646 research outputs found

    Module homomorphisms and multipliers on locally compact quantum groups

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    For a Banach algebra AA with a bounded approximate identity, we investigate the AA-module homomorphisms of certain introverted subspaces of AA^*, and show that all AA-module homomorphisms of AA^* are normal if and only if AA is an ideal of AA^{**}. We obtain some characterizations of compactness and discreteness for a locally compact quantum group \G. Furthermore, in the co-amenable case we prove that the multiplier algebra of \LL can be identified with \MG. As a consequence, we prove that \G is compact if and only if \LUC={\rm WAP}(\G) and \MG\cong\mathcal{Z}({\rm LUC}(\G)^*); which partially answer a problem raised by Volker Runde.Comment: The detailed proof of Lemma 4.1 is added in addendum. 11 pages, To appear in J. Math. Anal. App

    POD‐identification reduced order model of linear transport equations for control purposes

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    Intrusive reduced order modeling techniques require access to the solver's discretization and solution algorithm, which are not available for most computational fluid dynamics codes. Therefore, a nonintrusive reduction method that identifies the system matrix of linear fluid dynamical problems with a least-squares technique is presented. The methodology is applied to the linear scalar transport convection-diffusion equation for a 2D square cavity problem with a heated lid. The (time-dependent) boundary conditions are enforced in the obtained reduced order model (ROM) with a penalty method. The results are compared and the accuracy of the ROMs is assessed against the full order solutions and it is shown that the ROM can be used for sensitivity analysis by controlling the nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions

    Solution and Asymptotic Behavior for a Nonlocal Coupled System of Reaction-Diffusion

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    This paper concerns with existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of the solutions for a nonlocal coupled system of reaction-diffusion. We prove the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions by the Faedo-Galerkin method and exponential decay of solutions by the classic energy method. We improve the results obtained by Chipot-Lovato and Menezes for coupled systems. A numerical scheme is presented

    A global method for coupling transport with chemistry in heterogeneous porous media

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    Modeling reactive transport in porous media, using a local chemical equilibrium assumption, leads to a system of advection-diffusion PDE's coupled with algebraic equations. When solving this coupled system, the algebraic equations have to be solved at each grid point for each chemical species and at each time step. This leads to a coupled non-linear system. In this paper a global solution approach that enables to keep the software codes for transport and chemistry distinct is proposed. The method applies the Newton-Krylov framework to the formulation for reactive transport used in operator splitting. The method is formulated in terms of total mobile and total fixed concentrations and uses the chemical solver as a black box, as it only requires that on be able to solve chemical equilibrium problems (and compute derivatives), without having to know the solution method. An additional advantage of the Newton-Krylov method is that the Jacobian is only needed as an operator in a Jacobian matrix times vector product. The proposed method is tested on the MoMaS reactive transport benchmark.Comment: Computational Geosciences (2009) http://www.springerlink.com/content/933p55085742m203/?p=db14bb8c399b49979ba8389a3cae1b0f&pi=1

    Closed quantum subgroups of locally compact quantum groups

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    We investigate the fundamental concept of a closed quantum subgroup of a locally compact quantum group. Two definitions - one due to S.Vaes and one due to S.L.Woronowicz - are analyzed and relations between them discussed. Among many reformulations we prove that the former definition can be phrased in terms of quasi-equivalence of representations of quantum groups while the latter can be related to an old definition of Podle\'s from the theory of compact quantum groups. The cases of classical groups, duals of classical groups, compact and discrete quantum groups are singled out and equivalence of the two definitions is proved in the relevant context. A deep relationship with the quantum group generalization of Herz restriction theorem from classical harmonic analysis is also established, in particular, in the course of our analysis we give a new proof of Herz restriction theorem.Comment: 24 pages, v3 adds another reference. The paper will appear in Advances in Mathematic

    A Comparison of Consistent Discretizations for Elliptic Problems on Polyhedral Grids

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    In this work, we review a set of consistent discretizations for second-order elliptic equations, and compare and contrast them with respect to accuracy, monotonicity, and factors affecting their computational cost (degrees of freedom, sparsity, and condition numbers). Our comparisons include the linear and nonlinear TPFA method, multipoint flux-approximation (MPFA-O), mimetic methods, and virtual element methods. We focus on incompressible flow and study the effects of deformed cell geometries and anisotropic permeability.acceptedVersio

    Vacuum orbit and spontaneous symmetry breaking in hyperbolic sigma models

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    We present a detailed study of quantized noncompact, nonlinear SO(1,N) sigma-models in arbitrary space-time dimensions D \geq 2, with the focus on issues of spontaneous symmetry breaking of boost and rotation elements of the symmetry group. The models are defined on a lattice both in terms of a transfer matrix and by an appropriately gauge-fixed Euclidean functional integral. The main results in all dimensions \geq 2 are: (i) On a finite lattice the systems have infinitely many nonnormalizable ground states transforming irreducibly under a nontrivial representation of SO(1,N); (ii) the SO(1,N) symmetry is spontaneously broken. For D =2 this shows that the systems evade the Mermin-Wagner theorem. In this case in addition: (iii) Ward identities for the Noether currents are derived to verify numerically the absence of explicit symmetry breaking; (iv) numerical results are presented for the two-point functions of the spin field and the Noether current as well as a new order parameter; (v) in a large N saddle-point analysis the dynamically generated squared mass is found to be negative and of order 1/(V \ln V) in the volume, the 0-component of the spin field diverges as \sqrt{\ln V}, while SO(1,N) invariant quantities remain finite.Comment: 60 pages, 12 Figures, AMS-Latex; v2: results on vacuum orbit and spontaneous symmetry breaking extended to all dimension

    On twisted Fourier analysis and convergence of Fourier series on discrete groups

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    We study norm convergence and summability of Fourier series in the setting of reduced twisted group CC^*-algebras of discrete groups. For amenable groups, F{\o}lner nets give the key to Fej\'er summation. We show that Abel-Poisson summation holds for a large class of groups, including e.g. all Coxeter groups and all Gromov hyperbolic groups. As a tool in our presentation, we introduce notions of polynomial and subexponential H-growth for countable groups w.r.t. proper scale functions, usually chosen as length functions. These coincide with the classical notions of growth in the case of amenable groups.Comment: 35 pages; abridged, revised and update

    A contribuição de Victor Valla ao pensamento da educação popular.

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    Em setembro de 2009, faleceu Victor Vicent Valla, educador e pesquisador norte-americano residente no Rio de Janeiro, que veio para o Brasil em 1964 e marcou o campo da educação popular com importantes contribuições teóricas e organizativas. Foi, antes de tudo, uma pessoa indignada com a pobreza latino-americana e fascinada com suas potências de criação, alegria, conhecimento e proposição política. Investiu grande parte de seu esforço na tentativa de compreensão dos diferentes caminhos da busca de ser mais das classes populares, com quem a cultura erudita costuma ter tanto desprezo. Participou ativamente do Grupo de Trabalho Educação Popular da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação (ANPEd), durante duas décadas, marcando fortemente o seu modo de funcionamento e a sua identidade. Em 2007, esse grupo de trabalho colocou como prioridade de estudo a compreensão de sua contribuição para a educação popular, encomendando um trabalho para pesquisadores que conviveram mais de perto com suas atividades acadêmicas: Maria Tereza Goudart Tavares, Reinaldo Matias Fleuri, Eveline Bertino Algebaile e Eymard Mourão Vasconcelos. O próprio Victor Valla, depois de provocado, concordou em participar dessa avaliação crítica de sua obra. Essas reflexões, apresentadas na 30ª Reunião Anual da ANPEd, estão sendo publicadas nesse número em sua homenagem. Trata-se de um texto, com diferentes análises sobre a contribuição de Victor Valla ao pensamento da educação popular, que procurou responder a algumas questões: o que há na sua produção teórica e no seu modo de gerir as relações acadêmicas que possibilitou tão grande impacto de suas contribuições? Que impactos são esses? Além de sua competente atuação acadêmica e de seu posicionamento sempre contrário às injustiças sociais que ainda marcam nosso país, Valla será lembrado por ter sido sempre um homem generoso, íntegro e leal