1,841 research outputs found

    Weighted simplicial complexes and their representation power of higher-order network data and topology.

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    Hypergraphs and simplical complexes both capture the higher-order interactions of complex systems, ranging from higher-order collaboration networks to brain networks. One open problem in the field is what should drive the choice of the adopted mathematical framework to describe higher-order networks starting from data of higher-order interactions. Unweighted simplicial complexes typically involve a loss of information of the data, though having the benefit to capture the higher-order topology of the data. In this work we show that weighted simplicial complexes allow one to circumvent all the limitations of unweighted simplicial complexes to represent higher-order interactions. In particular, weighted simplicial complexes can represent higher-order networks without loss of information, allowing one at the same time to capture the weighted topology of the data. The higher-order topology is probed by studying the spectral properties of suitably defined weighted Hodge Laplacians displaying a normalized spectrum. The higher-order spectrum of (weighted) normalized Hodge Laplacians is studied combining cohomology theory with information theory. In the proposed framework we quantify and compare the information content of higher-order spectra of different dimension using higher-order spectral entropies and spectral relative entropies. The proposed methodology is tested on real higher-order collaboration networks and on the weighted version of the simplicial complex model "Network Geometry with Flavor.

    Diversification of spatiotemporal expression and copy number variation of the echinoid hbox12/pmar1/micro1 multigene family

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    Changes occurring during evolution in the cis-regulatory landscapes of individual members of multigene families might impart diversification in their spatiotemporal expression and function. The archetypal member of the echinoid hbox12/pmar1/micro1 family is hbox12-a, a homeobox-containing gene expressed exclusively by dorsal blastomeres, where it governs the dorsal/ventral gene regulatory network during embryogenesis of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Here we describe the inventory of the hbox12/pmar1/micro1 genes in P. lividus, highlighting that gene copy number variation occurs across individual sea urchins of the same species. We show that the various hbox12/pmar1/micro1 genes group into three subfamilies according to their spatiotemporal expression, which ranges from broad transcription throughout development to transient expression in either the animal hemisphere or micromeres of the early embryo. Interestingly, the promoter regions of those genes showing comparable expression patterns are highly similar, while differing from those of the other subfamilies. Strikingly, phylogenetic analysis suggests that the hbox12/pmar1/micro1 genes are species-specific, exhibiting extensive divergence in their noncoding, but not in their coding, sequences across three distinct sea urchin species. In spite of this, two micromere-specific genes of P. lividus possess a TCF/LEF-binding motif in a similar position, and their transcription relies on Wnt/ f-catenin signaling, similar to the pmar1 and micro1 genes, which in other sea urchin species are involved in micromere specification. Altogether, our findings suggest that the hbox12/pmar1/micro1 gene family evolved rather rapidly, generating paralogs whose cis-regulatory sequences diverged following multiple rounds of duplication from a common ancestor

    Endoscopic palliative management of esophageal and tracheal rupture

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    The increasing number of patients requiring intensive care and airway support has led to a growing recognition that significant short- and long-term morbidity may be associated with the use of artificial airways; this is despite significant improvements in the materials used in laryngeal tubes, which aim to decrease the trauma associated with long-term intubation. We present the first case, to our knowledge,of huge, nontraumatic, esophageal perforation, widely communicating with the trachea, and which was treated successfully with double endoscopic stent placement

    COVID-19 relief programs and compliance with confinement measures

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    We study the impact of a COVID-19 relief program on compliance with confinement measures in Italy, the early epicenter of the pandemic. We match information on the allocation of funds across Italian municipalities with data tracking citizens’ movements drawn from mobile devices and vehicles’ navigation systems, anonymized and aggregated at the municipality level. To assess the role of the program, we exploit a sharp kink schedule in the allocation of funds as a function of past income differentials that generated random treatment assignment in a neighborhood of the threshold point. We find robust evidence that, after the introduction of the program, mobility decreased with the amount of transfers. The impact is economically sizeable and resists bandwidth changes, with stronger effects holding in the proximity of the cut-off and the coefficient stabilizing with distance from the threshold. A battery of placebo tests supports the interpretation of results. Our evidence suggests that authorities could leverage targeted relief programs to nudge compliance with emergency measures at a relatively modest cost

    A comparison of several algorithms for the single individual SNP haplotyping reconstruction problem

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    Motivation: Single nucleotide polymorphisms are the most common form of variation in human DNA, and are involved in many research fields, from molecular biology to medical therapy. The technological opportunity to deal with long DNA sequences using shotgun sequencing has raised the problem of fragment recombination. In this regard, Single Individual Haplotyping (SIH) problem has received considerable attention over the past few years

    Interfering Channel Estimation for Radar and Communication Coexistence

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    We investigate the interfering channel estimation in radar and communication coexistence, where a multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) radar is operated in a “search and track” mode, and a MIMO base station (BS) is attempting to acquire the interfering channel state information (ICSI) between them, which is required for the precoding designs. In contrast to conventional training based techniques, we exploit radar probing waveforms as pilot signals, which requires no coordination between the systems. As the radar randomly transmits searching and tracking waveforms, it is challenging for the BS to directly obtain the ICSI. We therefore propose a Rao test approach to firstly identify the working mode of the radar, and then estimate the channel. We further provide theoretical performance analysis for the Rao detector. Finally, we assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach by numerical simulations, which show that the BS is able to estimate the ICSI with limited information from the radar

    Hsp70 localizes differently from chaperone Hsc70 in mouse mesoangioblasts under physiological growth conditions.

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    Mouse A6 mesoangioblasts express Hsp70 even in the absence of cellular stress. Its expression and its intracellular localization were investigated under normal growth conditions and under hyperthermic stress. Immunofluorescence assays indicated that without any stress a fraction of Hsp70 co-localized with actin microfilaments, in the cell cortex and in the contractile ring of dividing cells, while the Hsc70 chaperone did not. Hsp70 immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that a portion of Hsp70 binds actin. Immunoblot assays showed that both proteins were present in the nucleus. After heat treatment Hsp70 and actin continued to co-localize in the leading edge of A6 cells but not on microfilaments. Although Hsp70 and Hsc70 are both basally synthesized they showed different cellular distribution, suggesting an Hsp70 different activity respect to the Hsc70 chaperone. Moreover, we found Hsp70 in the culture medium as it has been described in other cell types

    Surgical treatment of solitary sternal metastasis from breast cancer Case report

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    Bone metastasis is a frequent and early complication of breast cancer. This case report describes a technique for a partial exeresis of the sternum and the reconstruction of the pleura with autologous dermis from the lower abdomen and the loss of substance with a myocutaneous flap

    Simulation and performance of an artificial retina for 40 MHz track reconstruction

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    We present the results of a detailed simulation of the artificial retina pattern-recognition algorithm, designed to reconstruct events with hundreds of charged-particle tracks in pixel and silicon detectors at LHCb with LHC crossing frequency of 40 MHz40\,\rm MHz. Performances of the artificial retina algorithm are assessed using the official Monte Carlo samples of the LHCb experiment. We found performances for the retina pattern-recognition algorithm comparable with the full LHCb reconstruction algorithm.Comment: Final draft of WIT proceedings modified according to JINST referee's comment
