89 research outputs found

    A case study into the making and evolution of populist discourse: examining Hugo Chavez’s discourse and its radicalisation through time.

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    The research poster establishes the discursive elements of Hugo Chávez's populist discourse and their evolution throughout his presidency

    Obesity in Latin America, a scoping review of public health prevention strategies and an overview of their impact on obesity prevention

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    Objective: To describe the strategies implemented in seventeen Latin American countries for obesity prevention and to provide an overview of their impact. Design: A thorough search of strategies and their impact was done through an Internet search, governmental webpages, reports and research articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Setting: Latin America (not including the Caribbean countries). Participants: Any. Results: The Ministry of Health is the main oversight for obesity prevention, with six countries having a specific structure for this. Regular obesity monitoring occurs in a few countries, and thirteen countries have a national obesity prevention plan. The main regulations being implemented/designed are front-of-package labelling (sixteen countries), school environment (fifteen countries), school nutrition education (nine countries), promotion of physical activity level (nine countries) and sugar-sweetened beverage tax (eight countries). All countries have dietary guidelines. The main community-based programmes being implemented are school meals (seventeen countries), complementary nutrition (eleven countries), nutrition education (fourteen countries), promotion of physical activity (nine countries) and healthy environments (nine countries). Most of these strategies have not been evaluated. The few with positive results have used a coordinated, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector approach, with legislation and executive-level support. Conclusions: Important obesity prevention strategies are being implemented in the seventeen Latin American countries included in the present review. However, few have been evaluated to assess their impact on preventing obesity. This information can help assess that actions can be generalised to other countries within the region and can help inform how to prevent obesity in different settings

    Consumo de cine en Colombia : estimación de sus determinantes

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    En este artículo se analizan los determinantes de la asistencia y frecuencia de asistencia a cine en Colombia. Utilizando los datos de la Encuesta de Consumo Cultural 2014, se estiman modelos de selección de Heckman que permiten detectar y corregir los sesgos de selección que se pueden presentar en el problema de investigación. Los resultados indican que, aunque esta actividad se enmarca en un modelo de consumo cultural de masas, el capital cultural y los ingresos siguen siendo determinantes importantes en las decisiones de consumo de los individuos. Factores como la edad, el estado civil y la ocupación también resultaron relevantes. El presente trabajo contribuye a la literatura aplicada en el país en la medida en que permite un conocimiento más amplio del comportamiento del consumidor de cine

    Caracterización de Residuos Sólidos de la Galería Central de Palmira 2020

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    Con el crecimiento demográfico y el desplazamiento poblacional hacia los cinturones urbanos, se evidencio un incremento en la comercialización de productos agrícolas en la zona céntrica del municipio de Palmira, más concretamente en la Plaza de Mercado Galería Central. Estas actividades económicas dejaron como resultado; basuras, que carecen de algún tipo de tratamiento. Se realizó una caracterización de los desperdicios en donde se analizó su tipo y se cuantificó su producción, con el objetivo de promover temas verdes que planteen una solución a la problemática del inadecuado manejo de los residuos sólidos. Para lograr lo anterior se implementó una metodología donde se tuvo como primer paso, un diagnóstico inicial que identifico las actividades que se realizaban para el manejo de los residuos sólidos. En un segundo paso, se analizó sobre los hábitos de consumo que permitieron conocer el nivel de aceptación y conocimiento sobre el manejo de residuos. Finalmente se realizó la separación en la fuente que permitió evidenciar la composición física de los residuos sólidos. En síntesis, estas caracterizaciones conducen a economías circulares donde se vinculan terceros, como productores, consumidores y gestores de los residuos sólidos que transforman las mal llamadas basuras en materias primas y productos orgánicos como el compost, que regresan al ciclo inicial.With demographic growth and population displacement towards urban belts, there was an increase in the commercialization of agriculture products in the central area of the municipal of Palmira, more specifically in the Central Gallery Market Square. These economic activities resulted in; garbage, lacking some type of treatment. A characterization of the waste was carried out, where its type was analyzed and its production quantified, with the aim of promoting green issues that pose a solution to the problem of inadequate solid waste management. To achieve the above, a methodology was implemented where an initial diagnosis was taken as a first step that identified the activities that were carried out for the management of solid waste. In a second step, it analyzed about the consumption habits that allowed to know the level of acceptance and knowledge about waste management. Finally, the separation was carried out at the source, which made it possible to demonstrate the physical composition of the solid waste. In short, these characterizations lead to circular economies where third parties are linked, such as producers, consumers and managers of solid waste that transform the so-called garbage into raw materials and organic products such as compost, which return to the initial cycle

    Agresividad y autoestima en los docentes de la Red 19 de la UGEL 02, Los Olivos 2016

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    A continuación se presenta un sumario de la investigación “Agresividad y autoestima en los docentes de la Red 19 de la UGEL 02, Los Olivos 2016” El propósito de la investigación fue establecer la relación entre agresividad y autoestima en los docentes de la Red 19 de la UGEL 02, Los Olivos 2016. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, el nivel es descriptivo correlacional y el diseño utilizado es no experimental, de corte transversal. La población se conformó por profesores de la Red 19 de la UGEL 02, Los Olivos, de la cual se obtuvo una muestra probabilística, la que estuvo conformada por 195 docentes. Para recolectar los datos se utilizaron los instrumentos, seleccionados para tal fin, así tenemos que la variable agresividad fue evaluada a través del cuestionario de agresividad de Buss y Durkee y la variable autoestima, fue evaluada con la Escala de Coopersmith para adultos. El procesamiento de la información se hizo con el software SPSS (versión 22,0). Ejecutado el análisis descriptivo y la correlación por medio del coeficiente de Rho de Spearman, se concluye que existe relación inversa prácticamente nula pero no significativa entre la agresividad y autoestima en los docentes de la Red 19 de la UGEL 02, Los Olivos .2016, conforme se ilustra en la Tabla 21, ya que la agresividad presenta una correlación negativa prácticamente nula con la autoestima de los profesores de la RED 19 de la UGEL 02, Los Olivos; obteniéndose coeficiente de correlación de Rho de Spearman = -0.109 lo que se deduce como correlación negativa prácticamente nula la significancia es de ρ = 0.131 (ρ ˃ 0.05), por tanto se admite la hipótesis nula

    Implicacions pronòstiques de la saturació tissular d'oxigen en pacients amb xoc sèptic

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    Estudi prospectiu observacional per analitzar el valor pronòstic de la saturació tissular d'oxigen (StO2) en 35 pacients amb xoc sèptic i pressió arterial mitjana normalitzada d'una unitat de cures intensives. Mitjançant espectroscòpia de llum infraroja, i realitzant una maniobra d'oclusió vascular, es van obtenir la StO2 i les pendents de desoxigenació (DeOx) i de reoxigenació (ReOx). No hi van haver diferències en els paràmetres hemodinàmics, StO2, DeOx i ReOx entre supervivents i no-supervivents. En la nostra mostra, una pitjor DeOx i ReOx es van associar amb major estada a UCI i hospitalària, però no amb mortalitat

    Pathogenesis of Staphylococcus epidermidis in prosthetic joint infections : can identification of virulence genes differentiate between infecting and commensal strains?

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    Background: Staphylococcus epidermidis is a commensal of human skin flora and a frequent causative micro-organism in prosthetic joint infections (PJIs). To date, no single marker has been identified to distinguish infecting strains from commensal S. epidermidis populations. Aim: To find possible genetic markers to distinguish between the two populations. Methods: Fifty S. epidermidis strains from patients with PJIs were analysed, 50 from the skin of healthy individuals (commensal strains) and 17 from the surgical field of patients undergoing primary arthroplasty. In these three groups the antimicrobial susceptibility profile, sequence type, biofilm formation, and virulence factors were studied. Strains from the surgical field have not been compared previously with strains from the other two groups. Findings: S. epidermidis strains from PJI patients were significantly more antibiotic resistant than commensal strains and surgical field strains. A wide variety of sequence types was found in commensal and surgical field strains. The predominant sequence type was ST2 and it was only present in PJI strains (44%). Differences in biofilm production did not differ between populations. Virulence genes sdrF and bhp, the complete ica operon, and the insertion sequence IS256 were significantly predominant in PJI strains. By contrast, embp and hld genes and the arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME) were more prevalent in commensal strains. Surgical field strains could be a valid control group to discriminate between infecting and commensal strains. Conclusion: A combination of characteristic features can differentiate between infecting and commensal S. epidermidis strains in PJI, whereas a single marker cannot

    Objective and subjective cognition in survivors of COVID-19 one year after ICU discharge : the role of demographic, clinical, and emotional factors

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    Altres ajuts: This research was also supported by CIBER -Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red- CB06/06/1097, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea - European Regional Development Fund.Intensive Care Unit (ICU) COVID-19 survivors may present long-term cognitive and emotional difficulties after hospital discharge. This study aims to characterize the neuropsychological dysfunction of COVID-19 survivors 12 months after ICU discharge, and to study whether the use of a measure of perceived cognitive deficit allows the detection of objective cognitive impairment. We also explore the relationship between demographic, clinical and emotional factors, and both objective and subjective cognitive deficits. Critically ill COVID-19 survivors from two medical ICUs underwent cognitive and emotional assessment one year after discharge. The perception of cognitive deficit and emotional state was screened through self-rated questionnaires (Perceived Deficits Questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Davidson Trauma Scale), and a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation was carried out. Demographic and clinical data from ICU admission were collected retrospectively. Out of eighty participants included in the final analysis, 31.3% were women, 61.3% received mechanical ventilation and the median age of patients was 60.73 years. Objective cognitive impairment was observed in 30% of COVID-19 survivors. The worst performance was detected in executive functions, processing speed and recognition memory. Almost one in three patients manifested cognitive complaints, and 22.5%, 26.3% and 27.5% reported anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, respectively. No significant differences were found in the perception of cognitive deficit between patients with and without objective cognitive impairment. Gender and PTSD symptomatology were significantly associated with perceived cognitive deficit, and cognitive reserve with objective cognitive impairment. One-third of COVID-19 survivors suffered objective cognitive impairment with a frontal-subcortical dysfunction 12 months after ICU discharge. Emotional disturbances and perceived cognitive deficits were common. Female gender and PTSD symptoms emerged as predictive factors for perceiving worse cognitive performance. Cognitive reserve emerged as a protective factor for objective cognitive functioning. Trial registration : ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04422444; June 9, 2021. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13054-023-04478-7