161 research outputs found

    Flat Mahasiswa Di Manado (Pengembangan Personal Space Dalam Konteks Teori Teritorialitas)

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    Upaya menghadirkan hunian representatif bagi mahasiswa merupakan sasaran utama yang hendak dicapai dalam penulisan ilmiah ini. Kebutuhan tersebut menjadi persoalan setiap perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia. Dalam merancang suatu bangunan, seorang Arsitek tentunya tidak hanya berdasarkan pada imajinasinya sendiri. Hasil kreasi seorang arsitek membentuk suatu kesatuan yang harmonis dalam berbagai dimensi, terutama dimensi Kenyamanan dan keamanan. Ketika merancang, seorang arsitek harus memperhitungkan secara rinci seberapa besar kebutuhan manusia, memperkirakan bagaimana mereka berperlaku, bergerak dalam lingkungannya, kemudian memutuskan bagaimana bangunan tersebut dapat menjadi lingkungan yang sehat terhadap manusia pemakainya. Sebagian mahasiswa dinilai lebih suka privasi atau ingin menjaga Kenyamanannya dalam belajar sehingga bentuk flat merupakan wadah yang cocok untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan tersebut. Sesuai dengan fungsi dan karakteristiknya, maka wadah ini dinamakan “Flat Mahasiswa Di Manado” kemudian, kajian perancangan terhadap objek dibatasi secara ilmu arsitektural dan penyesuain dengan perilaku manusia. Persyaratan fisik dan psikis serta faktor-faktor lainnya perlu di perhatikan, agar fungsi bangunan menjadi optimal. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu bangunan Flat, lengkap dengan perabotan interior dan fasilitas umum, memiliki tiga tipe hunian (T-Small, T-medium, T-Large) serta kapasitas daya tampung diasumsikan 5% dari jumlah mahasiswa yang ada ditiap-tiap universitas di Manado. Berikut juga sarana dan prasarana utilitas bangunan. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan pengmatan, kebutuhan mahasiswa semakin kompleks, hal itu seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Mahasiswa bukan hanya membutuhkan tempat tinggal semata tapi juga kebutuhan yang menunjang aktivitas lainnya. Sebab itu itu perlu juga dibangun fasilitas penunjang yang memadai. Dalam hal ini ruang personal yang berkembang dari konteks teritorialitas menjadi titik acuan dalam perancangan objek bangunan. Dengan kata lain perilaku manusia dapat diarahkan kearah yang lebih baik bila nilai – nilai positif dari lingkungan atau bentuk arsitektur dapat membentuk kepribadian serta perilaku yang memiliki nilai positif

    Time to revise the paradigm of hantavirus syndromes? Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome caused by European hantavirus

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    Hantaviruses have previously been recognised to cause two separate syndromes: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Eurasia, and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the Americas. However, increasing evidence suggests that this dichotomy is no longer fruitful when recognising human hantavirus disease and understanding the pathogenesis. Herein are presented three cases of severe European Puumala hantavirus infection that meet the HPS case definition. The clinical and pathological findings were similar to those found in American hantavirus patients. Consequently, hantavirus infection should be considered as a cause of acute respiratory distress in all endemic areas worldwide


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    The study of the perception residents of the Siau island regarding the existence of sea turtles was carried out from June to December 2018. The survey method and direct observation were applied in data collection. The data collected then were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that 88 % of the residents are well acquainted with the life of sea turtles followed by 80 % of the residents knew of the sea turtles’ status as the protected animals through government regulations and international conventions. However, the proportion of residents involved in violating regulations are quite worrying to the survival of sea turtles. For it was found that 29% of the residents were catching sea turtles, 20 % were selling sea turtle meat and eggs, and 82 % were consuming sea turtle meat and eggs. Thefefore, law enforcement and conservation education are absolutely neccesary for the sustainability of sea turtles in North Sulawesi Indonesia. Keywords: Sea turtle, Siau Island, resident’s perception, law enforment. Conservation education  AbstrakTelaah presepsi warga pulau Siau terhadap keberadaan penyu laut telah dilaksanakan pada Juni-Desember 2018.  Metode survey dan observasi langsung diaplikasikan dalam pengumpulan data, dan data dianalisa secara deskripsif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa warga mengenal dengan baik kehidupan penyu (88%) dan statusnya sebagai satwa yang dilindungi melalui regulasi pemerintah dan konvensi Internasional (80%). Namun proporsi warga yang terlibat dalam pelanggaran terhadap peraturan cukup mengkuartirkan akan keberlangsungan hidup penyu, yakni menangkap penyu (29%), menjual daging dan telur penyu (28%), mengkonsumsi daging dan telur penyu (82%). Penegakkan hukum dan edukasi diperlukan demi kelestarian penyu di Sulawesi Utara dan Indonesia pada umumnya.Kata kunci: Penyu laut, Pulau Siau, persepsi warga, penegakan hokum, pendidikan konservasi 

    Pengaruh Likuiditas, Pajak,Profitabilitas terhadap Struktur Modal pada Sektor Aneka Industri yang terdaftar di BEI

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan Sektor Aneka Industri yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Likuiditas, Pajak, dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Struktur Modal. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian yang dipakai adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dan sifat penelitian ini adalah bersifat kausal. Metode pengumpulan data yang diperlukan adalah data sekunder pada laporan keuangan. Penentuan sampel penelitian dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Jumlah populasi sejumlah 42 perusahaan sehingga total jumlah sampel yang akan diteliti sebanyak 19 perusahaan sehingga total jumlah sampel yang akan diteliti sebanyak 57 pengamatan (19×3).Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis linear berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa Likuiditas secara parsial  berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap Struktur Modal, Pajak  secara parsial tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap Struktur Modal, Profitabilitas secara parsial tidak berpengaruh  dan tidak signifikan terhadap Struktur Modal. Secara signifikan Likuiditas, Pajak dan Profitabilitas berpengaruh terhadap Struktur Modal.Hasil uji koefisien determinasi diperoleh nilai Adjusted R Square (R2) sebesar 0,100 atau sama dengan 10 %. Variabel independen berpengaruh terhadap Struktur Modal Pada Perusahaan Sektor Aneka Industri di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2015-2017 sebesar 10 % dan sisanya 90 % dipengaruhi variabel lain seperti Stabilitas Penjualan, Kebijakan Deviden, Struktur Aktiva

    Association of Rift Valley fever virus infection with miscarriage in Sudanese women: a cross-sectional study

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    Background Rift Valley fever virus is an emerging mosquito-borne virus that causes infections in animals and human beings in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Outbreaks of Rift Valley fever lead to mass abortions in livestock, but such abortions have not been identifi ed in human beings. Our aim was to investigate the cause of miscarriages in febrile pregnant women in an area endemic for Rift Valley fever. Methods Pregnant women with fever of unknown origin who attended the governmental hospital of Port Sudan, Sudan, between June 30, 2011, and Nov 17, 2012, were sampled at admission and included in this cross-sectional study. Medical records were retrieved and haematological tests were done on patient samples. Presence of viral RNA as well as antibodies against a variety of viruses were analysed. Any association of viral infections, symptoms, and laboratory parameters to pregnancy outcome was investigated using Pearson’s χ² test. Findings Of 130 pregnant women with febrile disease, 28 were infected with Rift Valley fever virus and 31 with chikungunya virus, with typical clinical and laboratory fi ndings for the infection in question. 15 (54%) of 28 women with an acute Rift Valley fever virus infection had miscarriages compared with 12 (12%) of 102 women negative for Rift Valley fever virus (p<0·0001). In a multiple logistic regression analysis, adjusting for age, haemorrhagic disease, and chikungunya virus infection, an acute Rift Valley fever virus infection was an independent predictor of having a miscarriage (odds ratio 7·4, 95% CI 2·7–20·1; p<0·0001). Interpretation This study is the fi rst to show an association between infection with Rift Valley fever virus and miscarriage in pregnant women. Further studies are warranted to investigate the possible mechanisms. Our fi ndings have implications for implementation of preventive measures, and evidence-based information to the public in endemic countries should be strongly recommended during Rift Valley fever outbreaks

    Distribution and abundance of key vectors of Rift Valley fever and other arboviruses in two ecologically distinct counties in Kenya

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    Background Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne viral zoonosis of ruminants and humans that causes outbreaks in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula with significant public health and economic consequences. Humans become infected through mosquito bites and contact with infected livestock. The virus is maintained between outbreaks through vertically infected eggs of the primary vectors of Aedes species which emerge following rains with extensive flooding. Infected female mosquitoes initiate transmission among nearby animals, which amplifies virus, thereby infecting more mosquitoes and moving the virus beyond the initial point of emergence. With each successive outbreak, RVF has been found to expand its geographic distribution to new areas, possibly driven by available vectors. The aim of the present study was to determine if RVF virus (RVFV) transmission risk in two different ecological zones in Kenya could be assessed by looking at the species composition, abundance and distribution of key primary and secondary vector species and the level of virus activity. Methodology Mosquitoes were trapped during short and long rainy seasons in 2014 and 2015 using CO2 baited CDC light traps in two counties which differ in RVF epidemic risk levels(high risk Tana-River and low risk Isiolo),cryo-preserved in liquid nitrogen, transported to the laboratory, and identified to species. Mosquito pools were analyzed for virus infection using cell culture screening and molecular analysis. Findings Over 69,000 mosquitoes were sampled and identified as 40 different species belonging to 6 genera (Aedes, Anopheles, Mansonia, Culex, Aedeomyia, Coquillettidia). The presence and abundance of Aedes mcintoshi and Aedes ochraceus, the primary mosquito vectors associated with RVFV transmission in outbreaks, varied significantly between Tana-River and Isiolo. Ae. mcintoshi was abundant in Tana-River and Isiolo but notably, Aedes ochraceus found in relatively high numbers in Tana-River (n = 1,290), was totally absent in all Isiolo sites. Fourteen virus isolates including Sindbis, Bunyamwera, and West Nile fever viruses were isolated mostly from Ae. mcintoshi sampled in Tana-River. RVFV was not detected in any of the mosquitoes. Conclusion This study presents the geographic distribution and abundance of arbovirus vectors in two Kenyan counties, which may assist with risk assessment for mosquito borne diseases

    Novel Antiviral Activities of Obatoclax, Emetine, Niclosamide, Brequinar, and Homoharringtonine

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    Viruses are the major causes of acute and chronic infectious diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization, there is an urgent need for better control of viral diseases. Repurposing existing antiviral agents from one viral disease to another could play a pivotal role in this process. Here, we identified novel activities of obatoclax and emetine against herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), echovirus 1 (EV1), human metapneumovirus (HMPV) and Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) in cell cultures. Moreover, we demonstrated novel activities of emetine against influenza A virus (FLUAV), niclosamide against HSV-2, brequinar against human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1), and homoharringtonine against EV1. Our findings may expand the spectrum of indications of these safe-in-man agents and reinforce the arsenal of available antiviral therapeutics pending the results of further in vitro and in vivo tests

    Neural hypernetwork approach for pulmonary embolism diagnosis

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    Background Hypernetworks are based on topological simplicial complexes and generalize the concept of two-body relation to many-body relation. Furthermore, Hypernetworks provide a significant generalization of network theory, enabling the integration of relational structure, logic and analytic dynamics. A pulmonary embolism is a blockage of the main artery of the lung or one of its branches, frequently fatal. Results Our study uses data on 28 diagnostic features of 1427 people considered to be at risk of pulmonary embolism enrolled in the Department of Internal and Subintensive Medicine of an Italian National Hospital “Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona”. Patients arrived in the department after a first screening executed by the emergency room. The resulting neural hypernetwork correctly recognized 94 % of those developing pulmonary embolism. This is better than previous results obtained with other methods (statistical selection of features, partial least squares regression, topological data analysis in a metric space). Conclusion In this work we successfully derived a new integrative approach for the analysis of partial and incomplete datasets that is based on Q-analysis with machine learning. The new approach, called Neural Hypernetwork, has been applied to a case study of pulmonary embolism diagnosis. The novelty of this method is that it does not use clinical parameters extracted by imaging analysis