622 research outputs found

    On polar Legendre polynomials

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    10 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: Primary 42C05; Secondary 33C25.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0709.4537Accepted in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics.We introduce a new class of polynomials {Pn}, that we call polar Legendre polynomials, they appear as solutions of an inverse Gauss problem of equilibrium position of a field of forces with n + 1 unit masses. We study algebraic, differential and asymptotic properties of this class of polynomials, that are simultaneously orthogonal with respect to a differential operator and a discrete-continuous Sobolev type inner product.Research by first author (H.P.) was partially supported by Dirección General de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de España, under grant MTM2006-13000-C03-02, by Comunidad de Madrid-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, under grant CCG06-UC3M/EST-0690 and by Centro de Investigación Matemática de Canarias (CIMAC). Research by second author (J.Y.B.) was supported by CNPq-TWAS. Research by third author (W.U.) was partially supported by Centro de Investigación Matemática de Canarias (CIMAC).En prens

    Skyrmion-skyrmion interaction induced by itinerant electrons in a ferromagnetic strip

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    Magnetic skyrmions are promising spin textures for building next-generation magnetic memories and spintronic devices. Nevertheless, one of the major challenges in realizing skyrmion-based devices is the stabilization of ordered arrays of these spin textures in different geometries. Here we numerically study the skyrmion-skyrmion interaction potential that arises due to the dynamics of itinerant electrons coupled to the magnetic texture in a ferromagnetic background with racetrack geometry. We consider different topological textures (ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM)), namely: skyrmions, antiskyrmions and biskyrmions. We show that at low electron filling, for sufficiently short separation, the skyrmions strongly couple each other yielding a bound-state bound by electronic dynamics. However, when the filling is increased, the interaction potential energy presents local minima at specific values of the skyrmion-skyrmion distance. Each of these local minima corresponds to energetically stable positions of skyrmions which are ‘protected’ by well-defined energy barriers. By inspecting the local charge density, we find that in the case of AFM skyrmions, the local antiferromagnetic nature prevents electronic penetration into the core, allowing the AFM skyrmions to be seen as infinite potential barriers for electrons.Fil: Iroulart, Esteban Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Rosales, Héctor Diego. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos; Argentin

    Iterated integrals of Jacobi polynomials

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    Let P(α,β)n be the n-th monic Jacobi polynomial with α,β>−1. Given m numbers ω1,…,ωm∈C∖[−1,1], let Ωm=(ω1,…,ωm) and P(α,β)n,m,Ωm be the m-th iterated integral of (n+m)!n!P(α,β)n normalized by the conditions dkP(α,β)n,m,Ωmdzk(ωm−k)=0, for k=0,1,…,m−1. The main purpose of the paper is to study the algebraic and asymptotic properties of the sequence of monic polynomials {P(α,β)n,m,Ωm}n. In particular, we obtain the relative asymptotic for the ratio of the sequences {P(α,β)n,m,Ωm}n and {P(α,β)n}n. We prove that the zeros of these polynomials accumulate on a suitable ellipse.The research of H. Pijeira was supported by research Grant MTM2015-65888-C4-2-P Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain

    Hybrid Route Optimisation for Maximum Air to Ground Channel Quality

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    [EN] The urban air mobility market is expected to grow constantly due to the increased interest in new forms of transportation. Managing aerial vehicles fleets, dependent on rising technologies such as artificial intelligence and automated ground control stations, will require a solid and uninterrupted connection to complete their trajectories. A path planner based on evolutionary algorithms to find the most suitable route has been previously proposed by the authors. Herein, we propose using particle swarm and hybrid optimisation algorithms instead of evolutionary algorithms in this work. The goal of speeding the route planning process and reducing computational costs is achieved using particle swarm and direct search algorithms. This improved path planner efficiently explores the search space and proposes a trajectory according to its predetermined goals: maximum air-to-ground quality, availability, and flight time. The proposal is tested in different situations, including diverse terrain conditions for various channel behaviours and no-fly zones.This study was funded by Airbus Defence and Space gmbh. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia will cover publication costs.Expósito-García, A.; Esteban González, H.; Schupke, D. (2022). Hybrid Route Optimisation for Maximum Air to Ground Channel Quality. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. 105(2):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-022-01590-81161052Analytical Graphics, Inc. www.stk.com. Accessed: 2021-02-23DCSR algorithm implementation by Matlab. https://cutt.ly/HY45SP8. Accessed: 2021-12-18Genetic algorithm implementation by Matlab. https://cutt.ly/OY47O56. Accessed: 2021-12-18Google Maps, Aerial view of the Alicante area. https://cutt.ly/DjnLvqA. Accessed: 2021-02-23Google Maps, Aerial view of the Alps area. https://cutt.ly/KjnLWuw. Accessed: 2021-02-23Google Maps, Aerial view of the Munich area. https://cutt.ly/1jnLnyu. 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    Highly Reliable and Repeatable Soldering Technique for Assembling Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide Devices

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    [EN] In this paper, a novel mymargin soldering technique that improves the fabrication process of empty substrate integrated waveguide (ESIW) devices is presented. Up until now, in order to fabricate an ESIW device, the tin solder paste was distributed, before assembling, on the contact surface between layers, in order to ensure a good electrical contact. This process has a low degree of repeatability (random soldering thickness and distribution of tin) and reliability (a significant number of nonworking prototypes due to tin overflow). In this paper, we propose the mechanization of a set of plated vias just next to the metalized walls of the ESIW in the central layer. Next, in the top and bottom covers that close this ESIW, additional plated vias are drilled in the same position so that, when the device is assembled (using screws or rivets), metalized holes can be seen passing through the whole structure from top to bottom. These holes are then used as soldering vias that can guide the tin paste straight to the point where it is needed. When the paste is dried, soldered vias ensure a very good electrical contact between layers. In addition, the fluid tin fills any small gap that appears between layers, thus providing a very good electrical contact and mechanical union. This novel soldering technique has been validated with experimental results. Several prototypes of filters centered at 13 and 35 GHz have been fabricated, proving the repeatability and reliability of the proposed soldering technique.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economiy Competitividad, Spanish Government, under Project TEC2016-75934-C4-3-R and Project TEC2016-75934-C4-1-R.Martinez, JA.; Belenguer, A.; Esteban González, H. (2019). Highly Reliable and Repeatable Soldering Technique for Assembling Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide Devices. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (Online). 9(11):2276-2281. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCPMT.2019.2915688S2276228191

    Sea Surface Height retrieval using GNSS Reflected Signals

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    This work is the result of 6 months of work devoted to the analysis of GNSS scattered signals over coastal Sea. It starts introducing different ways of monitoring Sea surface level focusing on the use of GNSS reflected signals (GNSS-R) with a GNSS antenna looking to the zenith. This method had been partially studied in other universities such as CU in Boulder and in Chalmers University in Sweden, but not covered before in Spain. Apart from that, as a novelty, the already installed European GNSS reference Network (EUREF) is used instead of proprietary hardware. This thesis is a continuation of the research done by Dr. Nereida Rodriguez and Dr. Alberto Alonso Arroyo at UPC, although their analysis was focused on linear polarized antennas looking to the horizon and custom-made hardware. The benefit of using zenith looking antennas is that no specific equipment is needed, since GNSS stations already available can be used for this purpose. The main method analyzed in this thesis, which is based on spectral analysis, is explained theoretically and demonstrated practically using data from two different GNSS reference stations located in Mallorca and Tarifa. The methodologies analyzed use the Lomb Scargle Periodogram and the Lomb Scargle Spectrogram to infer the Sea Surface Height from the interaction between the direct and reflected signals acquired at each GNSS Station. A geophysical retrieval algorithm allows to measure the distance between the Sea Surface and the antenna receiver phase center from the oscillation frequency observed in the interference pattern. Apart from that, a state of the art method is also presented and tested, called Inverse modeling using B-Splines. This method consists of the use of B-Splines and non-linear least squares methods to obtain the Sea Surface Height information using the same data. The results obtained encourage the use of GNSS-R technology to monitor Sea Surface Height as an alternative to current methods (altimeters, tide gauges and buoys), although the accuracy and the coverage need to be improved. Therefore, they could be used together or even combined to increase the amount of available observations.Aquest Treball de Fi de Grau és el resultat de 6 mesos fent recerca en l’estudi de la senyal reflectida de sistemes GNSS a la costa. El treball comença introduint els principals mètodes per a monitoritzar el nivell del mar, prestant especial atenció al us de les senyals reflectides de sistemes GNSS (GNSS-R) captades per una antena GNSS mirant cap al zenit. Aquest mètode ha estat parcialment estudiat en altres universitats com la CU en Boulder o la Universitat Chalmers en Suècia, però no pas en cap institució espanyola. A més a més, com a novetat, es farà us de les instal·lacions proporcionades per la Xarxa de GNSS de Referencia Europea (EUREF) i, d’aquesta manera, s’evita la necessitat de desenvolupar hardware específic per aquesta tasca. Aquesta Tesi és una continuació natural del treball desenvolupat pels Drs. Nereida Rodriguez i Alberto Alonso en la UPC, tot i que el seu anàlisis va anar focalitzat en antenes polaritzades linealment i mirant cap a l’horitzó, dissenyades específicament per a rebre senyals GNSS. El benefici d’utilitzar antenes mirant cap al zenit és que no requereix del desenvolupament de hardware específic, ja que les estacions de GNSS porten incorporades una antena GNSS mirant cap al zenit per a proveir posicionament i localització en qualsevol indret del mon. El principal mètode utilitzat per a determinar el nivell del mar és aplicant anàlisi espectral. El desenvolupament analític del mètode, així com també l’avaluació de resultats, són analitzats en dos estacions GNSS situades en Mallorca i Tarifa respectivament. El mètode desenvolupat fa us del Periodograma Lomb Scargle i del Espectograma Lomb Scargle per a determinar l’alçada del nivell del mar a partir de la interacció entre dos tipus de senyals rebudes en la estació de GNSS, la senyal directa i la reflectida en el mar. Mitjançant fórmules de la física, es pot determinar la distancia entre la superfície del mar i el centre de fase de la antena receptora simplement observant la freqüència de les oscil·lacions que es produeixen en el patró d’interferència del senyal emmagatzemat. El segon mètode estudiat, anomenat Modelatge Invers a partir de B-Splines, fa us de B-Splines i d’un algoritme de minimització no lineal per a modelar el comportament del mar, i es analitzat en les mateixes dos estacions que el primer mètode i amb les mateixes dades. Després d’analitzar els resultats per a diferents sistemes i diferents freqüències, els resultats són força encoratjadors i podria ser un primer pas per a monitoritzar el nivell del mar sense necessitat d’utilitzar eines específiques per aquesta tasca, com podrien ser altímetres o boies. Per a que sigui viable utilitzar aquest mètode a escala global es necessita encara una reducció en l’error comès i també una major freqüència en les dades obtingudes.Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es el resultado de 6 meses haciendo investigación en el estudio de las señales reflejadas de sistemas de GNSS en la costa. La Tesis empieza introduciendo los principales métodos de monitorización del nivel del mar, prestando especial atención al uso de las señales reflejadas de sistemas GNSS (GNSS-R) captadas por una antena GNSS mirando al zenit. Este método ha sido parcialmente estudiado en otras universidades como la CU en Boulder o la Universidad de Chalmers en Suecia, pero aún no en ninguna institución española. Además, como novedad, se hace uso de las instalaciones proporcionadas por la Red de GNSS de Referencia (EUREF) y, de esta manera, se evita la necesidad de desarrollar hardware específico. Esta Tesis es una continuación natural del trabajo desarrollado por los Drs. Nereida Rodriguez y Alberto Alonso en la UPC, aunque su análisis se focalizaba en el uso de antenas polarizadas linealmente y orientadas hacia el horizonte, diseñadas específicamente para recibir la señal reflejada de GNSS. El beneficio de utilizar antenas orientadas hacia el zenit es que no se requiere del desarrollo específico de hardware, ya que las estaciones de GNSS llevan incorporadas antenas de GNSS orientadas hacia el zenit para proveer de posicionamiento y localización en cualquier parte del mundo. El principal método utilizado para determinar el nivel del mar es aplicando análisis espectral. El desarrollo teórico, así como la evaluación de los resultados, serán analizados para dos estaciones GNSS situadas en Mallorca y Tarifa respectivamente. El método desarrollado hace uso del Periodograma Lomb Scargle y del Espectrograma Lomb Scargle para determinar la altura del nivel del mar a partir de la interacción entre dos tipos de señales recibidas en la estación GNSS, la señal directa y la reflejada en el mar. Mediante fórmulas de la física, se puede determinar la distancia entre la superficie del mar y el centro de fase de la antena receptora simplemente observando la frecuencia de las oscilaciones que se producen en el patrón de interferencia del señal obtenido. El segundo método estudiado, llamado Modelado Inverso a partir de B-Splines, hace uso de BSplines y de un algoritmo de minimización no lineal para modelar el comportamiento del mar, y es analizado para las mismas dos estaciones y los mismos datos que el primer método. Después de analizar los resultados para diferentes sistemas y frecuencias, las conclusiones son bastante esperanzadores y podría ser un primer paso para monitorizar el nivel del mar sin la necesidad de utilizar herramientas específicas para esta misión, como podrían ser altímetros o boyas. Para implementar este método a escala global, aún es necesario reducir el error en los resultados y aumentar la frecuencia de obtención de los datos

    Bridging test and model-driven approaches in web engineering

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    In the last years there has been a growing interest in agile methods and their integration into the so called "unified" approaches. In the field of Web Engineering, agile approaches such as test-driven development are appealing because of the very nature of Web applications, while model-driven approaches provide a less error-prone code derivation; however the integration of both approaches is not easy. In this paper, we present a method-independent approach to combine the agile, iterative and incremental style of test-driven development with the more formal, transformation-based model-driven Web engineering approaches. We focus not only in the development process but also in the evolution of the application, and show how tests can be transformed together with model refactoring. As a proof of concept we show an illustrative example using WebRatio, the WebML design tool.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 5648).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Differential orthogonality: Laguerre and Hermite cases with applications

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    Let μ be a finite positive Borel measure supported on R , L[f]=xf′′+(α+1−x)f′ with α>−1 , or L[f]=12f′′−xf′ , and m a natural number. We study algebraic, analytic and asymptotic properties of the sequence of monic polynomials {Qn}n>m that satisfy the orthogonality relations ∫L[Qn](x)xkdμ(x)=0for all0≤k≤n−1. Turn MathJax off We also provide a fluid dynamics model for the zeros of these polynomials.The authors thank the comments and suggestions made by the referees which helped improve the manuscript. First author’s research was partially supported by FAPESP of Brazil, under grant 2012/21042-0. First and second authors’ research was partially supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain, under grant MTM2012-36732-C03-01

    HER2/neu protein expression and fine needle breast aspiration from Argentinean patients with non-palpable breast lesions

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    The objective of this pilot project was to investigate whether the breast fine needle aspiration (FNA) technique is a useful tool for determining the increased risk of breast cancer in patients with non-palpable breast lesions. FNA is a minimally invasive technique that isolates mammary epithelial cells from breast cells in the suspicious region. In this study, two FNA samples were collected from 12 patients. The level of HER2/neu expression at the mRNA level (in serum) was measured in each patient. As gene amplification is characteristic of cancer cells and may assist in diagnosis and prognostic assessment, it is crucial that gene amplification of HER2/neu in patients with non-palpable breast lesions is compared to breast biopsy results. In serum, the level of HER2/neu was determined by ELISA assay. Gene amplification was determined by PCR and confirmed by IHC employing monoclonal ERRB2 in the FNA sample. The results indicate that FNA has a good correlation with breast biopsy. FNA combined with mammographic imaging is a strong tool for determining favorable treatment options for patients.Fil: Domínguez, Wendy Gabriela. Texas A&M University; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida; ArgentinaFil: Nardi, Héctor. Hospital Interzonal Dr José Penna. Departamento de Ginecología. Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Montero, Héctor. Hospital Español. Departamento de Ginecología; ArgentinaFil: Vincent, Esteban. Hospital de la Asociación Médica de Bahía Blanca. Departamento de Ginecología. Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Corte, María Marta. Laboratorio de Patología. Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Balogh, Gabriela Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida; Argentin