622 research outputs found
Perkebunan di Desa Jeruju Besar mengalami permasalahan banjir yang diakibatkan oleh pasang dan curah hujan tinggi. Dalam upaya mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dibangun kisdam penahan air. Dalam 2 tahun terakhir kisdam mengalami kerusakan sehingga dilakukan rehabilitasi kisdam menjadi bangunan pintu klep. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung debit aliran yang terjadi dan menentukan lokasi bangunan pintu klep yang tepat pada Parit Jeruju Laut. Metode yang dilakukan dimulai dari analisa curah hujan, analisa intensitas dengan metode Mononobe, analisa hujan rencana periode ulang 2, 5 dan 10 tahun dengan metode Distribusi Normal, serta analisa debit aliran dengan metode HSS Snyder. Analisa pemodelan menggunakan software HEC-RAS 5.0.6. Penelitian dilakukan pada kondisi pasang tanpa hujan dan kondisi pasang disertai hujan periode ulang 10 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diketahui bahwa lokasi yang tepat berada pada lokasi eksisting pintu klep dengan debit maksimum 4,1982 m3/detik serta elevasi muka air maksimum 2,31 m. Saat kondisi pasang tanpa hujan, elevasi muka air telah berada diatas penampang Parit Jeruju Laut yang menyebabkan terjadinya banjir di perkebunan kelapa setinggi 17,92 cm hingga 33,53 cm. Sedangkan saat kondisi pasang disertai hujan periode ulang 10 tahun, banjir di perkebunan kelapa mencapai 50,23 cm hingga 80,53 cm
Bireuen Regent's Decree Number 553 of 2020 designated Bireuen as a Santri City. As a Santri City, the behavior and conduct of the community is expected to reflect the objectives of this establishment, namely as a center for Islamic education, a model of Dayah education, and an Islamic reference center in Aceh. Apart from that, the aim of this determination is to make the people of Bireuen individuals who have good morals, are religious, and love science, as well as to ensure that the Bireuen region, especially Aceh in general, becomes a just and prosperous area. Apart from that, a road map for Bireuen as a Santri City in Aceh needs to be drawn up. Until now, Bireuen district does not yet have a Regional Regulation that regulates the implementation of Bireuen as a Santri City. Therefore, the urgency of qanun regarding the implementation of Bireuen as a Santri City in Bireuen district is a problem in this research. This research uses empirical legal research methods with a qualitative approach. Even though the government has issued a policy through Decree of the Regent of Bireuen Number 774 of 2021 concerning the Determination of the Study of Baksul Masail Khasanah Bireuen Santri City and Circular Letter Number 451/975/2020 concerning the Implementation of Bireuen as a Santri City, the implementation has not gone as expected. The implementation of Bireuen as a Santri City will not be optimal if only a few aspects of community life are regulated. Therefore, to achieve this goal, regulations are needed that regulate every aspect of the diverse social life of the community, so that they can become a supporting pillar in the implementation policy of Bireuen as a Santri City. With the existence of Qanun, technical and administrative needs related to this matter can be implemented optimally
The research in this research aims to find out: the influence of leadership principal and job stress teacher for performance improvement vocational high school teachers in lubuklinggaucity. This study is a surve casual. Collecting data using questionnaires and documentation. Analysis technique used is a simple regression analysis and analysis of double regreasi. Based on the research results can be concluded as follows: (1) a significant principal leadership on teacher performance improvement; (2) Teacher job stress significant on teacher performance improvement; (3) leadership principal and teachers working stress significant effect on teacher performance improvement.Keyword: leadership, job stress, and performance
Penelitian mengenai “Penerapan Media Audio Visual dalam Paduan Suara Di SMPN 1 Bantarujeg Kabupaten Majalengka”. Dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikan materi dan pembelajaran yang digunakan. Untuk memperoleh jawaban dari tujuan penelitian maka peneliti menggali dari berbagai referensi berkaitan dengan pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, bernyanyi paduan suara, teknik vokal yang kemudian dikaji sesuai dengan fokus penelitian sehingga didapat landasan dalam menginterpretasikan data. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Peneliti menggambarkan keadaan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, studi literatur, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) materi yang disajikan dalam media audio visual lebih mudah dipelajari oleh siswa sehingga terjadi peningkatan penguasaan materi dengan adanya penjelasan yang non-verbal. Siswa menjadi lebih mudah dalam menghafal lagu dan mendapat gambaran yang cukup jelas secara visual dalam mempraktekkan kegiatan bernyanyi paduan suara. (2) metode yang digunakan dalam penyampaian materi adalah metode latihan, demonstrasi, imitasi, metode ceramah dan penugasan
In line with the development of the times, technology is one important
aspevt that is alsoexperiencing rapid development. Be it in the field of
telecommunications, informations, or otherwise. To compensate for the
development of a market research is not sufficient to determine the steps to be
Laptop is a kind of portable computer or a mobile computer that is light
enough and small. Of the many brand of laptops available then there is a very
rapid competition by accentuating each strategy to be launched. But in many
brands are still a lot os sales imbalances, such as some brands made in the country
selling very less power compared to foreign-made.
Objective to be achieved by researchers in the study is to determone laptop
product marketing strategy using game theory and fuzzy. Fuzzy theory is used to
represent the certainy of the boundary between one criterion with other criteria
generated of human judgement. Game theory is field of science supporting the
determination of marketing strategy, which is widely used in marketing
competition conditions. This technique allows the determination of certain actions
(stratrgies) that will minimize the maximum loss behavior of decision makers who
deal with one or more competitors who could not be determined.
Processing and analysis of results from game theory and fuzzy method
showed that the marketing strategy by Axioo price, design, component
availability, and quality. Acer uses a marketing strategy component availability.
Toshiba uses a marketing strategy price and quality. HP uses a marketing strategy
price and component availability. Dell uses a marketing strategy sales service.
Apple uses a marketing strategy warranty
Morphology and Parasitaemia Development of Plasmodium berghei in Balb/c Mice (Mus musculus)
Malaria is one of the most severe public health problems worldwide. It is a leading cause of death and disease in many developing countries, where young children and pregnant women are the groups most affected. Malaria disease caused by Plasmodium parasite have symptoms that typically include fever, fatigue, vomiting and headaches. In severe cases, it can cause yellow skin, seizures, coma or death. The present study is aimed to monitoring parasitemia level and percentage of parasite morphology as parasitaemia progresses. This research used Plasmodium berghei NK strain obtained from National University of Malaysia which originally from MR4, USA. Design used in this research was completely randomized design, with 2 treatments which were mice without infection and mice with infection of P. berghei parasite. Method used in this research was staining method of thin smear of blood using Giemsa stained and observed by microscopic. Parameter of observation were morphology and development of P. berghei at different level of parasitaemia (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%). The result showed from microscopic examination of blood slides prepared from the study animals indicated that the ring form was dominant stage obtained at all different stages of infection followed by trophozoite stage. Meanwhile schizont stage was the lowest stage obtained at all different stages observed
Analysis of Improving the Quality of Teacher’s Work with Good Communication Pattern from the Madrasah Principle at MIN Padang Bulan Rantauprapat
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan kualitas guru meliputi: Kualitas guru; Disiplin guru; dan Tanggung jawab guru dengan menerapkan pola komunikasi kepala madrasah yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pedoman wawancara, pedoman observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ialah guru-guru, kepala, dan komite madrasah di MIN Padang Bulan Rantauprapat. Hasil penelitian ditemukan: Komunikasi kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan kualitas guru yaitu menyampaikan pesan kepada guru baik secara cara lisan (memanggil dan teguran langsung) maupun secara tulisan (surat peringatan); Komunikasi kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan disiplin guru yaitu memberikan contoh teladan dengan hadir ke madrasah tepat waktu dan pulang paling akhir; dan Komunikasi kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan tanggung jawab guru yaitu komunikasi antar pribadi dan komunikasi dalam memecahkan masalah di dalam pembelajaran dengan cara mengkoordinasi dan mencari solusi dengan komite dan pengawas madrasah, serta Dinas Pendidikan terkait. Diharapkan kepada komite dan kepala madrasah agar dapat memberikan dorongan dan pembinaan dalam kualitas guru tentang profesional, kedisiplinan dan tanggungjawab guru secara efektif dan efesien sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas guru di madrasah
The Urgency Of Qanun Regarding The Maintenance And Supervision Of Customary Laws Of The Sea By Panglima Laot In Bireuen District
The authority of Panglima Laot is still generally explained in Aceh Qanun Number 10 of 2008 concerning Customary Institutions, this causes an unclear, not detailed, and not strictly or even the occurrence of legal vacuum in some disputes because there is no legislation that regulates it. Therefore, regulations and guidelines, namely Qanuns are needed at the district level regarding the implementation of customary management of coastal sea rights in areas in Bireuen district so that the rules used as benchmarks in law enforcement are clear. We know that there are no detailed codified rules regarding the authority Panglima Laot in Bireuen District so that it does not provide legal guarantees for the communit
The Roles Of Village Apparatus In Implementing Qanun Number 3 Of 2017 In Jangka Alue, Sub-District Of Jangka, Bireuen, Aceh Province
The implementation of Qanun Gampong Number 3 of 2017 concerning Smoke and drugs-Free Homes is an example of a healthy and prosperous village. This study describes the role of the village apparatus and their influence on the community. The method used in this research is descriptive, socio-legal research approach with the theory of authority. The types of secondary and primary data sources were then analyzed using qualitative techniques. The study was conducted in the village of Jangka Alue, Jangka District, Bireuen Regency, Aceh. Base on the result of the research, the role of the village apparatus are to encourage and prohibit, to establishment an anti-smoking and drug task force, to form a qanun on ureung chiek geutanyo, to give appreciation and supervision that carried out in accordance with the authority to contribute in the administration of government, community development, community empowerment and community development in accordance with orders. Constitution. Impact on society, creating a sense of security, reducing smoking. Community health and welfare have not been felt because there are no indicators as benchmarks
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