72 research outputs found

    Collectivity at the prolate-oblate transition:the 2<sub>1</sub><sup>+</sup> lifetime of <sup>190</sup>W

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    The neutron-rich rare isotope 190W is discussed as a candidate for a prolate-oblate transitional nucleus with maximum γ-softness. The collectivity of this isotope is assessed for the first time by the measurement of the reduced E2 transition probability of its first 2+ state to the ground state. The experiment employed the FAst TIming Array (FATIMA), comprised of 36 LaBr3(Ce) scintillators, which was part of the DESPEC setup at GSI, Darmstadt. The 41+ and 21+ states of 190W were populated subsequently to the decay of its 127(12) μs isomeric Jπ  = 10- state. The mean lifetime of the 21+ state was determined to be τ = 274(28) ps, which corresponds to a B(E2; 21+ → 01+) value of 95(10) W.u. The results motivated a revision of previous calculations within an energy-density functional-based interacting boson model-2 approach, yielding E2 transition properties and spectroscopic quadrupole moments for tungsten isotopes. From comparison to theory, the new data suggest that 190W is at the transition from prolate to oblate structure along the W isotopic chain, which had previously been discussed as a nuclear shape-phase transition

    First observation of excited states in 120La and its impact on the shape evolution in the A ≈ 120 mass region

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    Excited states have been observed for the first time in the very neutron-deficient odd-odd nucleus 57120La63. The observed γ rays have been assigned based on coincidences with lanthanum X rays measured with the JUROGAM 3 array and with A=120 fusion-evaporation residues measured with the MARA separator. The observed γ rays form a rotational band which decays to the ground state via a cascade of four low-energy transitions. Based on the systematic comparisons with the heavier odd-odd La isotopes we assign spin-parity 4+ to the ground state and a πh11/2⊗νh11/2 configuration to the rotational band. The nuclear shape has been investigated by the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky model. Two quasiparticle plus triaxial rotor model calculations including the np interaction nicely reproduce the spin of the inversion between the even- and odd-spin cascades of E2 transitions, giving credit to the np interaction as an important parameter responsible for the mechanism inducing the inversion. The position of the Fermi levels, in particular for neutrons, also has a strong impact on the observed inversion in the chain of lanthanum nuclei

    Evidence for octupole collectivity in Pt-172

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    Excited states in the extremely neutron-deficient nucleus Pt-172 were populated via Ru-96(Kr-78, 2p) and Mo-92(Kr-83, 3n) reactions. The level scheme has been extended up to an excitation energy of approximate to 5MeV and tentative spin-parity assignments up to I-pi = 18(+). Linear polarization and angular distribution measurements were used to determine the electromagnetic E1 character of the dipole transitions connecting the positive-parity ground-state band with an excited side-band, firmly establishing it as a negativeparity band. The lowestmember of this negative-parity structure was firmly assigned spin-parity 3(-). In addition, we observed an E3 transition from this 3(-) state to the ground state, providing direct evidence for octupole collectivity in Pt-172. Large-scale shell model (LSSM) and total Routhian surface (TRS) calculations have been performed, supporting the interpretation of the 3(-) state as a collective octupole-vibrational state.Peer reviewe

    Decay studies in the A ∼ 225 Po-Fr region from the DESPEC campaign at GSI in 2021

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    M1 and E2 transition rates from core-excited states in semi-magic 94Ru

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    Lifetimes of high-spin states have been measured in the semi-magic (N= 50) nucleus 94Ru. Excited states in 94Ru were populated in the 58Ni(40Ca, 4p)94Ru* fusion-evaporation reaction at the Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL) accelerator complex. DSAM lifetime analysis was performed on the Doppler broadened line shapes in energy spectra obtained from γ-rays emitted while the residual nuclei were slowing down in a thick 6mg/cm^2 metallic 58Ni target. In total eight excited-state lifetimes in the angular momentum range I= (13 - 20) ℏ have been measured, five of which were determined for the first time. The corresponding B(M1) and B(E2) reduced transition strengths are discussed within the framework of large-scale shell model calculations to study the contribution of different particle-hole configurations, in particular for analyzing contributions from core-excited configurations

    Evidence for spherical-oblate shape coexistence in Tc 87

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    Excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus Tc87 have been studied via the fusion-evaporation reaction Fe54(Ar36,2n1p)Tc87 at 115 MeV beam energy. The AGATA γ-ray spectrometer coupled to the DIAMANT, NEDA, and Neutron Wall detector arrays for light-particle detection was used to measure the prompt coincidence of γ rays and light particles. Six transitions from the deexcitation of excited states belonging to a new band in Tc87 were identified by comparing γ-ray intensities in the spectra gated under different reaction channel selection conditions. The constructed level structure was compared with the shell model and total Routhian surface calculations. The results indicate that the new band structure in Tc87 is built on a spherical configuration, which is different from that assigned to the previously identified oblate yrast rotational band

    Refined description of the positive-parity bands and the extent of octupole correlations in Ba-120

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    International audienceThree new negative-parity bands have been identified in Ba120, two of them forming a strongly coupled band. The previously known negative-parity band is significantly extended to high spin, while the lower part of the yrare positive-parity band has been modified. From the analysis of the band properties and comparison with the neighboring nuclei a coherent description of all bands is achieved. In particular, a simple explanation of the evolution of the positive-parity bands at high spin is proposed, including the possible occupation of the νf7/2[541]1/2− intruder orbital. Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations reveal similar quadrupole deformations but different triaxiality of the bands, while particle number conserving cranked shell model calculations qualitatively reproduce the experimental data and support the assigned configurations. The new measured ratios of reduced transition probabilities B(E1)/B(E2) complete the systematics in the Ba118–124 nuclei, exhibiting a decrease with decreasing neutron number, and are compared with the known values in the Xe116–120 nuclei, which are larger. Extended calculations with the quadrupole and octupole collective Hamiltonian based on the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model employing the relativistic DD-PC1 density functional nicely reproduce the decreasing trend towards lower neutron numbers for Ba and Xe nuclei, as well as the larger values in Xe nuclei, but are much larger in amplitude than the experimental values. On the other hand, particle number conserving cranked shell model calculations without octupole deformation overestimate the low-spin values, while those with octupole deformation included reproduce the experimental values in Ba120, suggesting the possible existence of moderate octupole collectivity in the negative-parity bands of nuclei in this mass region

    Identification of excited states in 107Te

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    Excited states in the extremely neutron-deficient nucleus 107Te have been identified from two separate experiments using the recoil-decay tagging technique. Two connected structures were observed on the basis of γγ-coincidence relations and tentatively assigned as built on the mixed-parentage νg7/2d5/2 and νh11/2 intruder configurations. The observed structures were compared with large-scale shell-model calculations and total Routhian surface calculations. Collective behavior was discovered to persist in the νh11/2 band of 107Te which highlights the shape-polarizing effect of a single valence neutron occupying the h11/2 intruder orbit as the N=50 shell closure is approached.peerReviewe