32 research outputs found

    Physicochemical Properties of Lipoproteins Assessed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Predictor of Premature Cardiovascular Disease. PRESARV-SEA Study

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    Some lipoprotein disorders related to the residual risk of premature cardiovascular disease (PCVD) are not detected by the conventional lipid profile. In this case-control study, the predictive power of PCVD of serum sdLDL-C, measured using a lipoprotein precipitation method, and of the physicochemical properties of serum lipoproteins, analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques, were evaluated. We studied a group of patients with a first PCVD event (n = 125) and a group of control subjects (n = 190). Conventional lipid profile, the size and number of Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL), Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL), High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) particles, and the number of particles of their subclasses (large, medium, and small) were measured. Compared to controls, PCVD patients had lower concentrations of all LDL particles, and smaller and larger diameter of LDL and HDL particles, respectively. PCVD patients also showed higher concentrations of small dense LDL-cholesterol (sdLDL), and triglycerides (Tg) in LDL and HDL particles (HDL-Tg), and higher concentrations of large VLDL particles. Multivariate logistic regression showed that sdLDL-C, HDL-Tg, and large concentrations of LDL particles were the most powerful predictors of PCVD. A strong relationship was observed between increased HDL-Tg concentrations and PCVD. This study demonstrates that beyond the conventional lipid profile, PCVD patients have other atherogenic lipoprotein alterations that are detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis

    Dialogue between Higher Education, Cooperation Development and Economics through Information Technologies; an imperative need for the success of the XXIth Century Society

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    Este proyecto es atemporal por lo que se continuará a través de otros proyectos de innovación docente, cooperación al desarrollo y TFG y Tesis de DoctoradoEl proyecto de Innovación Docente surge, en línea con los objetivos de "Erasmus Key Action 2", con el propósito de acercar la Educación Superior en Economía y Administración de Empresas de países desarrollados a la formación de micro-empresarios en países en desarrollo de África y Latinoamérica. Este acercamiento sería a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs) que serán el vehículo de apoyo, en línea con los objetivos de esta convocatoria. Así se definirán nuevas metodologías docentes, más dinámicas e innovadoras en enseñanza presencial para los profesores. Se diseñaran herramientas de aprendizaje para las nuevas generaciones de estudiantes y de micro-empresarios en el tercer mundo. Finalmente, se diseñaran herramientas para la evaluación de la satisfacción de los estudiantes (micro-empresarios en países en desarrollo) junto con la promoción de solidaridad entre los alumnos de los grados de ADE y Economía en España al conocer el proyecto hacia la mejora de países en desarrollo por medio de la educación superior. Uno de los valores añadidos del proyecto es que ha conseguido reunir a 14 profesores de las áreas de Contabilidad, Finanzas, Marketing y Trabajo Social que son docentes de amplia experiencia en Universidades públicas y privadas de España pero que también han formado parte de equipos investigadores y docentes en Cooperación al Desarrollo en países como Etiopía, República Democrática del Congo, Malawi, Perú y Colombia. La experiencia de formar a micro-empresarios en países en desarrollo no es fácil y el coste de oportunidad de ir a clases de formación, aun en áreas importantes para ellos como la contabilidad, las micro-finanzas o las técnicas de ventas, es muy alto. Por ello hay que pensar en tecnologías que se acerquen a ellos y les motiven a la formación continua. Los Apps como recurso didáctico en las aulas en España empiezan a dejar de ser una novedad para ser un recurso más. Por ello, en este proyecto se propone programar/usar un App propio ajustado a los contenidos de Contabilidad, Finanzas y Marketing que se rodaría en los seminarios de las distintas asignaturas de los 14 profesores con cuestionario de motivación y satisfacción y test de aprendizaje para medir el éxito docente de este recurso.This teaching Innovation project emerges, in line with the objectives of "Erasmus Key Action 2", with the purpose of linking Higher Education with development cooperation and economics and business administration. This link will be between developed countries and developing countries of Africa and Latin America through the economics training of micro-entrepreneurs. This approach would be through the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) that will be the analytic tool, in line with the objectives of this call. ITs will define new teaching methods, more dynamic and innovative than face-to-face teaching for teachers. Learning tools will be designed for the new generations of students and micro-entrepreneurs in the third world. Finally, interactive tools for the evaluation of students' satisfaction (micro-entrepreneurs in developing countries) will be designed together with solidarity fostering among the students of the Economics and Business degrees in Spain when they learn about the project towards the improvement of countries in development through higher education. One of the added values of the project is that it has connected 14 teachers and researchers from the areas of Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Social Work who have extensive experience in public and private universities in Spain, but who have also been part of research teams in Development Cooperation in countries such as Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Peru and Colombia. The experience of training micro-entrepreneurs in developing countries is not easy and the opportunity cost of going to training classes, even in areas important to them such as accounting, micro-finance or sales techniques, is very high . Therefore it is necessary to think about technologies that can approach them more easily and motivate them to the continuous formation (ITs). Apps as a didactic resource in classrooms in Spain are starting to stop being a novelty to be a usual resource. Therefore, in this project an own App programmed is proposed adjusted to the contents of Accounting, Finance and Marketing that would be applied and trialed in the seminars of the different subjects of the 14 teachers with motivation, satisfaction and learning questionnaires and test to measure the teaching success of this resource.Depto. de Administración Financiera y ContabilidadFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFALSEsubmitte

    La mujer en conflictos armados y guerras

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    Estudio de los factores de riesgo para la salud y para las ETS particularmente el SIDA en el trabajo sexual femenino en España

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leida en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva. Fecha de lectura: 15-9-199

    Introducción a la comunicación bimodal

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    Incluye un diccionario ilustradoSe trata de la presentación de un sistema de comunicación que incluye simultáneamente la expresión manual y oral, es decir, el mensaje se expresa de dos formas a la vez. El documento consta de tres partes: una primera parte donde se encuentran algunos aspectos morfológicos; un bloque de 41 unidades de vocabulario y frases progresivamente más complejas; y una serie de bloques temáticos, que pretenden recoger el vocabulario más común en un tema concreto.MadridBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Principales recursos económicos de Cantabria

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    El Proyecto se desarrolló en el centro ASPACE de Santander, una maestra junto con tres técnicos del centro se encargaron de llevarlo a cabo, para ello establecieron los sigueintes objetivos: 1. Conocer cuáles son los principales medios de vida de los habitantes de la Comunidad de Cantabria. 2. Identificar la Comunidad autónoma. 2. Saber dónde está situada la comunidad dentro del marco de las comunidades autónomas españolas. 3. Conocer las características de la comunidad. 4. Entender por qué la ganadería, agricultura y pesca pertenecen al sector primario de la industria. 4. Saber qué tipo de ganadaría es la más abundante en Cantabria. 5. Conocer cuáles son los pescados más habituales dentro de la industria pesquera de Cantabria. 6. Conocer qué es el turismo y por qué es tan importante hoy en día en Cantabria. 7. Conocer cuáles son las principales zonas turísticas de Cantabria. Conocer cuáles son las principales zonas pesqueras y ganaderas de Cantabria. Para el desarrollo del mismo se establecieron una serie de contenidos, actitudes y procedimientos de acuerdo con las actividades: Locaclización en mapas las comunidades. Diferenciar la propia comunidad en el mapa. Salidas al ferial de Torrelavega, municipio de Santander, al puerto pesquero. Visionado de vídeos de la comunidad (riqueza pesquera, puertos, embarcaciones, tipo de pesca, zonas ganaderas, etc). Elaboración de murales con las principales noticias sobre la comunidad. El material utilizado fue: material fungible, video y televisor, material del aula.Gobierno de Cantabria. Consejería de Educación y JuventudCantabriaES

    An endangered species living in an endangered ecosystem: Population structure and growth of European eel Anguilla anguilla in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon

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    Mediterranean coastal habitats constitute a nonmarginal fraction of the overall continental habitats of the European eel. It has been suggested that the recovery of the eel global stock may depend closely upon the contribution of Southern European and North African countries within the Mediterranean basin, therefore It is essential to know all the aspects related with its biology and populations dynamic to ensure that the European Commission conservation plan works in this habitats. The aims of this study were to ascertain the structure of the endangered A. anguilla populations in the Mar Menor and obtain essential data for future management plans in the Mediterranean catchment area. In total, 1151 wild fish were caught by local fishermen in 2015–2016 and 2016–2017, and their biological traits were determined. Our findings show that the Mar Menor's A. anguilla population consists of resident females (1:0.008, female:male), yellow and silvering individuals (56.56% and 43.27% respectively), with a mean age of 3 years. The traditional view of long-lived eels with low growth rates does not fit the picture of Mediterranean eel populations. The effect of fishing techniques used, and the eutrophication processes noted during the study period are also discussed.The contributions of DMEMEN Project of Centro Nacional Instituto Español de Oceanografía has been essential for the understanding of the Eutrophication process in the Mar Menor lagoon

    Combustion of crude glycerol and its blends with acetals

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    10 figures, 2 tables.In spite of its relevance, the prospective energetic valorization of crude glycerol (CG), a major by-product of biodiesel production, remains nowadays unfulfilled in the industry because of the significant challenges posed by its combustion properties. Besides some basic post-treatments such as desalting (to obtain desalted crude glycerol, DG), its blending with other industrial by-products could improve crude glycerol properties, while maintaining the renewable nature of the fuel. A secondary product obtained from the FAGE process, consisting in a mixture of acetals named GF*, has been proposed in this work as a suitable fuel for this purpose. The combustion characteristics of these by-products have been tested along with different CG-GF* and DG-GF* blends by employing single droplet combustion experiments and semi-industrial furnace tests. Single droplet results point to widely different behaviors between GF* and the glycerols, the latter displaying much lower burning rates and violent microexplosions ascribed to salt content as well as to the broad differences in their constituent's boiling points. Relevant differences were noted between DG and CG modes of microexplosion, presumably due to the lower salt content of the former. Both CG-GF* and DG-GF* mixtures presented similar behaviors to CG, although with a noticeably faster conversion. The furnace tests revealed that GF* addition widened the range of stable conditions in the burner, significantly improving flame stability and reducing CO emissions. NOx emissions slightly increased, although they could be reduced through burner aerodynamics optimization, facilitated by the improvement in flame stability. The reported results support the potential use of GF* as auxiliary fuel for enhancing the combustion behaviors of crude glycerol.This work was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and EU FEDER funds through research projects RTC-2016-4618-3 and ENE2016-76436-R, and by the Spanish Ministry of Education through the grant FPU15/01866.Peer reviewe