4,506 research outputs found

    Are Repeatedly Extorted Businesses Different? A Multilevel Hurdle Model of Extortion Victimization

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    Objectives: Research consistently shows that crime concentrates on a few repeatedly victimized places and targets. In this paper we examine whether the same is true for extortion against businesses. We then test whether the factors that explain the likelihood of becoming a victim of extortion also explain the number of incidents suffered by victimized businesses. The alternative is that extortion concentration is a function of event dependence. Methods: Drawing on Mexico’s commercial victimization survey, we determine whether repeat victimization occurs by chance by comparing the observed distribution to that expected under a Poisson process. Next, we utilize a multilevel negative binomial-logit hurdle model to examine whether area- and business-level predictors of victimization are also associated with the number of repeat extortions suffered by businesses. Results: Findings suggest that extortion is highly concentrated, and that the predictors of repeated extortion differ from those that predict the likelihood of becoming a victim of extortion. While area-level variables showed a modest association with the likelihood of extortion victimization, they were not significant predictors of repeat incidents. Similarly, most business-level variables significantly associated with victimization risk showed insignificant (and sometimes contrary) associations with victimization concentration. Overall, unexplained differences in extortion concentration at the business-level were unaffected by predictors of extortion prevalence. Conclusions: The inconsistent associations of predictors across the hurdle components suggest that extortion prevalence and concentration are fueled by two distinct processes, an interpretation congruent with theoretical expectations regarding extortion that considers that repeats are likely fueled by a process of event dependence

    Proyecto: Actualización del sistema de presentación radar del servicio de aproximación del Aeropuerto de Quito

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    La falta de un sistema de presentación radar, en sus componentes de hardware y software que amplíen la cobertura del espacio aéreo del área terminal de maniobras región de Quito, la Provincia Pichincha y las provincias aledañas, que generan o importan productos que requieren de un transporte vía aérea, de igual forma el traslado de personas sean ecuatorianos o extranjeros requieren del transporte aéreo como una de las alternativas de comunicación. El servicio de transporte aéreo interviene en el área económica social de la región geográfica descrita anteriormente, especialmente en carga de flores. También en el traslado de pasajeros. La ubicación del aeropuerto en la ciudad de Quito, las características del mismo, al estar atendiendo el transporte de pasajeros y carga en volúmenes considerables, y la tendencia de crecimiento de estos servicios es al alza. Actualmente el área de influencia del Aeropuerto, está siendo atendida en sus dos componentes principales: la atención en tierra y aire en el control de tránsito aéreo para las aeronaves en movimiento por tierra, despegue y vuelo.1. ABREVIATURAS 2. UTILIZADAS 3. FICHA DEL PROYECTO 4. EL PROBLEMA 5. EL PROYECTO 6. CRONOGRAMA 7. ANALISIS TÉCNICO 8. ANÁLISIS DE MERCADO 9. ANÁLISIS FINANCIERO 10. ANALISIS ECONÓMICO 11. CONCLUSIONES 12. BIBLIOGRAFIA 13. ANEXO

    Regular physical activity-related awareness and knowledge in Portugal: results from a population-based survey

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    Background: Previous studies have shown that adequate physical activity (PA, defined as any bodily movement that requires energy expenditure) related awareness and knowledge is crucial to promote regular PA. Therefore, this study aims to characterize PA awareness and knowledge, and to quantify its association with sociodemographic characteristics, health literacy and frequency of exercise. Methods: In a cross-sectional study conducted in 2012, a total of 1624 Portuguese-speaking residents of mainland Portugal (16–79 years old) were assessed through face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire. Adjusted prevalence ratios, calculated using Poisson regression, were used to quantify associations with PA awareness and knowledge. Results: The most reported benefits of PA were “reduces abdominal fat accumulation” (95.8%), “reduces myocardial infarction risk” (92.9%) and “improves bone health” (90.7%), these were less referred by older participants, while more often identified by those who exercise daily. The most referred barrier for people to not practice PA regularly was “lack of time” (33.9%) with differences observed by sex, age, education, employment and health literacy. Over two-thirds of participants correctly identified at least 2 of 3 PAs (“running”, “soccer” and “tennis”) that require the most energy, particularly males, those with higher health literacy and who exercise twice or more times a week. Conclusions: An adequate PA-related awareness and knowledge was observed, and differences according to age, health literacy levels and frequency of exercise were found. As such, awareness-raising interventions to increase regular PA through improving physical literacy and motivation should focus on older adults, those with limited health literacy and who do not exercise.Financial support and sponsorship: This study was supported by FEDER funds through Operational Programme Competitiveness and Internationalization and by national funding from The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science) within the project (HMSPIISE/SAU-ICT/0004/2009) and the Epidemiology Research Unit – Institute of Public Health, University of Porto (EPIUnit; info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/6817 - DCRRNI ID/UIDB/04750/2020/PT). SM was funded under the scope of the project "NEON-PC - Neuro-oncological complications of prostate cancer: longitudinal study of cognitive decline" (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032358; Ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017). An individual grant attributed to ARC (SFRH/BD/102181/2014) was co-funded by FCT and the “Programa Operacional Capital Humano” (POCH/FSE). The funding sources had no role in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication

    Polyethylene imine-based receptor immobilization for label free bioassays

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    Polyethylene imine (PEI) based immobilization of antibodies is described and the concept is proved on the label free assay of C-Reactive Protein (CRP). This novel immobilization method is composed of a hyperbranched PEI layer which was deposited at a high pH (9.5) on the sensor surface. The free amino groups of PEI were derivatized with neutravidin by Biotin N-hydroxysuccinimide ester and the biotinylated anti-CRP antibody immobilized on this layer. Direct binding assay of recombinant CRP was successfully performed in the low μg/ml concentrations using a label free optical waveguide biosensor

    Muscle and liver transcriptome characterization and genetic marker discovery in the farmed meagre, Argyrosomus regius

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    Meagre (Argyrosomus regius), a teleost fish of the family Sciaenidae, is part of a group of marine fish species considered new for Mediterranean aquaculture representing the larger fish cultured in the region. Meagre aquaculture started ~ 25 years ago in West Mediterranean, and the supply of juveniles has been dominated by few hatcheries. This fact has raised concerns on possible inbreeding, urging the need for genetic information on the species and for an assessment of the polymorphisms found in the genome. To that end we characterized the muscle and liver transcriptome of a pool of meagre individuals, from different families and phenotypic size, to obtain a backbone that can support future studies regarding physiology, immunology and genetics of the species. The assembled transcripts were assigned to a wide range of biological processes including growth, reproduction, metabolism, development, stress and behavior. Then, to infer its genetic diversity and provide a catalogue of markers for future use, we scanned the reconstructed transcripts for polymorphic genetic markers. Our search revealed a total of 42,933 high quality SNP and 20,581 STR markers. We found a relatively low rate of polymorphism in the transcriptome that may indicate that inbreeding has taken place. This study has led to a catalogue of genetic markers at the expressed part of the genome and has set the ground for understanding growth and other traits of interest in meagre.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Cattle welfare assessment at the slaughterhouse level: Integrated risk profiles based on the animal''s origin, pre-slaughter logistics, and iceberg indicators

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    Detection of on farm and transport animal welfare problems at slaughterhouse level is a key issue for the meat industry; however, usually, the assessments do not include basic aspects of animal health. For that reason, it is necessary to develop an assessment method that has an integrative scope and identifies the risk profiles in an-imals. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to detect cattle welfare indicators that can be implemented at the slaughterhouse level and to develop integrated risk profiles based on the animal''s origin, pre-slaughter lo-gistics, and animal-based indicators. We recorded the origin, commercial category, transportation details, and horn size of 1040 cattle upon arrival at the slaughterhouse. Cattle welfare was measured based on individual scores for vocalizations, stunning shots, carcass bruises, meat pH, severe hoof injuries, and organ condemnations. To characterize operational and logistic practices from the farm to the slaughterhouse, a two-step cluster analysis was applied to the aforementioned variables (production system, cattle type, horn size, journey distance, vehicle type), which identified four clusters: small feedlot and free-range profile (C1, n = 216, 20.8 %), feedlot profile (C2, n = 193, 18.6 %), culled dairy cows profile (C3, n = 262, 25.2 %), and free-range profile (C4, n = 369, 35.5 %). The animal''s diet and environmental conditions might have influenced the development of hoof disorders in C1 animals (P = 0.023), the proportion of animals that were re-shot was highest in C2 animals (P = 0.033), and C3 and C4 animals were most likely to suffer injuries such as severe bruising (P = 0.001). In addition, the number of stunning shots, meat pH, carcass bruises, severe hoof injuries, and liver condemnations, explained a significant variation in the incidence of various health and welfare consequences based on an animal''s origin, which confirmed their importance as ''welfare iceberg'' indicators. The study provided detailed data that can be included into assessment methods for the welfare of slaughter cattle, which can be tailored to specific production systems

    Assessment of deep eutectic solvents (DES) to fractionate Paulownia wood within a biorefinery scheme: Cellulosic bioethanol production and lignin isolation

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    Five deep eutectic solvents (DES) were evaluated to disrupt Paulownia wood structure to produce bioethanol and lignin. The DES formulated with choline chloride:lactic acid provided the most promising result. Temperature (110–130 ◦C), residence time (30–120 min), molar ratio (1:2–1:9), and liquid-to-solid ratio (8–15 mL/g) were optimized for cellulose recuperation (93% retained in the solid phase) and lignin removal (94% delignification yield). The spent solid was used for bioethanol production, achieving up to 43.6 g ethanol/L (89.7% ethanol yield). Lignin (84% of purity) was isolated from the black liquor and thoroughly characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR, TGA-DTG and SEM, while the liquor after lignin precipitation was chemically characterized for monomers/oligomers, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and phytochemical profile (highlighting the presence of 25.06, 10.21 and 2.51 mg of syringaldehyde, vanillin and 3,4-dihydroxibenzoic acid per g of initial biomass). Overall, this study show that DES pre-treatment is a promising strategy for simultaneous lignin extraction and cellulose digestibility enhancement.Interreg | Ref. S1/1.1/ E0116Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/46-GRCXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2022–020Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019–110031RB-I00Ministerio de Universidades | Ref. FPU20/02385Universidade de Vigo/CISUGAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2018–026177-

    Do individual differences influence moment-by-moment reports of emotion perceived in music and speech prosody?

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    Comparison of emotion perception in music and prosody has the potential to contribute to an understanding of their speculated shared evolutionary origin. Previous research suggests shared sensitivity to and processing of music and speech, but less is known about how emotion perception in the auditory domain might be influenced by individual differences. Personality, emotional intelligence, gender, musical training and age exert some influence on discrete, summative judgments of perceived emotion in music and speech stimuli. However, music and speech are temporal phenomena, and little is known about whether individual differences influence moment-by-moment perception of emotion in these domains. A behavioral study collected two main types of data: continuous ratings of perceived emotion while listening to extracts of music and speech, using a computer interface which modeled emotion on two dimensions (arousal and valence), and demographic information including measures of personality (TIPI) and emotional intelligence (TEIQue-SF). Functional analysis of variance on the time series data revealed a small number of statistically significant differences associated with Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, musical training and age. The results indicate that individual differences exert limited influence on continuous judgments of dynamic, naturalistic expressions. We suggest that this reflects a reliance on acoustic cues to emotion in moment-by-moment judgments of perceived emotions and is further evidence of the shared sensitivity to and processing of music and speech

    Linkage mapping, comparative genome analysis, and QTL detection for growth in a non-model teleost, the meagre Argyrosomus regius, using ddRAD sequencing

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    Meagre (Argyrosomus regius), is a benthopelagic species rapidly emerging in aquaculture, due to its low food to biomass conversion rate, good fillet yield and ease of production. Tracing a species genomic background along with describing the genetic basis of important traits can greatly influence both conservation strategies and production perspectives. In this study, we employed ddRAD sequencing of 266 fish from six F1 meagre families, to construct a high-density genetic map comprising 4529 polymorphic SNP markers. The QTL mapping analysis provided a genomic appreciation for the weight trait identifying a statistically significant QTL on linkage group 15 (LG15). The comparative genomics analysis with six teleost species revealed an evolutionarily conserved karyotype structure. The synteny observed, verified the already well-known fusion events of the three-spine stickleback genome, reinforced the evidence of reduced evolutionary distance of Sciaenids with the Sparidae family, reflected the evolutionary proximity with Dicentrarchus labrax, traced several putative chromosomal rearrangements and a prominent putative fusion event in meagre’s LG17. This study presents novel elements concerning the genome evolutionary history of a non-model teleost species recently adopted in aquaculture, starts to unravel the genetic basis of the species growth-related traits, and provides a high-density genetic map as a tool that can help to further establish meagre as a valuable resource for research and production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio