789 research outputs found

    How Rare is the Bullet Cluster?

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    The galaxy cluster 1E 0657-56 has a bullet-like subcluster that is moving away from the centre of the main cluster at high speed. Markevitch et al. (2004) recently estimated a relative velocity of V_bullet = 4500 +1100/-800 km/s, based on observations of the bow shock in front of the subcluster. The weak lensing analysis of Clowe et al. (2004) indicates that a substantial secondary mass peak is associated with this subcluster. We estimate the likelihood of such a configuration by examining the distribution of subhalo velocities for clusters in the Millennium Run, a large LCDM cosmological simulation. We find that the most massive subhalo has a velocity as high as that of the bullet subcluster in only about 1 out of every 100 cluster-sized halos. This estimate is strongly dependent on the precise velocity adopted for the bullet. One of the ten most massive subhalos has such a high velocity about 40% of the time. We conclude that the velocity of the bullet subcluster is not exceptionally high for a cluster substructure, and can be accommodated within the currently favoured LCDM comogony.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Proactively Suggesting Context Appropriate Home Automation Actions

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    Smart home devices can be controlled via user commands to a virtual assistant. However, the need to issue explicit commands to the virtual assistant for tasks performed routinely in specific contexts limits the user experience. This disclosure describes a virtual assistant with the capability of proactively suggesting relevant domestic actions to smart home users. The suggested actions can be chosen from a database of relevant home automation actions. Each action in the database can be associated with relevant information regarding the context in which the action was performed. When a user’s context matches that for past actions recorded in a database, a virtual assistant can proactively ask whether the user would like to perform the corresponding action(s) and automate it in the future. Implementation of the techniques can enable a virtual assistant to anticipate home-related user needs and provide a proactively helpful user experience. Having routine domestic tasks suggested proactively in the right contexts along with the option to automate initiation of the actions in the same context in the future can enhance efficiency, convenience, and utility of smart home environments

    How much more can sunspots tell us about the solar dynamo?

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    Sunspot observations inspired solar dynamo theory and continue to do so. Simply counting them established the sunspot cycle and its period. Latitudinal distributions introduced the tough constraint that the source of sunspots moves equator-ward as the cycle progresses. Observations of Hale's polarity law mandated hemispheric asymmetry. How much more can sunspots tell us about the solar dynamo? We draw attention to a few outstanding questions raised by inherent sunspot properties. Namely, how to explain sunspot rotation rates, the incoherence of follower spots, the longitudinal spacing of sunspot groups, and brightness trends within a given sunspot cycle. After reviewing the first several topics, we then present new results on the brightness of sunspots in Cycle 24 as observed with the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI). We compare these results to the sunspot brightness observed in Cycle 23 with the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI). Next, we compare the minimum intensities of five sunspots simultaneously observed by the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope Spectropolarimeter (SOT-SP) and HMI to verify that the minimum brightness of sunspot umbrae correlates well to the maximum field strength. We then examine 90 and 52 sunspots in the north and south hemisphere, respectively, from 2010 - 2012. Finally, we conclude that the average maximum field strengths of umbra 40 Carrington Rotations into Cycle 24 are 2690 Gauss, virtually indistinguishable from the 2660 Gauss value observed at a similar time in Cycle 23 with MDI

    Inefficiency and Self-Determination: Simulation-Based Evidence from Meiji Japan

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    Does the exercise of the right of self-determination lead to inefficiency? This paper considers a set of centrally planned municipal mergers during the Meiji period, with data from Gifu prefecture. The observed merger pattern can be explained as a social optimum based on a very simple indiidual utility function. If individual villages had been allowed to choose their merger partners, counterfactual simulations show that the core is always non-empty, but core partitions contain about 80% more (post-merger) municipalities than the social optimum. Simulations are possible because core partitions can be calculated using repeated application of a mixed integer program

    Detecting short-term change and variation in health-related quality of life: within- and between-person factor structure of the SF-36 health survey.

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    BackgroundA major goal of much aging-related research and geriatric medicine is to identify early changes in health and functioning before serious limitations develop. To this end, regular collection of patient-reported outcome measure (PROMs) in a clinical setting may be useful to identify and monitor these changes. However, existing PROMs were not designed for repeated administration and are more commonly used as one-time screening tools; as such, their ability to detect variation and measurement properties when administered repeatedly remain unknown. In this study we evaluated the potential of the RAND SF-36 Health Survey as a repeated-use PROM by examining its measurement properties when modified for administration over multiple occasions.MethodsTo distinguish between-person (i.e., average) from within-person (i.e., occasion) levels, the SF-36 Health Survey was completed by a sample of older adults (N = 122, M age  = 66.28 years) daily for seven consecutive days. Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was employed to investigate the factor structure at both levels for two- and eight-factor solutions.ResultsMultilevel CFA models revealed that the correlated eight-factor solution provided better model fit than the two-factor solution at both the between-person and within-person levels. Overall model fit for the SF-36 Health Survey administered daily was not substantially different from standard survey administration, though both were below optimal levels as reported in the literature. However, individual subscales did demonstrate good reliability.ConclusionsMany of the subscales of the modified SF-36 for repeated daily assessment were found to be sufficiently reliable for use in repeated measurement designs incorporating PROMs, though the overall scale may not be optimal. We encourage future work to investigate the utility of the subscales in specific contexts, as well as the measurement properties of other existing PROMs when administered in a repeated measures design. The development and integration of new measures for this purpose may ultimately be necessary

    Chandra X-ray Observatory Arcsecond Imaging of the Young, Oxygen-rich Supernova Remnant 1E0102.2-7219

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    We present observations of the young, Oxygen-rich supernova remnant 1E0102.2-7219 taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory during Chandra's Orbital Activation and Checkout phase. The boundary of the blast wave shock is clearly seen for the first time, allowing the diameter of the remnant and the mean blast wave velocity to be determined accurately. The prominent X-ray bright ring of material may be the result of the reverse shock encountering ejecta; the radial variation of O VII vs. O VIII emission indicates an ionizing shock propagating inwards, possibly through a strong density gradient in the ejecta. We compare the X-ray emission to Australia Telescope Compact Array 6 cm radio observations (Amy and Ball) and to archival Hubble Space Telescope [O III] observations. The ring of radio emission is predominantly inward of the outer blast wave, consistent with an interpretation as synchrotron radiation originating behind the blast wave, but outward of the bright X-ray ring of emission. Many (but not all) of the prominent optical filaments are seen to correspond to X-ray bright regions. We obtain an upper limit of ~9e33 erg/s (3 sigma) on any potential pulsar X-ray emission from the central region.Comment: Accepted for pulication in Ap. J. Letters. 4 pages, 6 figures (one color figure). Formatted with emulateapj5. Revised to incorporate copyediting changes. High-resolution postscript (3.02MB) and tiff versions of the color figure are available from http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/cycle1/0015multi/index.htm

    Extensive genomic diversity and selective conservation of virulence determinants in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of O157 and non O157 serotypes

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    Background: Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157 causes severe food-borne illness in humans. The chromosome of O157 consists of 4.1 Mb backbone sequences shared by benign E. coli K-12, and 1.4 Mb O157-specific sequences encoding many virulence determinants, such as Shiga toxin genes (stx genes) and the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE). Non-O157 EHECs belonging to distinct clonal lineages from O157 also cause similar illness in humans. According to the "parallel" evolution model, they have independently acquired the major virulence determinants, the stx genes and LEE. However, the genomic differences between O157 and non-O157 EHECs have not yet been systematically analyzed. Results: Using microarray and whole genome PCR scanning analyses, we performed a whole genome comparison of 20 EHEC strains of O26, O111, and O103 serotypes with O157. In non-O157 EHEC strains, although genome sizes were similar with or rather larger than O157 and the backbone regions were well conserved, O157-specific regions were very poorly conserved. Around only 20% of the O157- specific genes were fully conserved in each non-O157 serotype. However, the non-O157 EHECs contained a significant number of virulence genes that are found on prophages and plasmids in O157, and also multiple prophages similar to, but significantly divergent from, those in O157. Conclusion: Although O157 and non-O157 EHECs have independently acquired a huge amount of serotype- or strain-specific genes by lateral gene transfer, they share an unexpectedly large number of virulence genes. Independent infections of similar but distinct bacteriophages carrying these virulence determinants are deeply involved in the evolution of O157 and non-O157 EHECs

    Paracentesis is Associated with Reduced Mortality in Patients Hospitalized with Cirrhosis and Ascites

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    Diagnostic paracentesis is recommended for patients with cirrhosis admitted to the hospital for ascites or encephalopathy. However, it is not known if clinicians in the United States adhere to this recommendation; a relationship between paracentesis and clinical outcome has not been reported. We analyzed a US database to determine the frequency of paracentesis and its association with mortality. Methods The 2009 Nationwide Inpatient Sample (which contains data from approximately 8 million hospital discharges each year) was used to identify patients with cirrhosis and ascites admitted with a primary diagnosis of ascites or encephalopathy. In-hospital mortality, length of stay, and hospital charges were compared for those who did and did not undergo paracentesis. Outcomes were compared for those who received an early paracentesis (within 1 day of admission) and those who received one later. Results Of 17,711 eligible admissions, only 61% underwent paracentesis. In-hospital mortality was reduced by 24% among patients who underwent paracentesis (6.5% vs 8.5%, adjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.55; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.41–0.74). Most paracenteses (66%) occurred ≤1 day after admission. In-hospital mortality was lower among patients who received early paracentesis than those who received it later (5.7% vs 8.1%; P=.049), although this difference was not significant after adjustment for confounders (OR, 1.26; 95% CI, 0.78–2.02). Among patients who underwent paracentesis, the mean hospital stay was 14% longer, and hospital charges were 29% greater than for patients that did not receive the procedure. Conclusions Paracentesis is underused for patients admitted to the hospital with ascites; the procedure is associated with increased short-term survival. These data support practice guidelines derived from expert opinion. Studies are needed to identify barriers to guideline adherence

    Hip Flexion Angles During Supine Range of Motion and Bodyweight Squats

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(1): 912-918, 2021. During the lowering phase of a squat, it has been observed that a posterior pelvic tilt (PPT) may occur when squatting to full depth. Research suggests that defaulting to compensatory movement strategies, such as PPT, during the squat may correlate with risk of lower extremity and trunk pathology. The purpose of this study was to examine hip flexion (HF) angles at the point when PPT occurs among three conditions: standard squats, heel raise squats, and supine passive HF; analyzing the differences in depth between standard and heel raise squats; and calculating differences in knee angles and ankle excursion between standard and heel raise squats. 28 participants performed bodyweight squats and underwent supine passive HF while outfitted with 32 retroreflective motion capture markers. Hip, knee, and ankle joint angles were extracted at the point of PPT. A one-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine differences in hip joint angles between conditions, and a paired sample t-test was used to compare knee angles, ankle excursion, and squat depth between standard and heel raise squats. HF angles at PPT remained unchanged across all conditions. However, significantly greater knee flexion, ankle excursion, and squat depth were observed in the heel raise squats compared to the standard squats. Results suggest that PPT is a compensatory movement that occurs as the femur compresses into the acetabulum once hip flexion has been exhausted
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