2,924 research outputs found

    Desarrollo larvario de Dagetichthys marginatus (Familia: Soleidae) a partir de puesta inducida por hormonas en condiciones de cultivo artificiales

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    Dagetichthys marginatus (formerly Synaptura marginata) larvae were laboratory-reared from wild caught adult broodstock as part of an aquaculture research project in temperate South Africa. A larval description for the species is provided in this paper. This work also represents the first larval description for the genus Dagetichthys, which is represented by five species, three of which occur in the western Indian Ocean. Larval development in D. marginatus is typical of Soleidae. Dagetichthys marginatus larvae are heavily pigmented, with four characteristic melanophore “blotches” on the finfold. These larvae are easily distinguished from other soleid larvae commonly encountered in temperate South Africa based on the large size at flexion (5-7.06 mm BL) and the heavily pigmented body. Laboratory-reared postflexion larvae in this study showed similar meristic counts to those of wild caught adult fish. Despite the common occurrence of mature adults of this species in shallow marine waters off temperate South Africa, larvae are absent from nearshore ichthyoplankton catches. As yet, the spawning strategy of the species is unknown.Las larvas de Dagetichthys marginatus (anteriormente Synaptura marginata) se cultivaron en el laboratorio a partir de adultos capturados en el medio natural como parte de un proyecto de investigación en la zona templada de Sudáfrica. En este trabajo se presenta la descripción de las larvas de esta especie. Este trabajo también representa la primera descripción del Dagetichthys, representado por cinco especies, tres de las cuales se encuentran en el Oeste del Océano Índico. El desarrollo larvario de D. marginatus es el típico de la familia Soleidae. Las larvas de Dagetichthys marginatus están fuertemente pigmentadas con cuatro característicos bloques de melanóforos en la aleta primordial. Estas larvas se distinguen fácilmente de otras larvas de soleidos comúnmente encontradas en la zona templada de Sudáfrica en base a su gran longitud en el estadio de flexión (5-7.06 mm BL) y a su cuerpo fuertemente pigmentado. Las larvas en estado de postflexión obtenidas en el presente cultivo mostraron similares contajes que los adultos capturados en el medio natural. A pesar de la común aparición, en aguas someras, de adultos maduros de esta especie frente a la zona templada de Sudáfrica, las larvas estuvieron ausentes en las muestras de ictioplanton recolectadas en dicha zona. Hasta el momento, la estrategia de puesta de esta especie es desconocida.

    Borderline Aggregation Kinetics in ``Dry'' and ``Wet'' Environments

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    We investigate the kinetics of constant-kernel aggregation which is augmented by either: (a) evaporation of monomers from finite-mass clusters, or (b) continuous cluster growth -- \ie, condensation. The rate equations for these two processes are analyzed using both exact and asymptotic methods. In aggregation-evaporation, if the evaporation is mass conserving, \ie, the monomers which evaporate remain in the system and continue to be reactive, the competition between evaporation and aggregation leads to several asymptotic outcomes. For weak evaporation, the kinetics is similar to that of aggregation with no evaporation, while equilibrium is quickly reached in the opposite case. At a critical evaporation rate, the cluster mass distribution decays as k5/2k^{-5/2}, where kk is the mass, while the typical cluster mass grows with time as t2/3t^{2/3}. In aggregation-condensation, we consider the process with a growth rate for clusters of mass kk, LkL_k, which is: (i) independent of kk, (ii) proportional to kk, and (iii) proportional to kμk^\mu, with 0<μ<10<\mu<1. In the first case, the mass distribution attains a conventional scaling form, but with the typical cluster mass growing as tlntt\ln t. When LkkL_k\propto k, the typical mass grows exponentially in time, while the mass distribution again scales. In the intermediate case of LkkμL_k\propto k^\mu, scaling generally applies, with the typical mass growing as t1/(1μ)t^{1/(1-\mu)}. We also give an exact solution for the linear growth model, LkkL_k\propto k, in one dimension.Comment: plain TeX, 17 pages, no figures, macro file prepende

    Stimulating the innovation potential of 'routine' workers through workplace learning

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    Governments worldwide seek to upgrade the ‘basic skills' of employees deemed to have low literacy and numeracy, in order to enable their greater productivity and participation in workplace practices. A longitudinal investigation of such interventions in the United Kingdom has examined the effects on employees and on organizations of engaging in basic skills programmes offered in and through the workplace. ‘Tracking’ of employees in selected organizational contexts has highlighted ways in which interplay between formal and informal workplace learning can help to create the environments for employees in lower grade jobs to use and expand their skills. This workplace learning is a precondition, a stimulus and an essential ingredient for participation in employee-driven innovation, as workers engage with others to vary, and eventually to change, work practices. © 2010, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved

    Mutation of Tyr137 of the universal Escherichia coli fimbrial adhesin FimH relaxes the tyrosine gate prior to mannose binding

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    The most prevalent diseases manifested by Escherichia coli are acute and recurrent bladder infections and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease. E. coli clinical isolates express the FimH adhesin, which consists of a mannose-specific lectin domain connected via a pilin domain to the tip of type 1 pili. Although the isolated FimH lectin domain has affinities in the nanomolar range for all high-mannosidic glycans, differentiation between these glycans is based on their capacity to form predominantly hydrophobic interactions within the tyrosine gate at the entrance to the binding pocket. In this study, novel crystal structures of tyrosine-gate mutants of FimH, ligand-free or in complex with heptyl α - D - O -mannopyranoside or 4-biphenyl α - D - O- mannopyranoside, are combined with quantum-mechanical calculations and molecular-dynamics simulations. In the Y48A FimH crystal structure, a large increase in the dynamics of the alkyl chain of heptyl α - D - O -mannopyranoside attempts to compensate for the absence of the aromatic ring; however, the highly energetic and stringent mannose-binding pocket of wild-type FimH is largely maintained. The Y137A mutation, on the other hand, is the most detrimental to FimH affinity and specificity: (i) in the absence of ligand the FimH C-terminal residue Thr158 intrudes into the mannose-binding pocket and (ii) ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid interacts strongly with Glu50, Thr53 and Asn136, in spite of multiple dialysis and purification steps. Upon mutation, pre-ligand-binding relaxation of the backbone dihedral angles at position 137 in the tyrosine gate and their coupling to Tyr48 via the interiorly located Ile52 form the basis of the loss of affinity of the FimH adhesin in the Y137A mutant

    Treatments for irritable bowel syndrome: patients' attitudes and acceptability

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a highly prevalent chronic disorder, places significant burden on the health service and the individual. Symptomatic distress and reduced quality of life are compounded by few efficacious treatments available. As researchers continue to demonstrate the clinical efficacy of alternative therapies, it would be useful to gain a patient-perspective of treatment acceptability and identify patient's attitudes towards those modalities considered not acceptable.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six hundred and forty-five participants identified from an earlier IBS-prevalence study received a postal questionnaire to evaluate preferences and acceptability of nine forms of treatment. Proportions accepting each form of treatment were calculated and thematic analysis of qualitative data undertaken.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 256 (39.7%) of 645 potential respondents completed the questionnaire (mean age 55.9 years, 73% female). Tablets were most acceptable (84%), followed by lifestyle changes (diet (82%), yoga (77%)). Acupuncture (59%) and suppositories (57%) were less acceptable.</p> <p>When explaining lack of acceptability, patient views fell into four broad categories: dislike treatment modality, do not perceive benefit, general barriers and insufficient knowledge. Scepticism, lack of scientific rationale and fear of CAM were mentioned, although others expressed a dislike of conventional medical treatments. Past experiences, age and health concerns, and need for proof of efficacy were reported.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Most patients were willing to accept various forms of treatment. However, the reservations expressed by this patient-population must be recognised with particular focus directed towards allaying fears and misconceptions, seeking further evidence base for certain therapies and incorporating physician support and advice.</p

    Complementary and alternative medicine use among US Navy and Marine Corps personnel

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently, numerous studies have revealed an increase in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use in US civilian populations. In contrast, few studies have examined CAM use within military populations, which have ready access to conventional medicine. Currently, the prevalence and impact of CAM use in US military populations remains unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To investigate CAM use in US Navy and Marine Corps personnel, the authors surveyed a stratified random sample of 5,000 active duty and Reserve/National Guard members between December 2000 and July 2002. Chi-square tests and multivariable logistic regression were used to assess univariate associations and adjusted odds of CAM use in this population.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>Of 3,683 service members contacted, 1,446 (39.3%) returned a questionnaire and 1,305 gave complete demographic and survey data suitable for study. Among respondents, more than 37% reported using at least one CAM therapy during the past year. Herbal therapies were among the most commonly reported (15.9%). Most respondents (69.8%) reported their health as being very good or excellent. Modeling revealed that CAM use was most common among personnel who were women, white, and officers. Higher levels of recent physical pain and lower levels of satisfaction with conventional medical care were significantly associated with increased odds of reporting CAM use.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggest that CAM use is prevalent in the US military and consistent with patterns in other US civilian populations. Because there is much to be learned about CAM use along with allopathic therapy, US military medical professionals should record CAM therapies when collecting medical history data.</p

    Measurement of the quasi-elastic axial vector mass in neutrino-oxygen interactions

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    The weak nucleon axial-vector form factor for quasi-elastic interactions is determined using neutrino interaction data from the K2K Scintillating Fiber detector in the neutrino beam at KEK. More than 12,000 events are analyzed, of which half are charged-current quasi-elastic interactions nu-mu n to mu- p occurring primarily in oxygen nuclei. We use a relativistic Fermi gas model for oxygen and assume the form factor is approximately a dipole with one parameter, the axial vector mass M_A, and fit to the shape of the distribution of the square of the momentum transfer from the nucleon to the nucleus. Our best fit result for M_A = 1.20 \pm 0.12 GeV. Furthermore, this analysis includes updated vector form factors from recent electron scattering experiments and a discussion of the effects of the nucleon momentum on the shape of the fitted distributions.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    Study of Upsilon(3S,2S) -> eta Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(3S,2S) -> pi+pi- Upsilon(1S) hadronic trasitions

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    We study the Upsilon(3S,2S)->eta Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(3S,2S)->pi+pi- Upsilon(1S) transitions with 122 million Upsilon(3S) and 100 million Upsilon(2S) mesons collected by the BaBar detector at the PEP-II asymmetric energy e+e- collider. We measure B[Upsilon(2S)->eta Upsilon(1S)]=(2.39+/-0.31(stat.)+/-0.14(syst.))10^-4 and Gamma[Upsilon(2S)->eta Upsilon(1S)]/Gamma[Upsilon(2S)-> pi+pi- Upsilon(1S)]=(1.35+/-0.17(stat.)+/-0.08(syst.))10^-3. We find no evidence for Upsilon(3S)->eta Upsilon(1S) and obtain B[Upsilon(3S)->eta Upsilon(1S)]<1.0 10^-4 and Gamma[Upsilon(3S)->eta Upsilon(1S)]/Gamma[Upsilon(3S)->pi+pi- Upsilon(1S)]<2.3 10^-3 as upper limits at the 90% confidence level. We also provide improved measurements of the Upsilon(2S) - Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(3S) - Upsilon(1S) mass differences, 562.170+/-0.007(stat.)+/-0.088(syst.) MeV/c^2 and 893.813+/-0.015(stat.)+/-0.107(syst.) MeV/c^2 respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 16 encapsulated postscript figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Complementary therapy use by patients and parents of children with asthma and the implications for NHS care: a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: Patients are increasingly using complementary therapies, often for chronic conditions. Asthma is the most common chronic condition in the UK. Previous research indicates that some asthma patients experience gaps in their NHS care. However, little attention has been given to how and why patients and parents of children with asthma use complementary therapies and the implications for NHS care. METHODS: Qualitative study, comprising 50 semi-structured interviews with a purposeful sample of 22 adults and 28 children with asthma (plus a parent), recruited from a range of NHS and non-NHS settings in Bristol, England. Data analysis was thematic, drawing on the principles of constant comparison. RESULTS: A range of complementary therapies were being used for asthma, most commonly Buteyko breathing and homeopathy. Most use took place outside of the NHS, comprising either self-treatment or consultation with private complementary therapists. Complementary therapies were usually used alongside not instead of conventional asthma treatment. A spectrum of complementary therapy users emerged, including "committed", "pragmatic" and "last resort" users. Motivating factors for complementary therapy use included concerns about conventional NHS care ("push factors") and attractive aspects of complementary therapies ("pull factors"). While participants were often uncertain whether therapies had directly helped their asthma, breathing techniques such as the Buteyko Method were most notably reported to enhance symptom control and enable reduction in medication. Across the range of therapies, the process of seeking and using complementary therapies seemed to help patients in two broad ways: it empowered them to take greater personal control over their condition rather than feel dependant on medication, and enabled exploration of a broader range of possible causes of their asthma than commonly discussed within NHS settings. CONCLUSION: Complementary therapy use reflects patients' and parents' underlying desire for greater self-care and need of opportunities to address some of their concerns regarding NHS asthma care. Self-management of chronic conditions is increasingly promoted within the NHS but with little attention to complementary therapy use as one strategy being used by patients and parents. With their desire for self-help, complementary therapy users are in many ways adopting the healthcare personas that current policies aim to encourage