20 research outputs found
Wash-Out in N_2-dominated leptogenesis
We study the wash-out of a cosmological baryon asymmetry produced via
leptogenesis by subsequent interactions. Therefore we focus on a scenario in
which a lepton asymmetry is established in the out-of-equilibrium decays of the
next-to-lightest right-handed neutrino. We apply the full classical Boltzmann
equations without the assumption of kinetic equilibrium and including all
quantum statistical factors to calculate the wash-out of the lepton asymmetry
by interactions of the lightest right-handed state. We include scattering
processes with top quarks in our analysis. This is of particular interest since
the wash-out is enhanced by scatterings and the use of mode equations with
quantum statistical distribution functions. In this way we provide a
restriction on the parameter space for this scenarios.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, profound revision, exposition is now in flavor
notation, one plot and discussion added, numerical error corrected, three
plots changed, text polished, main results remain unchanged, reference
added,matches published versio
Non-relativistic leptogenesis
Bödeker D, Wörmann M. Non-relativistic leptogenesis. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2014;2014(02):016.In many phenomenologically interesting models of thermal leptogenesis the heavy neutrinos are non-relativistic when they decay and produce the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. We propose a non-relativistic approximation for the corresponding rate equations in the non-resonant case, and a systematic way for computing relativistic corrections. We determine the leading order coefficients in these equations, and the first relativistic corrections. The non-relativistic approximation works remarkably well. It appears to be consistent with results obtained using a Boltzmann equation taking into account the momentum distribution of the heavy neutrinos, while being much simpler. We also compute radiative corrections to some of the coefficients in the rate equations. Their effect is of order 1% in the regime favored by neutrino oscillation data. We obtain the correct leading order lepton number washout rate in this regime, which leads to large (~ 20%) effects compared to previous computations
Full Boltzmann equations for leptogenesis including scattering
We study the evolution of a cosmological baryon asymmetry produced via
leptogenesis by means of the full classical Boltzmann equations, without the
assumption of kinetic equilibrium and including all quantum statistical
factors. Beginning with the full mode equations we derive the usual equations
of motion for the right-handed neutrino number density and integrated lepton
asymmetry, and show explicitly the impact of each assumption on these
quantities. For the first time, we investigate also the effects of scattering
of the right-handed neutrino with the top quark to leading order in the Yukawa
couplings by means of the full Boltzmann equations. We find that in our full
Boltzmann treatment the final lepton asymmetry can be suppressed by as much as
a factor of 1.5 in the weak wash-out regime (K<1), compared to the usual
integrated approach which assumes kinetic equilibrium and neglects quantum
statistics. This suppression is in contrast with the enhancement seen in some
previous studies that considered only decay and inverse decay of the
right-handed neutrino. However, this suppression quickly decreases as we
increase K. In the strong wash-out regime (K>1), the full Boltzmann treatment
and the integrated approach give nearly identical final lepton asymmetries
(within 10 % of each other at K>3). Finally, we show that the opposing effects
of quantum statistics on decays/inverse decays and the scattering processes
tend to reduce the net importance of scattering on leptogenesis in the full
treatment compared to the integrated approach.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, replaced to match published
Thermal production of ultrarelativistic right-handed neutrinos: Complete leading-order results
The thermal production of relativistic right-handed Majorana neutrinos is of
importance for models of thermal leptogenesis in the early Universe.
Right-handed neutrinos can be produced both by 1 2 decay or inverse decay
and by 2 -> 2 scattering processes. In a previous publication, we have studied
the production via 1 2 (inverse) decay processes. There we have shown that
multiple scattering mediated by soft gauge boson exchange also contributes to
the production rate at leading order, and gives a strong enhancement. Here we
complete the leading order calculation by adding 2 -> 2 scattering processes
involving either electroweak gauge bosons or third-generation quarks. We find
that processes with gauge interactions give the most important contributions.
We also obtain a new sum rule for the Hard Thermal Loop resummed fermion
propagator.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures. Error in the matrix element for the
(subdominant) subprocess with s-channel fermion exchange corrected. This
changes the corresponding phase space integral and the constant c_V.
Numerically it increases the total 2 -> 2 rate by about 2 percent and the
complete rate by about 1 percent. The main results and conclusions are
Effects of reheating on leptogenesis
We study the evolution of a cosmological baryon asymmetry in leptogenesis
when the right-handed neutrinos are produced in inflaton decays. By performing
a detailed numerical study over a broad range of inflaton-neutrino couplings we
show that the resulting asymmetry can be larger by two orders of magnitude or
more than in thermal leptogenesis, if the reheating temperature T_{RH} is of
the same order as the right-handed neutrino mass M_1. Hence, the lower limit on
the baryogenesis temperature obtained in thermal leptogenesis can be relaxed
On the full Boltzmann equations for Leptogenesis
We consider the full Boltzmann equations for standard and soft leptogenesis,
instead of the usual integrated Boltzmann equations which assume kinetic
equilibrium for all species. Decays and inverse decays may be inefficient for
thermalising the heavy-(s)neutrino distribution function, leading to
significant deviations from kinetic equilibrium. We analyse the impact of using
the full kinetic equations in the case of a previously generated lepton
asymmetry, and find that the washout of this initial asymmetry due to the
interactions of the right-handed neutrino is larger than when calculated via
the integrated equations. We also solve the full Boltzmann equations for soft
leptogenesis, where the lepton asymmetry induced by the soft SUSY-breaking
terms in sneutrino decays is a purely thermal effect, since at T=0 the
asymmetry in leptons cancels the one in sleptons. In this case, we obtain that
in the weak washout regime (K ~< 1) the final lepton asymmetry can change up to
a factor four with respect to previous estimates.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, to be published in JCA
Examining leptogenesis with lepton flavor violation and the dark matter abundance
Within a supersymmetric (SUSY) type-I seesaw framework with flavor-blind
universal boundary conditions, we study the consequences of requiring that the
observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe be explained by either thermal or
non-thermal leptogenesis. In the former case, we find that the parameter space
is very constrained. In the bulk and stop-coannihilation regions of mSUGRA
parameter space (that are consistent with the measured dark matter abundance),
lepton flavor-violating (LFV) processes are accessible at MEG and future
experiments. However, the very high reheat temperature of the Universe needed
after inflation (of about 10^{12} GeV) leads to a severe gravitino problem,
which disfavors either thermal leptogenesis or neutralino dark matter.
Non-thermal leptogenesis in the preheating phase from SUSY flat directions
relaxes the gravitino problem by lowering the required reheat temperature. The
baryon asymmetry can then be explained while preserving neutralino dark matter,
and for the bulk or stop-coannihilation regions LFV processes should be
observed in current or future experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl
Hard-Thermal-Loop Corrections in Leptogenesis II: Solving the Boltzmann Equations
We investigate hard-thermal-loop (HTL) corrections to the final lepton
asymmetry in leptogenesis. To this end we solve the Boltzmann equations with
HTL-corrected rates and CP asymmetries, which we calculated in paper I of this
series. We pay special attention to the influence of the two leptonic
quasiparticles that arise at non-zero temperature. We include only decays and
inverse decays and allow for the lepton modes to be either decoupled from each
other, or to be in chemical equilibrium by some strong interaction, simulating
the interaction with gauge bosons. In two additional cases, we approximate the
full HTL lepton propagators with zero-temperature propagators, where we replace
the zero-temperature mass by the thermal mass of the leptons or the
asymptotic mass . We compare the final lepton
asymmetries of the four thermal cases and the zero-temperature case for zero,
thermal and dominant initial neutrino abundance. The final lepton asymmetries
of the thermal cases differ considerably from the vacuum case and from each
other in the weak washout regime for zero initial neutrino abundance and in the
intermediate regime for dominant initial neutrino abundance. In the strong
washout regime, the final lepton asymmetry can be enhanced by a factor of two
in the case of strongly interacting lepton modes.Comment: 51 pages, 27 figure
Thermal production of relativistic Majorana neutrinos: Strong enhancement by multiple soft scattering
The production rate of heavy Majorana neutrinos is relevant for models of
thermal leptogenesis in the early Universe. In the high temperature limit the
production can proceed via the 1 2 (inverse) decays which are allowed by
the thermal masses. We consider new production mechanisms which are obtained by
including additional soft gauge interactions with the plasma. We show that an
arbitrary number of such interactions gives leading order contributions, and we
sum all of them. The rate turns out to be smooth in the region where the 1
2 processes are kinematically forbidden. At higher temperature it is enhanced
by a factor 3 compared to the 1 2 rate.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures; added references, added comments on 2 to 2
scattering processes, improved appearance of fig. 8, corrected typos; matches
published versio
Supersymmetric Leptogenesis and the Gravitino Bound
Supersymmetric thermal leptogenesis with a hierarchical right-handed neutrino
mass spectrum requires the mass of the lightest right-handed neutrino to be
heavier than about 10^9 GeV. This is in conflict with the upper bound on the
reheating temperature which is found by imposing that the gravitinos generated
during the reheating stage after inflation do not jeopardize successful
nucleosynthesis. In this paper we show that a solution to this tension is
actually already incorporated in the framework, because of the presence of flat
directions in the supersymmetric scalar potential. Massive right-handed
neutrinos are efficiently produced non-thermally and the observed baryon
asymmetry can be explained even for a reheating temperature respecting the
gravitino bound if two conditions are satisfied: the initial value of the flat
direction must be close to Planckian values and the phase-dependent terms in
the flat direction potential are either vanishing or sufficiently small.Comment: 9 pages. References added, version for Physics Letters