in CaWO4CaWO_4 in connection with dark matter detectors, can be understood as a saturation phenomenon in which the light output is simply proportional to track length, independent of the ion and its energy. This observation is in accord with the high dE/dx limit of Birks' law. It suggests a simple model for the intrinsic resolution of light detectors for low energy ions, which we briefly discuss.Comment: Seven pages, seven figures, some with colo

    Using the Sun to estimate Earth-like planets detection capabilities. III. Impact of spots and plages on astrometric detection

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    Stellar activity is a potential important limitation to the detection of low mass extrasolar planets with indirect methods (RV, photometry, astrometry). In previous papers, using the Sun as a proxy, we investigated the impact of stellar activity (spots, plages, convection) on the detectability of an Earth-mass planet in the habitable zone (HZ) of solar-type stars with RV techniques. We extend here the detectability study to the case of astrometry. We used the sunspot and plages properties recorded over one solar cycle to infer the astrometric variations that a Sun-like star seen edge-on, 10 pc away, would exhibit, if covered by such spots/bright structures. We compare the signal to the one expected from the astrometric wobble (0.3 {\mu}as) of such a star surrounded by a one Earth-mass planet in the HZ. We also briefly investigate higher levels of activity. The activity-induced astrometric signal along the equatorial plane has an amplitude of typ. less than 0.2 {\mu}as (rms=0.07 {\mu}as), smaller than the one expected from an Earth-mass planet at 1 AU. Hence, for this level of activity, the detectability is governed by the instrumental precision rather than the activity. We show that for instance a one Earth-mass planet at 1 AU would be detected with a monthly visit during less than 5 years and an instrumental precision of 0.8 {\mu}as. A level of activity 5 times higher would still allow such a detection with a precision of 0.35 {\mu}as. We conclude that astrometry is an attractive approach to search for such planets around solar type stars with most levels of stellar activity.Comment: Letter accepted by A&

    Rythmes saisonniers de la croissance chez quelques Téléostéens de Guyane française

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    Des études squeletto-chronologiques de diverses espÚces de Guyane française, #Arius couma, #A. proops, et #A. parkeri (#Siluriformes, #Arridae), #Leporinus friderici (#Characiformes, #Anostomidae) et #Myleus rhomboidalis (#Characiformes, #Serrasalmidae), permettent de proposer quelques hypothÚses sur les modalités de leur croissance dans le milieu naturel, notamment dans le fleuve Sinnamary. Toutes semblent présenter, chaque année, deux phases de croissance active séparées par des périodes de ralentissement correspondant respectivement aux saisons humides et aux saisons sÚches. C'est trÚs probablement la disponibilité en nourriture, abondante en saison des pluies, qui rÚgle les performances de croissance. A partir de l'hypothÚse de deux cycles de croissance annuels, des courbes de croissance sont proposées pour chaque espÚce. (Résumé d'auteur
