7,123 research outputs found

    The Functional Transformation Buildings in The Old City Semarang Based on The Urban Sustainable-Conservation Concepts

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    Conservation and Sustainability are inspiring the region of the Old City in Semarang. As the meanings of both words, the aim of conservation and sustainability in this region is addressed to secure long-term harmony between man and nature, to achieve continuous enhancement in the environment, and to increase the quality of life for humans and other life forms. Several buildings in the Old City Semarang show sustainability in how they interacts with people and public activities. The buildings change into public facilities that serves people in daily public activities. The transformations of their functions are very closed to society. This paper discusses cases on term how the buildings secure their conservation and sustainability by statistical methods and descriptive analyses. Respondents had been taken from customers who visited to the buildings. The results show that certain buildings have a better maintenance than others as public facilities. Moreover, the greater the interaction of buildings and public activities, the better the maintenances have been represented by the building


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    This study aimed: 1) to increase the interest in writing poems; and 2) to improve the ability to write poetry in grade VIII. This research was a classroom action research. This research has done around August until November 2016 at class VIII SMP at Sukoharjo. The data sources of this research were documents and field notes of the observation. The techniques of data collection were observation, in-depth interview, tests, and documents analysis. Data validation in this research were triangulation of the resources and methods as well as review of the informants. The results can be concluded that: 1) there is improvement of the studentsā€™ interest in writing poetries. The interest improvement can be explained in 1 cycle, 24 students or 47% of the students who joined the teaching and learning process increased to 75% of the students in 2 nd cycle; 2) In 1 st cycle, writing skills increased 81% (26 students) became 96% (31 students) in 2 nd cycle. s


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    Abstract This research is a kind of library research. The main data is taken from Stephen Craneā€™s short story The Open Boat. The purpose of the research is to find out how the naturalism aspects are reflected in Stephen Craneā€™s short story The Open Boat. To come to that purpose, the researcher applies the structuralism Theory to analyze the problem. Besides, the researcher also applies the naturalism aspects based on Vernon Louis Parringtonā€™s idea. Through the analysis, it is found that there are some naturalism aspects in the element of the short story of The Open Boat. The naturalism aspects that can be found in Stephen Craneā€™s short story of The Open Boat are; frankness, objectivity, philosophy of determinism and bias in selection character

    Rehabilitasi Sosial Terhadap Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) di Balai Pelayanan dan Rehabilitasi Sosial PMKS Sidoarjo

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    One of the programs by the Social Service to overcome the problem of ODGJ is social rehabilitation. This is because ODGJ experience various problems, namely physical, psychological, and social that require social rehabilitation. This study aims to (1) describe the problems experienced by people with mental disorders (ODGJ), (2) describe the social rehabilitation of people with mental disorders (ODGJ) at Balai PMKS Sidoarjo. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study descriptive research type. The technique for determining research subjects used purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Qualitative data analysis techniques use 3 stages, namely data condensation, data display and verifying conclusions. While the technique of increasing the validity of the data using a credibility test. The results of this study indicate that (1) ODGJ experience various kinds of problems, namely physical, psychological, and social. (2) Various aspects of these problems can be overcome by social rehabilitation activities, namely meeting basic needs, social guidance, mental guidance, physical guidance, skills guidance, and counseling guidance. The aim is to improve the quality of the client's functioning so that he can return to being a complete human being

    Climate Assessment of Orientation Design in the Housing Master Plan Close to the Airport

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    Abstractā€” This study is a continuation research of Sustainable Master plan Design in Residential Area Near the Airport which was previously conducted. In that study, it has been known that the angles of 135Ā° and 180Ā° towards the runway are the most effective angles which can reduce noise emitted from the airport. For reviewing the climate aspects, models are fitted in those angles, and then the observation of climatic aspects such as: temperature, humidity and wind speed should be conducted to review their influence to noise received by inhabitants. The research methods used were polynomial regressions of goniometric. And the results are correlation models of noise level to temperature, humidity and wind speed

    Green Materials Comparation of Sawdust and Coconut Fibre Acoustical Waffle Panel

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    Abstract. The natural wealth of Indonesia produces a wide range of natural resources. This research will discuss sawdust and coconut fibre for example from natural resources which can be processed into building materials. The use of the absorber as a facade is needed, especially for buildings located in noisy urban areas. Various research has studied the absorber made from sawdust and coconut fibre, but only a few studies that study the absorber material that has the texture of waffle on its surface. The research method used is the method comparisons of the value of the absorption coefficient, density and Sound Transmission Loss (STL) impedance tube with 1/3 octave filter. The result is that the waffle the panel from the sawdust has a higher density than waffle the panel from coconut fibre. The value of the coconut fibre panel STL ranged 46,134 ā€“ 51,312 dB. This value is lower than the STL material from sawdust that has a value between 47,301 ā€“ 62,688 STL. Absorption coefficient, coconut fibre panels between 0,432 ā€“ 0,511, while the value of the coefficient of absorption sawdust panel range 0,469 ā€“ 0,529. (max 200 words)

    Perilaku Abnormal Tokoh Nedena dalam Novel Dadaisme Karya Dewi Sartika Tinjauan Psikologi Sastraā€

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mendeskripsikan struktur yang membangun novel Dadaisme karya Dewi Sartika yang meliputi tema, plot, penokohan dan latar; (2) mendeskripsikan perilaku abnormal tokoh Nedena dalam novel Dadaisme karya Dewi Sartika denggan tinjauan psikologi sastra. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitiannya adalah perilaku abnormal tokoh Nedena dalam novel Dadaisme. Data penelitian ini berupa kutipan-kutipan kata, kalimat dan wacana yang di dalamnya terkandung gagasan mengenai unsur-unsur cerita. Sumber data primer adalah novel Dadaisme. Sumber data sekunder adalah wacana dari internet mengenai novel Dadaisme. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melalui teknik pustaka, simak, dan catat. Analisis datanya menggunakan metode pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik. Pemaknaannya menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra. Hasil analisis struktural novel Dadaisme dapat diperoleh tema, yaitu kehidupan rumah tangga yang tidak harmonis terlibat dalam perselingkuhan, poligami dan peristiwa yang terjadi secara kebetulan dan saling terkait antara satu sama lain. Alur novel Dadaisme, yaitu sorot balik atau flashback. Latar tempat dalam novel Dadaisme digambarkan menjadi beberapa tempat salah satunya di daerah Pariaman, Sumatra. Latar waktu terjadi pada tahun 1990. Analisis perilaku abnormal tokoh Nedena dalam novel Dadaisme karya Dewi Sartika dengan pendekatan psikologi sastra, menyimpulkan bahwa tokoh Nedena memiliki perilaku abnormal sebagai berikut. (1) Trauma pada masa kanak-kanak. Nedena mengalami trauma setelah perisiwa kebakaran yang menghanguskan rumah dan menewaskan ibu kandungnya enam tahun lalu, (2) Depresi, perasaan sedih yang berkepanjangan yang dialami Nedena mengakibatkan depresi dan cenderung mengisolasi diri dari lingkungan, (3) Skizofrenia, perilaku diam dalam posisi tertentu yang dialami Nedena diakibatkan traumanya sejak kecil, (4) Halusinasi dan Bunuh Diri. Depresi dan skizofrenia yang dialami Nedena mengakibatkan halusinasi melihat malaikat bersayap satu yang bernama Michail bahkan hingga ia bunuh diri

    Meaning of Emoticon in Communication User of Social Media Whatsapp

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    This research discussed about meaning of emoticons in social media WhatsApp group. The research aimed at know the meaning of emoticons on the WhatsApp group. This research focused on analyzed the meaning of emoticon interpreted by the senders in WhatsApp group of 2014 English and Literature Department? and how are the meaning of emoticon interpreted the WhatsApp group who respond to the senders? and the objective of the research is to know meaning of emoticons interpreted by the senders in WhatsApp group of 2014 English and Literature Department and and to know meaning of emoticon interpreted the WhatsApp group members who respond to the senders using Roland Barthes Theory. Then, the data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method to explain it. The researcher used interview as the instrument to find out the valid data. This research conducted in order to know the meaning of emoticon, especially in the use of Rolandā€™s semiotic theory, to analyzing the meaning of emoticon. The finding showed that connotative dominant other than Denotative meaning. The researcher concluded that emoticons that are inserted in the message text send not only to represent feelings of pleasure, difficulty, sadness, and happiness, but the use of emoticons can also be used to strengthen or reinforce the message text sent

    Evaluasi Rencana Pembelajaran IPS SD dan Upaya Perbaikannya pada Mahasiswa Pgsd

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    The aim of this research were (1) to determine the level of ability on a social science lesson plan of semester fourth PGSD Students (2) to know the APKG I aspects generally less mastered by the student.The research method used was class action research (PTK) research design used was Kemmis model which consist of planning actions, observations and reflections.The results of this action research were (1) in pre action, the grade point average was 5.61; in post action the grade point average was 6.70; (2) APKG I aspects that generally less mastered by the student was the second aspect of developing and organizing subject, media and learning resources and the third aspects on procedures planning, type and assessment instrument preparing.Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui tinggi rendahnya kemampuan menyusun rencana pembelajaran IPS pada mahaiswa PGSD semester IV (2) mengetahui aspak-aspek APKG I yang secara umum kurang di kuasai mahasiswa.Metode penelitian adalah : Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) rancangan penelitian menggunakan model kemmis yang terdiri atas perencanaan tindakan dan pengamatan serta refleksi.Hasil Penelitian Tindakan adalah (1) sebelum tindakan rata-rata nilai rencana pembelajaran 5,61; sesudah tindakan 6,70; (2) aspek APKG I yang secara umum kurang dikuasai mahasiswa adalah aspek ke 2 tentang mengembangkan dan mengorganisasikan materi, media dan sumber belajar dan aspek ke 3 tentang merencanakan prosedur, jenis dan menyiapkan alat penilaian
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