29 research outputs found

    Digital Disconnection as an Opportunity for the Tourism Business: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The aim of this study is to carry out a bibliometric review of the existing research on digital disconnection and Digital Free Tourism (DFT) to discover the extent to which this new trend affects technology users and the tourism market. To do this, a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis of the research on digital disconnection contained in the Scopus and Web of Science databases were used. This research includes publications from 2012 to December 2021, which included a total of 37 publications about digital disconnection and digital free tourism in scientific journals indexed in the main scientific databases. The analysis concludes that DFT is a growing economic trend in research and that the phenomenon of digital disconnection is beginning to be a peremptory need for more and more users. This work is original and interesting for researchers specialising in technology addictions, as well as academics and professionals in the tourism sector, because the extensive use of smart devices is becoming a type of addiction in many areas and can be a new opportunity for the tourism market. The DFT phenomenon can improve the response to these types of addictions and be a temporary escape and alternative to technological devices. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-05-013 Full Text: PD

    Vertebrate fauna at the Allosaurus fossil-site of Andrés (Upper Jurassic), Pombal, Portugal

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    An overview of the faunistic diversity of the Andres fossil-site from the Portuguese Upper Jurassic is presented. This work provides a preliminary approach on the vertebrate fauna known at present. Although this quarry is known since the 1990’s, due to the description on the first robust evidence of a member of the neotetanuran genus Allosaurus outside North America, the results presented here are mainly derived from the analysis of the elements found during the second and third field seasons in 2005. At the moment, among the material collected from Andrés it was identified remains that represent a diverse vertebrate fauna, including fishes, sphenodonts, crocodrylomorphs, pterosaurs, and at least, seven distinct dinosaur forms. The recovery of this diverse and abundant osteological collection from one unique fossil-site is noteworthy for the Upper Jurassic Portuguese record, and only comparable with those from the Guimarota coalmine. Due to these two features plus the good preservation of the fossils, the Andres quarry may be a site of reference for the analysis of vertebrate ecosystems from the Portuguese Upper Jurassic. Dinosaur elements are the most abundant fossils, and among them it is particulary common the presence of remains identified as Allosaurus. These new evidences allow testing the previus phylogenetical hypothesys ascribing the firsts theropod remains from Andrés to A. fragilis, a species described in synchronic levels of the North American Morrison Formation. The similarity between the Allosaurus remains collected in Andres and some specimens from the Morrison Formation seems to point the existence of a genetic flow between some continental vertebrates on both sides of the proto-north Atlantic during the Upper Jurassic. Favourable tectonic conditions for the occurrence of punctual contacts between the two continents is, at present, the best scenario for explain this situation.Se presenta un analisis de la diversidad faunistica del yacimiento de Andrés en el Jurasico Superior de la Cuenca Lusitanica. El presente trabajo pretende establecer un análisis preliminar de la fauna de vertebrados identificada en el yacimiento hasta la fecha. Aunque conocido desde la decada de 1990, debido a la descripcion de la primera evidencia robusta de un neotetanuro del genero Allosaurus fuera de Norteamerica, los resultados presentados derivan principalmente del analisis de elementos encontrados durante la segunda y tercera campanas de excavacion en 2005. Hasta el momento han sido identificados entre el material recogido en Andrés, representantes de diversos taxones de vertebrados que incluyen que incluyen peces, esfenodontos, crocodilomorfos, pterosaurios y, al menos, siete formas distintas de dinosaurios. La presencia de esta diversidad y abundancia de restos osteologicos en el mismo yacimiento representa una situacion unica en el registro del Jurasico Superior portugues, tan solo comparable a la del yacimiento clasico de la mina de carbon de Guimarota. Atendiendo a estas dos caracteristicas y a la buena preservacion de los fosiles, el yacimiento de Andres puede ser considerado como una localidad de referencia para el estudio de los ecosistemas con vertebrados del Jurasico Superior portugues. Los restos de dinosaurios son los fosiles mas abundantes y, entre ellos, son particularmente comunes los asignables a Allosaurus. Estas nuevas evidencias proporcionan a A. fragilis, una especie descrita en niveles sincronicos de la Formacion Morrison en Norteamerica. La similitud entre los restos de Allosaurus recogidos en Andres y algunos de los ejemplares de la Formacion Morrison, sugiere la existencia de un flujo genético entre algunos vertebrados continentales de ambos lados del proto-Atlántico norte durante el Jurásico Superior. La existencia de condiciones tectonicas favorables para la existencia de contactos puntuales entre los dos continentes es actualmente el mejor escenario para explicar esta situacion

    A preliminary comparison of the food-web of the middle Eocene Duero and Southern Pyrenean Basins (Spain) ecosystems based on vertebrate record

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    RESUMEN: Se analizan las faunas de vertebrados terrestres identificadas en las cuencas de las regiones central y noreste del Eoceno medio español para comparar sus relaciones tróficas y sus interacciones interespecíficas. Para ello se han recopilado las referencias bibliográficas de las especies descritas en los niveles de referencia MP-13 a MP-16. Como resultado, se ha observado similitud entre las variables de la red trófica, pero diferencias significativas en la composición faunística de los ecosistemas de ambas regiones. En este sentido, se han obtenido valores inversos en la proporción de perisodáctilos y roedores entre las cuencas. De forma preliminar este análisis confirma la hipótesis de la existencia de dos paleobioprovincias faunísticas con ecosistemas diferentes en la península ibérica durante parte del Eoceno. La incorporación al estudio de otras faunas peninsulares y del resto de Europa permitirían ajustar el papel de los factores climáticos en la regionalización de la península durante el Eoceno.RESUMO: As faunas de vertebrados terrestres identificadas nas bacias das regiões central e nordeste do Eocénico médio espanhol são analisadas para comparar as suas relações tróficas e as suas interações interespecíficas. Com este objetivo, foram compiladas as referências bibliográficas das espécies descritas nos níveis de referência do MP -13 ao MP-16. Como resultado desta análise, observou-se semelhanças entre as variáveis da rede trófica, mas diferenças significativas na composição faunística dos ecossistemas de ambas regiões. Neste sentido, foram obtidos valores inversos na proporção de perissodáctilos e roedores entre as bacias. De forma preliminar, esta análise confirma a hipótese de existência de duas paleobioprovínias faunísticas com diferentes ecossistemas na Península Ibérica durante parte do Eocénico. A incorporação no estudo de outras faunas peninsulares e de outras regiões da Europa permitiriam ajustar o papel dos fatores climáticos na regionalização da península durante o Eocénico.ABSTRACT: Spanish middle Eocene terrestrial vertebrate fauna from the central and northeastern regions were analyzed to compare their trophic relationships and interspecific interactions. For this a bibliographic summary of the current species described at MP-13 to MP-16 biochronological levels was carried out. As a result, similarities among the distinct food-web variables but a significant differentiation on the faunal composition of both regions have been observed. Inverted values were obtained for perissodactyls and rodents between basins. Preliminarily, this analysis corroborates the existence in the Iberian Peninsula of two faunal paleobioprovinces characterized by distinct ecosystems during part of the Eocene. A study including other peninsular and European faunas would allow to adjust the role of climatic factors behind the regionalization of the Iberian Peninsula during the Eocene.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The biota of the Upper Cretaceous site of Lo Hueco (Cuenca, Spain)

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    The Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) fossil site of Lo Hueco was recently discovered close to the village of Fuentes (Cuenca, Spain) during the cutting of a little hill for installation of the railway of the Madrid-Levante high-speed train. To date, it has yielded a rich collection of well-preserved Cretaceous macrofossils, including plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates. The recovered fossil assemblage is mainly composed of plants, molluscs (bivalves and gastropods), actinopterygians and teleosteans fishes, amphibians, panpleurodiran (bothremydids) and pancryptodiran turtles, squamate lizards, eusuchian crocodyliforms, rhabdodontid ornithopods, theropods (mainly dromaeosaurids), and titanosaur sauropods. This assemblage was deposited in a near-coast continental muddy floodplain crossed by distributary sandy channels, exposed intermittently to brackish or marine and freshwater flooding as well as to partial or total desiccation events.The Konzentrat-Lagerstatt of Lo Hueco constitutes a singular accumulation of fossils representing individuals of some particular lineages of continental tetrapods, especially titanosaurs, eusuchians and bothremydid turtles. In the case of the titanosaurs, the site has yielded multiple partial skeletons in anatomical connection or with a low dispersion of their skeletal elements. A combination of new taxa, new records of taxa previously known in the Iberian Peninsula, and relatively common taxa in the European record compose the Lo Hueco biota. The particular conditions of the fossil site of Lo Hueco and the preliminary results indicate that the analysis of the geological context, the floral and faunal content, and the taphonomical features of the site provide elements that will be especially useful for reassess the evolutionary history of some lineages of European Late Cretaceous reptiles.Peer reviewe

    Dinosaurios de la Península Ibérica

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    Body fossils of the Iberian Peninsula dinosaurs are very relevant for the knowledge of several aspects of the evolutionary history of the group, and, in addition, for the interpretation of the distribution of many of its components, due to the geographic situation of the Iberian Peninsula. Almost all of the groups of dinosaurs are represented in the Iberian Peninsula record: ornithopods, thyreophorans, theropods and sauropods. These groups are present, mainly, in the transit Jurassic-Cretaceous (Kimmeridigian- Berriasian), the upper part of the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) and in the end of the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian-Masstrichtian). Ornithischian dinosaurs are represented by thyreophorans such as the stegosaurians Dacentrurus and Stegosaurus, the ankylosaurs Dracopelta, Polacanthus and Struthiosaurus, and ornithopods like hypsilophodontids, basal iguanodontians (Rhabdodon), dryosaurids, camptosaurids (Draconyx and Camptosaurus), iguanodontids (Iguanodon) and hadrosaurids (Pararhabdodon). Some Incertae sedis and taxa in process of description are present too. Sauropods are represented by taxa related to Neosauropoda (Lourinhasaurus, Dinheirosaurus, Galveosaurus and Losillasaurus) and titanosauriforms (Aragosaurus, Lusotitan and Lirainosaurus). In addition, new forms are still in description, like the sauropods of Riodeva (Teruel), Pe&#241;arroya de Tastavins (Teruel) and Morella (Castell&#243;n). Theropods are represented by the ceratosaurian Ceratosaurus, the spinosauroid Torvosaurus, the carnosaurs Lourinhanosaurus and Allosaurus, the tyrannosaurid Aviatyrannis, the ornithomimosaur Pelecanimimus, and the avian-theropods Iberomesornis, Concornis, Eoalulavis and Noguerornis. Nevertheless, theropods diversity is more abundant as it shows the great variability of teeth morphotypes identified.<br><br>registro de restos directos de dinosaurios en la Pen&#237;nsula Ib&#233;rica ha mostrado, en los &#250;ltimos a&#241;os, que puede ser muy relevante para el conocimiento de distintos aspectos de la historia evolutiva del grupo y, dada la posici&#243;n de la Pen&#237;nsula Ib&#233;rica, para la interpretaci&#243;n de la distribuci&#243;n de muchos de sus componentes. El registro ib&#233;rico cuenta con representantes de casi todos los grandes grupos de dinosaurios: ornit&#243;podos, tire&#243;foros, ter&#243;podos y saur&#243;podos, que est&#225;n bien representados, sobre todo en el tr&#225;nsito Jur&#225;sico-Cret&#225;cico (Kimmeridgiense-Berriasiewe), en parte del Cret&#225;cico Inferior (Barremiense-Aptiense) y en el final del Cret&#225;cico Superior (Campaniense-Maastrichtiense). El conjunto de ornitisquios est&#225; compuesto por tire&#243;foros, de los que se han identificado dos estegosaurios (Dacentrurus y Stegosaurus) y tres anquilosaurios (Dracopelta, Polacanthus y Struthiosaurus) y ornit&#243;podos: hipsilofod&#243;ntidos, iguanodontia basales (Rhabdodon); drios&#225;uridos, camptos&#225;uridos (Draconyx y Camptosaurus), iguanodontoideos (Iguanodon) y hadros&#225;uridos(Pararhabdodon). Adem&#225;s existe un gran n&#250;mero de formas de asignaci&#243;n dudosa o a&#250;n por describir. El registro de saur&#243;podos est&#225; fundamentalmente compuesto por formas cercanas al nodo Neosauropoda (Lourinhasaurus, Dinheirosaurus, Galveosaurus y Losillasaurus) y titanosauriformes (Aragosaurus, Lusotitan y Lirainosaurus), adem&#225;s de una serie de formas nuevas en fase de descripci&#243;n, como los saur&#243;podos de Riodeva (Teruel), Pe&#241;arroya de Tastavins (Teruel) y Morella (Castell&#243;n). El conjunto de g&#233;neros de ter&#243;podos ib&#233;ricos est&#225; constituido por el ceratosaurio Ceratosaurus, el espinosauroide Torvosaurus, los carnosaurios Lourinhanosaurus y Allosaurus, el tiranosauroide Aviatyrannis, el ornitomimosaurio Pelecanimimus, y los ter&#243;podos avianos Iberomesornis, Concornis, Eoalulavis y Noguerornis. Sin embargo, la diversidad de ter&#243;podos es mucho mayor, como muestra la abundante colecci&#243;n de morfotipos dentarios identificados

    Dinosaurios de la Pen&#237;nsula Ib&#233;rica

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    Body fossils of the Iberian Peninsula dinosaurs are very relevant for the knowledge of several aspects of the evolutionary history of the group, and, in addition, for the interpretation of the distribution of many of its components, due to the geographic situation of the Iberian Peninsula. Almost all of the groups of dinosaurs are represented in the Iberian Peninsula record: ornithopods, thyreophorans, theropods and sauropods. These groups are present, mainly, in the transit Jurassic-Cretaceous (Kimmeridigian- Berriasian), the upper part of the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) and in the end of the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian-Masstrichtian). Ornithischian dinosaurs are represented by thyreophorans such as the stegosaurians Dacentrurus and Stegosaurus, the ankylosaurs Dracopelta, Polacanthus and Struthiosaurus, and ornithopods like hypsilophodontids, basal iguanodontians (Rhabdodon), dryosaurids, camptosaurids (Draconyx and Camptosaurus), iguanodontids (Iguanodon) and hadrosaurids (Pararhabdodon). Some Incertae sedis and taxa in process of description are present too. Sauropods are represented by taxa related to Neosauropoda (Lourinhasaurus, Dinheirosaurus, Galveosaurus and Losillasaurus) and titanosauriforms (Aragosaurus, Lusotitan and Lirainosaurus). In addition, new forms are still in description, like the sauropods of Riodeva (Teruel), Pe&#241;arroya de Tastavins (Teruel) and Morella (Castell&#243;n). Theropods are represented by the ceratosaurian Ceratosaurus, the spinosauroid Torvosaurus, the carnosaurs Lourinhanosaurus and Allosaurus, the tyrannosaurid Aviatyrannis, the ornithomimosaur Pelecanimimus, and the avian-theropods Iberomesornis, Concornis, Eoalulavis and Noguerornis. Nevertheless, theropods diversity is more abundant as it shows the great variability of teeth morphotypes identified.<br><br>registro de restos directos de dinosaurios en la Pen&#237;nsula Ib&#233;rica ha mostrado, en los &#250;ltimos a&#241;os, que puede ser muy relevante para el conocimiento de distintos aspectos de la historia evolutiva del grupo y, dada la posici&#243;n de la Pen&#237;nsula Ib&#233;rica, para la interpretaci&#243;n de la distribuci&#243;n de muchos de sus componentes. El registro ib&#233;rico cuenta con representantes de casi todos los grandes grupos de dinosaurios: ornit&#243;podos, tire&#243;foros, ter&#243;podos y saur&#243;podos, que est&#225;n bien representados, sobre todo en el tr&#225;nsito Jur&#225;sico-Cret&#225;cico (Kimmeridgiense-Berriasiewe), en parte del Cret&#225;cico Inferior (Barremiense-Aptiense) y en el final del Cret&#225;cico Superior (Campaniense-Maastrichtiense). El conjunto de ornitisquios est&#225; compuesto por tire&#243;foros, de los que se han identificado dos estegosaurios (Dacentrurus y Stegosaurus) y tres anquilosaurios (Dracopelta, Polacanthus y Struthiosaurus) y ornit&#243;podos: hipsilofod&#243;ntidos, iguanodontia basales (Rhabdodon); drios&#225;uridos, camptos&#225;uridos (Draconyx y Camptosaurus), iguanodontoideos (Iguanodon) y hadros&#225;uridos(Pararhabdodon). Adem&#225;s existe un gran n&#250;mero de formas de asignaci&#243;n dudosa o a&#250;n por describir. El registro de saur&#243;podos est&#225; fundamentalmente compuesto por formas cercanas al nodo Neosauropoda (Lourinhasaurus, Dinheirosaurus, Galveosaurus y Losillasaurus) y titanosauriformes (Aragosaurus, Lusotitan y Lirainosaurus), adem&#225;s de una serie de formas nuevas en fase de descripci&#243;n, como los saur&#243;podos de Riodeva (Teruel), Pe&#241;arroya de Tastavins (Teruel) y Morella (Castell&#243;n). El conjunto de g&#233;neros de ter&#243;podos ib&#233;ricos est&#225; constituido por el ceratosaurio Ceratosaurus, el espinosauroide Torvosaurus, los carnosaurios Lourinhanosaurus y Allosaurus, el tiranosauroide Aviatyrannis, el ornitomimosaurio Pelecanimimus, y los ter&#243;podos avianos Iberomesornis, Concornis, Eoalulavis y Noguerornis. Sin embargo, la diversidad de ter&#243;podos es mucho mayor, como muestra la abundante colecci&#243;n de morfotipos dentarios identificados

    Analysis of diversity, stratigraphic and geographical distribution of isolated theropod teeth from the Upper Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal

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    Purpose: Isolated theropod teeth are abundant in the Upper Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin and are an important source to reconstruct the diversity of this group as well as its geographic and stratigraphic distribution. However, reliably identification of isolated teeth is complex, especially for those morphotypes related to poorly represented groups. Herein a set of isolated theropod teeth collected in different sites from the Upper Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin ranging from the late Kimmeridgian to late Tithonian in age are described and discussed. Methods: These teeth were grouped in seventeen distinct morphotypes based first on morphology and comparative anatomy. Multivariate statistical analyses were performed in order to assign each morphotype to a certain taxon. Results: The current analysis shows the presence of several groups of theropods such as Ceratosaurus, Torvosaurus, and Allosaurus beside morphotypes identified as belonging to indeterminate Megalosauroidea and Allosauroidea and morphotypes tentatively assigned to Tyrannosauroidea, Dromaeosauridae, and Richardoestesia. This faunal composition, namely the presence of a non-megalosaurid megalosauroid possibly related to the piatnitzkysaurid Marshosaurus, indicates a higher diversity of theropods in the Late Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin than previously known, based on more complete specimens. Results obtained from this analysis partially agree with previous studies of other collections with isolated theropod teeth from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal such as those of the Guimarota coal mine. However, the presence of velociraptorine dromaeosaurids, compsognathids, and troodontids reported from this site could not be confirmed in the sample herein analyzed. This analysis also indicates a great similarity of the theropod faunas from the Late Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin and other European chronocorrelative localities such as those from Spain and Germany. © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG