25 research outputs found

    Alternative splicing of the adenylyl cyclase stimulatory G-protein G alpha(s) is regulated by SF2/ASF and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNPA1) and involves the use of an unusual TG 3'-splice Site

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    The factors involved in regulating alternative splicing of the human adenylyl cyclase stimulatory G-protein G alpha(s) in different cell types remain undefined. We have designed a G alpha(s) minigene that retains the signals required for G alpha(s) alternative splicing in vivo. Employing transient transfection of human myometrial smooth muscle cells and HeLa cells, as well as in vitro splicing assays, we have provided evidence that the antagonistic splicing factors SF2/ASF and hnRNPA1 act as potent regulators of G alpha(s) isoform expression in these cells. Both SF2/ASF and hnRNPA1 control the selection of competing 5'-splice sites and respectively promote inclusion or skipping of the small cassette-type exon 3 of G alpha(s) transcripts, resulting in the generation of G alpha(s)-long and G alpha(s)-short mRNA isoforms. We have also provided evidence that SF2/ASF and hnRNPA1 play a role in 3'-splice site selection involving the use of a non-canonical TG 3'-splice site preceding exon 4. Using a score-matrix analysis to identify putative exonic enhancer sequences (ESEs), we found multiple high score ESE motifs for SF2/ASF, SC35, and SRp40 in exon 3 of G alpha(s). These results suggest that tissue-specific expression of SF2/ASF and hnRNPA1 governs the expression of alternative isoforms of G alpha(s) in these different cells types

    Spatio-temporal expression of the trans-acting splicing factors SF2/ASF and heterogeneous ribonuclear proteins A1/A1(B) in the myometrium of the pregnant human uterus: A molecular mechanism for regulating regional protein isoform expression in vivo

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    Many of the human myometrial proteins associated with uterine quiescence and the switch to coordinated contractions at the onset of labor exist as alternatively spliced isoforms. There is now extensive evidence to indicate that the nuclear concentrations of the transacting splicing regulators SF2/ASF and hnRNP A1/A1(B) are fundamental in regulating the expression of specific protein isoforms derived from alternative splicing of single precursor messenger ribonucleic acid transcripts. The question thus arose as to whether these factors were also involved in regulating the expression of specific myometrial protein species within different uterine regions during human gestation and parturition. SF2/ASF and hnRNP A1/A1(B) expression was therefore determined in paired upper (corpus) and lower segment myometrial samples taken from individual women at term/during spontaneous labor and compared with nonpregnant control samples using specific monoclonal antibodies. We report that SF2/ASF levels were substantially increased in the lower uterine region, and this was associated with a parallel decrease in levels of hnRNP A1/A1(B) during gestation. Conversely, the opposite pattern was observed within the upper uterine region during pregnancy, where hnRNP A1/A1(B) was significantly up-regulated and SF2/ASF levels were much less than those found in the lower uterine segment. The differential expression of hnRNP A1/A1(B) and SF2/ASF in the upper and lower uterine segments may have a primary role in defining the formation of specific myometrial protein species associated with the known contractile and relaxatory properties of these regions before and during parturition

    The switch in alternative splicing of cyclic AMP-response element modulator protein CREM tau(2)alpha (activator) to CREM alpha (repressor) in human myometrial cells is mediated by SRp40

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    The transcription factor cAMP-response element modulator (CREM) protein, plays a major role in cAMP-responsive gene regulation. Biological consequences resulting from the transcriptional stimuli of CREM are dictated by the expression of multiple protein isoforms generated by extensive alternative splicing of its precursor mRNA. We have previously shown that alternative splicing enables the expression of the CREM gene to be "switched" within the human myometrium during pregnancy from the production of CREM tau(2 alpha), a potent transcriptional activator to the synthesis of CREM alpha, a transcriptional repressor. Furthermore we have recently reported that this change in the expression of CREM spliced variants is likely to have important ramifications on the regulation of downstream cAMP-response element-responsive target genes involved in uterine activity during gestation. We have investigated the splicing factors involved in controlling the expression of myometrial CREM splice variants. Data presented here from transient transfections indicate that the switch in the synthesis of CREM tau(2)alpha to CREM alpha that occurs during pregnancy is regulated primarily by an SR protein family member, SRp40. We also show that expression of this splicing factor is tightly regulated in the myometrium during pregnancy. SRp40 regulates the splicing of CREM via its interactions with multiple ESE motifs present in the alternatively exons of CREM. In vitro splicing and electrophoretic mobility shift assays were employed to confirm the functionality of the SRp40-binding ESEs, thus providing a mechanistic explanation of how SRp40 regulates the switch in splicing from production of CREM tau(2)alpha to CREM alpha

    Crosstalk between G-protein and Ca2+ pathways switches intracellular cAMP levels

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    Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cyclic guanosine monophosphate are universal intracellular messengers whose concentrations are regulated by molecular networks comprised of different isoforms of the synthases adenylate cyclase or guanylate cyclase and the phosphodiesterases which degrade these compounds. In this paper, we employ a systems biology approach to develop mathematical models of these networks that, for the first time, take into account the different biochemical properties of the isoforms involved. To investigate the mechanisms underlying the joint regulation of cAMP and cGMP, we apply our models to analyse the regulation of cilia beat frequency in Paramecium by Ca(2+). Based on our analysis of these models, we propose that the diversity of isoform combinations that occurs in living cells provides an explanation for the huge variety of intracellular processes that are dependent on these networks. The inclusion of both G-protein receptor and Ca(2+)-dependent regulation of AC in our models allows us to propose a new explanation for the switching properties of G-protein subunits involved in nucleotide regulation. Analysis of the models suggests that, depending on whether the G-protein subunit is bound to AC, Ca(2+) can either activate or inhibit AC in a concentration-dependent manner. The resulting analysis provides an explanation for previous experimental results that showed that alterations in Ca(2+) concentrations can either increase or decrease cilia beat frequency over particular Ca(2+) concentration ranges