5,596 research outputs found

    Clasificación geomorfométrica a partir de datos lidiar en un área minera degradada

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    Las características del cualquier entorno varían considerablemente en función de la topografía, siendo un factor indispensable a tener en cuenta en cualquier estudio, y más concretamente en la Sierra Minera de Cartagena – La Unión; zona de clima semiárido en la que históricamente ha tenido lugar una gran actividad de minería extractiva que ha modificado todos sus componentes morfológicos (relieve, pendiente, etc.), resultando por tanto de especial interés la clasificación de los elementos geomorfológicos allí presentes. En este estudio se ha utilizado un Modelo Digital de Elevaciones (MDE) de 4 metros de resolución espacial obtenido a partir de un vuelo LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) con el objetivo de hacer una clasificación geomorfométrica. Para ello, se realiza una primera aproximación a la realidad de la zona de estudio mediante una clasificación no supervisada, utilizando como técnica cluster el algoritmo ISODATA (Iterative Self- Organizing Data Analysis Technique), e introduciendo los atributos topográficos derivados directamente del MDE para caracterizar las clases. Asimismo, se realiza una clasificación supervisada basada en áreas de entrenamiento de los principales elementos geomorfológicos.The characteristics of any environment vary widely in relation with the topography, being an indispensable factor to take into account in any study, and more specifically in the mining range of Cartagena - La Unión. It is a semiarid area in which, historically, large mining activity has changed all its morphological components (relief, slope, etc..), being of special interest the classification of its geomorphological elements. The data used in the classifications were derived from a four-meter grid LIDAR- DEM. Firstly, we perform an approximation to the reality of the study area by unsupervised classification, using the ISODATA (Iterative Self- Organizing Data Analysis Technique) algorithm cluster technique, introducing the topographic attributes derived directly from the DEM to characterize classes. Also a supervised classification based on training areas of the main geomorphological elements is performed

    Identificación de tareas isométricas y dinámicas del miembro superior basada en EMG de alta densidad

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    La identificación de tareas y estimación del movimiento voluntario basados en electromiografía (EMG) constituyen un problema conocido que involucra diferentes áreas en sistemas expertos, particularmente la de reconocimiento de patrones, con muchas aplicaciones posibles en dispositivos de asistencia y rehabilitación. La información que proporciona puede resultar útil para el control de exoesqueletos o brazos robóticos utilizados en terapias activas. La tecnología emergente de electromiografía de alta densidad (HD-EMG) abre nuevas posibilidades para extraer información neural y ya ha sido reportado que la distribución espacial de mapas de intensidad HD-EMG es una característica valiosa en la identificación de tareas isométricas (contracciones que no producen cambio en la longitud del músculo). Este estudio explora la utilización de la distribución espacial de la actividad mioeléctrica y lleva a cabo identificación de tareas durante ejercicios dinámicos a diferentes velocidades que son mucho más cercanos a los que se utilizan habitualmente en las terapias de rehabilitación. Con este objetivo, se registraron señales HD-EMG en un grupo de sujetos sanos durante la realización de un conjunto de tareas isométricas y dinámicas del miembro superior. Los resultados indican que la distribución espacial es una característica muy útil en la identificación, no solo de contracciones isométricas sino también de contracciones dinámicas, mejorando la eficiencia y naturalidad del control de dispositivos de rehabilitación para que se adapte mejor al usuario.Identification of tasks and estimation of volitional movement based on electromyography (EMG) constitute a known problem that involves different areas in the field of expert systems and particularly pattern recognition, with many possible applications in assistive and rehabilitation devices. The obtained information can be very useful to control exoskeletons or robots used in active rehabilitation processes. The emerging technology of high-density electromyography (HD-EMG) opens up new possibilities to extract neural information, and it has already been reported that the spatial distribution of HD-EMG intensity maps is a valuable feature in the identification of isometric tasks. This study explores the use of the spatial distribution of myoelectric activity and carries out a task identification during dynamic exercises at different velocities which are much closer to the ones commonly used during therapy. To this end, HD-EMG signals were recorded in a group of healthy subjects while performing a set of isometric and dynamic upper limb tasks. The results show that spatial distribution is a very useful feature in the identification not only of isometric contractions but also of dynamic contractions, so it can be very useful to improve the control of rehabilitation devices, making it more natural and permitting to adapt better to the user

    Genetic variability and phylogenetic relationships of the autochthonous horse breed for meat production based on mitochondrial DNA

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    Publicado en el año 2008 en: Revista ITEA, 104 (2), 283-289. http://www.aida-itea.org/index.php/revista/contenidos?idArt=85&lang=esp Webs desde donde descargar las ponencias: http://acteon.webs.upv.es/ Web del congreso: http://www.uco.es/genetica/MERAGEM/xivreunion.htmSe han estudiado la variabilidad y relaciones genéticas de las cuatro poblaciones equinas de aptitud cárnica de España de protección especial (41 muestras) (Burguete (BUR): 10, Jaca Navarra (JAC): 11, Hispano Bretón (HB): 10 y Agrupación Hipermétrica del Pirineo (AHP): 10) a través del estudio del ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt). Se han encontrado 15 haplotipos en las 4 razas analizadas determinados por la existencia de 19 posiciones polimórficas de las cuales 18 han sido posiciones informativas parsimoniosas y 1 no informativa (singleton). La diversidad haplotípica (Hd) ha oscilado entre 0,758 del AHP y 0,993 del BUR siendo el valor medio de todas las razas de de 0,929 (SD = 0,016). La raza JAC ha presentado el mayor valor de diversidad nucleotídica (0,023). Casi la totalidad de los haplotipos encontrados los han compartido las razas analizadas excepto el haplotipo 8 que sólo lo ha presentado la AHP, el haplotipo 10 la raza BUR, los haplotipos 13 y 14 el HB y el haplotipo 15 la raza JAC. No se ha encontrado un agrupamiento claro de las poblaciones analizadas, lo que confirma los múltiples orígenes maternos previamente indicado por varios autores. No obstante, al haberse encontrado haplotipos específicos en las 4 poblaciones analizadas se deben tenerlos en cuenta a la hora de llevar a cabo los planes de conservación.Genetic variability and phylogenetic relationships of the autochthonous horse breed for meat production based on mitochondrial DNA We have studied the genetic variability and relationships of four endangered Spanish equine populations for meat production using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (41 horses, 30 of them belong to Burguete (BUR), Hispano Bretón (HB) and Agrupación Hipermétrica del Pirineo (AHP) populations and the other 11 samples belong to Jaca Navarra (JAC) breed. Fifteen haplotypes were found and 19 polomorphic sites were detected, eighteen of them were parsimony informative sites and the other one was a singleton. Haplotipic diversity (Hd) ranged from 0.758 of AHP to 0.993 of BUR breed. The average Hd value was 0.929 (SD = 0.016). The JAC breed presented the highest nucleotide diversity value (0.023). Most of haplotypes found have been shared by the four horse populations except haplotype 8 that only was presented by AHP populaton, haplotype 10 by BUR, the haplotypes 13 and 14 by HB and haplotype 15 by JAC breed. A clear group of horses belong to the same population were not shown. These results confirm the multiple maternal origin previously shown by other authors. However we have found haplotypes specific of each breed that is important to take in account in their conservation programmes

    Acute sleep deprivation induces a local brain transfer information increase in the frontal cortex in a widespread decrease context

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    Sleep deprivation (SD) has adverse effects on mental and physical health, affecting the cognitive abilities and emotional states. Specifically, cognitive functions and alertness are known to decrease after SD. The aim of this work was to identify the directional information transfer after SD on scalp EEG signals using transfer entropy (TE). Using a robust methodology based on EEG recordings of 18 volunteers deprived from sleep for 36 h, TE and spectral analysis were performed to characterize EEG data acquired every 2 h. Correlation between connectivity measures and subjective somnolence was assessed. In general, TE showed medium-and long-range significant decreases originated at the occipital areas and directed towards different regions, which could be interpreted as the transfer of predictive information from parieto-occipital activity to the rest of the head. Simultaneously, short-range increases were obtained for the frontal areas, following a consistent and robust time course with significant maps after 20 h of sleep deprivation. Changes during sleep deprivation in brain network were measured effectively by TE, which showed increased local connectivity and diminished global integration. TE is an objective measure that could be used as a potential measure of sleep pressure and somnolence with the additional property of directed relationships.Postprint (published version

    Immanent conditions determine imminent collapses: nutrient regimes define the resilience of macroalgal communities

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    Este artículo contiene 9 páginas, 5 figuras.Predicting where state-changing thresholds lie can be inherently complex in ecosystems characterized by nonlinear dynamics. Unpacking the mechanisms underlying these transitions can help considerably reduce this unpredictability. We used empirical observations, field and laboratory experiments, and mathematical models to examine how differences in nutrient regimes mediate the capacity of macrophyte communities to sustain sea urchin grazing. In relatively nutrient-rich conditions, macrophyte systems were more resilient to grazing, shifting to barrens beyond 1 800 g m22 (urchin biomass), more than twice the threshold of nutrient-poor conditions. The mechanisms driving these differences are linked to how nutrients mediate urchin foraging and algal growth: controlled experiments showed that low-nutrient regimes trigger compensatory feeding and reduce plant growth, mechanisms supported by our consumer–resource model. These mechanisms act together to halve macrophyte community resilience. Our study demonstrates that by mediating the underlying drivers, inherent conditions can strongly influence the buffer capacity of nonlinear systems.The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation funded this research (projects CMT2010-22273-C02-01-02 and CMT2013- 48027-C03-R) and supported J.B. (scholarship BES-2011-043630) and D.A. (Ramon y Cajal fellowship). The Spanish National Research Council supported R.A.’s visitorship (CSIC-201330E062).Peer reviewe

    Embeddings in Spacetimes Sourced by Scalar Fields

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    The extension of the Campbell-Magaard embedding theorem to general relativity with minimally-coupled scalar fields is formulated and proven. The result is applied to the case of a self-interacting scalar field for which new embeddings are found, and to Brans-Dicke theory. The relationship between Campbell-Magaard theorem and the general relativity, Cauchy and initial value problems is outlined.Comment: RevTEX (11 pages)/ To appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Catalan virgin olive oil Protected Designations of Origin: physicochemical and major sensory attributes

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    Catalonia, located in the northeast of Spain, comprises five extra virgin oliveoil (EVOO) protected designations of origin (PDOs). Despite the proximitybetween them, these PDOs represent unique pedoclimatic conditions andtraditional olive cultivars that are briefly reviewed in the present manuscript.In addition to the compliance with quality standards fixed by productspecifications, EVOOs show singular and distinctive composition and sensoryprofiles. With the aim to describe the characteristics of Catalan EVOOs, theirsensory and analytical traits are reviewed with the support of data collectedbetween 2009 and 2017 in more than 42 milling facilities from the fiveCatalan PDOs, within the frame of official surveys launched by the CatalanGovernment.Practical Applications: A detailed knowledge of the characteristics ofdifferentiated-quality productions will favor their valorization and protection,improving their image and increasing the consumer confidence. For thisreason, studies to objectively define the characteristics of PDO EVOOs areuseful tools to promote this sector

    Transparency, openness, and reproducible research practices are frequently underused in health economic evaluations

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    Objectives: To investigate the extent to which articles of economic evaluations of healthcare interventions indexed in MEDLINE incorporate research practices that promote transparency, openness, and reproducibility. Study design and setting: We evaluated a random sample of health economic evaluations indexed in MEDLINE during 2019. We included articles written in English reporting an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio in terms of costs per life years gained, quality-adjusted life years, and/or disability-adjusted life years. Reproducible research practices, openness, and transparency in each article were extracted in duplicate. We explored whether reproducible research practices were associated with self-report use of a guideline. Results: We included 200 studies published in 147 journals. Almost half were published as open access articles (n = 93; 47%). Most studies (n = 150; 75%) were model-based economic evaluations. In 109 (55%) studies, authors self-reported use a guideline (e.g., for study conduct or reporting). Few studies (n = 31; 16%) reported working from a protocol. In 112 (56%) studies, authors reported the data needed to recreate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for the base case analysis. This percentage was higher in studies using a guideline than studies not using a guideline (72/109 [66%] with guideline vs. 40/91 [44%] without guideline; risk ratio 1.50, 95% confidence interval 1.15-1.97). Only 10 (5%) studies mentioned access to raw data and analytic code for reanalyses. Conclusion: Transparency, openness, and reproducible research practices are frequently underused in health economic evaluations. This study provides baseline data to compare future progress in the field.F.C-L. is supported by the Institute of Health Carlos III/CIBERSAM. D.M. is supported by a University Research Chair, University of Ottawa. The funders were not involved in the design of the study or de cision to submit the manuscript for publication, nor they were involved in aspect of the study conduct. The views expressed in this manuscript are those of the authors and may not be understood or quoted as being made on behalf of, or reflection of the position of, the funder(s) or any institution.S