197 research outputs found

    Popüler Türk dizilerindeki başrol erkek oyuncuların marka denkliği boyutlarının karşılaştırılması ve tüketicinin satın alma niyetine etkileri: Üniversite öğrencileri üzerine bir araştırma

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    Marka stratejileri, pazarlamaya konu olan diğer alanlarda olduğu gibi, kişi markalarının pazarlanmasında da büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencileri tarafından en fazla izlenen yerli televizyon dizilerinde başrol oynayan üç erkek oyuncunun, marka denkliği boyutları açısından karşılaştırılmaları ve bu boyutların öğrencilerin satın alma niyetlerine etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Ayrıca, üç ünlüyü ve satın alma niyeti düzeyleri farklı (yüksek/düşük) cevaplayıcıları birbirinden en fazla ayrıştıran marka denkliği boyutları incelenmiştir

    Diploic venous system: radiological-anatomical correlation

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    El sistema venoso diploico se encuentra ubicado entre la tabla externa e interna de los huesos planos de la calvaria craneana. A pesar de tener más de 200 años de descripto, es escasa la referencia en la literatura anatómica y antropológica. Merece destacarse que estos canales pueden ser confundidos con trazos fracturarios en la evaluación radiológica del traumatismo encéfalocraneano. En este trabajo nos proponemos describir las principales variantes anatómicas del sistema venoso diploico y determinar su distribución topográfica. Para ello realizamos un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de cráneos humanos (n=108), los cuales fueron transiluminados mediante introducción de fuente lumínica por el foramen magno. También se analizaron placas radiográficas de cráneo de perfil (n=60), discriminando topográficamente la ubicación de dichas venas. Se encontraron 5 patrones de distribución diferentes y un sexto como patrón indeterminado. Se determinó el porcentaje de hallazgo de venas diploicas según regiones. Lo obtenido se contrastó con la literatura clásica, llegando a la conclusión de la importancia que adquiere el conocimiento de estos patrones ante el diagnóstico diferencial de un trazo radiolúcido en una placa radiográfica de cráneo ante un traumatismo encéfalocraneano.The diploic venous system is located between the outer and inner table of the flat bones of the skull calvaria. Despite the fact that it has been described over 200 years ago, there is little reference on the matter in anatomical and anthropological literature. It is remarkable that these channels can be confused with fractures in the radiologic evaluation of head trauma. This study describes the main anatomical variants of the diploic venous system and illustrates their topographic distribution. In order to achieve this goal, a cross sectional study was conducted utilizing a sample of human skulls (n=108), which were transilluminated by introducing a light source through the foramen magnum. In addition, lateral skull radiographs (n=64) were analyzed, as means of discriminating the topographical location of the veins. Hence, 5 different distribution patterns were discovered, as well as a sixth undetermined pattern. The probability of finding diploic veins in each region was determined, and the results were compared to the theoretical framework. As a conclusion, it can be said that the learning of these patterns and becoming familiarized with their anatomic variants is of significant importance when considering differential diagnosis of a radiolucent line on a skull which has undergone head trauma.Sociedad de Ciencias Morfológicas de La Plat

    Diploic venous system: radiological-anatomical correlation

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    El sistema venoso diploico se encuentra ubicado entre la tabla externa e interna de los huesos planos de la calvaria craneana. A pesar de tener más de 200 años de descripto, es escasa la referencia en la literatura anatómica y antropológica. Merece destacarse que estos canales pueden ser confundidos con trazos fracturarios en la evaluación radiológica del traumatismo encéfalocraneano. En este trabajo nos proponemos describir las principales variantes anatómicas del sistema venoso diploico y determinar su distribución topográfica. Para ello realizamos un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de cráneos humanos (n=108), los cuales fueron transiluminados mediante introducción de fuente lumínica por el foramen magno. También se analizaron placas radiográficas de cráneo de perfil (n=60), discriminando topográficamente la ubicación de dichas venas. Se encontraron 5 patrones de distribución diferentes y un sexto como patrón indeterminado. Se determinó el porcentaje de hallazgo de venas diploicas según regiones. Lo obtenido se contrastó con la literatura clásica, llegando a la conclusión de la importancia que adquiere el conocimiento de estos patrones ante el diagnóstico diferencial de un trazo radiolúcido en una placa radiográfica de cráneo ante un traumatismo encéfalocraneano.The diploic venous system is located between the outer and inner table of the flat bones of the skull calvaria. Despite the fact that it has been described over 200 years ago, there is little reference on the matter in anatomical and anthropological literature. It is remarkable that these channels can be confused with fractures in the radiologic evaluation of head trauma. This study describes the main anatomical variants of the diploic venous system and illustrates their topographic distribution. In order to achieve this goal, a cross sectional study was conducted utilizing a sample of human skulls (n=108), which were transilluminated by introducing a light source through the foramen magnum. In addition, lateral skull radiographs (n=64) were analyzed, as means of discriminating the topographical location of the veins. Hence, 5 different distribution patterns were discovered, as well as a sixth undetermined pattern. The probability of finding diploic veins in each region was determined, and the results were compared to the theoretical framework. As a conclusion, it can be said that the learning of these patterns and becoming familiarized with their anatomic variants is of significant importance when considering differential diagnosis of a radiolucent line on a skull which has undergone head trauma.Sociedad de Ciencias Morfológicas de La Plat

    Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Atlantic–Arctic gateway

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    The variability of Arctic sea-ice during abrupt stadial-interstadial shifts in the last glacial period remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the millennial-scale relationship, with a focus on Heinrich Stadials (HS), between sea-ice cover and bottom water temperature (BWT) during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3 and 2 (64–13 ka) in the Fram Strait using new molecular sea ice biomarker data and published benthic foraminiferal BWT records. Widespread spring sea-ice cover (SpSIC) dominated the studied interval, especially in mid-late MIS 3 (45–29 ka). Yet, warm interstadials were characterized by relatively more open-ocean conditions compared to cold stadials. At the transition between a HS and the subsequent interstadial, sea ice was tightly linked to BWT with rapid reductions in SpSIC coinciding with lower BWT at the end of HS. The relative timing of the events, especially during HS 1, points to ocean warming as the key controlling factor for sea ice reduction at millennial timescales

    The SPS as accelerator of Pb82+^{82+} ions

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    In 1994 the CERN SPS was used for the first time to accelerate fully stripped ions of the Pb208 isotope from the equivalent proton momentum of 13 GeV/c to 400 GeV/c. In the CERN PS, which was used as injector, the lead was accelerated as Pb53+ ions and then fully stripped in the transfer line from PS to SPS. The radio frequency swing which is needed in order to keep the synchronism during acceleration is too big to have the SPS cavities deliver enough voltage for all frequencies. For that reason a new technique of fixed frequency acceleration was used. With this technique up to 70% of the injected beam could be captured and accelerated up to the extraction energy, the equivalent of 2.2 1010 charges. The beam was extracted over a 5 sec. long spill and was then delivered to different experiments at the same time

    Is there life after degeneration? The organizational life cycle of cooperatives under a ‘grow-or-die’ dichotomy

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    This article provides an in-depth, longitudinal analysis combining real-time and retrospective data on a set of Mondragon's industrial cooperatives that are organized as international groups. We examine the life cycle of these international cooperative groups, which is expected to evolve differently to that of small- and medium-sized cooperatives that operate exclusively on a local scale. The article is theoretically informed by the cooperative life cycle theory, as well as by recent insights from the degeneration and regeneration theses. Our analysis yields an intricate picture of the evolution of cooperatives faced with a ‘grow-or-die’ dichotomy. On the one hand, our findings reject the highly simplistic and deterministic view of the degeneration thesis by demonstrating that these cooperatives can mobilize resources to revitalize cooperative values and practices. On the other, we find that regeneration may not occur in a consistent, sequential fashion as the previous literature suggests, but rather degenerative and regenerative tendencies can occur simultaneously, even leading to long-lasting, unresolvable situations. In light of this, the article asks future research to draw on power-aware and politically informed approaches for further understanding of how cooperatives manage the tensions at each organizational stage of their life cycle, and of which organizational actors benefit, and how, from reversing some degenerative tendencies while maintaining others intact

    The SPS as lead-ion accelerator

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    In 1995 the CERN SPS was used during two months to accelerate fully stripped ions of the Pb208 isotope from the equivalent proton momentum of 13 GeV/c to 400 GeV/c. The radio frequency swing which is needed in order to keep the synchronism during acceleration is too big to have the SPS cavities deliver enough voltage for all frequencies. In a first stage, the beam is accelerated from 13 GeV/c to 26 GeV/c using the fixed frequency mode. During this stage the beam is grouped in four 2msec batches, separated by 3msec holes during which the frequency is changed in order to keep synchronism. At 26 GeV the beams are de-bunched and recaptured in order to fill the 3msec holes. From there on the lead ions are then accelerated up to 400 GeV/c with the normal frequency program. The de-bunching and recapture at 26 GeV improved the effective spill at extraction by a factor of three. Intensities up to 3.9 1010 charges could be obtained at 400 GeV/c. The total efficiency of the two RF captures was 64%

    The RNA workbench: Best practices for RNA and high-throughput sequencing bioinformatics in Galaxy

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    RNA-based regulation has become a major research topic in molecular biology. The analysis of epigenetic and expression data is therefore incomplete if RNA-based regulation is not taken into account. Thus, it is increasingly important but not yet standard to combine RNA-centric data and analysis tools with other types of experimental data such as RNA-seq or ChIP-seq. Here, we present the RNA workbench, a comprehensive set of analysis tools and consolidated workflows that enable the researcher to combine these two worlds. Based on the Galaxy framework the workbench guarantees simple access, easy extension, flexible adaption to personal and security needs, and sophisticated analyses that are independent of command-line knowledge. Currently, it includes more than 50 bioinformatics tools that are dedicated to different research areas of RNA biology including RNA structure analysis, RNA alignment, RNA annotation, RNA-protein interaction, ribosome profiling, RNA-seq analysis and RNA target prediction. The workbench is developed and maintained by experts in RNA bioinformatics and the Galaxy framework. Together with the growing community evolving around this workbench, we are committed to keep the workbench up-to-date for future standards and needs, providing researchers with a reliable and robust framework for RNA data analysis