2,249 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y validación de una escala para medir la confianza en los tribunales

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    A lo largo de los últimos años, en numerosos puntos de la geografía mundial la insatisfacción ciudadana con el sistema de justicia parece haberse convertido en una constante, más acentuada aún si cabe en el caso de instituciones alejadas de la cotidianidad de la ciudadanía como son los tribunales penales. Dado el importante papel que ha mostrado la confianza en la configuración de expectativas ciudadanas que permiten estimular la cooperación y el cumplimiento voluntario de la Ley, su restitución se ha instalado como un tema prioritario en la agenda política de los gobiernos de la mayoría de los países. A pesar de ello, en el ámbito europeo aún es muy escaso el conocimiento que se tiene acerca de las bases y el comportamiento de la confianza en los tribunales penales. El presente estudio, empleando la base de datos la Quinta Edición de la Encuesta Social Europea (2010-2011) propone y valida, mediante la técnica del Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio, una escala de medición de la confianza en los tribunales partiendo de los componentes que la evidencia empírica ha otorgado un mayor peso en la configuración de esta, permitiendo proporcionar un índice que muestra los diferentes niveles de confianza en la justicia de los distintos países europeos. Over recent years, in many parts of the world geography public dissatisfaction with the justice system seems to have become a constant, even if it is more pronounced in the case of remote institutions of everyday life of citizens as are the courts penalties. Given the important role that has shown confidence in shaping citizens' expectations that allow cooperation and encourage voluntary compliance with the law, restitution is installed as a priority issue on the political agenda of governments of most countries. However, in Europe there is still very little knowledge about the basis and behaviour of the confidence in the criminal courts. The present study, using the database from the Fifth Edition of the European Social Survey (2010-2011) proposed and validated through confirmatory factor analysis technique, a scale measuring confidence in the courts based on the components that empirical evidence has given greater weight in this configuration, allowing to provide an index showing the different levels of confidence in the justice of the European countries

    Ciudadanía y gobiernos abiertos

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    Las instituciones públicas tienen la obligación de defender a la ciudadanía y apoyar sus demandas. Para ello se precisa un cambio en las relaciones de poder actual, unas instituciones más flexibles, transparentes, abiertas, participativas, que muestren una vocación por la práctica de la accountability y, sobre todo, por la rendición de cuentas periódica. A su vez se precisa eliminar el clientelismo, abrir los debates a todos los niveles y desligar la función pública de la política fortaleciendo unas estructuras abiertas en donde la capacidad y el mérito presida dicha función pública. Solo de este modo se conseguirá un incremento de la confianza de la sociedad civil hacia nuestras institucione

    Maladaptive Schemas as An Explanation for Gender Differences in Eating Disorder Symptoms in Adolescents

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    The present study examined gender differences in early maladaptive schemas as an explanation for gender differences in the prevalence of eating disorder symptomatology. A total of 789 adolescents (406 boys and 383 girls) between 11 and 17 years of age (M = 14.51, SD = 1.59) completed both the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-8) to assess eating disorder symptomatology and the Brief Version of the Young Schema Questionnaire for Adolescents and Young Adults (YSQ-3-B) to assess early maladaptive schemas. The results showed that girls had higher early maladaptive schema scores compared to boys, particularly for the disconnection and rejection domain, the impaired autonomy and performance domain, and the other-directedness domain, partially explaining their higher eating disorder symptom scores. The findings of the study are discussed considering the social and patriarchal mandates that exist regarding genderEsquemas Desadaptativos Tempranos como Explicación de las Diferencias de Género en Síntomas de Trastornos de Alimentación en Adolescentes. Este estudio examinó las diferencias de género en los esquemas desadaptativos tempranos como explicación de las diferencias de género en la prevalencia de sintomatología de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Participaron 789 adolescentes (406 chicos y 383 chicas), cuya edad oscilaba entre los 13 y los 17 años (M = 14.51, DT = 1.59) y quienes contestaron el Test de Actitudes Alimentarias (EAT-8) para evaluar la sintomatología de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y la Versión breve del Cuestionario de Esquemas para Adolescentes y Jóvenes Adultos (YSQ3-B) para analizar los esquemas desadaptativos tempranos. Los resultados mostraron que las mayores puntuaciones de las chicas en esquemas desadaptativos tempranos, especialmente los dominios de desconexión y rechazo, autonomía dañada y foco en los demás, explicaban parcialmente sus mayores puntuaciones en síntomas de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Los resultados se discuten teniendo en cuenta los mandatos sociales y patriarcales que existen alrededor del género

    Nutritional aspects in chronic non-cancer pain: A systematic review

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    Objectives: Chronic pain (CP) is an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience that can be accompanied by tissue damage that persists for more than 3 months. Recent studies show that certain nutritional strategies can help to improve pain, so this study is aimed to systematically review scientific evidence to understand and map the effect of the use of nutritional strategies on the presence or intensity of chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) and the association of these nutritional aspects with the presence or intensity of CNCP. Study design: A systematic review. Methods: Two independent researchers searched for randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and observational studies that explored the relationship between nutrition and CNCP in adults from 2010 to 2020 in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane Library databases. A total of 24 studies were included, of which 20 were RCTs and 4 were observational studies. They are classified into the administration of nutritional supplements, dietary modification, and incorporation of food. Results: Of these studies, those that have a significant effect on pain are dietary modification and the use of nutritional supplements. On the other hand, the main results from the few observational studies included in this review point to the existence of an association relationship between less pain and a ketogenic or hypocaloric diet or adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Conclusion: Dietary modification seems to be one plausible therapeutic option to improve and relieve CNCP. However, more research is needed in this regard to obtain better conclusions

    Archivología, Bibliografía, Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información: representación terminológica en la producción profesional cubana 1905-2008

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    Presentation of a study linking the theoretical problems of the disciplines involved in the system of informative knowledge that found in the literature, —professional production—, in Cuba context, based on the analysis of categories of terms identifying information disciplines. It is based on a qualitative, historical and documentary research, and quantitative research from a temporary exhibition of Cuban professional production of Informative Literature 1905 to 2008, the results in both sections corroborate the status of Cuba informative phenomenon

    Enzymatic hydrolysis of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste : Optimization and valorization of the solid fraction for Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticide production through solid-state fermentation

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya pre-doctoral grant (DI 7, 2019)To reach a more sustainable society, the implementation of a circular economy perspective in municipal waste management becomes essential. In this work, the enzymatic hydrolysis of source-separated organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) has been optimized as a sugar-releasing step. A liquid sugar concentrate, with a maximum reducing sugar concentration of 50.56 g L, and a solid hydrolyzed fraction were obtained. The effect of the harshness of the hydrolysis conditions was evaluated on the performance of the resulting solid fraction as a substrate for Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticide production through solid-state fermentation. A production of 3.9 × 10 viable cells g dry matter with a 33% sporulation ratio was achieved for milder hydrolysis conditions, highlighting the potential of the solid fraction of hydrolysis as a substrate of SSF processes. The proposed valorization pathway for the OFMSW results in a sugar concentrate with potential for fermentative processes and a fermented solid containing biopesticides from Bacillus thuringiensis

    Light and drought: bioprospecting the microbiota of highly-irradiated and dry environments

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    La bioprospección es la búsqueda de microorganismos, o de sus partes, para el desarrollo de herramientas biotecnológicas. Los ambientes extremos, como aquellos altamente irradiados y secos, albergan microorganismos interesantes desde el punto de vista biotecnológico. Las condiciones duras a las que están sometidos en estos ambientes constituyen una presión de selección de mecanismos que les permiten lidiar con altas dosis de radiación y desecación. El trabajo descrito en esta tesis tiene como objetivo caracterizar el perfil de microorganismos asociado a superficies naturales y artificiales sometidas a irradiación (la zona intermareal mediterránea, el desierto de Tabernas y las cabinas UV de fototerapia de un hospital) mediante una estrategia holística que incluye técnicas dependientes e independientes de cultivo. Hemos puesto énfasis en recuperar la máxima diversidad microbiana y la descripción de nuevos taxones mediante la combinación de técnicas de cultivo sencillas, como el uso al mismo tiempo de diferentes condiciones de cultivo y medios. En paralelo, se han investigado las aplicaciones biotecnológicas y biomédicas de estos microorganismos, especialmente su potencial como antioxidantes. Además, se ha estudiado el uso de condiciones de cultivo alternativas de fermentación en fase sólida mediante el uso de matrices 3D en el modelo Saccharomyces cerevisiae. La combinación de medios de cultivo y condiciones de incubación ha permitido aislar un elevado número de géneros diferentes, potenciales nuevos taxones y cepas biotecnológicamente relevantes, tal y como evidencia la descripción de tres nuevas especies del género Kineoccoccus y dos nuevas del género Belnapia. Por otro lado, las técnicas de NGS permitieron determinar diferencias y similitudes entre los ambientes estudiados y las colecciones microbianas establecidas. En concreto, las comunidades de los tres ambientes estaban dominadas por Pseudomonadota, Actinomycetota y Bacteroidota. Además, la NGS reveló que la baja diversidad encontrada en la colección del litoral rocoso mediterráneo estaba influenciada por los métodos de cultivo y el rendimiento de la PCR. Finalmente, géneros como Hymenobacter, Rubellimicrobium, Paracoccus y Corynebacteriumeran, abundantes en NGS, no estaban en las colecciones. El diseño de matrices sólidas impresas en 3D pretendía estudiar la influencia que estas estructuras pueden tener en el crecimiento de levaduras y en la biotecnología. El crecimiento de Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveló que las matrices de manera drástica favorecen crecimiento celular comparado con los cultivos equivalentes estáticos y la fermentación alcohólica, tal y como confirma el perfil proteómico obtenido para los cultivos en diferentes condiciones de crecimiento. Además, los resultados diferenciales de consumo de glucosa y síntesis de etanol abren la puerta a posibles aplicaciones para la industria. Finalmente, el potencial antioxidante de aislados de la zona intermareal de la costa mediterránea se evaluó mediante ensayos in vitro e in vivo. Además, se estudió el potencial antioxidante del aislado CR10 (Micrococcus luteus), una bacteria productora de carotenoides, en un modelo de enfermedad mitocondrial (el Síndrome de Leigh), en colaboración con el grupo de Neuropatología Mitocondrial de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Este síndrome fatal se caracteriza por la neurodegeneración, alteraciones motoras y respiratorias, neuroinflamación y niveles incrementados de estrés oxidativo. Por ello se han explorado las terapias basadas en antioxidantes. Pese a que la administración de un preparado microbiano no tuvo efecto beneficioso sobre los animales enfermos, la serendipia nos llevó a identificar que la maltodextrina era responsable de una significativa reducción en la neuroinflamación, un aumento de la longevidad y un incremento de la variabilidad de Akkermansia spp. en el intestino.Bioprospecting is the search for microorganisms, or their parts, to develop biotechnological tools. Extremophilic environments, such as highly irradiated and dry environments host interesting microbes from the biotechnological perspective. The harsh conditions to which microorganisms are subjected to in these environments constitute a selection pressure of mechanisms that allow them to cope with high doses of radiation and desiccation. The work described in this thesis aims at characterizing the microbial profiles associated to natural and artificial surfaces subjected to irradiation (the Mediterranean rocky-shore, the Tabernas Desert and hospital phototherapy UV cabins), through a holistic strategy including culture-independent and -dependent techniques. We have emphasized improving the recovery of the maximum microbial diversity and the description of novel taxa through the combination of simple culturing strategies, such as combining culture conditions and media. In parallel, the biotechnological and biomedical applications of these microorganisms have been investigated, specifically regarding the potential as antioxidants. Furthermore, the use of alternative culture configurations of solid state fermentation through the use of 3D matrixes has been studied in the model Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The combination of culture media and incubation conditions has resulted in the isolation of a high number of different genera, potentially new taxa and biotechnologically-relevant strains, as evidenced by the description of three new Kineococcus and two Belnapia species. Moreover, NGS allowed us to determine differences and similarities among the studied sites, and with the microbial collections. Specifically, the communities of the three highly-irradiated environments were dominated by Pseudomonadota, Actinomycetota and Bacteroidota. Moreover, NGS revealed that the low diversity found in the collection from the Mediterranean rocky shore was influenced by culturing methods and PCR performance. Finally, genera such as Hymenobacter, Rubellimicrobium, Paracoccus and Corynebacterium were abundant in NGS and completely absent in the collections. The design of 3D-printed solid matrixes aimed at studying whether these structures may influence yeast growth and their impact on biotechnology. The growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed that our matrixes dramatically fostered cell-yields compared to the equivalent static cultures and appeared to favour alcoholic fermentation, as revealed by the proteomic profiles obtained for cultures in different growth conditions. Moreover, differential results were also obtained in terms of glucose consumption and ethanol biosynthesis, which opens the door for further applications in industry. Finally, the antioxidant potential strains isolated from the Mediterranean supratidal zone was assessed through in vitro and in vivo assays. Moreover, we further tested the antioxidant potential of strain CR10 (Micrococcus luteus), a carotenoid-synthetizing bacteria, in a model of a human mitochondrial disease (Leigh Syndrome), as a collaboration with the group of Mitochondrial Neuropathology in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. This fatal syndrome is characterized by neurodegeneration, motor and respiratory alterations, neuroinflammation and increased levels of oxidative stress. Thus, therapies based in antioxidant compounds have been explored. Although the administration of a microbial preparation had no beneficial effects on the diseased mice, serendipity led us to identify that maltodextrin was responsible of a significant reduction in neuroinflammation, increased lifespan and variability in the abundance of Akkermansia spp. in the gut

    A survey of oral surgeons tobacco-use-related knowledge and intervention behaviors

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    Objectives: To evaluate whether oral surgeons are aware of tobacco?s role in oral health. Moreover, we wanted to know professionals? attitudes towards smoker patients and physicians? involvement in detecting and eradicating this habit in patients. Study D esign: We conducted a survey to determine the awareness of the members of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery about tobacco?s damage on oral health and the role of dentists in the prevention and elimination of the smoking habit. Results: 450 surveys were distributed during the Seventh National Congress of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery, of which 224 (49.8%) were answered. Seventy-six point eight percent of oral surgeons said that they have a good knowledge of the effects of snuff on oral health. However, only 42.9% admitted they had received specific training regarding how to deal with patients who want to give up smoking. Sixty-three point four percent had explained to smoker patients the risk of this habit for the oral and general health. However, 17% admitted they do not advise their patients to give up smoking for fear of upsetting them, while 15.2% expressed lack of time, and 3.6% think it is not their competence. As to the relationship between oral cancer and smoking, 83% of oral surgeons recognize a direct relationship. In addition, 85.7% of professionals believe that dentists have a primary role in oral cancer prevention. Conclusions: These results indicate that most oral surgeons are concerned about the smoking habit of their patients. However, it is necessary to increase the specific training of dentists by providing tobacco treatment programs as part of their professional responsibility. Oral surgeons recognize the direct relationship between the smoking habit and oral cancer and regard as very important the role of dentists in the prevention of this disease