311 research outputs found

    Estudio de laboratorio de la susceptibilidad a la corrosión intergranular del cinc y su relación con el contenido de aluminio

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    A method of test for determining the susceptibility of zinc to the intergranular corrosion was developped, considering that the action of water steam on zinc produces the mentioned type of corrosion. Local and foreing specimens have been studied. In the suscep- tibies specimens, the sign of intergranular corrosion, characterized by visual and micrographic observations, appears after 30 h exposition. Correlation between susceptibility and aluminium content was established: 0,005 $ of aluminium in laminated zinc was the maximum content in order to avoid corrosion.Se ideó un método de ensayo para, determinar la susceptibilidad del cinc a la corrosión intergranular, teniendo en cuenta que el ataque con vapor de agua provoca en el cinc ese tipo corrosión. Se ensayaron probetas de origen nacional y extranjero. En las muestras susceptibles,los signos, de corrosión intergranular — que fueron caracterizados mediante observaciones visuales y micrográficas -r aparecieron después de las 30, horas de exposición. Se estableció una correlación entre esa susceptibilidad y él contenido de aluminio, y se fijó como contenido máximo de aluminio en -cinc laminado el de 0,005 %

    Quality of Life in Patients With Severe Skin Reactions in Course of First-Generation Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors Monoclonal Antibodies (Our Experience With Cetuximab)

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    Background: Metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) with wild type expression of RAS and RAF genes can be treated with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) monoclonal antibodies, such as cetuximab, in combination with chemotherapy. Skin toxicity represents the most serious and frequent side effect in these patients. Skin manifestations occur in approximately 80% of patients. In this study, we investigated the consequences on body image and quality of life (QoL) of patients with severe skin toxicity. Methods: One hundred patients were enrolled with mCRC. All patients signed informed consent and completed questionnaires to assess QoL and body discomfort. Toxicity was assessed on Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAEs). Results: The greatest impact on QoL was represented by difficulties in managing skin rash-related side effects. Data showed a significant impact in psychological sphere and social relationships. Conclusions: Skin side effects, particularly rash, influence QoL and social relationships, compromising therapeutic compliance

    Quality of Life and Job Loss during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mediation by Hopelessness and Moderation by Trait Emotional Intelligence

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    This study contributes to the knowledge on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by examining a moderated mediation model in which the impact of job loss over quality of life (QoL) is mediated by hopelessness and moderated by trait emotional intelligence (trait EI). Data were collected from a large nationally representative Italian sample of adult workers (N = 1610), who completed a series of anonymous online questionnaires. Total, direct and indirect effects were estimated through bootstrapped mediated moderation analyses providing 95% bias corrected bootstrap confidence intervals. After controlling for the effects of gender and age range, job loss was found to be negatively associated with QoL, and hopelessness partially mediated such relationship. These relationships were in turn moderated by trait EI. Our study suggests that trait EI levels act as protective factor for a good QoL, mitigating the impact of both job loss and hopelessness over QoL levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. Identifying psychological protective and/or risk factors for a better QoL is crucial for the development of interventions aimed at reducing the emotional impact of the pandemic and of its negative real-life consequences

    Emotional Competence in Primary School Children: Examining the Effect of a Psycho-Educational Group Intervention: A Pilot Prospective Study

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    Emotional competence (EC) is a key component of children's psychological, cognitive, and social development, and it is a central element of learning. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing a psycho-educational group intervention aimed at improving children's emotional competence (EC), quality of integration and scholastic skills. A total of 229 children (123 females; M Age = 7.22 years; SD = 0.97 years) completed the Pictures of Facial Affect (POFA), the Drawn Stories Technique, the Classroom Drawing, and the Colored Progressive Matrices. The total sample was randomly divided into an intervention group (N = 116) who took part in psycho-educational activities and a control (no-intervention) group (N = 84). Both groups were tested at baseline, before the intervention started, and at the end of the intervention (4 months from baseline). Results from mixed-model ANOVA revealed a significant main effect for POFA score over time (F = 6.24, p = 0.01) and an interaction effect between POFA and group (F = 4.82, p = 0.03). No significant main effect was found for classroom drawing over time (F = 0.81, p > 0.05) or for quality of integration and group intervention. These findings support the importance of developing psycho-educational programmes in school for promotion of emotional health for preventing not only the onset of problematic behaviours at school such as bullying but also the development of clinical conditions linked to difficulties in emotional recognition, expression, and regulation such as alexithymia

    Multiple system atrophy is distinguished from idiopathic Parkinson's disease bythe arginine growth hormone stimulation test

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    Objective: Multiple system atrophy (MSA) may be difficult to distinguish from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD). Our aim was to evaluate the accuracy of the arginine growth hormone (GH) stimulation test in distinguishing between MSA and PD in large populations of patients. Methods: We measured the GH response to arginine in 69 MSA (43 MSAp [parkinsonism as the main motor feature] and 26 MSAc [cerebellar features predominated]) patients, 35 PD patients, and 90 healthy control subjects. We used receiver-operating curve analysis to establish the arginine cutoff value that best differentiated between MSA and PD. Results: The GH response to arginine was significantly lower (p 0.01) in MSA than in either PD patients or control subjects. At a cutoff level of 4g/L, arginine distinguished MSAp from PD with a sensitivity and specificity of 91% and MSAc from PD with a sensitivity of 96% and specificity of 91%. The arginine test had a positive predictive value for MSA of 95%. The GH response to arginine was not affected by disease duration or severity, MSA motor subtype, pyramidal signs, response to dopaminergic therapy, or magnetic resonance imaging findings. Interpretation: The GH response to arginine differentiates MSA from PD with a high diagnostic accuracy. The results suggest an impairment of cholinergic central systems modulating GH release in MSA

    Fish Species Distribution in Seagrass Habitats of Chesapeake Bay are Structured by Abiotic and Biotic Factors

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    Seagrass habitats have long been known to serve as nursery habitats for juvenile fish by providing refuges from predation and areas of high forage abundance. However, comparatively less is known about other factors structuring fish communities that make extensive use of seagrass as nursery habitat. We examined both physical and biological factors that may structure the juvenile seagrass-associated fish communities across a synoptic-scale multiyear study in lower Chesapeake Bay. Across 3years of sampling, we collected 21,153 fish from 31 species. Silver Perch Bairdiella chrysoura made up over 86% of all individuals collected. Nine additional species made up at least 1% of the fish community in the bay but were at very different abundances than historical estimates of the fish community from the early 1980s. Eight species, including Silver Perch, showed a relationship with measured gradients of temperature or salinity and Spot Leiostomus xanthurus showed a negative relationship with the presence of macroalgae. Climate change, particularly increased precipitation and runoff from frequent and intense events, has the potential to alter fish-habitat relationships in seagrass beds and other habitats and may have already altered the fish community composition. Comparisons of fish species to historical data from the 1970s, our data, and recent contemporary data in the late 2000s suggests this has occurred

    Late Post-traumatic Epilepsy in Children and Young Adults : Impropriety of Long-Term Antiepileptic Prophylaxis and Risks in Tapering

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    Background: After traumatic brain injury, epilepsy affects up to 20\uc2 % of children. It is a risk factor, for both clinical recovery and cognitive performance; therefore pharmacological therapy is advisable. Current guidelines recommend prophylaxis to be initiated as soon as possible and tapered 1\uc2 week after trauma. However, no guideline exists for paediatric patients and the clinical practice is heterogeneous. Objective: In our institute, prophylaxis was routinely tapered 6\uc2 months after trauma. Therefore we investigated whether this prophylaxis or its tapering influenced the development of post-traumatic epilepsy, together with several clinical-demographic factors. Methods: The study population comprised all patients with post-traumatic brain injury referred to this institute between 2002 and 2009 who consented to participate. Clinical, epileptological and pharmacological data were collected. The role of prophylaxis and several other predictors on occurrence of post-traumatic epilepsy was analysed through logistic regressions. Results: Two hundred and three patients (145 paediatric) were followed for 57\uc2 months on average. Risk factors for epilepsy were past neurosurgery [odds ratio (OR)\uc2 =\uc2 2.61, 95\uc2 % confidence interval (CI) 1.15\u20135.96], presence of epileptiform anomalies (OR\uc2 =\uc2 6.92, 95\uc2 % CI 3.02\u201315.86) and the presence of prophylaxis (OR\uc2 =\uc2 2.49, 95\uc2 % CI 1.12\u20135.52), while higher intelligence quotient (IQ) was protective (OR\uc2 =\uc2 0.96, 95\uc2 % CI 0.95\u20130.98). While evaluating possible different effects within and after 6\uc2 months (tapering, for those under prophylaxis), we found that epileptiform anomalies (OR\uc2 =\uc2 7.61, 95\uc2 % CI 2.33\u201324.93, and OR\uc2 =\uc2 8.21, 95\uc2 % CI 3.00\u201322.44) and IQ (OR\uc2 =\uc2 0.96, 95\uc2 % CI 0.94\u20130.98, and OR\uc2 =\uc2 0.97, 95\uc2 % CI 0.95\u20130.98) were always significant predictors of epilepsy, while neurosurgery (OR\uc2 =\uc2 4.38, 95\uc2 % CI 1.10\u201317.45) was significant only within 6\uc2 months from trauma, and prophylaxis (OR\uc2 =\uc2 3.98, 95\uc2 % CI 1.62\u20139.75) only afterwards. Conclusions: These results suggest that prophylaxis was irrelevant when present; furthermore its tapering increased the risk of epilepsy. Since the presence of epileptiform anomalies was the main predictor of post-traumatic epilepsy, such anomalies may be useful to better direct the choice of prophylaxis

    Expanding Phenotype of Poirier\u2013Bienvenu Syndrome: New Evidence from an Italian Multicentrical Cohort of Patients

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    Background: Poirier\u2013Bienvenu Neurodevelopmental Syndrome (POBINDS) is a rare disease linked to mutations of the CSNK2B gene, which encodes for a subunit of caseinkinase CK2 involved in neuronal growth and synaptic transmission. Its main features include early-onset epilepsy and intellectual disability. Despite the lack of cases described, it appears that POBINDS could manifest with a wide range of phenotypes, possibly related to the different mutations of CSNK2B. Methods: Our multicentric, retrospective study recruited nine patients with POBINDS, detected using next-generation sequencing panels and whole-exome sequencing. Clinical, laboratory, and neuroimaging data were reported for each patient in order to assess the severity of phenotype, and eventually, a correlation with the type of CSNK2B mutation. Results: We reported nine unrelated patients with heterozygous de novo mutations of the CSNK2B gene. All cases presented epilepsy, and eight patients were associated with a different degree of intellectual disability. Other features detected included endocrinological and vascular abnormalities and dysmorphisms. Genetic analysis revealed six new variants of CSNK2B that have not been reported previously. Conclusion: Although it was not possible to assess a genotype\u2013phenotype correlation in our patients, our research further expands the phenotype spectrum of POBINDS patients, identifying new mutations occurring in the CSNK2B gene

    Työvoiman ikääntyminen ja ikäjohtaminen Suomen kunnissa asiakirja-analyysi kuntien strategioista

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    In response to a sharp decline in recreational fishing participation in Queensland, Australia, I sought to identify constraints experienced by fishers in Queensland and understand how demographic variables, fishing participation variables, and fishing motivations influence the amount and type of constraints experienced. In a survey of Queensland recreational fishers, 70% reported experiencing constraints-predominantly lack of time, crowding, unavailability of facilities, and costs associated with fishing. Fishers with higher incomes, fishers with higher centrality of fishing to lifestyle, fishers who placed higher importance on motivations related to catching fish and relaxation, and fishers who were male were more likely to experience constraints. With the exception of gender, variables found to have a significant effect on the presence of constraints also had a significant influence on the types of constraints experienced. Results provide insight into factors affecting recreational fishing participation in Queensland; however, additional research-particularly with recent fishing drop-outs-is needed to fully understand recent declines in fishing participation