1,415 research outputs found

    Implementation of Ion Beam-Pulsing at the Laboratory for Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics

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    Of the two ion sources at LENA, the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source is the more intense. The original acceleration column was able to produce a DC proton beam on target of approximately 2 mA, which provided the requisite high-intensity beam and facilitated several important measurements. However, lossy beam-transport exacerbated several beam-transport difficulties which reduced the beam current arriving on target and ultimately caused damage to the acceleration column itself. The first portion of this thesis describes work performed to improve the beam transport efficiency. The γ-ray spectrometer at LENA utilizes a sophisticated coincidence detection scheme to reduce the radiation background. Details can be found in Longland et al. Nevertheless, further reduction of background counts is desirable to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The second portion of this thesis describes work performed to quantify the improvement in measurement signal-to-noise by implementing a new method for operating the ECR ion source. The strategy for further reducing background counts implemented at LENA involves changing from a DC beam regime to a pulsed ion beam. Specifically, we desired a beam of 10% duty cycle, with 100 ms of beam on target followed by 900 ms of no beam. A software gate in LENA’s data acquisition software, JAM, is then used to differentiate spectra obtained when the beam is on from spectra obtained when the beam is off. This method has been successfully implemented, with results discussed below. Pulsing of the beam at 10% duty cycle is is equivalent to a 90% reduction in beam current. The DC beam current must then be increased by a factor of ten, to roughly 20 mA, to maintain an average beam current of approximately 2 mA when the beam is pulsed. This increase in DC beam current will be achieved with a newly constructed accelerator column, which is an ongoing project.Bachelor of Scienc

    Le cuir: entre le luxe et scandale, comment les conditions animales peuvent-elles être transparentes ?

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    Nombreux sont les consommateurs qui rêvent d’acheter un sac en cuir d’une marque de luxe. Mais le luxe reflète-t-il vraiment ce que le consommateur imagine en termes de respect environnemental, social ou animal ? Que se cache-t-il vraiment derrière un sac en cuir. A l’heure où les causes animales deviennent de plus en plus populaires, les consommateurs continueraient-ils d’acheter des produits à base de cuir s’ils savaient certains scandales ? L’origine du cuir est animale et malgré la multitude d’information auxquelles nous avons accès, il est encore aujourd’hui difficile de réellement comprendre sa provenance et leurs conditions de traitement. De plus, les grandes maisons de luxe ne sont pas complètement transparentes concernant le respect des conditions animales et des lieux d’approvisionnement. Il n’existe pas réellement de distinction claire, pour le consommateur, de s’assurer que le cuir provienne d’un fournisseur respectueux de l’animal. Ce travail de Bachelor consiste à expliquer ce qu’est le cuir, les étapes essentielles à sa création et la définition des zones les plus opaques jusqu’à l’élevage. En 2016 de nombreux moyens techniques permettraient de régler un bon nombre de problèmes que constitue la production de cette matière dite noble. Encore faudrait-il que les protagonistes de la chaine de production-vente y trouvent un intérêt. Il sera question de traiter des moyens existants qui permettraient aux grandes maisons de luxe de devenir plus transparentes sur le respect des conditions animales. Comme la sensibilisation à la cause, la création d’un label, une certification propre ou des actions en amont

    Inervação prostática e anestesia local em procedimentos prostáticos

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    The nerve supply of the human prostate is very abundant, and knowledge of the anatomy contributes to successful administration of local anesthesia. However, the exact anatomy of extrinsic neuronal cell bodies of the autonomic and sensory innervation of the prostate is not clear, except in other animals. Branches of pelvic ganglia composed of pelvic (parasympathetic) and hypogastric (sympathetic) nerves innervate the prostate. The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the growth, maturation, and secretory function of this gland. Prostate procedures under local anesthesia, such as transurethral prostatic resections or transrectal ultrasound-guided prostatic biopsy, are safe, simple, and effective. Local anesthesia can be feasible for many special conditions including uncomplicated prostate surgery and may be particularly useful for the high-risk group of patients for whom inhalation or spinal anesthesia is inadvisable.A prostáta, uma das glândulas sexuais acessórias masculinas, possui inervação muito rica. A anatomia detalhada dos corpos neuronais extrínsecos responsáveis pela inervação autonômica e sensorial da próstata não está totalmente esclarecida, exceto em animais. A próstata é inervada pelos nervos pélvico (parassimpático) e hipogástrico (simpático), ramos dos gânglios nervosos pélvicos. O sistema nervoso autonômico possui importante papel no crescimento, maturação e na função secretora desta glândula. Alguns procedimentos prostáticos, como resecção transuretral ou biópsia transretal guiada por ultra-sonografia, são simples, eficazes e seguros com o uso de anestesia local. Esta opção pode ser factível frente à várias condições especiais, como cirurgias prostáticas simples, sendo particularmente útil no grupo de pacientes de alto risco cirúrgico, onde a anestesia inalatória ou espinhal não é aconselhável

    Perguntas pedagógicas como alternativa que promove experiências na aula de matemática

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    Este relato de experiência tem como objetivo apresentar um episódio vivenciado em uma escola na cidade de São Carlos – SP, durante o estágio supervisionado na educação básica na área de educação matemática. Em uma aula de matemática, os alunos são convidados a discutir: o que é comprimento? Trata-se de uma provocação para o aluno refletir sobre os sentidos que a palavra o traz, permitindo que os erros possam ser aproveitados para formular novas questões que, posteriormente, serão também entendidas como parâmetros para autocorreção destes alunos. Para aprofundar tal discussão, propõe-se problematizar a matemática que valoriza a exatidão, desestabilizando a relevância dos fins dos problemas matemáticos, dando protagonismo aos meios, propondo, assim, uma matemática pensada por meio do experienciar

    Perguntas pedagógicas como alternativa que promove experiências na aula de matemática

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    Este relato de experiência tem como objetivo apresentar um episódio vivenciado em uma escola na cidade de São Carlos – SP, durante o estágio supervisionado na educação básica na área de educação matemática. Em uma aula de matemática, os alunos são convidados a discutir: o que é comprimento? Trata-se de uma provocação para o aluno refletir sobre os sentidos que a palavra o traz, permitindo que os erros possam ser aproveitados para formular novas questões que, posteriormente, serão também entendidas como parâmetros para autocorreção destes alunos. Para aprofundar tal discussão, propõe-se problematizar a matemática que valoriza a exatidão, desestabilizando a relevância dos fins dos problemas matemáticos, dando protagonismo aos meios, propondo, assim, uma matemática pensada por meio do experienciar

    Ejercicio físico y estilo de vida sedentario: consecuencias para la salud

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    Perhaps the greatest barriers for achieving major advances in public health in the twenty-first century result from the paralysis of the pandemic paradigm or from the widespread inability to envision alternative or new models of thought. Human movement represents a complex behavior that is influenced by personal motivation, health and mobility problems, genetic factors, and social and physical environments in which people live. These factors influence the propensity to engage in sedentary behaviors or in physical activity. However, the biological, social, and environmental pathways leading to sedentary behavior versus physical activity may be different. In addition, the health effects associated with sedentary behavior and physical activity may be the result of different biological mechanisms. Thus, our objective was to discuss the importance of physical exercise on health-related outcomes and the consequences of sedentary lifestyles. Research on sedentary behavior has been growing;however, the evidence for its determinants is relatively sparse. More studies are needed to obtain more conclusive results because it is fundamental to understand these complex relationships related to the practice and the acquisition of active and healthy lifestyles as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Attachment and Spatial Navigation

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    There is preliminary evidence suggesting that hippocampal functioning is associated with attachment style. However, it is unknown if attachment is also associated with hippocampal-related cognitive function such as spatial learning and recall. This study aims to verify if attachment dimensions are associated with spatial learning and recall. Sixty-five female participants were recruited and were evaluated using the Adult Attachment Scale-R and tested on a virtual maze navigation task (VMT) at one moment (exploratory trial + 3 trials) and 24 h later (3 trials). There was a significant Moment × Trial × Close-Depend interaction for the outcome time, F(2,126) = 3.807, p = 0.025, with post hoc analysis indicating that the High Close-Depend group displayed significant improvements between Trial 1 and Trial 3 in the post-test assessment. Conversely, the Low Close-Depend group displayed significant improvements between Trial 1and Trial 3 but on the pre-test assessment. Furthermore, the Low Close-Depend group presented significant better performance in pre-test Trial 3 in comparison to the High Close-Depend group. Thereby, it seems that low comfort with proximity and trust in others is associated with reduced spatial recall, although spatial learning performance was actually superior in these participants. It is possible that reduced exposure to social interaction and meaningful relationships may be reduced in the Low Close-Depend group, leading to modifications in hippocampal function and, ultimately, reduced spatial recall. Oppositely, participants in the High Close-Depend group may not display typical spatial learning in the proposed task as they are more willing to freely explore the presented environment

    Treatment of ureteral calculi by ureteroscopy: experience of 100 cases at the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC – Medical School)

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    Objective: To report the experience of treating ureteral calculi byureteroscopy at the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC – SP, with anemphasis on the efficacy and safety of the method. Methods: Aretrospective analysis of 100 ureteroscopies performed fromJanuary 2001 to August 2003 in 98 patients with ureteral calculi.Results: A 91% success rate was observed with a single procedureusing this technique. Intracorporeal lithotripsy was necessary in61% of cases before removing the stone; in the remaining cases, itwas extracted with no disintegration. Endoscopic approach wasimpossible in only one patient who required conversion toconventional open surgery. The double-J stent was inserted in73.7% of procedures. Complications were observed in 8% of cases.Conclusion: The present study demonstrated results comparablewith those reported in large series in the literature. The high successrates, low morbidity, rapid convalescence and lack of estheticconsequences corroborate the role of ureteroscopy as an attractivealternative for treating ureteral calculi

    Diálogos com gestores escolares: Desafios e oportunidades no contexto pandêmico

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    Explorar elementos desvelados por diretores escolares em rodas de conversa sobre os desafios e as oportunidades vivenciadas no contexto pandêmico em uma rede municipal de ensino é o objetivo deste artigo. Utilizou-se a metodologia da roda de conversa que propicia espaços dialógicos que ressignificam sentidos e saberes dos sujeitos envolvidos. Apreendeu-se, dentre outros elementos, que diretores municipais expressaram desafios enfrentados para implementar o ensino remoto, assim como oportunidades construídas de forma singular, considerando a ausência de diretrizes claras em âmbito federal e estadual, que poderiam mitigar a descoordenação das redes de ensino durante a pandemia

    Mental health and social isolation under repeated mild lockdowns in Japan

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    The influence of repeated lockdowns on mental health and social isolation is unknown. We conducted a longitudinal study of the influence of repeated mild lockdowns during two emergency declarations in Japan, in May 2020 and February 2021. The analyses included 7893 people who participated in all online surveys. During repeated mild lockdowns, mental and physical symptoms decreased overall, while loneliness increased and social networks decreased. Subgroup analyses revealed that depression and suicidal ideation did not decrease only in the younger age group (aged 18–29 years) and that younger and middle-aged people (aged 18–49 years), women, people with a history of treatment for mental illness, and people who were socially disadvantaged in terms of income had higher levels of mental and physical symptoms at all survey times. Additionally, comprehensive extraction of the interaction structure between depression, demographic attributes, and psychosocial variables indicated that loneliness and social networks were most closely associated with depression. These results indicate that repeated lockdowns have cumulative negative effects on social isolation and loneliness and that susceptible populations, such as young people and those with high levels of loneliness, require special consideration during repeated lockdown situations
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