93 research outputs found

    Análisis cientimétrico, conceptual y metodológico de la investigación española sobre evaluación de programas educativos (1975/2000)

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    Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. Tesis leída el 16 de enero de 200

    Patrones metodológicos en la investigación española sobre evaluación de programas educativos

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    Este estudio pretende realizar inferencias sobre el campo de la Evaluación de Programas Educativos (E.P.E.), sintetizando ciertos patrones relativos a la metodología de sus investigaciones.En concreto, sobre el paradigma de fundamentación epistemológica, la metodologíade investigación específica, el modelo evaluativo empleado, las técnicas de muestreo, los instrumentos empleados para la recogida de información y las técnicas de análisis de datos, el diseños de investigación, las amenazas a su validez, los agentes evaluadores y otras características metodológicasconsideradas. Para ello, se revisaron 208 trabajos realizados y/o publicados en España desde el año 1975 al 2000, publicados la mayoría como artículos en revistas científicas especializadas. Obtenidos a partir de una búsqueda en diversas bases de datos, complementada con una búsqueda manual de referencias cruzada

    Flame-MR: An event-driven architecture for MapReduce applications

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    [Abstract] Nowadays, many organizations analyze their data with the MapReduce paradigm, most of them using the popular Apache Hadoop framework. As the data size managed by MapReduce applications is steadily increasing, the need for improving the Hadoop performance also grows. Existing modifications of Hadoop (e.g., Mellanox Unstructured Data Accelerator) attempt to improve performance by changing some of its underlying subsystems. However, they are not always capable to cope with all its performance bottlenecks or they hinder its portability. Furthermore, new frameworks like Apache Spark or DataMPI can achieve good performance improvements, but they do not keep compatibility with existing MapReduce applications. This paper proposes Flame-MR, a new event-driven MapReduce architecture that increases Hadoop performance by avoiding memory copies and pipelining data movements, without modifying the source code of the applications. The performance evaluation on two representative systems (an HPC cluster and a public cloud platform) has shown experimental evidence of significant performance increases, reducing the execution time by up to 54% on the Amazon EC2 cloud.Ministerio de Economía y Competititvidad; TIN2013-42148-PMinisterio de Educación; FPU14/0280

    Analysis and evaluation of MapReduce solutions on an HPC cluster

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Computers & Electrical Engineering. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2015.11.021[Abstract] The ever growing needs of Big Data applications are demanding challenging capabilities which cannot be handled easily by traditional systems, and thus more and more organizations are adopting High Performance Computing (HPC) to improve scalability and efficiency. Moreover, Big Data frameworks like Hadoop need to be adapted to leverage the available resources in HPC environments. This situation has caused the emergence of several HPC-oriented MapReduce frameworks, which benefit from different technologies traditionally oriented to supercomputing, such as high-performance interconnects or the message-passing interface. This work aims to establish a taxonomy of these frameworks together with a thorough evaluation, which has been carried out in terms of performance and energy efficiency metrics. Furthermore, the adaptability to emerging disks technologies, such as solid state drives, has been assessed. The results have shown that new frameworks like DataMPI can outperform Hadoop, although using IP over InfiniBand also provides significant benefits without code modifications.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TIN2013-42148-

    Autoconcepto, dificultades interpersonales, habilidades sociales y conductas asertivas en adolescentes

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    ABSTRACT The literature considers the importance of social skills, self-concept and other related terms on the personal and academic development of adolescent. In this study, we use a quasi-experimental pre-test & post-test design with intentional selection of the sample, and analyse training needs on the area of social skills related to Emotional Intelligence (EI) of 142 students from seven secondary schools, who attend Initial Vocational Training Programmes (PCPI). The evaluation process use four questionnaires: The Form 5 about self-concept / AF5 by Musitu Garcia (2001), the Assessment Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties in Adolescence / CEDIA by Saura, Méndez and Hidalgo (2000), Social Skills Scale / EHS by Gismero (2000) and the Assertive Conduct Self-report / ADCA by García Pérez and Magaz Lago (1994). The data analysis describe characteristics and needs and evaluate information obtained regarding deficits and improvements before and after intervention with these students, through an intervention programme to improve that skills. The information collected has allowed to highlight the changes needed by these young people in their socio-emotional response, since they are in constant risk, and have a lack of skills to avoid certain conflicting behaviours. The results reported show no statistically significant differences between pre-test and post-test, which raises a need to improve more profound and extensive interventions to develop these skills.RESUMEN  La literatura especializada considera la importancia de las habilidades sociales, autoconcepto y otros términos relacionados en el desarrollo personal y académico del alumnado adolescente. En este estudio se emplea un diseño cuasi experimental pretest postest con selección intencional de la muestra, analizando las necesidades formativas en el ámbito de las habilidades sociales, relacionadas  con la Inteligencia emocional (IE), de 142 alumnos de  siete centros de Educación Secundaria, que cursan Programas de Cualificación Profesional Inicial (PCPI). En el proceso de evaluación se emplean cuatro cuestionarios: La Forma 5 de auto concepto/AF5 de García y Musitu (2001), el Cuestionario de evaluación de dificultades interpersonales en la adolescencia/ CEDIA de Inglés Saura, Méndez e Hidalgo (2000), la Escala de Habilidades Sociales/EHS de Gismero (2000) y el Auto-informe de Conducta Asertiva/ADCA de García Pérez y Magaz Lago (1994). El análisis de los datos permite describir las características y necesidades previas de este grupo y valorar la información obtenida con respecto a los déficits y mejoras antes y después de la intervención con este alumnado, mediante un programa de intervención para la mejora de estas competencias. La información recogida ha permitido poner de manifiesto los cambios que necesitan estos jóvenes en cuanto a su respuesta socio-emocional, ya que éstos se ven en continuas situaciones de riesgo, y carecen de  las destrezas suficientes para evitar ciertos comportamientos conflictivos. Los resultados aportados no muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el pretest y postest, lo que plantea la necesidad de intervenciones más profundas y extensas para  mejorar estas habilidades.ABSTRACT  The literature considers the importance of social skills, self-concept and other related terms on the personal and academic development of adolescent. In this study, we use a quasi-experimental pre-test & post-test design with intentional selection of the sample, and analyse training needs on the area of social skills related to Emotional Intelligence (EI) of 142 students from seven secondary schools, who attend Initial Vocational Training Programmes (PCPI). The evaluation process use four questionnaires: The Form 5 about self-concept / AF5 by Musitu Garcia (2001), the Assessment Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties in Adolescence / CEDIA by Saura, Méndez and Hidalgo (2000), Social Skills Scale / EHS by Gismero (2000) and the Assertive Conduct Self-report / ADCA by García Pérez and Magaz Lago (1994). The data analysis describe characteristics and needs and evaluate information obtained regarding deficits and improvements before and after intervention with these students, through an intervention programme to improve that skills. The information collected has allowed to highlight the changes needed by these young people in their socio-emotional response, since they are in constant risk, and have a lack of skills to avoid certain conflicting behaviours. The results reported show no statistically significant differences between pre-test and post-test, which raises a need to improve more profound and extensive interventions to develop these skills

    Patrones de citación en la investigación española sobre evaluación de programas educativos (1975-200)

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    This study is a scienciometric review whose aim is to synthesize, according to citation indicators, a series of the primary Spanish studies found dealing with program evaluation into the educational field during the period 1975-2000. Considering an isomorphism between research and publication of the corresponding reports in the form of articles in specialised journals, we begin with a literature retrieval in the ISOC-CSIC data base and proceed with other cross–references retrieved. In this way, a review was made with 138 studies published as research papers in Spanish educational scientific journals. Several citation indicators were obtained which could help us to infer some considerations on the evaluation of educational programs in this field and period of time.Este estudio es una revisión cienciométrica que trata de sintetizar, utilizando indicadores de citación, las realizaciones de la investigación educativa española sobre evaluación de programas educativos durante el periodo 1975-2000. Tras asumir un isomorfismo entre investigación y publicación de su informe como artículo en revistas especializadas, se parte de una búsqueda de tales informes fundamentalmente en la base de datos del ISOC/CSIC (Instituto de Información y Documentación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades), complementada con búsquedas cruzadas manuales, para realizar la revisión de 138 estudios recuperados y publicados como artículos de investigación en revistas científicas españolas del campo de la Educación. Al efecto, se elaboran y examinan una serie de indicadores cientimétricos de citación, que permiten inferir ciertas consideraciones sobre la evaluación de programas educativos en este campo y periodo

    Enhancing in-memory Efficiency for MapReduce-based Data Processing

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2018.04.001[Abstract] As the memory capacity of computational systems increases, the in-memory data management of Big Data processing frameworks becomes more crucial for performance. This paper analyzes and improves the memory efficiency of Flame-MR, a framework that accelerates Hadoop applications, providing valuable insight into the impact of memory management on performance. By optimizing memory allocation, the garbage collection overheads and execution times have been reduced by up to 85% and 44%, respectively, on a multi-core cluster. Moreover, different data buffer implementations are evaluated, showing that off-heap buffers achieve better results overall. Memory resources are also leveraged by caching intermediate results, improving iterative applications by up to 26%. The memory-enhanced version of Flame-MR has been compared with Hadoop and Spark on the Amazon EC2 cloud platform. The experimental results have shown significant performance benefits reducing Hadoop execution times by up to 65%, while providing very competitive results compared to Spark.Ministerio de Economía, industria y Competitividad; TIN2016-75845-P, AEI/FEDER/EUMinisterio de Educación; FPU14/0280


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    تعد ديناميات التوجيه والدروس الخصوصية للطلاب من أهم العناصر التي تحدد النماذج التربوية والتعليمية الجديدة المطلوبة وفقًا لمعايير جودة التعليم الحالي. للتحقق من العلاقات في هذه الإجراءات وبعض المتغيرات التي ترتبط بها ,مثل الأدوار والمواقف التي يلعبها الطلاب فيها وتأثيرهم على جوانب مركزية مثل إمكانات أدائهم الأكاديمي. تم إنشاء دراسة تجريبية مقطعية ودراسة بأثر رجعي ,أجريت على 358 من البالغين الناشئين, والتي تستخدم أربعة أدوات معيارية لجمع البيانات, باستخدام برنامج IBM AMOS® للتحليل عن طريق نموذج المعادلة الهيكلية (SEM). أظهرت النتائج ارتباطًا إيجابيًا بين الأبعاد الداخلية للموقف تجاه التدريس  ,والتنظيم الذاتي للجهد ,والمهارات الاجتماعية ,وتطوير الأداء الأكاديمي. مما يؤكد أهمية الإجراءات التعليمية في التعليم الحالي ويزيد من الحاجة إلى إجراء دراسات أوسع نطاقا من شأنها إقامة العلاقات بين مكونات البرنامج التعليمي وجوانب التطور الشخصي للطلاب ونتائج تعلمهم من خلالهاالدراسات التي تنظر في استخدام المتغيرات القابلة للقياس والتقييم.The dynamics of student guidance and tutoring are some of the most important elements that define the new pedagogical and teaching models that are required according to the quality parameters of current education. In order to verify the relationships in these actions and some variables with which they are related, such as the roles and attitudes that students play in them and their influence on such central aspects as their academic performance potential. An empirical, cross-sectional, ex post facto study was carried out on 358 emerging adults, employing four standardised instruments for data collection, using IBM AMOS® software for analysis by means of a Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results show a positive association between the internal dimensions of attitude towards mentoring, self-regulation of effort, social skills and academic performance development. This confirms the importance of tutoring actions in current education and raises the need for more extensive studies that establish the relationships between tutoring components, aspects of students' personal development and their learning outcomes through studies that consider the use of measurable and evaluable variables.Las dinámicas de orientación y tutoría de los estudiantes son algunos de los elementos más importantes que definen los nuevos modelos pedagógicos y docentes que se requieren según los parámetros de calidad de la educación actual. Para comprobar las relaciones en estas acciones y algunas variables con las que se relacionan, como los roles y actitudes que en ellos desempeñan los estudiantes y su influencia en aspectos tan centrales como su potencial de desempeño académico. Se establece un estudio empírico, de corte transversal y ex post facto, realizado en 358 adultos emergentes, que emplea cuatro instrumentos estandarizados para la recogida de datos, utilizando el software IBM AMOS® para el análisis mediante un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM). Los resultados muestran una asociación positiva entre las dimensiones internas de la actitud hacia la tutoría, la autorregulación del esfuerzo, las habilidades sociales y el desarrollo del desempeño académico. Lo que constata la importancia de las acciones tutoriales en la educación actual y plantea la necesidad de realizar estudios más amplios que establezcan las relaciones entre los componentes tutoriales, aspectos del desarrollo personal de los estudiantes y los resultados de su aprendizaje mediante estudios que consideren el uso de variables mensurables y evaluables.As dinâmicas de orientação e tutoria dos estudantes são alguns dos elementos mais importantes que definem os novos modelos pedagógicos e docentes exigidos de acordo com os parâmetros de qualidade da educação atual. Para verificar as relações nestas ações e algumas variáveis com as quais se relacionam, tais como os papéis e as atitudes que os estudantes desempenham nelas e a sua influência em aspetos tão centrais como o seu potencial de desempenho académico. Estabelece-se um estudo empírico, de corte transversal e ex post facto, realizado em 358 adultos emergentes, utilizando quatro instrumentos estandardizados para a recolha de dados, com recurso ao software IBM AMOS® para a análise através de um Modelo de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Os resultados mostram uma associação positiva entre as dimensões internas da atitude em relação à tutoria, a autorregulação do esforço, as competências sociais e o desenvolvimento do desempenho académico. O que constata a importância das ações de tutoria na educação atual e aborda a necessidade de realizar estudos mais aprofundados que estabeleçam as relações entre os componentes da tutoria, aspetos do desenvolvimento pessoal dos estudantes e os resultados da sua aprendizagem mediante estudos que considerem a utilização de variáveis mensuráveis e avaliáveis.As dinâmicas de orientação e tutoria dos estudantes são alguns dos elementos mais importantes que definem os novos modelos pedagógicos e docentes exigidos de acordo com os parâmetros de qualidade da educação atual. Para verificar as relações nestas ações e algumas variáveis com as quais se relacionam, tais como os papéis e as atitudes que os estudantes desempenham nelas e a sua influência em aspetos tão centrais como o seu potencial de desempenho académico. Estabelece-se um estudo empírico, de corte transversal e ex post facto, realizado em 358 adultos emergentes, utilizando quatro instrumentos estandardizados para a recolha de dados, com recurso ao software IBM AMOS® para a análise através de um Modelo de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Os resultados mostram uma associação positiva entre as dimensões internas da atitude em relação à tutoria, a autorregulação do esforço, as competências sociais e o desenvolvimento do desempenho académico. O que constata a importância das ações de tutoria na educação atual e aborda a necessidade de realizar estudos mais aprofundados que estabeleçam as relações entre os componentes da tutoria, aspetos do desenvolvimento pessoal dos estudantes e os resultados da sua aprendizagem mediante estudos que considerem a utilização de variáveis mensuráveis e avaliáveis.根据现代教育质量参数,对学生的教育引导和课后辅导是定义教育学及教师新模型的重要因素。为了验证两者与其他相关变量如角色、学生态度间的关系,以及其在学术界等核心方面的影响,通过经验、横断面及事后解释研究,采用四种标准工具对正在成人初显期的358名对象进行数据收集,并使用IBM AMOS®软件对数据进行结构方程建模分析。研究结果显示对课后辅导的态度、自我付出调节、社交能力和学业表现发展这几项内部维度间存在正相关。这证实了现代教育中课后辅导实践的重要性,也提出了有必要在此方面进行更广泛的研究,通过可测量及可评估变量的研究来确定辅导因素、学生个人发展及学习成果间的关系

    Performance Evaluation of Big Data Frameworks for Large-Scale Data Analytics

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/BigData.2016.7840633[Abstract] The increasing adoption of Big Data analytics has led to a high demand for efficient technologies in order to manage and process large datasets. Popular MapReduce frameworks such as Hadoop are being replaced by emerging ones like Spark or Flink, which improve both the programming APIs and performance. However, few works have focused on comparing these frameworks. This paper addresses this issue by performing a comparative evaluation of Hadoop, Spark and Flink using representative Big Data workloads and considering factors like performance and scalability. Moreover, the behavior of these frameworks has been characterized by modifying some of the main parameters of the workloads such as HDFS block size, input data size, interconnect network or thread configuration. The analysis of the results has shown that replacing Hadoop with Spark or Flink can lead to a reduction in execution times by 77% and 70% on average, respectively, for non-sort benchmarks.Ministerio de Ecnomía y Competitividad; TIN2013-42148-PMinisterio de Educación; FPU14/0280

    The Servet 3.0 benchmark suite: characterization of network performance degradation

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Computers & Electrical Engineering. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2013.08.012.[Abstract] Servet is a suite of benchmarks focused on extracting a set of parameters with high influence on the overall performance of multicore clusters. These parameters can be used to optimize the performance of parallel applications by adapting part of their behavior to the characteristics of the machine. Up to now the tool considered network bandwidth as constant and independent of the communication pattern. Nevertheless, the inter-node communication bandwidth decreases on modern large supercomputers depending on the number of cores per node that simultaneously access the network and on the distance between the communicating nodes. This paper describes two new benchmarks that improve Servet by characterizing the network performance degradation depending on these factors. This work also shows the experimental results of these benchmarks on a Cray XE6 supercomputer and some examples of how real parallel codes can be optimized by using the information about network degradation.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; TIN2010-16735Ministerio de Educación; AP2008-01578Ministerio de Educación; AP2010-4348European Commision; HPC-Europa2 Programme; 22839