248 research outputs found

    based on a Cr:ZnS front-end

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    Die Weiterentwicklung von Ultrakurzimpulslaserquellen hat die Horizonte für Wissenschaft, Medizin und Industrie stetig erweitert. Ultrakurze Impulsdauern und hohe Energien erzeugen Spitzenleistungen auf der Gigawatt-Skala, deren zeitliche und spektrale Charakteristik ideale Voraussetzungen für nichtlineare zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie und ultraschnelle nichtlineare Optik bieten. Die Untersuchung von Molekülschwingungen im sogenannten Fingerabdrucksbereich (engl. fingerprint region) und die effiziente lasergetriebene Erzeugung von Hohen-Harmonischen- und Röntgenimpulsen benötigen Laserquellen im mittleren bis langwelligen Infrarot. Da oberhalb einer Wellenlänge von 4 μm keine Festkörperlaserquellen existieren, hat sich optische parametrische Verstärkung zur Schlüsseltechnik in diesem Wellenlängenbereich entwickelt. In dieser Arbeit werden Laserimpulse oberhalb von 4 μm Wellenlänge mittels optischer parametrischer Verstärkung gestreckter Impulse erzeugt, deren Energien den Micro- bis Millijoule Bereich bei einer Kilohertz-Wiederholrate erreichen. Die Pumpwellenlänge von 2 μm ist vorteilhaft gegenüber den üblicherweise verwendeten Pumpen im nahen Infraroten und erlaubt zur Generation der Eingangsspektren besonders innovative kompakte Laserarchitekturen. Es werden zwei Systeme im mittleren und langwelligen Infrarot entwickelt basierend auf einem Cr:ZnS Eingangslaser, die bisherigen Systemen in Energie und Spitzenleistungen überlegen sind. Während sich die Laserquelle im mittleren Infraroten durch seine Durchstimmbarkeit auszeichnet, wird mit den langwelligen infraroten Impulsen erstmals einen nichtlineare Absorptionsmessung an Wasser durchgeführt.The progress in the development of ultrafast laser sources has opened up new horizons in science, medicine and industry. Pulses of ultrashort duration and high energy reach gigawatt peak power which offer ideal conditions for time-resolved nonlinear absorption spectroscopy and ultrafast nonlinear optics. The investigation of vibrational states of biomolecules in the so-called fingerprint region and strong-field experiments aiming for the generation of high-harmonics or x-rays quest for such laser sources in the mid- to long-infrared spectral range. Due to the lack of existing solid state lasers beyond 4 μm, optical parametric amplification has emerged as the key technique to generate adequate infrared pulses. In this work, optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) is the key technique used to generate 100 μJ-level energy pulses at kHz repetition rate beyond 4 μm. In this context, novel front-end architectures are designed, tailored to compactness and to exploit the advantages of 2 μm pumped OPCPA over the typically used near-infrared drivers around 1 μm. The novel front-end based on a femtosecond Cr:ZnS oscillator emitting 30 fs pulses at 2.4 μm provides the necessary spectral components for the 2 μm pump and the signal. Two OPCPA systems in the mid-wave infrared (MWIR) and long-wave infrared (LWIR) spectral region, superior in terms of pulse energy and peak power compared with existing systems, are developed. While the tunability of the first system is unique, the second system is used to for the first time demonstrate a nonlinear transmission experiment in water by direct excitation of the L2 libration

    Anorexia Nervosa: Striving for Control

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder characterized by severely low bodyweight, fear of weight-gain, and a subjective believe to be “fat”. An elevated need for control and fear of losing control are considered core aspects in the development and maintenance of AN and restricting food intake is thought to function as a means to gain feelings of control (Fairburn, Shafran, & Cooper, 1999; Schmidt & Treasure, 2006). Feelings of inefficiency (i.e. lack of control regarding personal goals) have been found to predict longer duration of treatment and worse treatment outcome, underlining the relevance of the need for control in AN (Olatunji, Levinson, & Calebs, 2018; Pinto, Heinberg, Coughlin, Fava, & Guarda, 2008; Surgenor, Maguire, Russell, & Touyz, 2007). The constant striving for control could lead to rumination and negative affect – two further important symptoms associated with AN. The Goal Progress Theory of rumination (GPT; Carver & Scheier, 1990; Martin & Tesser, 1996) proposes that perceived discrepancies between desired goals (in the case of AN e.g. goals regarding lowest possible calorie intake, weight, etc.) and the current state (in the case of AN e.g. the subjective conviction of having eaten or weighing too much) trigger ruminative thoughts, which subsequently lead to negative affect. Following this theory, it could be suggested that gaining feelings of goal-progress and control could lessen the burdening repetitive thoughts and negative affect and that individuals with AN try to achieve this by restricting food intake. This dietary restriction requires self-control. However, previous research has shown that patients with AN typically not only show such elevated self-control, but also display rigid habitual behaviours and routines, struggle with set-shifting, and often display comorbid obsessive-compulsive symptoms (Treasure & Schmidt, 2013; Halmi et al., 2003). This raises the question of whether food restriction in AN is indeed an act of self-control or rather a habit. Recent scientific development has challenged the traditional dichotomy between controlled and automatic processes (Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977), instead suggesting that they are intertwined in such a way that often self-control works via the establishment of goal-serving habits and routines (Gillebaart & de Ridder, 2015; Galla & Duckworth, 2015). These theoretical considerations can generally draw support from previous research, but have not been investigated explicitly in the context of AN. It was the main goal of this thesis to analyse associations between feelings of inefficiency, rumination and negative affect, controlled and habitual behaviour, and eating behaviour to establish an empirical foundation for the proposed relationships between these aspects of AN. Study 1 (Fürtjes, Seidel, et al., 2020) employed ecological momentary assessment (EMA; data collection several times a day over a period of several days in the natural environment of the participants) to investigate associations between feelings of inefficiency, rumination, and affect in a sample of individuals with a history of AN who had recovered from the disorder in terms of eating behaviour and bodyweight and age-matched healthy control participants (HC). AN participants displayed elevated rumination about bodyweight/figure (but not food) and negative affect compared to HC, suggesting that these cognitive-affective symptoms are persistent even after recovery. Analyses investigating associations with inefficiency showed that inefficiency was associated with heightened rumination and negative affect, which is in line with the GPT. Furthermore, AN participants showed higher levels of inefficiency than HC and stronger associations between rumination and negative affect. These findings indicate that feelings of lack of goal-progress and control are a central aspect of AN, likely contributing to maintenance of the disorder by triggering dysfunctional cognitive-affective processes. The fact that these associations were still present in a sample of recovered individuals underlines the persistence of these processes, suggesting that they might not only maintain the disorder but could also present a vulnerability factor or contribute to risk of relapse. Study 2 (Fürtjes et al., 2018) made use of EMA and leptin, an endocrinological marker of undernutrition, to further investigate associations between rumination and affect in a sample of patients with acute AN, once at the beginning of treatment and again after weight-restoration. In line with Study 1, results confirmed that rumination about bodyweight/figure and negative affect are closely linked in AN and that this association persists even after weight-gain. Thoughts about food on the other hand were associated with leptin levels, declined with weight-gain, and showed weaker associations with affect. This suggests that thoughts about food may reflect a physiological symptom of the disorder, connected to undernourishment, whereas thoughts about bodyweight/figure might present a cognitive-affective symptom which could be involved in maintenance of the disorder (as suggested by Study 1). To test supporting evidence for the interaction of self-control and habits in the regulation of eating behaviour, Study 3 (Fürtjes, King, et al., 2020) employed task-based measures of controlled and automatic processing as well as self-report measures of self-control, habitual behaviour, and eating behaviour in a large female sample representative of the general population through an online study design. Results obtained via structural equation modelling (SEM) revealed that eating behaviour appears to be largely guided by habits and automatic behavioural tendencies, whereas controlled aspects have an indirect influence via this association. These findings could be interpreted as support for the proposal that self-control might work via the establishment of goal-serving habits and routines, which outlines the possibility that the restrictive eating behaviour in AN might be achieved and maintained via a combination of self-control and rigid routines and habits. Taken together, the research presented in this thesis was able to demonstrate how striving for control as a core aspect of AN might play a role in triggering dysfunctional cognitive-affective processes, likely contributing to development and maintenance of the disorder, and that self-control and habitual behaviour interact inguiding human eating behaviour, carrying implications for the mechanisms behind restrictive eating in AN. Clinical implications that can be derived from this research include addressing need for control and feelings of inefficiency in therapy to enable improvement of dysfunctional cognitive-affective processes as well as eating behaviour

    Impact of a pH 5 Oil-in-Water (O/W) Emulsion on Skin Surface pH

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    Background: Human skin surface has a physiologically acidic pH (pHss). In cases of increased pHss, the acidity of the skin can be restored by topical formulations. We tested a pH 5 oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion for pHss regeneration and stabilization. Methods: We performed 2 experiments with 10 female study subjects in each. In both experiments, 2D imaging with luminescent sensor foils was used to determine pHss. Alkalization was reached by washing the volar forearm with a soap bar and warm running tap water for 20 min. Experiment 1: after defining the baseline pHss, we alkalized the respective area and measured pHss over a duration of 5 h, while applying emulsion every hour. Experiment 2: study subjects used the emulsion twice daily for 1 week. Then, pHss was measured before and after 5 min of washing a treated and an untreated area on the volar forearm. Results: (1) 5 h after alkalization, the treated arm showed a significantly lower pHss than the untreated one (5.87 ± 0.03 vs. 6.05 ± 0.03); (2) after washing, the treated area had a significantly lower pHss than controls (6.13 ± 0.03 vs. 6.27 ± 0.05). Conclusions: The tested pH 5 O/W emulsion seems to improve regeneration and stabilization of pHss

    Automatic and Controlled Processing : Implications for Eating Behavior

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    It is a widely held view that humans have control over their food choices and consumption. However, research also suggests that eating behavior is often triggered by contextual cues and guided by automaticities and habits. Interestingly, the dichotomy between automatic and controlled processing has recently been challenged, suggesting that they may be intertwined. In a large female sample (n = 567), we investigated the hypothesis that task-based and self-reported measures of automatic and controlled processing would interact and impact self-reported eating behavior. Results analyzed via structural equation modeling suggest that automatic, but not controlled processing, during a modified flanker task, including a context-specific proportion congruent (CSPC) manipulation, was inversely associated with self-reported self-control. The influence of self-control on unhealthy eating behavior (i.e., uncontrolled and emotional eating, heightened consumption of fat and sugar) was only indirect via habitual behavior, which itself had a strong direct impact. Unhealthy eating was further associated with real-life outcomes (e.g., body mass index (BMI)). Our findings suggest that eating behavior may indeed be guided primarily by automaticities and habits, whereas self-control might facilitate this association. Having self-control over eating might therefore be most effective by avoiding contextual cues eliciting undesired automatic behavior and establishing habits that serve long-term goals.Peer reviewe

    Automatic and Controlled Processing: Implications for Eating Behavior

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    It is a widely held view that humans have control over their food choices and consumption. However, research also suggests that eating behavior is often triggered by contextual cues and guided by automaticities and habits. Interestingly, the dichotomy between automatic and controlled processing has recently been challenged, suggesting that they may be intertwined. In a large female sample (n = 567), we investigated the hypothesis that task-based and self-reported measures of automatic and controlled processing would interact and impact self-reported eating behavior. Results analyzed via structural equation modeling suggest that automatic, but not controlled processing, during a modified flanker task, including a context-specific proportion congruent (CSPC) manipulation, was inversely associated with self-reported self-control. The influence of self-control on unhealthy eating behavior (i.e., uncontrolled and emotional eating, heightened consumption of fat and sugar) was only indirect via habitual behavior, which itself had a strong direct impact. Unhealthy eating was further associated with real-life outcomes (e.g., body mass index (BMI)). Our findings suggest that eating behavior may indeed be guided primarily by automaticities and habits, whereas self-control might facilitate this association. Having self-control over eating might therefore be most effective by avoiding contextual cues eliciting undesired automatic behavior and establishing habits that serve long-term goals

    The Failure of the Second Greek Bailout Package – a Game-Theoretic Approach

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    Die Verhandlungen Griechenlands über die Verlängerung des zweiten Hilfspakets vor dem 1. Juli 2015 wurden sehr hart geführt. Die Autoren betrachten sie unter spieltheoretischen Gesichtspunkten und kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass es hier um ein sequenzielles Spiel mit unterschiedlichen Präferenzordnungen der Akteure - griechische Regierung, EU-Kommission, IWF und EZB - ging. Nach der Spielkonstruktion wäre durchaus zu erwarten gewesen, dass das Ergebnis 'Geld ohne glaubwürdige Spar- und Reformzusagen' gelautet hätte. Erst die in letzter Minute geänderte Präferenzstruktur der Gläubiger-Institutionen führte dann aber zum Scheitern der Verhandlungen.The recent negotiations on the second Greek bailout package were often (erroneously) characterised as either a game of poker or chicken. In contrast, the authors interpret and analyse these negotiations as a sequential non-cooperative game with the Greek government and the institutions as the players. They discuss different pay-off structures based on ordinal preference orderings and derive the corresponding solutions to alternative settings. It can be shown that revealed preferences of both the players (initially) led to the expectation that the outcome of this game would be to provide a bailout without signifi cant reform concessions in return. However, the unexpected announcement of the referendum by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras led to a change in the institutions' preferences and, in the end, to the failure of the second Greek bailout package