65 research outputs found

    Physical Confinement Promoting Formation of Cu2O−Au Heterostructures with Au Nanoparticles Entrapped within Crystalline Cu2O Nanorods

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    Building on the application of cuprite (Cu2O) in solar energy technologies and reports of increased optical absorption caused by metal-to-semiconductor energy transfer, a confinement-based strategy was developed to fabricate high aspect ratio, crystalline Cu2O nanorods containing entrapped gold nanoparticles (Au nps). Cu2O was crystallized within the confines of track-etch membrane pores, where this physical, assembly based method eliminates the necessity of specific chemical interactions to achieve a well-defined metal−semiconductor interface. With high-resolution scanning/transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM) and tomography, we demonstrate the encasement of the majority of Au nps by crystalline Cu2O and show crystalline Cu2O−Au interfaces that are free of extended amorphous regions. Such nanocrystal heterostructures are good candidates for studying the transport physics of metal/semiconductor hybrids for optoelectronic applications

    Novel critical point drying (CPD) based preparation and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging of protein specific molecularly imprinted polymers (HydroMIPs)

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    We report the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging of a hydrogel-based molecularly imprinted polymer (HydroMIP) specific to the template molecule bovine haemoglobin (BHb). A novel critical point drying based sample preparation technique was employed to prepare the molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) samples in a manner that would facilitate the use of TEM to image the imprinted cavities, and provide an appropriate degree of both magnification and resolution to image polymer architecture in the <10 nm range. For the first time, polymer structure has been detailed that clearly displays molecularly imprinted cavities, ranging from 5-50 nm in size, that correlate (in terms of size) with the protein molecule employed as the imprinting template. The modified critical point drying sample preparation technique used may potentially play a key role in the imaging of all molecularly imprinted polymers, particularly those prepared in the aqueous phase

    Synergistic Biomineralization Phenomena Created by a Combinatorial Nacre Protein Model System

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    In the nacre or aragonite layer of the mollusk shell, proteomes that regulate both the early stages of nucleation and nano-to-mesoscale assembly of nacre tablets from mineral nanoparticle precursors exist. Several approaches have been developed to understand protein-associated mechanisms of nacre formation, yet we still lack insight into how protein ensembles or proteomes manage nucleation and crystal growth. To provide additional insights, we have created a proportionally defined combinatorial model consisting of two nacre-associated proteins, C-RING AP7 (shell nacre, Haliotis rufescens) and pseudo-EF hand PFMG1 (oyster pearl nacre, Pinctada fucata), whose individual in vitro mineralization functionalities are well-documented and distinct from one another. Using scanning electron microscopy, flow cell scanning transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, Ca(II) potentiometric titrations, and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring quantitative analyses, we find that both nacre proteins are functionally active within the same mineralization environments and, at 1:1 molar ratios, synergistically create calcium carbonate mesoscale structures with ordered intracrystalline nanoporosities, extensively prolong nucleation times, and introduce an additional nucleation event. Further, these two proteins jointly create nanoscale protein aggregates or phases that under mineralization conditions further assemble into protein–mineral polymer-induced liquid precursor-like phases with enhanced ACC stabilization capabilities, and there is evidence of intermolecular interactions between AP7 and PFMG1 under these conditions. Thus, a combinatorial model system consisting of more than one defined biomineralization protein dramatically changes the outcome of the in vitro biomineralization process

    Biomimetic self-assembly of tetrapeptides into fibrillar networks and organogels

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    The self-assembly features of a family of tetrapeptides inspired in silk structure are presented. An exhaustive study of the influence of the terminal alkyl chain length in this process is undertaken. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), FTIR spectroscopy and circular dichroism are used for the structural analysis. These compounds, as in the natural model, self-assemble into antiparallel ?-sheet structures that further organize to form fibrillar aggregates. Furthermore, some of them are capable of forming a crowded network that entraps the solvent leading to physical gels with different microscopic morphologies. A model for the assembly process is propose

    Cationic Amino Acids Specific Biomimetic Silicification in Ionic Liquid: A Quest to Understand the Formation of 3-D Structures in Diatoms

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    The intricate, hierarchical, highly reproducible, and exquisite biosilica structures formed by diatoms have generated great interest to understand biosilicification processes in nature. This curiosity is driven by the quest of researchers to understand nature's complexity, which might enable reproducing these elegant natural diatomaceous structures in our laboratories via biomimetics, which is currently beyond the capabilities of material scientists. To this end, significant understanding of the biomolecules involved in biosilicification has been gained, wherein cationic peptides and proteins are found to play a key role in the formation of these exquisite structures. Although biochemical factors responsible for silica formation in diatoms have been studied for decades, the challenge to mimic biosilica structures similar to those synthesized by diatoms in their natural habitats has not hitherto been successful. This has led to an increasingly interesting debate that physico-chemical environment surrounding diatoms might play an additional critical role towards the control of diatom morphologies. The current study demonstrates this proof of concept by using cationic amino acids as catalyst/template/scaffold towards attaining diatom-like silica morphologies under biomimetic conditions in ionic liquids

    Unravelling the secret of seedbased gels in water: the nanoscale 3D network formation

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    Chia (Salvia hispanica) and basil (Ocimum basilicum) seeds have the intrinsic ability to form a hydrogel concomitant with moisture-retention, slow releasing capability and proposed health benefits such as curbing diabetes and obesity by delaying digestion process. However, the underlying mode of gelation at nanoscopic level is not clearly explained or explored. The present study elucidates and corroborates the hypothesis that the gelling behavior of such seeds is due to their nanoscale 3D-network formation. The preliminary study revealed the influence of several conditions like polarity, pH and hydrophilicity/ hydrophobicity on fiber extrusion from the seeds which leads to gelation. Optical microscopic analysis clearly demonstrated bundles of fibers emanating from the seed coat while in contact with water, and live growth of fibers to form 3D network. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies confirmed 3D network formation with fiber diameters ranging from 20 to 50 nm

    Biomimetic mineralization of metal-organic frameworks as protective coatings for biomacromolecules

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    Enhancing the robustness of functional biomacromolecules is a critical challenge in biotechnology, which if addressed would enhance their use in pharmaceuticals, chemical processing and biostorage. Here we report a novel method, inspired by natural biomineralization processes, which provides unprecedented protection of biomacromolecules by encapsulating them within a class of porous materials termed metal-organic frameworks. We show that proteins, enzymes and DNA rapidly induce the formation of protective metal-organic framework coatings under physiological conditions by concentrating the framework building blocks and facilitating crystallization around the biomacromolecules. The resulting biocomposite is stable under conditions that would normally decompose many biological macromolecules. For example, urease and horseradish peroxidase protected within a metal-organic framework shell are found to retain bioactivity after being treated at 80 °C and boiled in dimethylformamide (153 °C), respectively. This rapid, low-cost biomimetic mineralization process gives rise to new possibilities for the exploitation of biomacromolecules.Kang Liang, Raffaele Ricco, Cara M. Doherty, Mark J. Styles, Stephen Bell, Nigel Kirby, Stephen Mudie, David Haylock, Anita J. Hill, Christian J. Doonan, Paolo Falcar

    Synthetic alpha-helix mimetics as agonists and antagonists of islet amyloid polypeptide aggregation.

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    Figure Presented Split personality: A series of oligoamidebased helix mimetics bind to a complementary helical motif in Islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), a protein implicated in the pathology of type II diabetes. These compounds accelerated IAPP amyloid formation under lipid-free conditions, but inhibited it under lipid-catalyzed conditions. hlAPP = human IAPP. © 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA

    Room-temperature preparation of crystalline TiO<inf>2</inf> thin films and their applications in polymer/TiO<inf>2</inf> hybrid optoelectronic devices

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    Highly homogeneous crystalline TiO2 thin films with very low surface roughness were prepared by spin-coating of a TiO2 nanoparticle aqueous dispersion at room temperature without further heat treatment. Using these films as electron transporting layers, inverted structure hybrid photovoltaic cells (TiO2/P3HT) and light-emitting diodes (TiO2/F8BT) were demonstrated. The photovoltaic cells exhibited an energy conversion efficiency of 0.26%, which is similar to that of cells utilizing TiO2 layers sintered at high temperatures. Moreover, the light-emitting diodes showed an efficiency of 0.65 cd/A, which is higher than obtained from a reference inverted diode (0.1 cd/A). These measurements demonstrate that a properly designed nanoparticle casting route can help avoid high temperature crystallization or sintering steps for TiO2 thin films, paving the road for their use in conjunction with plastic substrates. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Thermally induced structural evolution and performance of mesoporous block copolymer-directed alumina perovskite solar cells.

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    Structure control in solution-processed hybrid perovskites is crucial to design and fabricate highly efficient solar cells. Here, we utilize in situ grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering and scanning electron microscopy to investigate the structural evolution and film morphologies of methylammonium lead tri-iodide/chloride (CH3NH3PbI(3-x)Cl(x)) in mesoporous block copolymer derived alumina superstructures during thermal annealing. We show the CH3NH3PbI(3-x)Cl(x) material evolution to be characterized by three distinct structures: a crystalline precursor structure not described previously, a 3D perovskite structure, and a mixture of compounds resulting from degradation. Finally, we demonstrate how understanding the processing parameters provides the foundation needed for optimal perovskite film morphology and coverage, leading to enhanced block copolymer-directed perovskite solar cell performance
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