27 research outputs found

    Development of a Meat Tenderizer Based on Papaya Peel

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    Green papaya (Carica papaya L.) peels, obtained as a waste product in the processing of papaya pickles, were dried and their proteolytic activity was compared with that of the enzyme in the papaya latex. The proteolytic activity of the enzyme in papaya peel was about 10 times lower than that in the latex. Taking into account the activity of the enzyme, spice batches were mixed with 30% and 45% papaya peels, in order to formulate meat tenderizers. According to the sensory evaluation of the cooked samples, the meat marinated with 30% of green papaya peel, for 2 h at room temperature had the highest level of acceptance for its soft texture and good flavor. In conclusion, green papaya peel, dried, ground, and mixed with various spices showed a great potential for use as a low-cost meat tenderizer. Furthermore, the process described here allows the conversion of papaya peels with a negative value to an essential value added ingredient


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       In order to diversify the use of papaya in Panama, a research project was implemented to develop a series of products based on the peels, pulp and seeds of Carica papaya L., variety “Chola Roja”. This study focused on the development of a pickle type product from the pulp in the form of papaya fingers or shreds. After carrying out many trials with different ingredients, sensory evaluation and parameters such as pH and Brix, a distinct recipe was developed for possible commercialization of the product. Storage study of the pickled papaya fingers packed in stand-up plastic pouch indicated a shelf-life of 7 months under air-conditioning (22ºC ± 2ºC) and 19 months under refrigeration (4oC ± 1ºC).    Con la intención de diversificar el uso de la papaya en Panamá, se llevó a cabo un proyecto para desarrollar una serie de productos empleando cáscara, pulpa y semillas de Carica papaya L., de la variedad Chola roja. Este estudio se enfocó en el desarrollo de dos encurtidos a base de la pulpa de papaya, denominados deditos y rayados de papaya. Después de realizar varias pruebas con diferentes ingredientes, evaluaciones sensoriales y parámetros como pH y grados de Brix, se encontraron las proporciones adecuadas para la elaboración y futura comercialización de estos encurtidos. La vida útil estimada para el encurtido en forma de deditos de papaya, empacado en bolsas plásticas doblemente laminadas, en área aire acondicionada (22ºC ± 2ºC) fue de 7 meses y de 19 meses en refrigeración (4oC ± 1ºC).&nbsp

    Eicosapentaenoic acid/docosahexaenoic acid 1:1 ratio improves histological alterations in obese rats with metabolic syndrome

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    Background Marine polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have been associated with improvement in the Metabolic Syndrome (MS). The aim of this study is to evaluate how three fish-oil diets with different eicosapentaenoic acid/docosahexaenoic acid ratios (EPA/DHA ratio) affect the histology of liver, kidney, adipose tissue and aorta in a preliminary morphological study. This work uses an animal model of metabolic syndrome in comparison with healthy animals in order to provide information about the best EPA:DHA ratio to prevent or to improve metabolic syndrome symptoms. Methods 35 Wistar rats, as a control, and 35 spontaneously hypertensive obese rats (SHROB) were fed for 13 weeks with 3 different suplemmentation of fish oil containing EPA and DHA ratios (1:1, 2:1 and 1:2, respectively). All samples were stained with haematoxylin/eosin stain, except aorta samples, which were stained also with Verhoeff and van Gieson’s stain. A histological study was carried out to evaluate changes. These changes were statistically analyzed using SPSS IBM 19 software. The quantitative data were expressed by mean ± SD and were compared among groups and treatments using ANOVA with post-hoc tests for parametric data and the U-Mann–Whitney for non-parametric data. Qualitative data were expressed in frequencies, and compared with contingency tables using χ2 statistics. Results EPA:DHA 1:1 treatment tended to improve the density and the wrinkling of elastic layers in SHROB rats. Only Wistar rats fed with EPA:DHA 1:1 treatment did not show mast cells in adipose tissue and has less kidney atrophy. In both strains EPA:DHA 1:1 treatment improved inflammation related parameters in liver and kidney. Conclusions EPA:DHA 1:1 treatment was the most beneficial treatment since improved many histological parameters in both groups of rats.This investigation was supported, in part, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grants AGL2009-12374-C03-01,-02 and -03). EM acknowledges the Panamanian government (SENACYT / IFARHU) for her pre-doctoral fellowship. We thank URV’s Language Service for rewriting the English version of this paper. SUPPORTED BY: Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental, Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación, Plan Nacional 2009.Referencia: AGL2009-12374-C03-01, -02 and -03.Peer Reviewe

    Influence of omega-3 PUFAs on the metabolism of proanthocyanidins in rats

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    Studies of the bioavailability of proanthocyanidins usually consider them independently of other dietary constituents, while there is a tendency in the field of functional foods towards the combination of different bioactive compounds in a single product. This study examined the long-term effects of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids of marine origin on the metabolic fate of grape proanthocyanidins. For this, female adult Wistar-Kyoto rats were fed (18 weeks) with a standard diet supplemented or not with eicosapentaenoic acid/docosahexaenoic acid (1:1, 16.6 g/kg feed), proanthocyanidin-rich grape seed extract (0.8 g/kg feed) or both. A total of 39 microbial-derived metabolites and 16 conjugated metabolites were detected by HPLC-MS/MS either in urine or in the aqueous fraction of feces. An unexpected significant increase in many proanthocyanidin metabolites in urine and feces was observed in the group supplemented with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids group as compared to the animals fed a standard diet, which contains a small amount of polyphenols. However, proanthocyanidin metabolites in rats given ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and grape seed extract did not significantly differ from those in the group supplemented only with grape seed extract. It was concluded that ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids collaborate in the metabolism of polyphenols when present at low doses in the feed matrix, while the capacity of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to induce microbiota transformations when proanthocyanidins are present at high doses is not relevant compared to that of polyphenols themselves

    A high-fat high-sucrose diet affects the long-term metabolic fate of grape proanthocyanidins in rats

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    Purpose Polyphenol metabolites are key mediators of the biological activities of polyphenols. This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects of a high-fat high-sucrose (HFHS) diet on the metabolism of proanthocyanidins from grape seed extract (GSE). Methods Adult female Wistar-Kyoto rats were fed a standard (STD) or HFHS diet supplemented or not with GSE for 16 weeks. PA metabolites were determined by targeted HPLC-MS/MS analysis. Results A lower concentration of total microbial-derived PA metabolites was present in urine and the aqueous fraction of faeces in the HFHS + GSE group than in the STD + GSE group. In contrast, a tendency towards the formation of conjugated (epi)catechin metabolites in the HFHS + GSE group was observed. Conclusions These results show that a HFHS diet significantly modifies PA metabolism, probably via: (1) a shift in microbial communities not counteracted by the polyphenols themselves; and (2) an up-regulation of hepatic enzymes

    Estudio del efecto de los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, polifenoles e iminociclitoles sobre marcadores relacionados con el síndrome metabólico

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    [spa] La prevalencia del denominado Síndrome Metabólico (SM) está aumentando rápidamente en todo el mundo a tal punto que se está convirtiendo en un problema de salud global. Se conoce como SM a un conjunto de factores de riesgo para la salud, que incluyen la obesidad (obesidad central), resistencia a la insulina (RI), dislipidemia, hígado graso no alcohólico y la hipertensión. Estas alteraciones se han relacionado con un alto riesgo de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) y enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV). Todo esto ha estimulado el estudio de sus causas y la búsqueda de estrategias preventivas. Los roedores se han utilizado como modelos de enfermedades humanas, para mejorar la comprensión de las causas, la progresión de los síntomas y para poner a prueba nuevas intervenciones terapéuticas o preventivas. En el caso de estudios relacionados con el SM tres modelos son los de mayor uso, modelos genéticos, dietéticos y farmacológicos. En esta memoria nos hemos centrado en los dos primeros, el genético y el dietético. El modelo genético empleado, consistió en ratas obesas espontáneamente hipertensas (SHROB) ratas Koletsky. Las ratas SHROB presentan una mutación (fak/fak) sin sentido del gen para el receptor de la leptina, que es una hormona producida principalmente en el tejido adiposo cuya función principal es de señalización al sistema nervioso central (SNC) para conservar el balance energético y el peso corporal estable. En las ratas SHROB esta señalización está truncada porque el receptor es inactivo, el animal no regula la ingesta y la acumula en forma de lípidos. El modelo dietético empleado consistió en ratas hembras Wistar Kyoto (WKY) sanas y ratas machos Sprague-Dawley (SD) sanos a los que les suministró una dieta alta en grasa y alta en sacarosa (HFHS) que mimetiza hábitos dietéticos humanos que se reconocen como inadecuados (alto consumo de grasas y azúcar refinado). Desde hace décadas ciertos compuestos naturales como los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (AGPIs) polifenoles, y más recientemente iminociclitoles, han sido propuestos como agentes preventivos de algunos de los factores del SM. La tesis se proponía evaluar el efecto de diferentes mezclas de AGPIs, el posible efecto colaborativo o sinérgico entre AGPIs y polifenoles y explorar un iminociclitol presente en la dieta (D-fagomina) como nuevo agente preventivo. En el modelo genéticamente modificado (ratas SHROB) la suplementación con mezclas de AGPIs EPA/DHA a distintas proporciones contrarrestó las alteraciones del perfil lipídico; disminuyó los niveles de triglicéridos (TG) plasmáticos, colesterol total, lípidos totales; aumentó la cantidad de AGPIs n-3 en plasma y en la membrana de los eritrocitos; y disminuyó la cantidad de AGs n-6 en los eritrocitos. Mezclas de EPA/DHA en las proporciones 1:1 y 2:1 disminuyeron significativamente la inflamación (nivel de PCR) y aumentó significativamente la cantidad de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (AGMIs) y AGPIs en plasma. Las suplementaciones redujeron el nivel de isoprostanos en orina (principalmente la mezcla EPA/DHA, 1:2), y aumentaron las actividades de las enzimas antioxidantes como la SOD en los eritrocitos, hígado, grasa abdominal, riñón, corazón y cerebro (especialmente EPA/DHA, 1:1); SOD, CAT, GR, GPx en los riñones (EPA/DHA, 2:1). La concentración de LDL-ox aumentó en todos los casos. Estos resultados son compatibles con la estimulación de las defensas antioxidantes por las mezclas de EPA/DHA que inducen la reducción del estrés oxidativo (EO) junto con una disminución de los factores de riesgo de ECV (LDL-c y la inflamación). En conjunto, nuestros resultados indican que EPA es especialmente relevante para la disminución de la hiperlipidemia y la inflamación así como en la activación de los sistemas antioxidantes endógenos mientras que DHA es más eficaz en la reducción de los isoprostanos. En el modelo de SM inducido por dieta HFHS se observaron cambios en el peso corporal, perfil lipídico, insulina y EO. La suplementación conjunta de EPA/DHA (1:1) y extracto polifenólico de semillas de uva (GSE) produjo un efecto colaborativo protector frente al SM: reducción del incremento de peso corporal, la acumulación de grasa abdominal, TG, colesterol total e insulina. Además, la administración conjunta de EPA/DHA (1:1) y GSE aumentó significativamente la excreción de metabolitos conjugados de EC y EGC, y de sus metabolitos microbianos. Los resultados sugieren que EPA y DHA aumentaron la cantidad de polifenoles disponibles porque contribuyen a la reducción del EO. La tesis examina por primera vez, la posible acción preventiva del iminociclitol D- fagomina sobre la adiposidad, la dislipidemia; la homeostasis de la glucosa, la RI, el EO y la inflamación en el modelo de SM inducido por dieta (HFHS). Por la poca información con que se disponía fue necesario realizar estudios in vitro para explorar sus mecanismos de acción y postprandiales in vivo para establecer la dosis efectiva. D-Fagomina redujo la concentración de glucosa plasmática tras la ingesta de sacarosa y almidón de forma dosis dependiente. Además, se describe una nueva actividad de este iminociclitol: la inhibición selectiva de la adhesión bacteriana a la mucosa intestinal, lo cual abre la puerta a nuevas aplicaciones de la molécula y a la explicación de su actividad in vivo. El modelo de SM inducido por dieta HFHS y suplementado con D-fagomina redujo la ganancia de peso corporal, mejoró el perfil lipídico, atenuó los efectos de la dieta HFHS sobre el EO y los niveles de glucosa grelina, leptina, glucagón e insulina. En esta tesis se han evaluado distintos modelos animales de SM y se han examinado los efectos de AGPIs, polifenoles y el iminociclitol D-fagomina. Los resultados muestran que diferentes suplementos nutricionales pueden ejercer efectos diferentes sobre factores del SM y que sus acciones pueden ser complementarias, como se ha visto con los AGPIs y los polifenoles de semilla de uva. La tesis abre además el camino para la utilización de D-fagomina como un agente complementario a otros suplementos disponibles para el consumidor. En el futuro, nuevos estudios sobre efectos colaborativos como los descritos aquí podrían ofrecer nuevas opciones nutricionales para la prevención de trastornos metabólicos relacionados con la dieta.[eng]The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) is rapidly increasing worldwide to the point that it is becoming a global health problem. The SM is known as a set of risk factors to health, including obesity (central obesity), insulin resistance (IR), dyslipidemia, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hypertension. These alterations have been associated with a higher risk of developing diabetes type 2 (DM2) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). All this has stimulated the study of its causes and search for preventive strategies. Rodents have been used as models of human diseases, to improve the understanding of the causes, progression of symptoms and to test new therapeutic or preventive interventions. In the case of studies related to SM three models are the most used: genetic, dietary and pharmacological models. In this memory we focused on the genetic and dietary models. The genetic model used consisted of obese spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHROB) Koletsky rats. The SHROB rats have a mutation (fak/fak) nonsense gene for the leptin receptor, which is a hormone produced primarily in adipose tissue whose main function is signaling to the central nervous system (CNS) to conserve energy balance and body weight stable. In rats SHROB this signaling is truncated because the receiver is inactive, the animal does not regulate the intake and accumulates as lipids. The dietary model used consisted of female Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) healthy and Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) healthy which were given a diet high in fat and high sucrose (HFHS) that mimics human dietary habits which are recognized as inadequate (high fat and refined sugar). For decades, certain natural compounds such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), polyphenols and more recently iminocyclitols, have been proposed as agents prevention of some of the factors of MS. The objectives were to evaluate the effect of different mixtures PUFAs, the possible synergistic effect or collaboration between PUFAs and polyphenols, and explore an iminocyclitol present in the diet (D- fagomine) as a novel preventive agent for SM In the genetic model (SHROB rats) the supplementation whit mixtures PUFAs EPA/DHA in different proportions offset changes in the lipid profile; decreased triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol, total lipids; increased the amount of n-3 PUFAs in plasma and erythrocyte membrane; and decreased FAs the amount of n-6 into erythrocytes. Mixtures of EPA/DHA in the ratios 1:1 and 2:1 decreased significantly the inflammation (CRP level) and increased significantly amount of monounsaturated fatty acid (MIFAs) and PUFAs in plasma. Supplementations reduced the level of urinary isoprostanes (mainly EPA/DHA mixture, 1:2), and increased activities of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD in erythrocytes, liver, abdominal fat, kidney, heart and brain (especially EPA/DHA, 1:1); SOD, CAT, GR, GPx in the kidneys (EPA/DHA, 2:1). The concentration of oxidized LDL (LDL-ox) increased in all cases. These results are consistent with stimulation of antioxidant defenses by mixtures of EPA/DHA which induce reduction of oxidative stress (OS) coupled with a reduction in CVD risk factors (LDL-c and inflammation). Taken together, our results indicate that EPA is especially relevant for reducing hyperlipidemia and inflammation as well as in the activation of endogenous antioxidant systems while DHA is more effective in reducing isoprostanes. In the dietary model (HFHS) changes in body weight were observed, lipid profile, insulin and OS. The combined supplementation of EPA/DHA (1:1) and grape seed extract (GSE) had a protective effect collaborative against SM: reduction of body weight increase, the accumulation of abdominal fat, TG, cholesterol total and insulin. In addition, co-administration of EPA/DHA (1:1) and GSE increased significantly excretion of conjugated metabolites of EC and EGC, and its metabolites microbial. The results suggest that EPA and DHA increased the amount of polyphenols available because they contribute to the reduction of OS. The thesis examines for first, the possible preventive action iminocyclitol D-fagomina on adiposity, dyslipidemia; glucose homeostasis, IR, OS and inflammation in the model of diet-induced SM (HFHS). For the little information that was available was necessary in vitro studies to explore their mechanisms of action and in vivo postprandial to establish the effective dose. D-Fagomine reduced the concentration of plasma glucose after ingestion of sucrose and starch dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, this new activity described iminocyclitol: selective inhibition of adhesion bacterial intestinal mucosa, which opens the door to new applications of the molecule and the explanation of its in vivo activity. The model of diet- induced SM HFHS and supplemented with D-fagomina reduced body weight gain, improved lipid profile, attenuated the effects of diet on OS HFHS glucose levels and ghrelin, leptin, glucagon and insulin. In this work we have evaluated different animal models of MS and have examined the effects of PUFAs, polyphenols and iminocyclitol D-fagomine. The results show that different nutritional supplements can have different effects on factors of MS and that their actions can be complementary, as has been seen with PUFAs and polyphenols grape seed. The thesis also opens the way for the use of D- fagomina as a complementary to other supplements available to the consumer. In the future, further studies on collaborative effects as described herein could offer new nutritional options for prevention of metabolic disorders related to diet

    Development of a Meat Tenderizer Based on Papaya Peel

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    Green papaya (Carica papaya L.) peels, obtained as a waste product in the processing of papaya pickles, were dried and their proteolytic activity was compared with that of the enzyme in the papaya latex. The proteolytic activity of the enzyme in papaya peel was about 10 times lower than that in the latex. Taking into account the activity of the enzyme, spice batches were mixed with 30% and 45% papaya peels, in order to formulate meat tenderizers. According to the sensory evaluation of the cooked samples, the meat marinated with 30% of green papaya peel, for 2 h at room temperature had the highest level of acceptance for its soft texture and good flavor. In conclusion, green papaya peel, dried, ground, and mixed with various spices showed a great potential for use as a low-cost meat tenderizer. Furthermore, the process described here allows the conversion of papaya peels with a negative value to an essential value added ingredient

    Cardiovascular disease-related parameters and oxidative stress in SHROB rats, a model for metabolic syndrome

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    8 páginas, 3 tablas.-- Eunice Molinar Toribio ... et al.-- This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.SHROB rats have been suggested as a model for metabolic syndrome (MetS) as a situation prior to the onset of CVD or type-2 diabetes, but information on descriptive biochemical parameters for this model is limited. Here, we extensively evaluate parameters related to CVD and oxidative stress (OS) in SHROB rats. SHROB rats were monitored for 15 weeks and compared to a control group of Wistar rats. Body weight was recorded weekly. At the end of the study, parameters related to CVD and OS were evaluated in plasma, urine and different organs. SHROB rats presented statistically significant differences from Wistar rats in CVD risk factors: total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, apoA1, apoB100, abdominal fat, insulin, blood pressure, C-reactive protein, ICAM-1 and PAI-1. In adipose tissue, liver and brain, the endogenous antioxidant systems were activated, yet there was no significant oxidative damage to lipids (MDA) or proteins (carbonylation). We conclude that SHROB rats present significant alterations in parameters related to inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, thrombotic activity, insulin resistance and OS measured in plasma as well as enhanced redox defence systems in vital organs that will be useful as markers of MetS and CVD for nutrition interventions.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministries of Science and Innovation and of Economy and Competitiveness (Grants AGL2009-12374-C03-01, -02 and -03; AGL2013-49079-C2-1,2-R; respectively) and in part by the Generalitat de Catalunya regional authorities (2009SGR-1308). M.C. acknowledges ETHERPATHS (FP7-KBBE-222639) funded by the European Union and “ICREA Academia” award for excellence in research, funded by the ICREA Foundation of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The Panamanian Government (SENACYT/IFRHU) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation awarded graduate fellowships to E.M.-T. and L.M., respectively. The ISCIII and the Xunta de Galicia are also acknowledged for “Sara Borrell” and “Isidro Parga Pondal” postdoctoral contracts to J.P.-J. (CD09/00068) and M.P., respectively.Peer reviewe

    Effect of n-3 PUFA supplementation at different EPA:DHA ratios on the spontaneously hypertensive obese rat model of the metabolic syndrome

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    10 páginas, 3 figuras, 1 tabla.-- Eunice Molinar-Toribio ... et al.The increasing incidence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS), a combination of risk factors before the onset of CVD and type 2 diabetes, encourages studies on the role of functional food components such as long-chain n-3 PUFA as preventive agents. In the present study, we explore the effect of EPA and DHA supplementation in different proportions on spontaneously hypertensive obese (SHROB) rats, a model for the MetS in a prediabetic state with mild oxidative stress. SHROB rats were randomised into four groups (n 7), each supplemented with EPA/DHA at ratios of 1:1, 2:1 and 1:2, or soyabean oil as the control for 13 weeks. The results showed that in all the proportions tested, EPA/DHA supplementation significantly lowered total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations, compared with those of the control group. EPA/DHA supplementation at the ratios of 1:1 and 2:1 significantly decreased inflammation (C-reactive protein levels) and lowered oxidative stress (decreased excretion of urinary isoprostanes), mainly at the ratio of 1:2. The activity of antioxidant enzymes increased in erythrocytes, abdominal fat and kidneys, with magnitudes depending on the EPA:DHA ratio. PUFA mixtures from fish affected different MetS markers of CVD risk factors in SHROB rats, depending on the ratios of EPA/DHA supplementation. The activation of endogenous defence systems may be related to the reduction of inflammation and oxidative stressThe present study work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and of Economy and Com- petitiveness (grant no. AGL2009-12374-C03-01, -02 and -03; AGL2013-49079-C2-1,2-R, respectively). The authors acknowl- edge the Panamanian Government (SENACYT/IFARHU) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for their predoctoral fellowships to E. M.-T. and L. M., respectively. They also acknowledge ISCIII for the postdoctoral contract ‘Sara Borrell’ to J. P.-J. (CD09/00068). None of the funders had any role in the design, analysis and findings of the study or in the writing of this articlePeer reviewe