625 research outputs found

    Årummet in Örbyhus : a design proposal

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    TegelsmoraĂ„n gĂ„r rakt igenom Örbyhus alldeles intill jĂ€rnvĂ€gsstationen. Runt Ă„n finns ett Ă„rum som idag genomkorsars av en gĂ„ngvĂ€g. Eftersom Ă„rummet ligger bredvid jĂ€rnvĂ€gsstationen Ă€r det mĂ„nga som anvĂ€nder det för att ta sig till arbetet eller skolan. Jag fick kĂ€nnedom om platsen genom föreningen Utveckla Örbyhus Tobo Vendel, som verkar för att utveckla orten och tycker ocksĂ„ att Ă„rummet i Örbyhus behöver utvecklas. Idag kĂ€nns Ă„rummet inte sĂ€rskilt omhĂ€ndertaget; man ser knappt vattnet pĂ„ grund av alla trĂ€d som vĂ€xer dĂ€r och gĂ„ngvĂ€gen gĂ„r sĂ„ lĂ„ngt frĂ„n Ă„n att man inte ser vattnet. Detta Ă€r beklagligt eftersom Örbyhus inte har nĂ„gon park och eftersom att Ă„rummet har stor potential att kunna bli en mötesplats. Syftet med arbetet Ă€r att gestalta ett parkstrĂ„k som höjer omrĂ„dets status samt tar till vara platsens karaktĂ€rer. Syftet Ă€r ocksĂ„ att med utgĂ„ngspunkt i den europeiska landskapskonventionen förankra gestaltningsförslaget i vad anvĂ€ndarna vill att platsen ska vara. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna i arbetet Ă€r: ‱ Hur kan Ă„rummet i Örbyhus gestaltas för att skapa en inkluderande plats med fler mĂ„lpunkter/aktiviteter och ökad vattenkontakt? ‱ Vilka karaktĂ€rer finns i Ă„rummet i Örbyhus och hur kan dessa förstĂ€rkas? ‱ Vilka önskemĂ„l har Örbyhusborna om Ă„rummets utformning? En enkĂ€tstudie genomfördes för att undersöka hur Örbyhusborna upplever Ă„rummet och hur de skulle vilja att det sĂ„g ut. För att göra ett gestaltningsförslag som tar till vara Ă„rummets karaktĂ€rer gjordes en landskapskaraktĂ€rsanalys (LCA) av omrĂ„det. För att fĂ„ inspiration till gestaltningen besöktes referensplatser. Genom hela processen var skissandet en central metod. Uppsatsen resulterade i ett gestaltningsförslag av Ă„rummet med nya gĂ„ng- och cykelvĂ€gar för att öka tillgĂ€ngligheten och kontakten med vattnet. SpĂ€nger och bryggor har ritats in för att öka de rekreativa vĂ€rdena pĂ„ platsen och besökarens kontakt med Ă„n. Belysning av gĂ„ngstrĂ„ken ritades in för att öka tryggheten. EntrĂ©erna i förslaget gjordes mer ordnade med planteringar och gĂ„ngvĂ€garna fick en naturlig karaktĂ€r. VĂ€xter har valts för att stĂ€rka parkkaraktĂ€ren vid entrĂ©erna till Ă„rummet och inhemska arter valdes i förslaget för att öka naturkaraktĂ€ren mellan entrĂ©erna. Tanken Ă€r att det hĂ€r examensarbetet kan ligga som grund och inspiration för föreningen Utveckla Örbyhus Tobo Vendel och Tierps kommun.Örbyhus is a village in Sweden, with 2,000 inhabitants. The stream TegelsmoraĂ„n goes straight through Örbyhus adjacent to the train station. Along the stream there is a walkway with some nature around it; this area is called Årummet. Since Årummet is next to the train station, many people use the walkway every day to get to work or school. I learned of the place through the association Utveckla Örbyhus Tobo Vendel, whose aim it is to work with the development of the villages Örbyhus, Tobo and Vendel. They saw a need for development in Årummet since this place does not feel particularly well taken care of. It is hard to reach and get a view of the water because of trees growing along the stream, and the walkway is located too far from the stream. This is unfortunate since Örbyhus has no park and because this place has great potential to become an attractive meeting point in the village. The purpose of this thesis is to create a design proposal for Örbyhus Årum that improves the area’s status and takes advantage of the site’s characteristics. The aim is also to base the design proposal on the wishes of the users and on the European Landscape Convention. ‱ How can the space along the river in Örbyhus be designed to create an inclusive place with more target points and increased water contact? ‱ What characteristics are there in Årummet in Örbyhus and how can these be enhanced? ‱ What do the Örbyhus inhabitants wish for in the design of the Örbyhus Årum? A survey study was conducted to investigate how Örbyhus residents experience the Årummet and how they would like it to be designed. To make a design proposal that takes advantage of the characteristics of the place, a landscape character’s analysis (LCA) was made in the area. In order to get inspiration for the design, reference sites were visited. Throughout the process, sketching was a central method. The investigation resulted in a design proposal for Årummet. It contained new walkways that increase the accessibility and contact with the stream. Footbridges and bridges were used to increase the recreational values of the site and the visitor’s contact with the stream. Lighting poles were placed along with the walkways to increase safety. The concept for Årummet became “water contact”. The concept was chosen because one of the biggest assets is the stream, TegelsmoraĂ„n. The stream should be more accessible, visible and various activities should surround it. Plants were chosen with higher decorative values to strengthen the park’s character at the entrances and between the entrances, domestic species were chosen in order to maintain the appearance of natural plant growth. The idea is that this thesis can be the basis and inspiration for the association Utveckla Örbyhus Tobo Vendel and Tierp’s municipality

    FrÄn icke-V2 till V2: En studie av anpassning till V2 vid översÀttning av skönlitteratur och sakprosa frÄn engelska till svenska

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    I denna översĂ€ttningsvetenskapliga undersökning studeras anpassning till den svenska V2-restriktionen vid översĂ€ttning frĂ„n engelska till svenska. V2-restriktionen innebĂ€r att ett finit verb mĂ„ste placeras pĂ„ andra position i svenska pĂ„stĂ„endesatser. Denna begrĂ€nsning Ă€r inte lika allomfattande pĂ„ engelska, vilket innebĂ€r att engelska meningar som inte har en V2-struktur mĂ„ste anpassas vid översĂ€ttning frĂ„n engelska till svenska. Eftersom det saknas tidigare undersökning av V2-fenomenet inom det översĂ€ttningsvetenskapliga fĂ€ltet Ă€r syftet med denna undersökning att kartlĂ€gga vilka lösningar som förekommer vid översĂ€ttning av skriftsprĂ„kliga texter samt se om det finns nĂ„gon skillnad mellan översĂ€ttning av sakprosaverk och skönlitterĂ€ra verk. Materialet bestĂ„r av 200 engelska meningar som inte har V2-struktur samt motsvarande svenska översĂ€ttningar. Meningarna Ă€r fördelade pĂ„ 4 skönlitterĂ€ra verk och 4 sakprosaverk som alla publicerats under perioden 2006-2016 och som översatts av sammanlagt nio olika översĂ€ttare. Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs bland annat av Ekerot (2011) som frĂ„n ett transformationsperspektiv presenterar flera av svenskans möjligheter att variera ordföljden. Resultatet visar att den absolut vanligaste lösningen, bĂ„de i det skönlitterĂ€ra materialet och i sakprosamaterialet, Ă€r att byta plats pĂ„ de primĂ€ra satsleden – hĂ€r kallad ett ordföljdsbyte. Resultatet visar Ă€ven att översĂ€ttarna anvĂ€nt ytterligare nio betydligt mindre vanliga lösningar. HĂ€r uppstod det en skillnad mellan sakprosa-materialet och det skönlitterĂ€ra materialet dĂ„ de översĂ€ttningslösningar som förĂ€ndrar satsgraderna var nĂ„got vanligare i sakprosamaterialet Ă€n i det skönlitterĂ€ra materialet

    The density difference between tissue and neural probes is a key factor for glial scarring.

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    A key to successful chronic neural interfacing is to achieve minimal glial scarring surrounding the implants, as the astrocytes and microglia may functionally insulate the interface. A possible explanation for the development of these reactions is mechanical forces arising between the implants and the brain. Here, we show that the difference between the density of neural probes and that of the tissue, and the resulting inertial forces, are key factors for the development of the glial scar. Two probes of similar size, shape, surface structure and elastic modulus but differing greatly in density were implanted into the rat brain. After six weeks, significantly lower astrocytic and microglial reactions were found surrounding the low-density probes, approaching no reaction at all. This provides a major key to design fully biocompatible neural interfaces and a new platform for in vivo assays of tissue reactions to probes with differing materials, surface structures, and shapes

    The role of harvester measurement in the wood supply chain

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    Forest industries manage their wood supply chains for sustainability, efficiency, and value creation. Roundwood measuring is a crucial part of wood procurement to achieve the best total value and sharing of benefits between business partners in the supply chain. Industrial measurement is the dominant measuring technique used in Sweden, but the use of harvester measurement has gained increasing interest over the last decade. In this study, we analyzed how harvester measurement affects the wood procurement process regarding operations, supplier relationships, and total costs. The data was gathered through interviews with the analysis being supported by theoretical frameworks of lean thinking, supplier relationship management, and total cost of ownership. Harvester measurement has the potential to increase incentives for the purchaser to preserve the value created and improve control of the supply chain, thus leading to more efficient resource use. It also improves supplier relationships due to a simpler price list, which ultimately increases transparency. Lastly, forest industries may increase their profitability levels and competitiveness due to increased supply chain surplus and reduced total costs. Further research on quantitative measures is required to assess the significance of these effects, as well as the entire sustainability impact on the wood supply chain

    "Troligt/SÀllan att vi klarade det!" : en undersökning om ironins pÄverkan i analysen av troligt och sÀllan i initial position med följande att-sats

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    SkoltrÀdgÄrdar nu och dÄ

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    I detta arbete har argument för en skoltrĂ€dgĂ„rd frĂ„n förr och idag tagits fram och undersökts. Även ett gestaltningsförslag för en skoltrĂ€dgĂ„rd vid en nutida skola, baserad pĂ„ argumenten frĂ„n förr och idag, har utformats med syfte att se hur en skoltrĂ€dgĂ„rd som liknar en skoltrĂ€dgĂ„rd frĂ„n förr kan se ut pĂ„ en modern skolgĂ„rd idag. I dagens samhĂ€lle Ă€r det mĂ„nga barn som inte vet hur maten blir till och varifrĂ„n den kommer. Studier visar att barn som fĂ„r vistas i trĂ€dgĂ„rdar under sin uppvĂ€xt fĂ„r en positiv relation till odling, vilket kan ge dem ett livslĂ„ngt förhĂ„llande till odling och trĂ€dgĂ„rd. MĂ„nga barn gĂ„r miste om kontakten med grönska i vardagslivet dĂ„ de skjutsas med bil av sina förĂ€ldrar mellan skolan, hemmet och sina fritidsaktiviteter. Det finns mĂ„nga hĂ€lsofördelar av att vistas i naturen och gröna miljöer. Dessa argument gör det relevant att ge möjlighet till odling vid dagens skolor. Odling Ă€r inte ett nytt inslag pĂ„ skolgĂ„rden. Redan i de första folkskolorna under 1800-talet introducerades skoltrĂ€dgĂ„rdar. I dessa trĂ€dgĂ„rdar skulle barnen lĂ€ra sig odla, fĂ„ fysisk aktivitet och uppfostras till goda medborgare. Vi har kommit fram till att mĂ„nga av argumenten frĂ„n förr fortfarande fungerar idag men att nĂ„gra nya argument har tillkommit, som till exempel ekosystemtjĂ€nster. Idag finns nationella mĂ„l i Sverige för att skapa folkhĂ€lsa och god bebyggd miljö. En del av dessa argument kan en skoltrĂ€dgĂ„rd uppfylla. Gestaltningen baseras pĂ„ argumenten frĂ„n litteraturstudien, kartstudier av illustrationsplaner över skoltrĂ€dgĂ„rdar frĂ„n 1800- och 1900-talet och en intervju med Gun Charpentier som utbildades till lĂ€rarinna pĂ„ 1950-talet dĂ„ trĂ€dgĂ„rdslĂ€ra fortfarande ingick i utbildningen. Denna undersökning resulterade i nĂ„gra element som togs med till gestaltningen. Elementen var bland andra symmetri, organiska former, tydlig rumslighet, bersĂ„ och odlingsytor.In this project arguments for school gardens from the past and today have been examined. A design proposal for a school garden of today, based on arguments from the past and today have also been produced. This was done to see how a design of a school garden based on school gardens from the past could look like on a modern schoolyard of today. In today’s society many children do not know how food is produced and where it originates from. Studies show that children that spend time in gardens during their childhood gets a positive relation to gardening which can give them a lifelong relation to gardening. Many children lose contact with greenery in their everyday life since they are travelling by car between their school, home and hobbies. There are many health benefits of spending time in nature and green environments. These arguments make it relevant to provide opportunities for gardening on schools of today. Gardening is not a new element on schoolyards. Already in the first elementary schools in the 19th century, gardens where introduced. In these gardens the children were supposed to learn gardening, get physical activity and be raised as good citizens. We have concluded that many of the arguments from the past are still valid today and that some new arguments have come up today, like for example ecosystem services. Today there are national goals in Sweden to create public health and good settled environments. Some of these goals a school garden can fulfill. The design was based on arguments from studies of literature, maps with illustrations over school gardens from 19th and 20th century and an interview with Gun Charpentier who was educated to become a teacher during 1950s when education in gardening was a part of the education program. This project resulted a few elements that was the basis in the design process. These elements were among others symmetry, organic shapes, distinguishable spatiality, arbor and garden beds

    Antibiotic prescribing in two private sector hospitals; one teaching and one non-teaching: A cross-sectional study in Ujjain, India

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    BACKGROUND: The worldwide increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria is of great concern. One of the main causes is antibiotic use which is likely to be high but is poorly described in India. The aim was to analyze and compare antibiotic prescribing for inpatients, in two private sector tertiary care hospitals; one Teaching and one Non-teaching, in Ujjain, India. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with manual data collection was carried out in 2008. Antibiotic prescribing was recorded for all inpatients throughout their hospital stay. Demographic profile of inpatients and prescribed antibiotics were compared. WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classifications for antibiotics was used and Defined Daily Doses (DDD) were calculated per patient day. RESULTS: A total of 8385 inpatients were admitted during the study period. In the Teaching hospital (TH) 82% of 3004 and in the Non-teaching hospital (NTH) 79% of 5381 patients were prescribed antibiotics. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic groups were; fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides in the TH and, 3rd generation cephalosporins and combination of antibiotics in the NTH. Of the prescriptions, 51% in the TH and 87% in the NTH (p<0.001) were for parenteral route administration. Prescribing by trade name was higher in the NTH (96%) compared with the TH (63%, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results from both hospitals show extensive antibiotic prescribing. High use of combinations of antibiotics in the NTH might indicate pressure from pharmaceutical companies. There is a need to formulate and implement; based on local prescribing and resistance data; contextually appropriate antibiotic prescribing guidelines and a local antibiotic stewardship program

    Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Cross-Couplings of 2-Bromophosphinine

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    Accepted manuscript version. Publisher's version available at http://doi.org/10.1002/ejoc.201300710.A new Negishi-type cross-coupling of 2-bromophosphinine has been developed. The new method expands the scope of palladium-catalyzed couplings to monobromophosphinines, which have been considered as poor substrates so far. Moreover, aryl-, alkenyl-, and alkynylzinc bromides were found to be effective coupling partners

    Development of a stakeholder identification and analysis method for human factors integration in work system design interventions – Change Agent Infrastructure

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    In any work system design intervention—for example, a physical workplace redesign, a work process change, or an equipment upgrade—it is often emphasized how important it is to involve stakeholders in the process of analysis and design, to gain their perspectives as input to the development, and ensure their future acceptance of the solution. While the users of an artifact or workplace are most often regarded as being the most important stakeholders in a design intervention, in a work‐system context there may be additional influential stakeholders who influenceand negotiate the design intervention\u27s outcomes, resource allocation, requirements, and implementation. Literature shows that it is uncommon for empirical ergonomics and human factors (EHF) research to apply and report the use of any structured stakeholder identification method at all, leading to ad‐hoc selections of whom to consider important. Conversely, other research fields offer a plethora of stakeholder identification and analysis methods, few of which seem to have been adopted in the EHF context. This article presents the development of a structured method for identification, classification, and qualitative analysis of stakeholders in EHF‐related work system design intervention. It describes the method\u27s EHF-related theoretical underpinnings, lessons learned from four use cases, and the incremental development of the method that has resulted in the current methodprocedure and visualization aids. The method, called Change Agent Infrastructure (abbreviated CHAI), has a mainly macroergonomic purpose, set on increasing the understanding of sociotechnical interactions that create the conditions for work system design intervention, and facilitating participative efforts

    Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of palliative care quality in a combined acute oncology-palliative care unit: A cross-sectional study

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    It is a challenge to ensure high-quality palliative care. The aim was to investigate the perceptions of health care professionals (HCPs) working in a combined acute oncology-palliative care unit regarding the quality of the palliative care received by the patients and how important the care was to the patients. A Swedish total-survey cross-sectional study including 41 HCPs (54% response rate) was conducted with the 52 items Quality from the Patient’s Perspective – Palliative Care instrument, answered in two different ways: as actual care received and subjective importance. The STROBE-checklist was used. The areas for improvements were related to symptom relief, spiritual and existential needs, information, patient participation, continuity of care, care planning, cooperation and coordination of care, as subjective importance scores were higher than corresponding scores for care received (p ≀ .025). Providing high-quality palliative care alongside curative treatments for cancer patients is known to be challenging and could explain the results in this study. Implementation of a person-centred palliative care model based on the hospice philosophy could be a solution.publishedVersio
