151 research outputs found

    FVE project manager: gestión de procesos software y control de versiones sobre dotproject

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    Nuestro proyecto tiene como finalidad aportar una aplicación libre y de código abierto que permita asistir en el desarrollo de un proyecto software facilitando la elección de un proceso de desarrollo; su ejecución entendida como la obtención de los resultados esperables de un proceso de desarrollo; y el acceso al mismo por parte de los participantes elegidos. Esta aplicación se llama FVE Project Manager. Existen algunas soluciones libres, pero distan mucho de ser completas, sobre todo por no estar integradas con sistemas de control de versiones. Así, en lugar de iniciar un proyecto desde cero, decidimos modificar un gestor de proyectos existente, dotProject, ampliando sus características. Con nuestra herramienta se pueden crear nuevas definiciones de procesos o importarlas en formato XML desde EPFComposer. Se permite la creación de productos de trabajo, gestión de los roles del proceso y personalización de las tareas. Una vez instanciado el proceso, los participantes pueden empezar a trabajar en el proyecto con todos los elementos definidos en el mismo mediante una intuitiva interfaz gráfica que brinda la aplicación. Otro logro notable es el de integrar un sistema de control de cambios (SVN). Ahora mismo, no existe ninguna extensión de dotproject para soportar SVN. Este servicio se integra de tal forma que no hay necesidad de que el cliente instale ningún tipo de programa adicional en su ordenador, pudiendo además acceder a este repositorio de forma independiente a dotProject. El sistema ha sido desarrollado en los lenguajes PHP, JSP, Java y Javascript y requiere para su despliegue de un servidor con servicios web compatibles con PHP, un servidor de base de datos MySQL, un servidor de aplicaciones para J2EE y la instalación de los servicios de Subversion en el servidor. Todas las herramientas utilizadas para el desarrollo son Open Source, por lo que podemos devolver a la comunidad de desarrolladores el beneficio de poder usar estas herramientas con una aplicación libre que ofrece servicios disponibles generalmente bajo pago. La agrupación de todas estas características sobre un gestor de proyectos libre como dotProject supone la creación de una funcionalidad no existente en aplicaciones libres y da respuesta a un gran número de solicitudes por parte de la comunidad de usuarios. [ABSTRACT] The purpose of our project is contributing a free and Open Source application that allows the administration of a project management entire cycle by the supplying of new functionalities that provide more power and flexibility to the execution of these projects. The name of this application is FVE Project Manager. There are several free solutions, but they are far from being complete, especially for not being integrated with version control systems. So, instead of starting a project from scratch, we decided to modify an existing project manager, dotproject, expanding its features. With our tool it is possible to create new process definitions or import them in XML format from EPFComposer. It allows the creation of workproducts, process roles management and personalization of the process of tasks. Once the process is instantiated, the participants may start working on it with all the defined elements in it through an intuitive graphical interface that the application provides. Another remarkable achievement is integrating a version control system (SVN). Right now, there is no extension of dotproject that works with SVN. This service is integrated so that there is no need for the customer to install any additional software on his computer. He can also access this repository independently from dotproject. The system has been developed in PHP, JSP, Java and Javascript languages. It requires for its deployment a PHP compatible web services server, a MySQL database server, a J2EE application server and the installation of the Subversion services in the server. All the tools that we used in the development are Open Source, so we can return to the developer community the benefit of being able to use these tools with a free application that provides non-free services. The grouping of all these features on a free project manager as dotproject involves creating a non-existent feature in free applications and responded to numerous requests by the user community

    Impacto de la disfunción muscular y de los microorganismos resistentes en las exacerbaciones de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    La Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva crónica (EPOC) presenta afectación pulmonar y sistémica y periodos de exacerbación (AEPOC), que contribuyen a su progresión. En algunas ocasiones la AEPOC está causada por microorganismos resistentes a tratamiento convencional (MRCT). Comparamos las características de las AEPOC por MRCT con las producidas por otras causas. Los factores de riesgo para presentar AEPOC por MRCT fueron el tabaquismo no activo, ≥ 2 AEPOC o de ≥ 1 hospitalización por AEPOC el año previo y una baja respuesta inflamatoria al ingreso. Los pacientes con MRCT tenían estancias hospitalarias más prolongadas. La disfunción muscular es una manifestación sistémica común en la EPOC. Estudiamos la función muscular periférica y respiratoria durante la hospitalización por AEPOC. La fuerza muscular estaba disminuida, aunque en mayor grado la respiratoria. La determinación temprana de la fuerza muscular inspiratoria es un buen predictor tanto de una nueva AEPOC como de reingreso hospitalarioChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterized by both pulmonary and systemic involvements, as well as periods of exacerbation (AECOPD), which contribute to its progression. Sometimes AECOPD is caused by microorganisms resistant to conventional treatment (MRCT). We compared the characteristics of AECOPD caused by MRCT with those produced by other causes. The risk factors for AEPOC by MRCT were non-current smoking, ≥ 2 AEPOC or ≥ 1 hospitalization for AEPOC in the previous year and a low inflammatory response at admission. Patients with MRCT had longer hospital stays. Muscle dysfunction is a common systemic manifestation in COPD. We studied the peripheric and respiratory muscle function in hospitalization for AECOPD. Muscle strength was decreased during AEPOC, although the inspiratory involvement was greater. The early determination of inspiratory muscle strength during hospitalization is a good predictor for both a new AECOPD and hospital readmissio

    An experimental economics application as a teaching and research resource: Competitive markets analysis.

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    RESUMEN: Generalmente, la docencia de una clase de economía tradicional requiere de la realización de numerosos esfuerzos de abstracción por parte del alumnado, propiciando una desvinculación de la explicación con el propio objeto de ésta y dificultando una realización exitosa del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Una propuesta para enfrentarnos ante esta problemática reside en la aplicación de experimentos de carácter económico relacionados con los fenómenos económicos a tratar en los que el alumnado cobre el rol principal. El objeto es permitir a los alumnos recurrir a su propia experiencia vivida para poder reflexionar y asimilar los hechos y conceptos económicos intervinientes en la actividad. En el presente trabajo se describe la preparación y realización de un experimento sobre el funcionamiento de los mercados competitivos efectuado en una clase de Economía de 1º de Bachillerato, analizando los resultados obtenidos en dicha actividad y, principalmente, valorando su potencial pedagógico. De la realización del experimento en dicho contexto se obtendrán, en primer lugar, resultados consistentes con la literatura experimental y, en segundo lugar, indicios de un gran potencial pedagógico. Por último, la dificultad en la obtención de valoraciones de mayor profundidad pone en evidencia la necesidad de disponer de una mayor cantidad de medios y recursos.Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundari

    Human adipose stem cell-conditioned medium increases survival of Friedreich's Ataxia cells submitted to oxidative stress

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    Friedreich's ataxia (FA) is a multisystemic disorder characterized by progressive gait, ataxia, and cardiomyopathy. There are few treatments for this disease; thus, we analyzed in vitro the possible beneficial effect of adult stem cells in FA. To this end, human adipose stem cells from healthy individuals and periodontal ligament cells from FA patients were isolated and cultured. FA cells are especially vulnerable to oxidative stress; thus, they were submitted to this condition and cultured in adipose stem cell-conditioned medium. This resulted in increased cell survival and upregulation of oxidative-stress-related genes as well as frataxin, among other genes. A number of trophic factors were shown to be expressed by the adipose stem cells, especially brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which was also identified in the conditioned medium. The culture of the ataxic cells under oxidative stress and in the presence of this trophic factor confirmed its protective effect. Thus, this work demonstrates that adipose stem cell-conditioned medium from healthy individuals is capable of changing the transcription levels of oxidative-stress-related genes in cells that are particularly susceptible to this condition, avoiding cellular degeneration. Also, this work shows how neurotrophic factors, particularly BDNF, are capable of increasing cell survival in response to oxidative stress, which occurs in many neurodegenerative diseases. © Copyright 2012, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2012.This work has been financed by EUCOMMTOOLS, Science and Innovation Ministry (MICINN BFU-2008-00588, CONSOLIDER CSD2007-00023), Valencian government (PROMETEO/2009/028), Cell Therapy Network-Carlos III Health Institute (RD06/0010/0023), Alicia Koplowitz Foundation, Granada Foundation of Friedreich’s Ataxia, 5P- Syndrome Foundation, and Diógenes Foundation/Elche (CATEDRA ELA).Peer Reviewe

    Methodology for the study of the walls of the Patio de Santo Tomás, University of Alcalá

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    The main courtyard of the University of Alcalá, Patio de Santo Tomas, has un-dergone many transformations and changes of use since it was built in the 16th century. During the restoration works of the building, the wall renderings were removed, showing the building materials of the walls. It was observed that the historical building works were overlapped on the same plane of the wall. This exceptional event allowed a direct study of the historical evolution occurred on the building, through an analysis of the materials and the construction techniques. The aims of the study were: first, finding out the shape and size, building techniques and ma-terials of the original Patio; second, identifying the main elements and construction techniques of the different historical stages of the building; and third, surveying the successive building works undertaken in the building over the past five centuries. In order to achieve these goals, the methodology used combined historic and graphic documentation, stratigraphy, morphology and metric analysis and materials characterization

    Cine Yakuza, evolución de un estilo cinematográfico

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    La Yakuza ha sido siempre parte de nuestro imaginario colectivo en la cinematografía de cualquier país. Parte de su éxito, se debe quizás a la idea preconcebida que tiene la población ante esta figura legendaria. En el cine actual vemos una yakuza mitificada con un papel representativo. En este trabajo he querido tratar la evolución cronológica de las películas referentes a esta temática en concreto. Buscando las similitudes y diferencias que las han representado a lo largo de los años. Para poder descubrir si realmente existe un cambio notable en ellas. La evolución en el género conocido como yakuza eiga visionado y analizado a través de películas que lo lanzaron a un mercado mundialmente más amplioLa Yakuza ha sigut sempre part del nostre imaginari col·lectiu de la cinematografia de qualsevol país. Part del ser èxit, es deu potser a la idea preconcebuda que te la població davant d'aquesta figura llegendària. En el cinema actual veiem una yakuza mitificada amb un paper molt representatiu. En aquest treball he volgut tractar l'evolució cronològica de les pel·lícules referents a aquesta temàtica concretament. Buscant similituds i diferencies que poden representar el pas del temps. Per poder descobrir si realment existeix aquest canvi notable en elles. L'evolució del genera conegut como yakuza eiga visionat i analitzar a traves de les pel·lícules que el van impulsar cap a un mercat mundialment més granThe Yakuza has always been part of our collective perception in the cinematographic universe of any country. Part of its success stems perhaps from the preconception the general public has of this legendary entity. In modern day films we are shown an idealized yakuza with a representative role. In this project I have focused on tracing the chronological evolution of films related to this genre in particular, searching for the similarities and differences that have represented it throughout the years. In order to discover whether there is a noticeable change in them. The evolution in the genre known as yakuza eiga viewed and analyzed through films that launched it towards a wider marke

    Multidisciplinary Integrated Study of Saint Ildephonse's College, University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain)

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    This paper present a multidisciplinary study of the Saint Ildephonse's College, the first building of the University of Alcalá, founded in 1495 and declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1998. During the last restoration of the building, carried out in 2011-2012, all the walls’ coatings were removed and the historical materials came out to light. The aims of the study were: to identify the different stages of the building’s history, supported by direct measuring and sampling; to understand the changes suffered by the building in the last five centuries; to formulate a feasible hypothesis of its initial configuration. The study integrated a stratigraphic study based on a photogrammetric survey, a morphological analysis of the masonry patterns, materials characterization, a metric analysis of the original remaining parts and an architectural assessment of the construction chronology. Material samples were taken from the walls of the College and the characterization results were put in discussion with published data, reviewing the historiography of the building. Four historical stages were identified, corresponding to: the original 15th century building and the 16th century stone façade; the construction of a clock tower and a granite cloister inside the central courtyard during the 17th century; the refurbishment works and change of use into a religious school in the 19th century; the return of the University in the 20th century. The analysis of the original building’s remaining parts allowed to propose a hypothesis of the original two-storey building constructed with rammed-earth and brick masonry, which was previously unknown. The same constructive pattern and metrics was also identified in the side wall of the University Chapel, which was built simultaneously to the College. The original walls did not have any brick-row between the rammed-earth boxes, which was commonly used in the area of Toledo. Instead, this constructive technique is related to the rammed earth constructions used in the area of Spanish-Islamic kingdom of Granada. The biography of Cardinal Cisneros could explain the use of this technique in the centre of Spain

    Methodology for the study of the walls of the Patio de Santo Tomás, University of Alcalá

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    The main courtyard of the University of Alcalá, Patio de Santo Tomas, has un-dergone many transformations and changes of use since it was built in the 16th century. During the restoration works of the building, the wall renderings were removed, showing the building materials of the walls. It was observed that the historical building works were overlapped on the same plane of the wall. This exceptional event allowed a direct study of the historical evolution occurred on the building, through an analysis of the materials and the construction techniques. The aims of the study were: first, finding out the shape and size, building techniques and ma-terials of the original Patio; second, identifying the main elements and construction techniques of the different historical stages of the building; and third, surveying the successive building works undertaken in the building over the past five centuries. In order to achieve these goals, the methodology used combined historic and graphic documentation, stratigraphy, morphology and metric analysis and materials characterization

    Multidisciplinary Integrated Study of Saint Ildephonse's College, University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain)

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    This paper present a multidisciplinary study of the Saint Ildephonse's College, the first building of the University of Alcalá, founded in 1495 and declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1998. During the last restoration of the building, carried out in 2011-2012, all the walls’ coatings were removed and the historical materials came out to light. The aims of the study were: to identify the different stages of the building’s history, supported by direct measuring and sampling; to understand the changes suffered by the building in the last five centuries; to formulate a feasible hypothesis of its initial configuration. The study integrated a stratigraphic study based on a photogrammetric survey, a morphological analysis of the masonry patterns, materials characterization, a metric analysis of the original remaining parts and an architectural assessment of the construction chronology. Material samples were taken from the walls of the College and the characterization results were put in discussion with published data, reviewing the historiography of the building. Four historical stages were identified, corresponding to: the original 15th century building and the 16th century stone façade; the construction of a clock tower and a granite cloister inside the central courtyard during the 17th century; the refurbishment works and change of use into a religious school in the 19th century; the return of the University in the 20th century. The analysis of the original building’s remaining parts allowed to propose a hypothesis of the original two-storey building constructed with rammed-earth and brick masonry, which was previously unknown. The same constructive pattern and metrics was also identified in the side wall of the University Chapel, which was built simultaneously to the College. The original walls did not have any brick-row between the rammed-earth boxes, which was commonly used in the area of Toledo. Instead, this constructive technique is related to the rammed earth constructions used in the area of Spanish-Islamic kingdom of Granada. The biography of Cardinal Cisneros could explain the use of this technique in the centre of Spain

    Infección de quiste de uraco en adulto

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    The pathology of the urachus is rare and it is caused by the permeabilization of the urachal remnant. Among the most important complications are infection and neoplasia of the urachus. We showcase a 50-year-old woman who was diagnosed and treated for an urinary tract infection without improvement. The computerized tomography showed a prevesical collection compatible with an infected urachal cyst diagnosis. The treatment was favorable after a course of antibiotics and drainage of the lesion. Later, the patient had an excision surgery and a partial cystectomy with a favorable outcome.La patología del uraco es infrecuente y se produce por la permeabilización del remanente de uraco. Aunque la mayoría de los casos son asintomáticos, se puede dar el caso de ciertas complicaciones, siendo las más importantes la infección y las neoplasias de uraco. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 50 años diagnosticada y tratada de infección de orina con mala evolución por lo que se realizó una tomografía computarizada que mostró colección prevesical compatible con un diagnóstico de quiste de uraco sobreinfectado. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente con drenaje y antibioterapia. Más adelante también se realizó cirugía de exéresis y cistectomía parcial con un resultado favorable