163 research outputs found

    Ulva compressa from Copper-Polluted Sites Exhibits Intracellular Copper Accumulation, Increased Expression of Metallothioneins and Copper-Containing Nanoparticles in Chloroplasts

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    In order to analyze the mechanisms involved in copper accumulation in Ulva compressa, algae were collected at control sites of central and northern Chile, and at two copper-polluted sites of northern Chile. The level of intracellular copper, reduced glutathione (GSH), phytochelatins (PCs), PC2 and PC4, and transcripts encoding metallothioneins (MTs) of U. compressa, UcMT1, UcMT2 and UcMT3, were determined. Algae of control sites contained around 20 μg of copper g−1 of dry tissue (DT) whereas algae of copper-polluted sites contained 260 and 272 μg of copper g−1 of DT. Algae of control sites and copper-polluted sites did not show detectable amounts of GSH, the level of PC2 did not change among sites whereas PC4 was increased in one of the copper-polluted sites. The level of transcripts of UcMT1 and UcMT2 were increased in algae of copper-polluted sites, but the level of UcMT3 did not change. Algae of a control site and a copper-polluted site were visualized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the existence of copper in electrodense particles was analyzed using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDXS). Algae of copper-polluted sites showed electrodense nanoparticles containing copper in the chloroplasts, whereas algae of control sites did not. Algae of a control site, Cachagua, were cultivated without copper (control) and with 10 μM copper for 5 days and they were analyzed by TEM-EDXS. Algae cultivated with copper showed copper-containing nanoparticles in the chloroplast whereas control algae did not. Thus, U. compressa from copper-polluted sites exhibits intracellular copper accumulation, an increase in the level of PC4 and expression of UcMTs, and the accumulation of copper-containing particles in chloroplasts.This work was financed by Fondecyt Regular 1160013 to A.M and by Dicyt-USACH

    Tourism development and quality of life in the Magic Village of San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico: a general analysis

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    El desarrollo turístico en los municipios rurales de México ha sido impulsado recientemente por nuevas políticas gubernamentales que buscan encontrar acciones estratégicas para resolver problemas inherentes a la pobreza y marginación de sus poblaciones. Estas condiciones de precariedad impiden en ocasiones tener una visión y entendimiento enfocados a la conservación de los recursos naturales y culturales existentes en estos territorios. Ante esta perspectiva, algunas comunidades que reunieron las características requeridas para solicitar la denominación o insignia de “Pueblo Mágico· (PM) en México, se aventuraron a impulsar y promover el desarrollo del turismo bajo la arista de la conservación del patrimonio existente y así fortalecer la dinámica eco-socioeconómica, persiguiendo acortar, al mismo tiempo, las asimetrías existentes en el tejido social. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar resultados de investigación cualitativa soportados en una entrevista estructurada aplicada a una población abierta, para conocer cómo ha impactado la denominación PM en el territorio. Los principales resultados encontrados muestran que sus habitantes perciben avances en la mejora de la calidad de vida de la población y consideran además que el pueblo con el turismo, su infraestructura y los servicios públicos muestran mejoras sensibles. Como conclusión general, se puede señalar que el refrendo de la denominación PM de San Sebastián del Oeste ha impactado en la calidad de vida de la población del lugar.Tourism development in Mexico's rural municipalities has recently been driven by new government policies, which seek to find strategic actions to solve problems inherent in the poverty and marginalization of their populations. These conditions of precariousness sometimes prevent having a vision and understanding focused on the conservation of the natural and cultural resources existing in these territories. Faced with this perspective, some communities that gathered the characteristics required to apply for the name or insignia of Magic Town, ventured to promote and promote the development of tourism under the edge of the conservation of existing heritage and, thus strengthening the eco-socioeconomic dynamics, this would allow to shorten the asymmetry existing in the social intricate. The objective of this work is to show results of qualitative research, supported in a structured interview applied to open population, this, to know how the Magic Town name has impacted. The main results found show that its inhabitants perceive progress in improving the quality of life of the population, they also consider that the town with tourism, its infrastructure and public services show improvements. As a general conclusion, it can be noted that the endorsement of the Magic Town designation of San Sebastian del Oeste has impacted on the quality of life of the population of the place

    The temporal and spatial relationship between strike-slip and reverse faulting in subduction-related orogenic system: Insights from the Western slope of the Puna Plateau

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    The relationship between parallel and oblique to the orogen faults and the magmatic evolution is key to understanding the evolution of a hot orogen, such as the Central Andes. The Andean orogenesis along the southern Central Andes, during the Neogene is characterized by regional compression and magmatic processes associated with subduction. The outcome of this dynamic interaction between plate tectonics and magmatism has generated reverse, normal and strike-slip faults, both parallel and oblique to the trench. Despite the progress made on studying these fault systems, both their relationship with the stress field and their role in magma propagation into the shallow crust are still enigmatic. In this work, geomorphological observations are coupled with kinematic and dynamic analyses, as well as with kinematic forward modeling, to reconstruct the evolution of two main faults affecting the western slope of the Puna plateau, the Barrancas Blancas fault and the Tocomar fault, during the Neogene. The obtained data reveal that, between 17 and 10 Ma, the Barrancas Blancas fault had reverse activity, while the Tocomar fault had left-lateral strike-slip movement. At 10 Ma, the area was affected by the coeval reactivation of the Volcan de Punta Negra fault and the right-lateral activity of the Tocomar fault. During the last stage, strike-slip movement along the Tocomar fault favored the rise of magma, while the hydrothermal activity evolved along the Barrancas Blancas fault. The study results reveal that the oblique-to-the-orogen faults play a role in the segmentation of the reverse parallel-to-the-trench deformation and control the position of the volcanic centers, while the parallel-to-the-orogen faults control the relief development and the evolution of hydrothermal systems. The proposed model helps in understanding how magma rises to the surface associated with movement along reverse and strike-slip faults during the thickening of the crust

    Heurísticas para el problema del vendedor viajero robusto con incertidumbre intervalar

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    141 p.Esta tesis aborda el Problema del Vendedor Viajero Robusto con incertidumbre intervalar en los costos, utilizando el criterio de Min-Max Regret.Varios algoritmos son implementados, inclusive uno exacto mediante Descomposición de Benders, pero sólo con propósitos comparativos. En relación a las heurísticas, se desarrolla una nueva llamada n-HU que extrae un número determinado de tours en base al costo robusto considerando el escenario del peor caso, entregando el mejor tour en términos del regret. Se proponen metaheurísticas basadas en Búsqueda Local con diferentes opciones que aprovechan de mejor forma la estructura particular del problema.Se realiza una comparación desde un punto de vista experimental, mostrando un buen desempeño relativo, pues se mejoran los resultados existentes y se hace más evidente la influencia de la complejidad del problema base (TSP) sobre el desempeño de las heurísticas.Palabras clave: Incertidumbre, Min-Max Regret, Problema del Vendedor Viajero./ABSTRACT:This thesis addresses The Robust Traveling Salesman Problem with interval uncertainty in data costs, using the Min-Max Regret criterion. Several algorithms are implemented, including an exact one by Benders Decomposition, but only for comparative purposes. Regarding heuristics, a new approach is developed, it is called n-HU, and extracts a specific number of tours based on robust cost considering the worst case scenario, returning the best tour in terms of regret. Metaheuristics based on Local Search are also implemented with different options to better exploit the structure of the problem. A comparison is made from an experimental point of view; showing a relative good performance, because actual results are improved and it makes evident in a clearer way the influence of the base problem complexity on the heuristics performance. Keywords: Uncertainty, Min-Max Regret, Traveling Salesman Problem

    DHPM-OH como inhibidor de la corrosión en un acero API 5L X70 inmerso en un medio de NaCl al 3% saturado con CO₂

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    La DHPM‐OH fue evaluada como inhibidor de corrosión a diferentes concentraciones e inmerso en una solución de NaCl al 3% saturado con CO₂ Las pruebas electroquímicas empleando la espectroscopia de Impedancia electroquímica (EIS) demostraron que la mejor concentración para proteger la superficie meta lica fue a 50 ppm alcanzando un 85% de eficiencia de inhibición. Por otro lado, el análisis termodinámico demuestra que el proceso de adsorción que sigue el inhibidor orgánico es del tipo fisisorción modelo de adsorción de Langmuir

    Procesamiento y anotacion de expressed sequence tags (Ests) del salmon del atlantico (Salmo salar) desafiando contra el virus de la necrosis pancreatica infecciosa (INPV)

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    53 p.La industria del salmón en Chile sufre grandes pérdidas económicas por una variedad de enfermedades infecciosas, siendo una de las principales la necrosis pancreática infecciosa (IPN). Dentro de este contexto, el fin del presente estudio es identificar los genes de la especie salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar) que están involucrados en la respuesta inmunológica al desafío contra el virus de la necrosis pancreática infecciosa (IPNV) mediante el análisis bioinformático de expressed sequences tags (ESTs). Se construyó una librería de cDNA de bazo de salmón del Atlántico desafiado contra IPNV. Se secuenciaron 1,360 clones de esta librería,generando 1043 ESTS de alta calidad. Los procesos de clustering y ensamblado generaron 823 secuencias únicas, compuestas por 192 contigs y 631 singletons. La anotación fue realizada mediante la asignación de funciones putativas a los transcritos. 75% (620) de las secuencias fueron anotadas, de las cuales 366 (45%) fueron clasificadas usando términos Gene Ontology (GO) para función molecular, proceso biológico y componente celular.En este trabajo se identificó la presencia potencial de 81 genes relevantes involucrados en la respuesta inmune del salmón del Atlántico desafiado a IPNV. Se construyó una base de datos que ofrece distintos tipos de opciones, incluyendo búsquedas de asignaciones funcionales y términos GO. Entre las opciones de entrega de datos se presentan resúmenes del pre-procesamiento, clustering y ensamblado, y anotación de ESTs, información detallada de las anotaciones y acceso a los resultados originales de BLAST./ ABSTRACT: The salmon industry in Chile is suffering huge economic losses for a variety of infectious diseases. A major of them is the infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN). In this context, the purpose of this study is to identify genes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) species involved in immune response to the challenge against the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) by the expressed sequences tags (ESTs) bioinformatics analysis. An Atlantic salmon challenged by IPNV cDNA library was constructed from bazo organ. From that library 1,360 clones were sequenced, generating 1043 high quality ESTs. The clustering and assembly process generated 823 unique sequences, consisting of 193 contigs and 600 singlets. The annotation was performed by assigning putative function to the transcripts. Annotation was successful for 75% (620) of the sequences and 6,113 sequences (30.5%) were annotated with Gene Ontology terms for molecular function, biological process and cellular component. Potential presence of a relatively high number of immune-related genes in the dataset was shown by annotation searches. A database has been constructed and various data query options are offered including searches on function assignments and GO terms. Data delivery options include summaries for the ESTs pre-processing, clustering and assembly, and annotation, detailed self-explanatory annotations, and access to the original BLAST results

    Predicción in silico de microRNAs de Salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar)

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    89 p.El salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar) es uno de los peces de producción masiva con mayor importancia a nivel mundial y nacional. El incremento de la eficiencia de su producción es crucial para asegurar la competitividad de esta industria nacional en mercados globalizados. Uno de los principales problemas, relacionados a la producción masiva de salmónidos, es el desarrollo de enfermedades, las cuales afectan directamente la tasa de sobrevivencia. Actualmente se cuenta con diversas alternativas para la prevención y control de diversas patologías virales y bacterianas que afectan a los salmones, pero la eficacia de estas estrategias es limitada debido al reducido conocimiento del sistema/respuesta inmune de salmónidos.La expresión de un gen se ve regulada en varias etapas, siendo los microRNAs (miRNAs) una forma de regulación post-transcripcional. Los miRNAs son pequeñas moléculas de RNA, de 21-25 nucleótidos (nt), altamente conservadas y no codificantes, que mediante la inhibición de la traducción o la degradación del RNA mensajero (mRNA) blanco regulan la expresión génica. Los miRNAs se encuentran involucrados en diversos procesos, entre ellos las enfermedades y respuesta inmune inducida por virus. En este trabajo se identificaron un total de 307 miRNAs de salmón del Atlántico, los cuales regulan aproximadamente 23.000 mRNAs, siendo un tercio de estas secuencias relacionadas a procesos inmunológicos de este organismo. Toda la información generada en este trabajo fue procesada y almacenada en una base de datos relacional con interfaz web de fácil acceso. La predicción computacional se realizó a partir de secuencias de salmón del Atlántico y miRNAs de vertebrados disponibles, mediante la implementación de una aproximación basada en homología, complementada con estudios de estructura secundaria./ABSTRACT: The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is one of the most important massive production fish at global and national level. The increase of production efficiency is crucial to ensure the competitiveness of this national industry in global markets. One of the main problems related to the mass production of salmonids, is the development of diseases, which directly affect the survival rate. There are currently alternatives for prevention and control of various viral and bacterial diseases that affect the salmon, but the effectiveness of these strategies is reduced due to limited knowledge of the system / immune response of salmonids. In general terms, the expression of a gene is regulated in several stages, being the microRNAs a form of post-transcriptional regulation. The miRNAs are small RNA molecules, of 21-25 nt, highly conserved and non-coding, which through inhibition of translation or degradation of the target mRNA regulate the expression of a gene. The miRNAs are involved in various processes, including diseases and virus-induced immune defense. In this work a total of 307 Atlantic salmon miRNAs were identified, which regulate approximately 23,000 mRNAs, being a third of these sequences related to immunological processes of this organism. All information generated in this work was processed and stored in a relational database with web interface of easy access. The computational prediction was done from sequences of Atlantic salmon and vertebrate miRNAs available through the implementation of a homology-based approach, complemented with studies of secondary structur

    Transcriptomic study of pedicels from GA3- treated table grape genotypes with different susceptibility to berry drop reveals responses elicited in cell wall yield, primary growth and phenylpropanoids synthesis

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    Background: Gibberellins (GA3) are the most sprayed growth regulator for table grape production worldwide, increasing berry size of seedless varieties through pericarp cell expansion. However, these treatments also exacerbate berry drop, which has a detrimental effect on the postharvest quality of commercialized clusters. Several studies have suggested that pedicel stiffening caused by GA3 would have a role in this disorder. Nevertheless, transcriptional and phenotypic information regarding pedicel responses to GA3 is minimal. Results: Characterization of responses to GA3 treatments using the lines L23 and Thompson Seedless showed that the former was up to six times more susceptible to berry drop than the latter. GA3 also increased the diameter and dry matter percentage of the pedicel on both genotypes. Induction of lignin biosynthesis-related genes by GA3 has been reported, so the quantity of this polymer was measured. The acetyl bromide method detected a decreased concentration of lignin 7 days after GA3 treatment, due to a higher cell wall yield of the isolated fractions of GA3-treated pedicel samples which caused a dilution effect. Thus, an initial enrichment of primary cell wall components in response to GA3 was suggested, particularly in the L23 background. A transcriptomic profiling was performed to identify which genes were associated with these phenotypic changes. This analysis identified 1281 and 1787 genes differentially upregulated by GA3 in L23 and cv. Thompson Seedless, respectively. Concomitantly, 1202 and 1317 downregulated genes were detected in L23 and cv. Thompson Seedless (FDR < 0.05). Gene ontology analysis of upregulated genes showed enrichment in pathways including phenylpropanoids, cell wall metabolism, xylem development, photosynthesis and the cell cycle at 7 days post GA3 application. Twelve genes were characterized by qPCR and striking differences were observed between genotypes, mainly in genes related to cell wall synthesis. Conclusions: High levels of berry drop are related to an early strong response of primary cell wall synthesis in the pedicel promoted by GA3 treatment. Genetic backgrounds can produce similar phenotypic responses to GA3, although there is considerable variation in the regulation of genes in terms of which are expressed, and the extent of transcript levels achieved within the same time frame. © 2020 The Author(s).Indexación: Scopu