735 research outputs found

    Do PPP and UIP Need Each Other in a Financially Open Economy? The Turkish Evidence

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    This paper investigates the empirical validity of the capital enhanced equilibrium exchange rates (CHEERs) model for the Turkish data. The results of the Johansen cointegration analyses for the variable system containing Turkish and US inflation rates, interest rates, and exchange rate suggest the existence of two stationary relationships explaining the long run evolution of Turkish interest rates and inflation rates, respectively. The results of the structural model obtained by data-acceptable over-identifying restrictions over the cointegration space suggest the non-rejection of the hypothesis that the first vector contains uncovered interest parity (UIP) and the second vector contains purchasing power parity (PPP) with proportionality and symmetry conditions. Consistent with the CHEERs approach, each of the international parity hypotheses is strongly rejected when formulated independently. This is a theory-consistent result for a financially open economy for which equilibrium conditions of asset and commodity markets may not be independent of each other.PPP, UIP, Exchange rates, cointegration, Turkey

    Neutralized Politics by Bureaucratic Power in Turkey from 1923 to 2002

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    Although the Republic of Turkey is recognized as a country figured in opposition to the heritage of and in contrast with the Ottoman Empire, it is obvious that this viewpoint does not fully comply with realities. In this regard, it is possible to claim that the attempt of a bureaucratic group to control the whole social and political area, which also revealed itself for centuries in the Ottoman Period and became more evident in its last periods, has passed to the Republic. Center-periphery relationship established by both the bureaucracy and the public with the spirit of Kuva-yi Milliye (meaning either National Forces or Nationalist Forces in Ottoman Turkish) has evolved into a bureaucratic management structure upon the foundation of the Republic

    Biological and Phytochemical Studies on Six Astragalus Taxa from Anatolia

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    Corresponding author (NCNPR): Fadime Aydoğan, [email protected]://egrove.olemiss.edu/pharm_annual_posters_2022/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Agricultural Academy

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    abstract SENYIGIT, U., I. ERDAL, F. OZDEMIR, Z. KUCUKYUMUK and A. KADAYIFCI, 2012. Effects of different irrigation methods on leaf and fruit nutrient concentrations of young apple varieties grafted on M9 rootstock. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., In this study, it was aimed to compare irrigation methods in terms of nutrient uptake of young apple varieties during two consecutive years. According to obtained results, leaf and fruit nutrient concentrations varied with irrigation methods, generally. Looking at the general nutrient status of plants, no nutritional deficiencies were determined between the irrigation methods. Also, nutrient concentrations of leaf and fruit showed variations with the years. Another important result in this study was that nutrient concentrations of leaf and fruit significantly varied with the variety, generally

    Alteration in the subcellular location of the inhibitor of growth protein p33(ING1b) in estrogen receptor alpha positive breast carcinoma cells

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    ING1 has regulatory roles in the expression of genes associated with proliferation, apoptosis, and senescence. p33(ING1b) is the most widely expressed isoform of the gene. Downregulation of its nuclear expression is involved in differentiation and pathogenesis in invasive breast carcinoma. Yet the mechanism(s) by which p33 nuclear targeting is regulated remains unknown. In this study, we analyzed human invasive breast carcinoma tissue samples by immunostaining with p33 and correlating p33 location with the presence of ERα. Our findings show the expression of p33 protein in ERα-positive tumor samples was in the nucleus alone, while the expression was mainly in the cytoplasm in ERα-negative tumor samples. Examination of the localization of p33 in the nucleus and/or cytoplasm in several different cell lines demonstrated 17β-estradiol (E2) treatment causes dramatic compartmental shift in p33 protein from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in ERα-positive MDA-66 cells. No significant differences in ERα-negative MDA-MB-231 cells in the same conditions were observed. We show for the first time nuclear localization of p33 is regulated by estradiol induction in ERα-positive breast cancer cells. These results suggest compartmental shift in p33 by ER signaling may be an important molecular event in the differentiation and pathogenesis of invasive breast cancer. © TÜBİTAK

    Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus dysgalactiae strains isolated from horses are a genetically distinct population within the Streptococcus dysgalactiae taxon

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    The pathogenic role of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus dysgalactiae in the equine host is increasingly recognized. A collection of 108 Lancefield group C (n = 96) or L (n = 12) horse isolates recovered in the United States and in three European countries presented multilocus sequence typing (MLST) alleles, sequence types and emm types (only 56% of the isolates could be emm typed) that were, with few exceptions, distinct from those previously found in human Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis. Characterization of a subset of horse isolates by multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) and 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that most equine isolates could also be differentiated from S. dysgalactiae strains from other animal species, supporting the existence of a horse specific genomovar. Draft genome information confirms the distinctiveness of the horse genomovar and indicates the presence of potentially horse-specific virulence factors. While this genomovar represents most of the isolates recovered from horses, a smaller MLST and MLSA defined sub-population seems to be able to cause infections in horses, other animals and humans, indicating that transmission between hosts of strains belonging to this group may occur

    Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease: a case report

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus dysgalactiae strains isolated from horses are a genetically distinct population within the Streptococcus dysgalactiae taxon

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    The pathogenic role of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus dysgalactiae in the equine host is increasingly recognized. A collection of 108 Lancefield group C (n=96) or L (n=12) horse isolates recovered in the United States and in three European countries presented multilocus sequence typing (MLST) alleles, sequence types and emm types (only 56% of the isolates could be emm typed) that were, with few exceptions, distinct from those previously found in human Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis. Characterization of a subset of horse isolates by multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) and 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that most equine isolates could also be differentiated from S. dysgalactiae strains from other animal species, supporting the existence of a horse specific genomovar. Draft genome information confirms the distinctiveness of the horse genomovar and indicates the presence of potentially horse-specific virulence factors. While this genomovar represents most of the isolates recovered from horses, a smaller MLST and MLSA defined sub-population seems to be able to cause infections in horses, other animals and humans, indicating that transmission between hosts of strains belonging to this group may occur