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    Due to its tectonic structure, Turkey is one of the most earthquake-prone countries where a large part of its lands is under seismic danger. The aim of this study; The aim of this study is to examine the healthy lifestyle behaviors of Turkey AFAD Search and Rescue Technicians in terms of various variables and to evaluate their healthy lifestyle behaviors. 112 AFAD search and rescue technicians were included in the study. A structured questionnaire consisting of two parts was used as the data collection method in the research. In the first part of the form, a questionnaire consisting of questions determining the descriptive features was applied, and in the second part, the healthy lifestyle behaviors scale was applied. The validity and reliability study of the scale was carried out by Bahar et al. in 2008 and it was adapted to Turkish. SPSS statistical package program was used for statistical analysis of the obtained data. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, all of the search and rescue technicians (n:111) participating in the study were male, and more than half of them (87.4%) were married. The age range in which the participants are concentrated is between 42-49 and 63.1% (n:70). 77.5% (n:86) of Search and Rescue Technicians are undergraduate graduates and 37.8% (n:42) of them have been doing this job for 16-20 years. A statistically significant difference was found between the healthy lifestyle total scores and sub-dimension scores of the participants in terms of sleep, marital status, branch, education status and age (p<0.05). In terms of smoking addiction, experience, body mass index, alcohol use and chronic disease variables, no statistically significant difference was found between healthy lifestyle total scores and sub-dimension scores (p<0.05). As a result, healthy lifestyle behaviors of AFAD search and rescue technicians were not at a sufficient level and it is thought that it would be appropriate to carry out studies to develop them. For all that it is thought that the number of female search and rescue technicians is insufficient and it would be beneficial to carry out studies to increase it.  Article visualizations

    7242 Sayılı Ceza Ve Güvenlik Tedbirlerinin İnfazı Hakkında Kanun ile bazı kanunlarda değişiklik yapılmasına dair kanunun genel değerlendirilmesi

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    Nefaz (nüfuz) kökünden türeyen infaz kelimesi, yerine getirme, uygulama, bir hükmün gereğini yerine getirme anlamlarında kullanılmaktadır. İnfaz hukuku ise, ceza mahkemeleri tarafından verilen mahkumiyet kararlarından hapis, adli para cezası veya güvenlik tedbirlerinin nasıl yerine getirileceğini veya nasıl infaz edileceğini gösteren hukuk dalıdır. İnfaz kanunları infaza ilişkin temel nitelikleri ortaya koymaktadır. Kanunsuz suç ve ceza olmaz ilkesi gibi, kanunsuz infaz da olmaz. İnfaz yapılırken hükümlüler arasında ayrımcılığa sebebiyet verecek davranışlardan kaçınarak, insan haklarına, insan onuruna saygılı, eşit, adil, hakkaniyete uygun davranılmalıdır. Burada en önemli amacın hükümlünün topluma yeniden kazandırılması olduğu göz ardı edilmemelidir. 15 Nisan 2020 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe giren 7242 sayılı Kanun, 5275 sayılı Ceza ve Güvenlik Tedbirlerinin İnfazı Hakkında Kanun başta olmak üzere, TCK, CMK, İnfaz Hakimliği Kanunu gibi kanunların da içinde olduğu toplam on bir kanunda değişiklik öngörmektedir. 7242 sayılı Kanun’un yürürlüğe girmesiyle birlikte meşruiyetine yönelik tartışmalar da gündeme gelmiştir. Bu kanunun çıkma sebebi, Covid-19 olarak adlandırılan korona virüs sebebiyle cezaevlerindeki mahkum ve tutukluları korumak mı, mevcut cezaevlerinin kapasitelerinin üstündeki hükümlü ve tutuklu sayısındaki yığılmayı azaltmak mı, yoksa cezaların sürelerini kısaltmak mı hedeflenmektedir? Öncelikli olarak cezaevinde kalan hükümlü ve tutukluların bu virüs salgınından zarar görmemesinin amaçlandığını belirtebiliriz ancak tutukluların durumundan hiç söz edilmemesi bu sonuca varılmasını güçleştirmektedir. Yine normal cezaevi standartının üstündeki yoğunluktan dolayı iyileştirme yapılması ihtiyacı olduğu da açıktır. Cezaevlerindeki yoğunluğun sebepleri arasında koşullu salıverme oranı ilk akla gelendir. Zira 1 Haziran 2005’ten önceki İnfaz Yasası olan 647 sayılı Yasa uyarınca; hükümlüler 1/2 koşullu salıverme ve ayda 6 gün indiriminden yararlandırılarak cezalarının %40’ı infaz edilmekte idi. 1 Haziran 2005’te yürürlüğe giren 5275 sayılı CGTİHK ile 2/3 oranı getirilmiş ve bununla birlikte artık hükümlülerin cezalarının %66’nı cezaevlerinde geçirme durumu ortaya çıkmıştır. Yine mükerrirler açısından 3/4 oranı getirilmiştir. Buna göre hükümlü mükerrir ise, mükerrirler hakkında hükmedilen cezaların %75’inin infaz edilmesi gerekmekteydi ve bu da mükerrirlerin yarattığı bir yoğunluğa sebep olmakta idi. Bu bağlamda 7242 Sayılı Kanun’a baktığımızda; Şartla salıverme oranlarında değişiklik yapıldığını görmekteyiz. İstisnai suçlar ayrı tutulmak üzere, 2/3 oranı yine 1/2’ye indirilmiştir. Buna göre, yukarda belirttiğimiz 5275 sayılı yasaya göre, %66 oranını cezaevinde geçirmesi gereken hükümlüler için bu oran tekrar %50’ye inmiş olmaktadır. Yine, 1 yıl denetimli serbestlik süresi getirilmiştir. 1 yıllık denetimli serbestlik süresi gereğince de; örneğin, 10 yıl hapis cezası olan bir hükümlü eğer istisna suçlardan değilse; 1/2 koşullu salıverme uygulanarak cezasının yarısı indirilecektir. Buna göre 5 yıl hapis cezası söz konusu olacaktır. 1 yıl denetimli serbestlikten yararlandığında da 4 yıl cezası kalacaktır. Yani bu durumda %66 olan oran tekrar %40 olmuştur. Mükerrir ve örgütlü suçlar açısından cezalarının %75’i infaz edilmekte iken, yeni 7242 sayılı Yasa ile artık 2/3 oranına indirilmiştir. Yani 3/4 oranından, 2/3 oranına geri indirilmiştir. İstisna suçlarda değişiklik yapılmamıştır. İstisna suçlardan olan örneğin, 3713 sayılı Terörle Mücadele Kanunu kapsamında bir suç işlenmişse, önceki oran olan 3/4 oranı aynen devam edecektir. Yine, uyuşturucu ticareti suçu (TCK m. 188) bakımından oranlarda herhangi bir değişiklik yapılmamıştır. Suçlar arasında bu kadar farklı oranlara gidilmesi ve bu kadar çok istisnaya yer verilmesi eleştiriye açık bir durum yaratmaktadır. Tüm suçlar için tek oran belirlenmeli veya belki bir iki istisna ile sınırlı tutulmalıydı. Bu haliyle uygulanması çok zor bir kanun halini almıştır. Yine Taslak metnin TBMM’ye giden halinde denetimli serbestlikte ceza miktarına göre oransal bir sisteme geçiliyordu. Bu yeni sistemde herkesin bir miktar içerde kalması sağlanarak cezasızlık algısı giderilmiş olacaktı. Bundan neden vazgeçildiğini anlamak mümkün değildir. Diyebiliriz ki, infaz hukukuna ilişkin ilkeler ışığında, eşitlik ilkesine uygun bir düzenleme meşruiyet tartışmalarını ortadan kaldıracak nitelikte olacaktır.The term of execution (infaz) which is derived from the root of nefaz (nüfuz) means to carry out, implement and fulfil the requirements of a decision. Law of execution is the branch of law indicating how the imprisonment sentences, judicial fines or security measures imposed by the criminal courts shall be executed or enforced. The laws on execution provide for the fundamental qualifications concerning the execution. Just as the principle of nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege, no execution is possible without a law. During the execution, behaviours which might cause discrimination among the convicts should be avoided, and the treatment should be in compliance with human rights and equity, respectful to human dignity, and equal and fair. It should not be ignored that the most important purpose of the execution is the reintegration of the offender with the society. The Law No. 7242 which entered into force upon publication on the Official Gazette dated 15 April 2020 provides for amendment in eleven laws including laws such as the Turkish Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Law on the Office of the Execution Judge, and primarily the Law No. 5275 on the Execution of the Sentences and Security Measures. Upon entry into force of the Law No. 7242, discussions concerning its legitimacy has come up. Is the reason of enacting this Law, protecting the convicts and detainees in the prisons because of the coronavirus known as Covid-19, or decreasing the accumulated number of the convicts and detainees which is over the current capacity of the prisons, or just shortening the duration of the sentences? First of all, it can be stated that it is aimed to prevent the suffering of the convicts and detainees in prisons from this pandemic, however the fact that the condition of the detainees is not considered makes it harder to reach this conclusion. Also, it is clear that improvement is necessary, as the population is over the normal standards of prisons. Among the reasons of overpopulation of the prisons, the first thing coming to mind is the ratio of the conditional release. Under the Law No. 647 which was the Law on Execution before 1 June 2005, the convicts were granted to conditional release by ½ and mitigation of 6 days for a month, and 40% of their sentences was executed. Under the Law No. 5275 on the Execution of Sentences and Security Measures which entered into force on 1 June 2005, the ratio of 2/3 was provided and thus, it caused the convicts to serve 66% of their sentences in the prisons. Besides, the ratio of ¾ was provided in relation to the repeat offenders. Accordingly, in the event that the convict was a repeat offender, 75% of the sentence imposed was to be executed and this has resulted in an overpopulation caused by the repeat offenders. In this context, when the Law No. 7242 is examined; It can be observed that an amendment has been conducted on the ratio of conditional release. Other than the exceptional offences, the ratio of 2/3 has been decreased to ½. Accordingly, under the mentioned Law No. 5275, this ratio for the convicts who are to serve 66% of their sentences in the prison has decreased again to 50%. Also, a probation for a period of 1 year has been stipulated. In accordance with the probation period of 1 year, the penalty of a convict sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 10 years shall be decreased by one half implementing the conditional release by ½ if the offence is not one of the exceptional offences. Accordingly, the period of imprisonment shall be 5 years. And when the convict avails of the probation, the remaining sentence shall be 4 years. In other words, the ratio of 66% has become 40% again. While 75% of the sentence was executed with regard to the repeat offences and organized crimes, the new Law No. 7242 has decreased this ratio to 2/3. In other words, the ratio of ¾ has decreased to 2/3 again. No amendment has been made concerning the exceptional offences. For example, if an offence within the scope of the Counter Terrorism Law No. 3713 which is one the exceptional offences is committed, the previous ratio of ¾ continues to be implemented. Also, no amendment on the ratio has been set out in relation to the drug trafficking (article 188 of Turkish Criminal Code). The fact that there are such different ratios among the offences and so many exceptions is an issue that is open to criticism. A single ratio should have been specified for all offences or it should have been limited with one or maybe two exceptions. In the current case, it has become a law which is hard to implement. Yet the draft law submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey provided a proportional system for probation according to the amount of the sentence, and thus in this new system, everyone would be ensured to stay in prison for a while and the perception of impunity would be eliminated. It is not possible to understand why this system was abandoned. It could be stated that in line with the principles concerning the law of execution that a regulation in compliance with the principle of equality would eliminate discussions of legitimacy

    Predictors of Reactive and Proactive Aggression in a Primary School Sample

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    Ebeveyn reddinin çocukların yaşadıkları duygusal ve davranışsal problemler üzerinde oldukça etkili bir role sahip olduğu bilinmek-tedir. Çocuklarda saldırganlık davranışlarına sık rastlandığı ve ebeveyn tutumlarının saldırgan davranışlar üzerinde belirleyici olduğu dikkat çekmektedir. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışmada, ebeveyn tarafından kötü muameleye maruz kalma, akran inançları ve umut değiş-kenlerinin reaktif ve proaktif saldırganlığı yordayıp yordamadığı incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını İstanbul ilinin Beyoğlu ilçesine bağlı bir ilkokulda öğrenim görmekte olan 141 ( 68 kız, 73 erkek) 4. sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin toplanma-sında Ebeveyn Kabul Red Ölçeği, Reaktif- Proaktif Saldırganlık Ölçeği, Akran İnançları Ölçeği, Çocuklar için Umut Ölçeği kulla-nılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Çoklu Regresyon ve Hiyerarşik Regresyon Analizleri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular neticesinde, ebeveyn tarafından kötü muameleye maruz kalma, akran inançları ve umut değişkenlerinin reaktif ve proaktif saldırganlığı yordadığı görülmüştür.Parental rejection is one of the major determinants of emotional and behavioral problems throughout the life-span. Relatedly aggres-sive behavior is affected by parenting practices. The Parental Acceptance Rejection Questionnaire, Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire, Peer Beliefs Inventory, and Children’s Hope Scale were used to assess whether reactive and proactive aggression were determined by parental maltreatment, peer beliefs, and hope. The study was conducted with 141 (68 girls and 73 boys) 4th. grade students selected from a public primary school in Istanbul. Multiple regression analyses and hierarchic regression analyses were conducted to see whether reactive aggression and proactive regression were determined by parental maltreatment, peer beliefs and hope. The results showed that reactive aggression and proactive regression were predicted by parental maltreatment and hope

    Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in symptomatic patients and detection of clarithromycin resistance using melting curve analysis

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    AbstractBackground:Clarithromycin is often a component of combination therapies for Helicobacter pylori eradication; however, increases in resistance rates have decreased the success of the treatment.Objective:This study was designed to determine the prevalence of H pylori infection in symptomatic patients and to detect clarithromycin resistance rates using melting curve analysis.Methods:Patients scheduled for upper endoscopy at the Endoscopy Unit of the Department of Gastroenterology, Duzce University, Medical Faculty Hospital, Konuralp/Duzce, Turkey, were assessed for enrollment in the study. Two pairs of gastric biopsy specimens (antrum and corpus) were obtained from each study patient. Histopathologic examination, rapid urease test, culture, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the specimens were used to identify H pylori infection. Clarithromycin resistance was detected using melting curve analysis.Results:Seventy-five patients (41 women, 34 men; mean [SD]age, 42.6 [14.5] years [range, 17–70 years]) were included in the study. Using histopathology and rapid urease test, H pylori was detected in 40 (53.3%) of the 75 specimens. H pylori was detected using PCR in 40 (53.3%) specimens and by culture in 10 (13.3%) specimens. The specificity and sensitivity of PCR and culture were interpreted by comparing them with the results of histopathologic examination and urease tests. The specificity and sensitivity of PCR were 68.6% and 72.5%, respectively, and the specificity and sensitivity of culture were 97.1% and 22.5%, respectively. Of the 40 isolates, 21 (52.5%) were susceptible to clarithromycin, 12 (30.0%) were resistant, and a mixed susceptibility pattern was detected in 7 (17.5%) specimens. H pylori isolates from 19 (79.2%) of the 24 patients who had formerly used clarithromycin showed clarithromycin resistance.Conclusions:The prevalence of H pylori infection was 53.3% for the symptomatic patients in this study, and 47.5% of the isolates showed clarithromycin resistance using melting curve analysis. The PCR-based system used in this study was accurate for the detection of H pylori infection as well as clarithromycin susceptibility testing directly in biopsy specimens

    Higher COVID-19 pneumonia risk associated with anti-IFN-α than with anti-IFN-ω auto-Abs in children

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    We found that 19 (10.4%) of 183 unvaccinated children hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia had autoantibodies (auto-Abs) neutralizing type I IFNs (IFN-alpha 2 in 10 patients: IFN-alpha 2 only in three, IFN-alpha 2 plus IFN-omega in five, and IFN-alpha 2, IFN-omega plus IFN-beta in two; IFN-omega only in nine patients). Seven children (3.8%) had Abs neutralizing at least 10 ng/ml of one IFN, whereas the other 12 (6.6%) had Abs neutralizing only 100 pg/ml. The auto-Abs neutralized both unglycosylated and glycosylated IFNs. We also detected auto-Abs neutralizing 100 pg/ml IFN-alpha 2 in 4 of 2,267 uninfected children (0.2%) and auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-omega in 45 children (2%). The odds ratios (ORs) for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia were, therefore, higher for auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-alpha 2 only (OR [95% CI] = 67.6 [5.7-9,196.6]) than for auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-. only (OR [95% CI] = 2.6 [1.2-5.3]). ORs were also higher for auto-Abs neutralizing high concentrations (OR [95% CI] = 12.9 [4.6-35.9]) than for those neutralizing low concentrations (OR [95% CI] = 5.5 [3.1-9.6]) of IFN-omega and/or IFN-alpha 2

    Open architecture : migration, citizenship and urban renewal

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    Exploring the implications of the concept of “open” as a common metaphor in the era of global connections, and as a foundational modern value albeit prone to contradictions, this lecture defines open architecture as the translation of a new ethics of hospitality into design process. In particular, it exemplifies the inclinations towards open architecture (or the lack thereof) in the context of the discriminatory housing regulations of an urban renewal development in Berlin’s immigrant neighbourhood Kreuzberg. This urban renewal was undertaken by IBA-1984/87, which invited many established and emerging architects to build public housing here, including Bohigas/Mackay/Martorell Architects, Peter Eisenman, Vittorio Gregotti, Zaha Hadid, John Hejduk, Rem Koolhaas, Rob Krier, Aldo Rossi, Alvaro Siza, Frei Otto, Oswald Mathias Ungers, and many other understudied architects whose due acknowledgment is given with this research. Giving voice not only to architects and policy makers, but also to residents through oral history and storytelling, the overarching theme of noncitizen rights to the city allows for a joint discussion of the history of the twentieth-century public housing, the participatory, postmodernist and poststructuralist architectural debates, and the contradictory relation between international immigration laws and housing. Speaker Esra Akcan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture and the Director of the Institute for European Studies at Cornell University. Akcan’s research on modern and contemporary architecture and urbanism foregrounds the intertwined histories of Europe and West Asia. She is the author of Architecture in Translation: Germany, Turkey and the Modern House (Duke, 2012); Turkey: Modern Architectures in History (Reaktion, 2012, with Sibel Bozdoğan) and Open Architecture: Migration, Citizenship and the Urban Renewal of Berlin-Kreuzberg by IBA-1984/87 (Birkhäuse, 2018). Akcan has also authored over a hundred articles in scholarly books and professional journals of multiple languages on critical and postcolonial theory, modern and contemporary architecture in West Asia and its diasporas in Europe, architectural photography, immigration, translation, neoliberalism, globalization and global history. She received awards from the Graham Foundation, American Academy in Berlin, UIC, Institute for Advanced Studies in Berlin (Transregional Studies Forum), Clark Institute, Getty Research Institute, Canadian Center for Architecture, CAA, Mellon Foundation, DAAD, KRESS/ARIT and Columbia University. Moderator Roberto Castillo is an Assistant Professor at the Cultural Studies Department of Lingnan University. His academic training is in Cultural Studies, International Relations, History and Journalism (Ph.D., Lingnan; MA, Usyd). For the last several years, he has been working around foreign communities and urban spaces/politics in the southern Chinese cities of Guangzhou and Hong Kong. His research/teaching interests are: transnationality; migration and mobility; China’s changing ethnoscapes; Africa-China relations; (cultural) research methodologies; the cultural politics of media representation; race/ethnicity; critical theory; and Chinese politics & social development. He administers the website: http://www.africansinchina.net

    Time of Translation

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    The artist and critic Victor Burgin has called for an alternative conception of time that could prompt ‘a radical questioning of History’s status as the one story of Western progress and culture’. This talk responds to Burgin’s call and interprets his 2010 digital image projection &#8216;A Place to Read&#8217; at the Istanbul Archeological Museum along with the artists and architects the work conjures and engages with. Thinking about the ideas of time inherent in competing global histories of art and architecture, the talk traces the intertwined stories of translations across time, space, and medium converging in Istanbul  from the albums of Armenian photography studio Abdullah Frères during the Ottoman Period; the buildings of Turkish and German architects Sedad Eldem and Bruno Taut during the Early Republic; to the works of British and Japanese contemporary artists Victor Burgin and Aki Nagasaka. The talk’s cyclical structure mimics Burgin’s video loops as a rehearsal of stories that operate in non-linear, fragmented or overlapping times of the human subject with out-of-phase durations or overlapping histories. Esra Akcan’s research on modern and contemporary architecture and urbanism foregrounds the intertwined histories of Europe and West Asia. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at Cornell University, completed her architecture degree at the Middle East Technical University in Turkey, and her PhD and postdoctoral degrees at Columbia University in New York. She is the author of the books Architecture in Translation (Duke University Press, 2012), Turkey: Modern Architectures in History (Reaktion, 2012, with Sibel Bozdoğan), Çeviride Modern Olan (YKY, 2009) and (Land)Fill Istanbul: Twelve Scenarios for a Global City (124/3, 2004), as well as articles on contemporary theory, modern and contemporary architecture in West Asia, Ottoman architectural photography, established Euro-American architects’ engagement with the Gulf States and the Middle Eastern diaspora in Europe. She is currently completing her book Open Architecture at the American Academy in Berlin.Esra Akcan, Time of Translation, lecture, ICI Berlin, 10 October 2016, video recording, mp4, 59:21 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e161010

    Utopia topia atopia place-architecture relation in the postmodern condition.

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    Ambiguities Of Transparency And Privacy In Seyfi Arkan’s Houses For The Turkish Republic

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