21 research outputs found

    Evaluación de cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) bajo condiciones de secano y riego. Panamá. 2002-2003.

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    Se evaluó la estabilidad (AMMI y el Biplot GGESREG) y otras características de 20 genotipos de arroz, en secano y riego. Para el sistema de secano, hubo diferencias en rendimiento, sobresaliendo FLAR 54-00, IDIAP 38 y Lajas 02-00. En calidad de grano, el rendimiento total varió entre 61,8 a 68,0%, los granos enteros entre 43,6 y 56,5%, y el centro blanco varió entre 1,5 y 3,4. Para la digestión alcalina, diez genotipos mostraron grados de dispersión entre seis y siete con baja temperatura de gelatinización, ocho con grado de cuatro a cinco considerados intermedios. El FLAR 54-00 respondió mejor a los estímulos ambientales. Prosequisa, CHI 32-10 y CHI 45-23, presentaron el comportamiento más pobre en la mayoría de ambientes. El modelo Biplot GGESREG, identificó como genotipos estables, al FLAR 54-00, FLAR 198-00 y Fedearroz 50. Para el sistema de riego, hubo diferencias en rendimiento, destacándose IDIAP 38, P-3621 y Fedearroz 50. La calidad de granos, mostró rendimiento total entre 65,8 a 70,9%, granos enteros entre 51,5 y 62,0%, la incidencia de centro blanco varió entre 1,2 y 2,8. En digestión alcalina, nueve genotipos presentaron grados de seis y siete, y diez genotipos con grados de cuatro a cinco. IDIAP 38, P- 3621 y FLAR 54-00, respondieron mejor a los estímulos ambientales. Prosequisa, FLAR 195-00, CHI 49-16 y CHI 13- 256, presentaron el comportamiento más pobre. Los genotipos más estables bajo riego, fueron Fedearroz 50, IDIAP 38 y P-3621

    Plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and pancreatic cancer risk

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    dyab115Findings and limitations of previous studies on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and pancreatic cancer risk support conducting further research in prospective cohorts.We conducted a prospective case-control study nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Participants were 513 pancreatic cancer cases and 1020 matched controls. Concentrations of 22 POPs were measured in plasma collected at baseline.Some associations were observed at higher concentrations of p, p’-DDT, trans-nonachlor, β-hexachlorocyclohexane and the sum of six organochlorine pesticides and of 16 POPs. The odds ratio (OR) for the upper quartile of trans-nonachlor was 1.55 (95\.06-2.26; P for trend = 0.025). Associations were stronger in the groups predefined as most valid (participants having fasted \gt;6 h, with microscopic diagnostic confirmation, normal weight, and never smokers), and as most relevant (follow-up ≥10 years). Among participants having fasted \gt;6 h, the ORs were relevant for 10 of 11 exposures. Higher ORs were also observed among cases with microscopic confirmation than in cases with a clinical diagnosis, and among normal-weight participants than in the rest of participants. Among participants with a follow-up ≥10 years, estimates were higher than in participants with a shorter follow-up (for trans-nonachlor: OR = 2.14, 1.01 to 4.53, P for trend = 0.035). Overall, trans-nonachlor, three PCBs and the two sums of POPs were the exposures most clearly associated with pancreatic cancer risk.Individually or in combination, most of the 22 POPs analysed did not or only moderately increased the risk of pancreatic cancer.Peer reviewe

    Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network

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    Gravitational lensing by massive objects along the line of sight to the source causes distortions of gravitational wave-signals; such distortions may reveal information about fundamental physics, cosmology and astrophysics. In this work, we have extended the search for lensing signatures to all binary black hole events from the third observing run of the LIGO--Virgo network. We search for repeated signals from strong lensing by 1) performing targeted searches for subthreshold signals, 2) calculating the degree of overlap amongst the intrinsic parameters and sky location of pairs of signals, 3) comparing the similarities of the spectrograms amongst pairs of signals, and 4) performing dual-signal Bayesian analysis that takes into account selection effects and astrophysical knowledge. We also search for distortions to the gravitational waveform caused by 1) frequency-independent phase shifts in strongly lensed images, and 2) frequency-dependent modulation of the amplitude and phase due to point masses. None of these searches yields significant evidence for lensing. Finally, we use the non-detection of gravitational-wave lensing to constrain the lensing rate based on the latest merger-rate estimates and the fraction of dark matter composed of compact objects

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5−4.5 M⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    Search for eccentric black hole coalescences during the third observing run of LIGO and Virgo

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    Despite the growing number of confident binary black hole coalescences observed through gravitational waves so far, the astrophysical origin of these binaries remains uncertain. Orbital eccentricity is one of the clearest tracers of binary formation channels. Identifying binary eccentricity, however, remains challenging due to the limited availability of gravitational waveforms that include effects of eccentricity. Here, we present observational results for a waveform-independent search sensitive to eccentric black hole coalescences, covering the third observing run (O3) of the LIGO and Virgo detectors. We identified no new high-significance candidates beyond those that were already identified with searches focusing on quasi-circular binaries. We determine the sensitivity of our search to high-mass (total mass M>70 M⊙) binaries covering eccentricities up to 0.3 at 15 Hz orbital frequency, and use this to compare model predictions to search results. Assuming all detections are indeed quasi-circular, for our fiducial population model, we place an upper limit for the merger rate density of high-mass binaries with eccentricities 0<e≤0.3 at 0.33 Gpc−3 yr−1 at 90\% confidence level

    Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run

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    Among the various candidates for dark matter (DM), ultralight vector DM can be probed by laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors through the measurement of oscillating length changes in the arm cavities. In this context, KAGRA has a unique feature due to differing compositions of its mirrors, enhancing the signal of vector DM in the length change in the auxiliary channels. Here we present the result of a search for U(1)B−L gauge boson DM using the KAGRA data from auxiliary length channels during the first joint observation run together with GEO600. By applying our search pipeline, which takes into account the stochastic nature of ultralight DM, upper bounds on the coupling strength between the U(1)B−L gauge boson and ordinary matter are obtained for a range of DM masses. While our constraints are less stringent than those derived from previous experiments, this study demonstrates the applicability of our method to the lower-mass vector DM search, which is made difficult in this measurement by the short observation time compared to the auto-correlation time scale of DM

    Evaluación de cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) bajo condiciones de secano y riego. Panamá. 2002-2003

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    The stability and other characteristics of 20genotypes of rice, grown under dry-land and irrigationconditions, were evaluated. Statistical analyses wereconducted (AMMI and Biplot GGESREG) to estimatestability. For the dryland system, there were differences inyield, excelling FLAR 54-00, 38 IDIAP and Lajas 02-00.Total yield fluctuated between 61.8 and 68.0%, entire grainsbetween 43.6 and 56.5% and the white center between 1.5 and3.4%. The alkaline digestion showed ten genotypes withdegrees of dispersion between six and seven with lowtemperature of gelatinización, eight with degrees from 4 to 5considered intermediate. FLAR 54-00 responded better to theenvironmental. Prosequisa, CHI 32-10 and CHI 45-23 showedthe poorest behavior. The model Biplot GGESREG identifiedFLAR 54-00, FLAR 198-00 and Fedearroz 50 as stablegenotypes. For the irrigation system, statistical DMS (P<0.05)indicated differences in yield, standing out IDIAP 38, P-3621and Fedearroz 50. The quality of grains showed total yieldbetween 65.8 – 70.9%, entire grains between 51.5 and 62.0%,and incidence of white center between 1.2 and 2.8%. In thealkaline digestion, nine genotypes presented degrees of sixand seven and ten with degrees from 4 to 5. IDIAP 38, P-3621and FLAR 54-00, responded better to the environmentalstimuli. Prosequisa, FLAR 195-00, CHI 49-16 and CHI 13-256 presented the poorest behavior. The stable genotypesunder irrigation were Fedearroz 50, 38 IDIAP and P-3621.Se evaluó la estabilidad (AMMI y el Biplot GGESREG) yotras características de 20 genotipos de arroz, en secano y riego.Para el sistema de secano, hubo diferencias en rendimiento,sobresaliendo FLAR 54-00, IDIAP 38 y Lajas 02-00. Encalidad de grano, el rendimiento total varió entre 61,8 a68,0%, los granos enteros entre 43,6 y 56,5%, y el centroblanco varió entre 1,5 y 3,4. Para la digestión alcalina, diezgenotipos mostraron grados de dispersión entre seis y sietecon baja temperatura de gelatinización, ocho con grado decuatro a cinco considerados intermedios. El FLAR 54-00 respondiómejor a los estímulos ambientales. Prosequisa, CHI32-10 y CHI 45-23, presentaron el comportamiento más pobreen la mayoría de ambientes. El modelo Biplot GGESREG,identificó como genotipos estables, al FLAR 54-00, FLAR198-00 y Fedearroz 50. Para el sistema de riego, hubo diferenciasen rendimiento, destacándose IDIAP 38, P-3621 y Fedearroz50. La calidad de granos, mostró rendimiento totalentre 65,8 a 70,9%, granos enteros entre 51,5 y 62,0%, la incidenciade centro blanco varió entre 1,2 y 2,8. En digestiónalcalina, nueve genotipos presentaron grados de seis y siete,y diez genotipos con grados de cuatro a cinco. IDIAP 38, P-3621 y FLAR 54-00, respondieron mejor a los estímulos ambientales.Prosequisa, FLAR 195-00, CHI 49-16 y CHI 13-256, presentaron el comportamiento más pobre. Losgenotipos más estables bajo riego, fueron Fedearroz 50,IDIAP 38 y P-3621

    Dosis óptima para la fertilización nitrogenada del arroz, en la Región Central de Panamá

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    Dosis óptima para la fertilización nitrogenada del arroz, en la Región Central de Panamá. El estudio se realizó en los años 2003 y 2004 en las Estaciones Experimentales de Calabacito y Guarumal y en fincas de productores de Mariato, Provincia de Veraguas y Tonosí, Provincia de Los Santos. Se aplicaron dosis de 0; 40; 80; 120; 160 y 200 kg de N/ha, con urea como fuente de nitrogeno. Adicionalmente se aplicaron 100 kg de P2O5 /ha y 50 kg de K2O /ha, se empleó como fuentes superfosfato triple y cloruro de potasio, respectivamente. Se utilizaron las variedades IDIAP 2503 y CHI 3-30 en Calabacito y Guarumal; IDIAP 2503 y CR 5272 en Tonosí, Colombia XXI en Mariato. El diseño experimental fue de bloques completos al azar en un arreglo factorial con seis tratamientos y cuatro réplicas. Hubo respuesta significativa a la aplicación de N en todos los sitios. Los rendimientos obtenidos variaron desde 3,3 t/ha en Mariato a 5,7 t/ha en Tonosí, en el 2003. En Tonosí se obtuvieron dosis óptimas de 44 kg /ha para IDIAP-2503 y 84 kg /ha para CR-5272. En Mariato 71 kg /ha fue la dosis más efectiva para la variedad Colom bia XXI. En 2004 en Calabacito se determinó que para CHI-330 no hubo respuesta a más de 55 kg /ha aplicado y se estimó una eficiencia de uso de N de 35%, sin embargo para IDIAP-2503 el nivel óptio fue de 155 kg de N/ha y la eficiencia de utilización de N fue de 25%. El nivel crítico foliar de N fue de 3,06% para ambas variedades. En Guarumal se determinó que la dosis óptima de N para IDIAP-2503 fue de 119 kg /ha y para CHI-330 de 105 kg /ha. El nivel crítico de N fue de 2,9 y 2,57, respectivamente

    Evaluación de cultivares de maíz de grano amarillo en 9 zonas productoras de Panamá

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    Maize varieties and hybrids from the Panama National l'rogram and experimental and commercial hybrids from priva te companies which distribute seed in Panama were evaluated in order to determine yield, agronomic characteristics and general adaptation. This study was conducted by the Maize Program of the Instituto de Investigacion Agropecuaria de Panama (IDIAP) at 9 different locations. From the combined analysis, significant ditTerences were found between locations, cultivars and a significant cultivar by location interaction was present, with the locations Paraiso, Las Tablas and La Honda having much higher yields. The highest grain yields for the entries evaluated were obtained with hybrid P-8812 and experimental hybrids 477x372 and 477x375 (5.09,5.06 and 4.91 t/ha respectively). All three were superior to the commercial hybrids X-3214 and XL-604. The significant interaction between cultivar and location means that some of the materials evaluated have different responses by location. The cultivares having improved stabi1ity parameters were Guarare- 8128, XL-604, P8802, TOC-890A and TOC-7428.Se evaluaron híbridos y variedades del Programa Nacional de Panamá e híbridos comerciales y experimentales de compañías privadas que distribuyen semilla en el país, para determinar adaptación, rendimiento y principales características agronómicas. El estudio fue realizado por el Programa de Maíz del Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria de Panamá, (IDIAP) en 9 localidades. Del análisis combinado se encontró diferencias significativas entre las localidades, entre los cultivares y la interacción tratamiento x localidad, destacándose las localidades de Paraíso, Las Tablas y La Honda. En cuanto a los cultivares los mejores rendimientos se obtuvieron con el híbrido local P-8812 y los híbridos experimentales 477x372 y 477x375 obtuvieron rendimientos de 5089, 5056 y 4915 kg/ha respectivamente, superando al híbrido comercial X-3214 y experimental XL-604. La interacción muestra que la respuesta de algunos materiales varía de acuerdo a las condiciones de la localidad. Los cultivares que resultaron con los mejores índices de estabilidad fueron Guararé-8128, XL-604, P-8802, TOC-80A, TOC-7428 y (477 x 304)