1,649 research outputs found

    Biominerals - source and inspiration for novel advanced materials

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    Biomineralization seems an odd sort of word. How can you combine biology and minerals? However, a quick look around brings to light many familiar objects that are examples of biominerals. Most dramatic are the coral reefs and sea shells of the marine environment (calcium carbonate) and human bone and teeth (calcium hydroxyapatite) but there are many other examples. In the past 10 years, an increasing number of biominerals has been reported (Table 1). Interest in the biological and chemical processes that lead to biomineralization, howeyer, has only developed rather recently. Early observations were made by paleontologists who were interested in the preservation, through geological time, of the hard parts of organisms such as shells and skeletons but only in 1989 did the field really come of age with the almost simultaneous publication of three monographs covering current knowledge of the biological, biochemical, chemical and taxonomic aspects of biomineralization (Mann et al. 1989; Lowenstam & Weiner 1989; Simkiss & Wilbur 1989)

    Interparticle interaction and structure of deposits for competitive model in (2+1)- dimensions

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    A competitive (2+1)-dimensional model of deposit formation, based on the combination of random sequential absorption deposition (RSAD), ballistic deposition (BD) and random deposition (RD) models, is proposed. This model was named as RSAD1s_{1-s}(RDf_fBD1f_{1-f})s_s. It allows to consider different cases of interparticle interactions from complete repulsion between near-neighbors in the RSAD model (s=0s=0) to sticking interactions in the BD model (s=1,f=0s=1, f=0) or absence of interactions in the RD model (s=1s=1, f=0f=0). The ideal checkerboard ordered structure was observed for the pure RSAD model (s=0s=0) in the limit of hh \to \infty. Defects in the ordered structure were observed at small hh. The density of deposit pp versus system size LL dependencies were investigated and the scaling parameters and values of p=p(L=)p_\infty=p(L=\infty) were determined. Dependencies of pp versus parameters of the competitive model ss and ff were studied. We observed the anomalous behaviour of the eposit density pp_\infty with change of the inter-particle repulsion, which goes through minimum on change of the parameter ss. For pure RSAD model, the concentration of defects decreases with hh increase in accordance with the critical law ρhχRSAD\rho\propto h^{-\chi_{RSAD}}, where χRSAD0.119±0.04\chi_{RSAD} \approx 0.119 \pm 0.04.Comment: 10 pages,4 figures, Latex, uses iopart.cl

    Time-in-area represents foraging activity in a wide-ranging pelagic forager

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    Successful Marine Spatial Planning depends upon the identification of areas with high importance for particular species, ecosystems or processes. For seabirds, advancements in biologging devices have enabled us to identify these areas through the detailed study of at-sea behaviour. However, in many cases, only positional data are available and the presence of local biological productivity and hence seabird foraging behaviour is inferred from these data alone, under the untested assumption that foraging activity is more likely to occur in areas where seabirds spend more time. We fitted GPS devices and accelerometers to northern gannets Morus bassanus and categorised the behaviour of individuals outside the breeding colony as plunge diving, surface foraging, floating and flying. We then used the locations of foraging events to test the efficiency of 2 approaches: time-in-area and kernel density (KD) analyses, which are widely employed to detect highly-used areas and interpret foraging behaviour from positional data. For KD analyses, the smoothing parameter (h) was calculated using the ad hoc method (KDad hoc), and KDh=9.1, where h = 9.1 km, to designate core foraging areas from location data. A high proportion of foraging events occurred in core foraging areas designated using KDad hoc, KDh=9.1, and time-in-area. Our findings demonstrate that foraging activity occurs in areas where seabirds spend more time, and that both KD analysis and the time-in-area approach are equally efficient methods for this type of analysis. However, the time-in-area approach is advantageous in its simplicity, and in its ability to provide the shapes commonly used in planning. Therefore, the time-in-area approach can be used as a simple way of using seabirds to identify ecologically important locations from both tracking and survey data

    Surface and capillary transitions in an associating binary mixture model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of a two-component associating fluid mixture in the presence of selectively adsorbing substrates. The mixture is characterized by a bulk phase diagram which displays peculiar features such as closed loops of immiscibility. The presence of the substrates may interfere the physical mechanism involved in the appearance of these phase diagrams, leading to an enhanced tendency to phase separate below the lower critical solution point. Three different cases are considered: a planar solid surface in contact with a bulk fluid, while the other two represent two models of porous systems, namely a slit and an array on infinitely long parallel cylinders. We confirm that surface transitions, as well as capillary transitions for a large area/volume ratio, are stabilized in the one-phase region. Applicability of our results to experiments reported in the literature is discussed.Comment: 12 two-column pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review E; corrected versio

    Inter-specific variation in the potential for upland rush management advocated by agri-environment schemes to increase breeding wader densities

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    Encroachment of rush Juncus spp. in the United Kingdom uplands poses a threat to declining wader populations due to taller, denser swards that can limit foraging and breeding habitat quality for some species. Rush management via cutting, implemented through agri-environment schemes (AESs), could thus increase wader abundance, but there is insufficient assessment and understanding of how rush management influences upland waders. Across two upland regions of England [South West Peak (SWP) and Geltsdale nature reserve, Cumbria], we surveyed waders over four visits in fields where rush was managed according to AES prescriptions (treatment; n = 21) and fields without rush management that were otherwise ecologically similar (control; n = 22) to assess how the densities of breeding wader pairs respond to rush management in the short-term. We find evidence for regional variation in the response of waders to rush management, with densities of Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago significantly higher in treatment than control fields in the SWP, but not Geltsdale. There were no statistically significant responses to treatment on densities of Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata or Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. The 95% confidence intervals for the treatment parameter estimates suggest that this may be due to limited statistical power in the case of Lapwing. For Curlew, however, any potential increases in densities are negligible. There was no evidence that variation in rush cover, which ranged from 10 to 70%, influenced densities of any of our three focal species. Our results suggest that rush management through AES prescriptions delivered in isolation of other interventions may not lead to general increases in breeding wader densities in the short-term, but benefits may arise in some situations due to regional and inter-specific variation in effectiveness. Rush management supported with interventions that improve soil conditions and thus food availability, or reduce predation pressure, may enable AES rush management to generate benefits. Additional research is required to maximise the potential benefits of rush management for each species through the development of prescriptions that tailor to individual species’ optimum sward structure

    Upland rush management advocated by agri‐environment schemes increases predation of artificial wader nests

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    Farmland birds, including breeding waders, have declined across Europe. One frequently advocated strategy to facilitate population recovery is using agri-environment schemes (AES) to improve vegetation structure. A key example is cutting dense rush Juncus to open the sward which aims to increase the abundance of wading birds, for example by improving foraging conditions. Effects on breeding success are, however, unknown. This is a critical knowledge gap as high nest and chick predation rates are a key driver of wader declines. For wader species that nest across a range of sward structures, for example Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata and common snipe Gallinago gallinago, converting denser swards to more open ones may reduce opportunities for nest concealment and thus increase predation risk. Due to the difficulties of locating large numbers of wader nests, we assess rush management impacts on nest predation risk using artificial wader nests (n = 184) in two upland areas of England, using fields in which rush is managed according to AES prescriptions (treatment; n = 21) or un-managed (control; n = 22) fields. Daily nest predation rates (DPRs) were twice as high in treatment (0.064 day−1) than control fields (0.027 day−1). Within treatment fields, DPRs were twice as high for nests in cut rush patches (0.108 day−1) than in uncut rush (0.055 day−1). Modelling links higher DPRs associated with rush cutting to the resultant shorter and less dense vegetation. Our results highlight the need to assess how AES prescriptions that alter vegetation structure impact all aspects of the target species’ fitness and thus determine population recovery. Studies using real wader nests should test whether AES rush management inadvertently creates an ecological trap by altering vegetation structure, and identify the sward structure and configuration that optimizes trade-offs between foraging conditions and nest predation risk

    A multibaker map for shear flow and viscous heating

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    A consistent description of shear flow and the accompanied viscous heating as well the associated entropy balance is given in the framework of a deterministic dynamical system. A laminar shear flow is modeled by a Hamiltonian multibaker map which drives velocity and temperature fields. In an appropriate macroscopic limit one recovers the Navier-Stokes and heat conduction equations along with the associated entropy balance. This indicates that results of nonequilibrium thermodynamics can be described by means of an abstract, sufficiently chaotic and mixing dynamics. A thermostating algorithm can also be incorporated into this framework.Comment: 11 pages; RevTex with multicol+graphicx packages; eps-figure

    Ab initio calculation of the neutron-proton mass difference

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    The existence and stability of atoms rely on the fact that neutrons are more massive than protons. The measured mass difference is only 0.14\% of the average of the two masses. A slightly smaller or larger value would have led to a dramatically different universe. Here, we show that this difference results from the competition between electromagnetic and mass isospin breaking effects. We performed lattice quantum-chromodynamics and quantum-electrodynamics computations with four nondegenerate Wilson fermion flavors and computed the neutron-proton mass-splitting with an accuracy of 300300 kilo-electron volts, which is greater than 00 by 55 standard deviations. We also determine the splittings in the Σ\Sigma, Ξ\Xi, DD and Ξcc\Xi_{cc} isospin multiplets, exceeding in some cases the precision of experimental measurements.Comment: 57 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, revised versio

    Generating asymptotically plane wave spacetimes

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    In an attempt to study asymptotically plane wave spacetimes which admit an event horizon, we find solutions to vacuum Einstein's equations in arbitrary dimension which have a globally null Killing field and rotational symmetry. We show that while such solutions can be deformed to include ones which are asymptotically plane wave, they do not posses a regular event horizon. If we allow for additional matter, such as in supergravity theories, we show that it is possible to have extremal solutions with globally null Killing field, a regular horizon, and which, in addition, are asymptotically plane wave. In particular, we deform the extremal M2-brane solution in 11-dimensional supergravity so that it behaves asymptotically as a 10-dimensional vacuum plane wave times a real line.Comment: 23 pages, 1 eps figure; harvmac; v2:refs added; v3:minor comments adde