35 research outputs found

    La medicalización del parto. Reflexiones sobre el cuidado obstétrico

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    Medicalización de la sociedad, medicalización del parto en España, nuevos aires en la asistencia obstétrica y propuestas para el cambio

    Una mirada de los derechos humanos de la comunidad wayuu desde la perspectiva de la educación superior

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    This essay is the product of a documentary review that had to analyze the human rights of the Wayuu community from the perspective of higher education. The work has a descriptive nature and pretend to promote more research about subject. It is finds that The Wayuu community live in extreme poverty and the child population is suffering from malnutrition. In conclusion, the intervention of international organizations that restore human rights guarantees is urgentEl presente ensayo es producto de una revisión documental que tuvo por analizar los derechos humanos de la comunidad wayuu desde la perspectiva de la educación superior. El trabajo tiene una naturaleza descriptiva y pretende impulsar más investigaciones sobre el tema. Se encuentra que la comunidad wayuu vive en extrema pobreza y la población infantil padece de desnutrición. Se concluye que es urgente la intervención de organismos internacionales que restauren las garantías de los derechos humanos de la comunidad wayuu

    Los derechos humanos en el siglo XXI una verdadera realidad de Colombia

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    This article is the product of the advance of the doctoral thesis on human rights subject and the insertion of immigrants in Colombia affected by the political crisis in their country. Hence, the need arises for a social reflection that is carried out in a documentary or empirical way, the documentary is carried out with the bibliographic inquiry, magazine, documentaries. Empirical research is carried out through direct or indirect observation; as well as the application of surveys to experts, the universe of this research are migrants. The population was represented by 200 Venezuelan. The sample is 136 Venezuelans. The population's own parameters are Venezuelan migrants who do not have a foreign certificate, permanence visa, or entry and permanence permit (PIP) or a special permanence permit (PEP). The method applied for this research is the qualitative one from which a delimited and concrete study problem arises, interpretative practice predominates that makes the world visible and transforms it into representations of reality, as well as practical methods by Emilio Durkheim, French sociologist (1864-1917), who uses the comparative historical method. Key words: Colombia, Human rights, Migration, Venezuela. How to reference this article: Samper Ibáñez, J., E. (2019). Los derechos humanos en el siglo xxi una verdadera realidad de colombia. Revista Ciencia Jurídica y Política, 71-81. Recuperado de: https://portalderevistas.upoli.edu.ni/index.php/5-revciencasjuridicasypoliticas/article/view/377Este artículo es producto del avance de la tesis doctoral en materia de los derechos humanos y la   inserción de los inmigrantes en Colombia afectados por la crisis política de su país.  De ahí, surge la necesidad de una reflexión social que se lleva a cabo de manera documental o empírica, La documental se lleva acabo con la indagación bibliográfica, revista, documentales. La investigación empírica se realiza a través de la observación directa o indirecta; así como la aplicación de encuestas a funcionarios expertos, El universo de la investigación son los migrantes. la población estuvo representada por 200 venezolano.  La muestra es de 136 venezolanos.  Los parámetros propios   de la población son    venezolanos migrantes que no tienen cédula de extranjería, visa de permanencia, permiso de ingreso y permanencia (PIP) o el permiso especial de permanencia (PEP). El método aplicado para esta investigación es el cualitativo a partir del cual se plantea un problema de estudio delimitado y concreto, predomina la práctica interpretativa que hace al mundo visible y lo transforma en representaciones de la realidad, así como también métodos   prácticos de Emilio Durkheim, sociólogo francés (1864-1917), que utiliza el método histórico comparativo Palabras clave: Colombia, Derechos Humanos, Migración, Venezuela. Como referenciar este artículo: Samper Ibáñez, J., E. (2019). Los derechos humanos en el siglo xxi una verdadera realidad de colombia. Revista Ciencia Jurídica y Política, 71-81. Recuperado de: https://portalderevistas.upoli.edu.ni/index.php/5-revciencasjuridicasypoliticas/article/view/37

    Competencias ciudadanas desde la perspectiva de la Lectura Crítica en la Educación Universitaria

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    Objective: To strengthen citizenship skills through critical reading in university education. Methodology: The methodological design was framed in a systematic and empirical investigation. The students of the Political Constitution and Textual Construction courses at the University of the Costa were taken as a sample. The findings found through the surveys evidenced the existing shortcomings in the interpretation of the components of citizen competence. Results and conclusions: The result of this research can be summarized in that the educational community, object of study, welcomes the initiative to strengthen citizen competencies and critical reading based on a didactic strategy.Objetivo: Fortalecer las competencias ciudadanas a través de la lectura crítica en la educación universitaria.  Metodología: El diseño metodológico se enmarcó en una investigación sistemática y empírica. Se tomó como muestra a los estudiantes de las asignaturas de Constitución Política y Construcción Textual en de la Universidad de la Costa. Los hallazgos encontrados a través de las encuestas, evidenciaron las falencias existentes en cuanto a la interpretación de los componentes de la competencia ciudadana. Resultados y conclusiones: El resultado de esta investigación, puede ser resumido en que la comunidad educativa, objeto de estudio, recibe con beneplácito la iniciativa de fortalecer las competencias ciudadanas y la lectura crítica a partir de una estrategia didáctica

    Las redes sociales como modelo estratégico en la competencia comunicativa de la lengua inglesa

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    Objective: Analyze social networks as a strategic model in the communicative competence of the English language. Methodology: The methodological design was framed in a systematic, empirical and qualitative research. The students of the English language subject were taken as a sample. For this reason, the difficulties that are presented with this subject are identified in the students who show difficulty in handling the oral and written production of the English language, so it is necessary to design striking and innovative strategies that are to their liking. Results: It is intended that the learning of the French language be more fluent in oral and written production, in the speakers of said institution. For this research it is necessary the analytical review of the different social network strategies that have been implemented in different national and international universities, in order to intervene in students of higher education. Conclusions: The findings found through tests and interviews, evidenced the existing shortcomings in the oral and written production of the language due to the use of traditional strategies. This research is expected to be relevant and to yield good results, because there is an opportunity to apply ICTs and social networks that are already immersed in society (especially in young people), an opportunity that cannot be missed to put it to play in favor of improving the development of reading and writing skills.Objetivo: Analizar las redes sociales como modelo estratégico en la competencia comunicativa de la lengua inglesa.  Metodología: El diseño metodológico se enmarcó en una investigación sistemática, empírica y cualitativa.  Se tomó como muestra a los estudiantes de la asignatura de lengua inglesa. Para lo cual se identifican las dificultades que se presenta con esta asignatura en los estudiantes que muestran dificultad en el manejo de la producción oral y escrita de la lengua inglés, por lo que se hace necesario diseñar estrategias llamativas e innovadoras y que sean de su agrado. Resultados: Se pretende que en el aprendizaje de la lengua francesa haya mayor fluidez en la producción oral y escrita, en los dicentes de dicha institución.  Para esta investigación se hace necesaria la revisión analítica de las diferentes estrategias de redes sociales que se hayan implementado en diferentes universidades nacionales e  internacionales, para así intervenir en los estudiantes de la educación superior. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados a través Pruebas y entrevistas, evidenciaron las falencias existentes en la producción oral y escrita de la lengua debido al empleo de estrategias tradicionales. Esta investigación se espera que sea pertinente y que arroje buenos resultados, porque se tiene la oportunidad de aplicar las TIC`s y las redes sociales que ya están inmersas en la sociedad (especialmente en los jóvenes), oportunidad que no se puede desaprovechar para ponerla a jugar a favor del mejoramiento del desarrollo de las competencias lectoras y escritoras

    El líder comunitario del siglo XXI: un verdadero gestor social

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    El líder del siglo XXI como gestor social, resalta la labor del líder comunitario del barrio Carrizal, ubicado en el sur occidente de Barranquilla, y su participación como elemento generador de cambio y de transformación. Este es un líder comprometido, participativo, dinámico, que maneja canales de comunicación, solidario, constante y cooperativo. Aquí se encaran las diferentes clases de líderes. Se hace un análisis de cómo el mismo estado, y las entidades gubernamentales tienen en el olvido a los barrios más vulnerables, y cómo desde estos barrios existen personas con capacidad de liderazgo que mitigan ciertas problemáticas sociales, haciendo un llamado a la escuela, a la educación y a la sociedad, para que transforme y posibilite al individuo.The XXI Century leader as a social manager highlights the communitarian leader labor in Carrizal neighborhood, located at the southwest part of the City of Barranquilla, and his participation as a generating element of change and transformation. This is a compromised, active and dynamic leader, entitled to handle communication channels at the same time of being very supportive, persistent and cooperative. Here the different types of leader are faced. An analysis of how the very same State and the governmental entities have forgotten the most vulnerable neighborhoods and how from the same neighborhoods there are people with leadership capabilities that they mitigate certain social matters, making a call to the school system, education and society, in order to transform and allow the conditions for the individual leader to face the various challenges of the modern and post modern reach out

    Prototype Drop Tests of Cube and Cubipod Armor Units

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    In this paper, an experimental methodology is described to assess the structural strength of unreinforced concrete armor units (CAUs). The methodology is applied to measure the structural integrity under impact loads of the new Cubipod CAU compared with the conventional cube CAU. The casting systems and clamps are described for manufacturing and handling the 15-t conventional cubic block and 16-t Cubipod prototypes used for the drop tests. Two separate reinforced concrete platforms were used for overturning and for free-fall tests, respectively. Compared with conventional cubes of similar size and concrete strength, Cubipods withstand drops that are more than 50% higher. Two extreme free-fall tests confirmed the structural robustness of Cubipod armor units. Manufacturing cycle time, as well as storage and handling procedures, are similar for both Cubipods and conventional cubic blocks. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.The writers are grateful for the logistic support provided by the Port Authority of Alicante and the consortium TMS. Financial support was received from CDTI (CUBIPOD Project). The writers also thank Roman Goumy for his assistance during the prototype drop tests and Debra Westall for revising the manuscript.Medina, JR.; Gómez-Martín, ME.; Corredor-Molguero, A.; Torres-Samper, R.; Miñana, JV.; Fernández, E.; Menéndez, CF.... (2011). Prototype Drop Tests of Cube and Cubipod Armor Units. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. 137(2):54-63. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000064S5463137

    Activated Lymphocytes and Increased Risk of Dermatologic Adverse Events during Sorafenib Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Altres ajuts: Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer PI044031Hepatocellular carcinoma is the second cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Of those advanced-stage patients who are treated with sorafenib, those who develop early dermatologic adverse events have a better prognosis. These events are possibly immune-related. Therefore, we analyzed the phenotype of 52 sorafenib-treated patients' circulating lymphocytes throughout treatment. We found that different co-stimulatory and immune exhaustion markers, such as Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and DNAX accessory molecule 1 (DNAM-1) amongst others, correlate with the probability of developing these adverse events, both before and during the treatment. We also compared the phenotype of those lymphocytes expressing DNAM-1 with those that do not, and while NK DNAM-1-expressing cells have a co-stimulatory phenotype, T DNAM-1-expressing cells are immune-suppressors. Overall, we set a rationale for the combination of sorafenib and immune-targeted therapies; and for the use of immune markers (such as DNAM-1) for patients' prognosis evaluation. Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with sorafenib who develop early dermatologic adverse events (eDAEs) have a better prognosis. This may be linked to immune mechanisms, and thus, it is relevant to assess the association between peripheral immunity and the probability of developing eDAEs. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 52 HCC patients treated with sorafenib were analyzed at baseline and throughout the first eight weeks of therapy. T, B, Natural Killer cells, and their immune checkpoints expression data were characterized by flow cytometry. Cytokine release and immune-suppression assays were carried out ex vivo. Cox baseline and time-dependent regression models were applied to evaluate the probability of increased risk of eDAEs. DNAM-1, PD-1, CD69, and LAG-3 in T cells, plus CD16 and LAG-3 in NK cells, are significantly associated with the probability of developing eDAEs. While NK DNAM-1 + cells express activation markers, T DNAM-1 + cells induce immune suppression and show immune exhaustion. This is the first study to report an association between immune checkpoints expression in circulating immune cells and the increased incidence of eDAEs. Our results support the hypothesis for an off-target role of sorafenib in immune modulation. We also describe a novel association between DNAM-1 and immune exhaustion in T cells

    Biophysical and lipidomic biomarkers of cardiac remodeling post-myocardial infarction in humans

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    Few studies have analyzed the potential of biophysical parameters as markers of cardiac remodeling post-myocardial infarction (MI), particularly in human hearts. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) illustrates the overall changes in proteins, nucleic acids and lipids in a single signature. The aim of this work was to define the FTIR and lipidomic pattern for human left ventricular remodeling post-MI. A total of nine explanted hearts from ischemic cardiomyopathy patients were collected. Samples from the right ventricle (RV), left ventricle (LV) and infarcted left ventricle (LV INF) were subjected to biophysical (FTIR and differential scanning calorimetry, DSC) and lipidomic (liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry, LC–HRMS) studies. FTIR evidenced deep alterations in the myofibers, extracellular matrix proteins, and the hydric response of the LV INF compared to the RV or LV from the same subject. The lipid and esterified lipid FTIR bands were enhanced in LV INF, and both lipid indicators were tightly and positively correlated with remodeling markers such as collagen, lactate, polysaccharides, and glycogen in these samples. Lipidomic analysis revealed an increase in several species of sphingomyelin (SM), hexosylceramide (HexCer), and cholesteryl esters combined with a decrease in glycerophospholipids in the infarcted tissue. Our results validate FTIR indicators and several species of lipids as useful markers of left ventricular remodeling post-MI in humans