41 research outputs found


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    Ants are important functional agents in natural ecosystems and tropical agroecosystems. Seed movement by ants may result in dispersal or post-dispersal events, affecting diaspore survival probabilities in cattle agroecosystems undergoing ecological rehabilitation. In that case, ants could be determining in the course of succession. Activity and diversity of soil foraging ants was compared in nine plots classifi ed in three land use systems: forest, treeless pasture, and intensive silvopastoril system with Leucaena leucocephala. Transects with 10 stations separated by 10m from each other were established. In each station the diversity of ants was evaluated using tuna baits, and as a separate event, deposits were offered, each one with 15 seeds from three different plant species. We found 27, 18, and 12 morphospecies of ants in forests, treeless pastures and intensive silvopastoril systems, respectively. Twentysix percent of the seeds were removed by ants in the fi rst two hours. The removal frequency was significantly lower in silvopastoril systems suggesting that the type of management of this cattle system does not promote seed movement by ants. The greatest diversity of ants transporting seeds was found in forests and in all the cases more than 50% of the arillated seeds of the native plant Siparuna aspera was removed. It is suggested that, in cattle systems where some of primary seed dispersers have been lost, ants can offer seeds movement services that might alter the survival probability of diaspores.Las hormigas son importantes agentes funcionales en los ecosistemas naturales y agroecosistemas tropicales. El movimiento de semillas por hormigas puede resultar en dispersión o postdispersión afectando la probabilidad de supervivencia de diásporas en agroecosistemas ganaderos en proceso de rehabilitación ecológica, en cuyo caso las hormigas podrían ser determinantes en la sucesión. Se comparó la actividad y diversidad de hormigas forrajeras del suelo en nueve lotes clasificados en tres usos de la tierra: bosque, pastura sin árboles, y sistema silvopastoril intensivo con Leucaena leucocephala. En cada lote se estableció un transecto con 10 estaciones separadas 10m entre sí. En cada estación se evaluó la diversidad de hormigas con cebos de atún, y como evento separado se ofrecieron depósitos, cada uno con 15 semillas pertenecientes a tres especies vegetales. Se encontraron 27, 18, y 12 morfoespecies de hormigas en bosques, pasturas sin árboles, y silvopastoriles intensivos respectivamente. El 26% de las semillas fueron removidas por hormigas en las primeras dos horas. La remoción fue significativamente menor en silvopastoriles sugiriendo que el tipo de manejo de este sistema ganadero no favorece el proceso de movimiento de semillas por hormigas. Se encontró mayor diversidad de hormigas transportando semillas en bosques y en todos los casos más del 50% de las semillas ariladas de la planta nativa Siparuna aspera fueron movidas por hormigas. Se sugiere que en sistemas ganaderos, donde se han perdido algunos dispersores primarios, las hormigas puedan prestar servicios de movimiento de semillas que podrían alterar la probabilidad de supervivencia de las diásporas

    La práctica pedagógica: un espacio de formación para futuros formadores

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    The present document contains a reflective exercise of pedagogical practices; topic in the formative process of the future education professionals. The initiative to write on this topic is the result of conversations and dialogues among colleagues due to the importance they have in the training of students and in the curriculum of the Bachelors Education Program in Early Childhood of the Education Faculty of the Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca (Popayán). A theoretical discussion of concepts, related to the central theme, is performed in the development of the text. Subsequent to it, a trainer of trainers’ reflection, on the professional practice, is shown. Finally, to conclude, some considerations from different purviews regarding the practice process are posed, in order to comprehend them from some other approaches.PublishedEl presente documento es un ejercicio reflexivo de las prácticas pedagógicas, tema coyuntural en el proceso formativo de los futuros profesionales de la educación. La iniciativa de escribir sobre este tópico es el resultado de las conversaciones y diálogos entre colegas, debido a la importancia que tiene en la formación de los estudiantes y en la malla curricular del programa de Licenciatura en Educación para la Primera Infancia de la Facultad de Educación de la Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca (Popayán). En el desarrollo del texto se plantea una discusión teórica de conceptos afines al tema central; posterior a ello se plasma una reflexión del ejercicio profesional del formador de formadores, para finalizar a modo de conclusiones se comparten algunas apreciaciones que invitan a mirar los diferentes matices y realidades de las prácticas para hacer resignificación de estas

    El worker como tema de la seguridad social en México: Trabalhador como questão de segurança social no México

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    La seguridad social nace con la finalidad de salvaguardar la integridad física de las personas, y con ello contrarrestar la desigualdad que había existido desde siglos atrás, desde su origen tuvo por objetivo garantizar principalmente el derecho a la atención médica, en la actualidad en México y en el mundo se ha garantizado este derecho y se han sumado otros derechos como son el acceso a pensiones, derecho a vivienda, derecho a una vida mejor

    Cambio de paradigmas en la educación superior en México, ante la pandemia de COVID 19: Mudança de paradigmas no ensino superior no México em face da pandemia da COVID 19

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     El covid 19 irrumpió en la vida del país de manera abrupta, en marzo del 2020, trayendo consigo, grandes desafíos para la educación superior en México. Atento a lo anterior, la pandemia ofrece la gran oportunidad de replantear el cambio de paradigmas que debe experimentar la educación universitaria mexicana con el propósito de preparar a los estudiantes para la vida actual y futura, en consonancia con las consecuencias que el coronavirus obliga a enfrentar. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer algunas reflexiones acerca de los cambios que resultan necesarios para actualizar la educación superior en México, a fin de estar en condiciones de responder a los retos que plantea la nueva realidad impuesta por la pandemia, lo cual implica, brindar a los estudiantes universitarios una educación integral, esto es, prepararlos como futuros profesionistas, pero también como futuros ciudadanos, con una educación menos académica y más práctica, orientada hacia la comprensión del mundo que los rodea; en otras palabras, formar personas maduras, analíticas y críticas, interesadas por los asuntos de su entorno social

    Removal of Nonmyrmecochorous Seeds by Ants: Role of Ants in Cattle Grasslands

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    Livestock production models prevailing in Colombian Andes are simplified treeless pastures for extensive ranching, with the consequent reduction of environmental services, such as seed dispersal, due to lack of primary dispersers, scarcity of adequate sites for seedling establishment and competition with grasses. This study evaluated if, in these harsh environments, ants can promote the colonization of arboreal species through directed dispersion of seeds towards the nests. Ten seeds of each species were offered to ants in six grazing pastures. Ants removed 25% of the seeds (1827) in 48 hours. Preference for arillated and small-to-medium sized seeds, such as Pithecellobium dulce, and Guazuma ulmifolia, was observed. Cyphomyrmex major, Ectatomma ruidum, Solenopsis geminata and Atta cephalotes were the key ant species in seed removal. It was concluded that functional ant groups present in the pastures could contribute to secondary dispersion of seeds with potential for restoration

    A Bayesian Approach for Estimating the Thinning Corrosion Rate of Steel Heat Exchanger in Hydrodesulfurization Plants

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    Fuel consumption has been increasing in recent years, especially that of diesel and jet fuel. For this reason, the necessity to build new plants to reduce their sulfur content has arisen. Sometimes, just revamping existing plants is feasible, but determining which pieces of equipment are in the appropriate condition to be reused is also necessary. In order to select the equipment, it is essential to have information about the wall thickness of vessels. Sometimes, the information is limited; consequently, the application of advanced statistical techniques is needed. ,e Bayesian Data Analysis (BDA) used in this study has the goal of determining a more accurate, unobserved thinning rate distribution for existing heat exchangers, taking into consideration all the information available about the thinning rate of the heat exchangers that cool down the effluent of the hydrotreating reactors in Mexican oil refineries. ,e information obtained from BDA was compared with existing shell wall thickness obtaining favorable results

    Centro educativo-comunitario Túpac Amaru II en el distrito de Florencia de Mora, Provincia de Trujillo, departamento de la Libertad

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    El proyecto está orientado a mejorar el servicio educativo que se brinda en el distrito de Florencia de Mora, el distrito con el mayor porcentaje de colegios en mal estado de la provincia de Trujillo, interviniendo en la Institución Educativa Túpac Amaru II la cual, 55 años después de su fundación, presenta un déficit tanto en la oferta como en la calidad de su infraestructura. Se plantea una tipología multifuncional de carácter educativo y cultural, la cual consta de un Centro Educativo de nivel Inicial, Primaria y Secundaria, complementado con Talleres Técnico-Productivos para el nivel Secundaria, Biblioteca y Salón de Usos Múltiples, contando además con ambientes administrativos, y de servicios generales. Frente a la problemática de un colegio con aulas que no son suficientes ni óptimas para la demanda estudiantil, espacios exteriores que carecen de diseño, y un colegio desligado de su contexto, el diseño propone repensar el aula, el patio y la ciudad como elementos que se complementan y se refuerzan, a través de tres enfoques: flexibilizar los espacios educativos, diversificar los espacios exteriores a partir de las necesidades de los estudiantes, e integrar el colegio con su entorno, involucrando a la comunidad y dinamizando el espacio urbano.The project is aimed at improving the educational service provided in Florencia de Mora, the district with the highest percentage of schools in poor condition in the province of Trujillo, intervening in the Túpac Amaru II School which, 55 years after its foundation, presents a deficit in both the supply and quality of its infrastructure. A multifunctional typology of an educational and cultural nature is proposed, which consists of an Educational Center for the Initial, Primary and Secondary level, complemented by technical-productive workshops for the secondary level, Library and Multipurpose Room, also having administrative environments. and general services. Faced with the problem of a school with classrooms that are neither sufficient nor optimal for student demand, exterior spaces that lack design, and a school detached from its context, the design proposes rethinking the classroom, the playground and the city as elements that complement and reinforce each other through three approaches: making educational spaces more flexible, diversifying outdoor spaces based on the needs of the students, and integrating the school with its environment, involving the community and energizing the urban space.Tesi

    Prevenção do Câncer Cérvico-Uterino: Rastreamento de 25.238 Pacientes Através do Exame Colposcópico

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    Os autores analisaram, por meio do exame especular, do teste de Schiller e da colposcopia, 25.238 pacientes em um programa de rastreamento do câncer cérvico-uterino. Encontraram, por meio de 1.516 biopsias cervicais e do exame histológico de 534 pólipos, 174 lesões anormais e atípicos (44 displasias, 39 carcinomas in situ, 82 invasivos e 9 adenocarcinomas endocervicais). Isto correspondeu a 10,9% das biopsias. No restante, o diagnóstico foi cervicite crônica, metaplasia escamosa e queratinização da mucosa exocervical. As lesões pré-malignas e malignas acometeram 0,68% das pacientes estudadas. A incidência de displasia foi de 1,7%; a do carcinoma in situ 1,54% e a do invasivo, 3,24%. Encontrou-se 0,35% de adenocarcinoma do colo uterino. O teste de Schiller, embora tenha fornecido alto contingente de biopsias aparentemente desnecessárias, permitiu o diagnóstico de 29 displasias, 18 carcinomas intra-epiteliais e 1 com pouca invasão. 23,4% das pacientes biopsadas apresentou imagens atípicas à colposcopia, entre as quais, a leucoplasia (7,12%), o mosaico (4,55%), a base leucoplásica (4,48%), e a vascularização atípica (1,64%). O aspecto verrucoso foi bastante freqüente entre os carcinomas invasivos. 5,6% das pacientes rastreadas apresentaram zonas matrizes, vascularização atípica e zona de iodo-negativa muda. Após tecerem comentários sobre os dados da literatura pertinentes à frequência das imagens colposcópicas atípicas, concluem, ser a colposcopia, importante arma para o adequado rastreamento do câncer cérvico-uterino

    Understanding climate change impacts on biome and plant distributions in the Andes: Challenges and opportunities

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    Aim: Climate change is expected to impact mountain biodiversity by shifting species ranges and the biomes they shape. The extent and regional variation in these impacts are still poorly understood, particularly in the highly biodiverse Andes. Regional syntheses of climate change impacts on vegetation are pivotal to identify and guide research priorities. Here we review current data, knowledge and uncertainties in past, present and future climate change impacts on vegetation in the Andes. Location: Andes. Taxon: Plants. Methods: We (i) conducted a literature review on Andean vegetation responses to past and contemporary climatic change, (ii) analysed future climate projections for different elevations and slope orientations at 19 Andean locations using an ensemble of model outputs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5, and (iii) calculated changes in the suitable climate envelope area of Andean biomes and compared these results to studies that used species distribution models. Results: Future climatic changes (2040–2070) are projected to be stronger at high-elevation areas in the tropical Andes (up to 4°C under RCP 8.5), while in the temperate Andes temperature increases are projected to be up to 2°C. Under this worst-case scenario, temperate deciduous forests and the grasslands/steppes from the Central and Southern Andes are predicted to show the greatest losses of suitable climatic space (30% and 17%–23%, respectively). The high vulnerability of these biomes contrasts with the low attention from researchers modelling Andean species distributions. Critical knowledge gaps include a lack of an Andean wide plant checklist, insufficient density of weather stations at high-elevation areas, a lack of high-resolution climatologies that accommodates the Andes' complex topography and climatic processes, insufficient data to model demographic and ecological processes, and low use of palaeo data for distribution modelling. Main conclusions: Climate change is likely to profoundly affect the extent and composition of Andean biomes. Temperate Andean biomes in particular are susceptible to substantial area contractions. There are, however, considerable challenges and uncertainties in modelling species and biome responses and a pressing need for a region-wide approach to address knowledge gaps and improve understanding and monitoring of climate change impacts in these globally important biomes.publishedVersio