446 research outputs found

    Effects of different feeding methods on neuropeptide nesfatin-1 and irisin in turkeys

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    In this study, the effects of different methods of feeding turkeys on the neuropeptide nesfatin-1 and the hormone irisin were evaluated. A total of 90 turkeys were distributed to three treatment groups, namely T1: conventional system, T2: 50% feed and pasture, and T3: pasture. There were 30 birds in each group with three random replications. The birds were fed for 18 weeks. At the end of the study, blood was collected from 10 birds of each group. Plasma nesfatin-1 and irisin levels were measured with an enzyme-linked immunoassay. The nesfatin-1 levels of male turkeys in T1, T2, and T3 were 0.76 ± 0.1 ng/m, 0.41 ± 0.1 ng/ml, and 1.24 ± 0.2 ng/ml, respectively. Nesfatin-1 levels in the female turkeys in T1, T2 and T3 were 0.53 ± 0.07 ng/ml, 1.18 ± 0.3 ng/ml, 1.32 ± 0.1 ng/ml, respectively. The irisin levels in the male turkeys in T1, T2, and T3 were 575.93 ± 42.5 pg/ml, 188.39 ± 1.8 pg/ml, and 607.54 ± 24.1 pg/ml, respectively. Irisin levels of the female turkeys in T1, T2 and T3 were 603.20 ± 42.2 pg/ml, 241.42 ± 18.4 pg/ml, and 399.29 ± 21.5 pg/ml, respectively. Because nesfatin-1 is involved in regulating food intake, food intake by turkeys might differ, depending on the management system. Different management systems might also alter irisin secreation because it can be induced by exercise

    Analytical solutions of the Bohr Hamiltonian with the Morse potential

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    Analytical solutions of the Bohr Hamiltonian are obtained in the γ\gamma-unstable case, as well as in an exactly separable rotational case with γ0\gamma\approx 0, called the exactly separable Morse (ES-M) solution. Closed expressions for the energy eigenvalues are obtained through the Asymptotic Iteration Method (AIM), the effectiveness of which is demonstrated by solving the relevant Bohr equations for the Davidson and Kratzer potentials. All medium mass and heavy nuclei with known β1\beta_1 and γ1\gamma_1 bandheads have been fitted by using the two-parameter γ\gamma-unstable solution for transitional nuclei and the three-parameter ES-M for rotational ones. It is shown that bandheads and energy spacings within the bands are well reproduced for more than 50 nuclei in each case.Comment: 33 pages with 2 Tables and 2 Figure

    Advances in plasmonic technologies for point of care applications

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    Infectious diseases have considerable economic and societal impact on developing settings. For instance, malaria is observed more commonly in sub-Saharan Africa and India. The societal impact of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and tuberculosis is high, through targeting adults in villages and leaving behind declining populations. Highly sensitive and specific lab assays such as cell culture methods, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are available for diagnosis of infectious diseases in the developed world. They require sample transportation, manual preparation steps, and skilled and well-trained technicians. These clinical conventional methods provide results in several hours to days, precluding rapid detection and response at the primary care settings. Another diagnostic challenge is identifying multiple pathogens

    Pattern and Outcome of Chest Injuries at Bugando Medical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania.

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    Chest injuries constitute a continuing challenge to the trauma or general surgeon practicing in developing countries. This study was conducted to outline the etiological spectrum, injury patterns and short term outcome of these injuries in our setting. This was a prospective study involving chest injury patients admitted to Bugando Medical Centre over a six-month period from November 2009 to April 2010 inclusive. A total of 150 chest injury patients were studied. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of 3.8:1. Their ages ranged from 1 to 80 years (mean = 32.17 years). The majority of patients (72.7%) sustained blunt injuries. Road traffic crush was the most common cause of injuries affecting 50.7% of patients. Chest wall wounds, hemothorax and rib fractures were the most common type of injuries accounting for 30.0%, 21.3% and 20.7% respectively. Associated injuries were noted in 56.0% of patients and head/neck (33.3%) and musculoskeletal regions (26.7%) were commonly affected. The majority of patients (55.3%) were treated successfully with non-operative approach. Underwater seal drainage was performed in 39 patients (19.3%). One patient (0.7%) underwent thoracotomy due to hemopericardium. Thirty nine patients (26.0%) had complications of which wound sepsis (14.7%) and complications of long bone fractures (12.0%) were the most common complications. The mean LOS was 13.17 days and mortality rate was 3.3%. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, associated injuries, the type of injury, trauma scores (ISS, RTS and PTS) were found to be significant predictors of the LOS (P < 0.001), whereas mortality was significantly associated with pre-morbid illness, associated injuries, trauma scores (ISS, RTS and PTS), the need for ICU admission and the presence of complications (P < 0.001). Chest injuries resulting from RTCs remain a major public health problem in this part of Tanzania. Urgent preventive measures targeting at reducing the occurrence of RTCs is necessary to reduce the incidence of chest injuries in this region

    Antituberculosis drug resistance patterns in two regions of Turkey: a retrospective analysis

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    BACKROUND: The emergence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains resistant to antituberculosis agents has recently received increased attention owing largely to the dramatic outbreaks of multi drug resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB). METHODS: Patients residing in Zonguldak and Kayseri provinces of Turkey with, pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed between 1972 and 1999 were retrospectively identified. Drug susceptibility tests had been performed for isoniazid (INH), rifampin (RIF), streptomycin (SM), ethambutol (EMB) and thiacetasone (TH) after isolation by using the resistance proportion method. RESULTS: Total 3718 patients were retrospectively studied. In 1972–1981, resistance rates for to SM and INH were found to be 14.8% and 9.8% respectively (n: 2172). In 1982–1991 period, resistance rates for INH, SM, RIF, EMB and TH were 14.2%, 14.4%, 10.5%, 2.7% and 2.9% (n: 683), while in 1992–1999 period 14.4%, 21.1%, 10.6%, 2.4% and 3.7% respectively (n: 863). Resistance rates were highest for SM and INH in three periods. MDR-TB patients constituted 7.3% and 6.6% of 1982–1991 and 1992–1999 periods (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the importance of resistance rates for TB. Continued surveillance and immediate therapeutic decisions should be undertaken in order to prevent the dissemination of such resistant strains

    Sex estimation in a Turkish population using Purkait’s triangle: a virtual approach by 3-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT)

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    Sex estimation is considered one of the first steps in the forensic identification process. Morphological and morphometrical differences between males and females have been used as means for morphoscopic and metric methods on both cranial and postcranial skeletal elements. When dry skeletal elements are not available, virtual data can be used as a substitute. The present research explores 3-dimensional (3D) scans from a Turkish population to test a sex estimation method developed by Purkait (2005). Overall, 296 individuals were used in this study (158 males and 138 females). Purkait’s triangle parameters were measured on computed tomography (CT) scans obtained from both right and left femora of each patient at the Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training Research Hospital (Istanbul, Turkey). Intra- and inter-observer errors were assessed for all variables through technical error of measurements analysis. Bilateral asymmetry and sex differences were evaluated using parametric and non-parametric statistical approaches. Univariate and multivariate discriminant function analyses were then conducted. Observer errors demonstrated an overall agreement within and between experts, as indicated by technical error of measurement (TEM) results. No bilateral asymmetries were reported, and all parameters demonstrated a statistically significant difference between males and females. Fourteen discriminant models were generated by applying single and combined parameters, producing a total correct sex classification ranging from 78.4% to 92.6%. In addition, over 67% of the total sample was accurately classified, with 95% or greater posterior probabilities. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of 3D sex estimation using Purkait’s triangle on a Turkish population, with accuracy rates comparable to those reported in other populations. This is the first attempt to apply this method on virtual data and although further validation and standardisation are recommended for its application on dry bone, this research constitutes a significant contribution to the development of population-specific standards when only virtual data are available

    Radial sinir duyusal dalının iki taraflı izole kesisi

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    Bilateral injuries of the sensory branch of the radial nerve (SBRN) usually occur as a result of tight-handcuff neuropathy. In this case we aimed to present bilateral isolated cut of SBRN resulting an injury mechanism that has not been reported in the literature previously. A male twentyfour years old, a worker in a glass factory, presented to our clinic. The dorsolateral skin of his wrists were cut by breaking of the glass as a result of occupational accident and was primarily sutured in a healthcare center. The patient sought additional care after a month because of lingering numbness and pain, and surgery was planned. During surgery, scar tissue and neuroma at the cut ends of SBRN were excised, and bilateral SBRN cuts were repaired. Four weeks after operation, mild sensory deficit on the dorsal side of bilateral thumbs, and left first web space and flexion limitation on the right wrist were detected. At the 3rd month postoperative, right wrist joint range of motion was full, and sensory deficits, and hyperesthesia were decreased. The SBRN elicits the sensory innervation of the thumb dorsum and its injury does not cause important functional deficit. However because of susceptibility of SBRN to develop painful neuroma, diagnosis, treatment and follow up of isolated SBRN injury would be worthwhile for prevention of possible painful neuropathy disturbing quality of life