14 research outputs found

    Validation of three predictive models for suboptimal cytoreductive surgery in advanced ovarian cancer

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    The standard treatment for advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) is cytoreduction surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. Tumor volume after surgery is a major prognostic factor for these patients. The ability to perform complete cytoreduction depends on the extent of disease and the skills of the surgical team. Several predictive models have been proposed to evaluate the possibility of performing complete cytoreductive surgery (CCS). External validation of the prognostic value of three predictive models (Fagotti index and the R3 and R4 models) for predicting suboptimal cytoreductive surgery (SCS) in AOC was performed in this study. The scores of the 3 models were evaluated in one hundred and three consecutive patients diagnosed with AOC treated in a tertiary hospital were evaluated. Clinicopathological features were collected prospectively and analyzed retrospectively. The performance of the three models was evaluated, and calibration and discrimination were analyzed. The calibration of the Fagotti, R3 and R4 models showed odds ratios of obtaining SCSs of 1.5, 2.4 and 2.4, respectively, indicating good calibration. The discrimination of the Fagotti, R3 and R4 models showed an area under the ROC curve of 83%, 70% and 81%, respectively. The negative predictive values of the three models were higher than the positive predictive values for SCS. The three models were able to predict suboptimal cytoreductive surgery for advanced ovarian cancer, but they were more reliable for predicting CCS. The R4 model discriminated better because it includes the laparotomic evaluation of the peritoneal carcinomatosis index

    Situación epidemiológica del cáncer de mama en España

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    El cáncer de mama es el tumor más frecuente en Europa. Según la Agencia Internacional de investigación del Cáncer, en 2006 se diagnosticaron unos 429.900 casos nuevos de cáncer de mama en Europa, con una tasa estandarizada de incidencia de 110 casos por 100.000 mujeres. También es la localización más frecuente en mujeres españolas: supone casi la cuarta parte de los casos de cáncer femeninos, y su incidencia está aumentando entre un 2-3% anual. Entre las posibles causas de este incremento están los cambios en los patrones reproductivos y en los hábitos de vida y la introducción de la terapia hormonal sustitutiva. Nuestro país, con una tasa de incidencia estandarizada estimada de 93,6 casos por 100.000 mujeres-año para 2006, ocupa una posición intermedia entre los países de Europa occidental y los del este. Es también una importante causa de mortalidad femenina. En 2005 causó la muerte de 5.703 mujeres españolas, con una tasa de mortalidad estandarizada de 18,6 por 100.000 mujeres-año. Desde los años 90 la mortalidad por cáncer de mama está descendiendo debido al diagnóstico precoz por programas de cribado y a los avances terapéuticos. En España esta tendencia decreciente se observa a partir de 1993, con un descenso de un 2,4% anual. La supervivencia global en Europa a los 5 años es cercana al 79%, inferior a la observada en EEUU (90%), y ha aumentado en los últimos años. En España, se sitúa en un 83%, significativamente más alta que la media europea

    The striking geographical pattern of gastric cancer mortality in Spain: environmental hypotheses revisited

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastric cancer is decreasing in most countries. While socioeconomic development is the main factor to which this decline has been attributed, enormous differences among countries and within regions are still observed, with the main contributing factors remaining elusive. This study describes the geographic distribution of gastric cancer mortality at a municipal level in Spain, from 1994-2003.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Smoothed relative risks of stomach cancer mortality were obtained, using the Besag-York-Molliè autoregressive spatial model. Maps depicting relative risk (RR) estimates and posterior probabilities of RR being greater than 1 were plotted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From 1994-2003, 62184 gastric cancer deaths were registered in Spain (7 percent of all deaths due to malignant tumors). The geographic pattern was similar for both sexes. RRs displayed a south-north and coast-inland gradient, with lower risks being observed in Andalusia, the Mediterranean coastline, the Balearic and Canary Islands and the Cantabrian seaboard. The highest risk was concentrated along the west coast of Galicia, broad areas of the Castile & Leon Autonomous community, the province of Cáceres in Extremadura, Lleida and other areas of Catalonia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In Spain, risk of gastric cancer mortality displays a striking geographic distribution. With some differences, this persistent and unique pattern is similar across the sexes, suggesting the implication of environmental exposures from sources, such as diet or ground water, which could affect both sexes and delimited geographic areas. Also, the higher sex-ratios found in some areas with high risk of smoking-related cancer mortality in males support the role of tobacco in gastric cancer etiology.</p

    Population-based multicase-control study in common tumors in Spain (MCC-Spain): rationale and study design

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    Introduction: We present the protocol of a large population-based case-control study of 5 common tumors in Spain (MCC-Spain) that evaluates environmental exposures and genetic factors. Methods: Between 2008-2013, 10,183 persons aged 20-85 years were enrolled in 23 hospitals and primary care centres in 12 Spanish provinces including 1,115 cases of a new diagnosis of prostate cancer, 1,750 of breast cancer, 2,171 of colorectal cancer, 492 of gastro-oesophageal cancer, 554 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and 4,101 population-based controls matched by frequency to cases by age, sex and region of residence. Participation rates ranged from 57% (stomach cancer) to 87% (CLL cases) and from 30% to 77% in controls. Participants completed a face-to-face computerized interview on sociodemographic factors, environmental exposures, occupation, medication, lifestyle, and personal and family medical history. In addition, participants completed a self-administered food-frequency questionnaire and telephone interviews. Blood samples were collected from 76% of participants while saliva samples were collected in CLL cases and participants refusing blood extractions. Clinical information was recorded for cases and paraffin blocks and/or fresh tumor samples are available in most collaborating hospitals. Genotyping was done through an exome array enriched with genetic markers in specific pathways. Multiple analyses are planned to assess the association of environmental, personal and genetic risk factors for each tumor and to identify pleiotropic effects. Discussion: This study, conducted within the Spanish Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology & Public Health (CIBERESP), is a unique initiative to evaluate etiological factors for common cancers and will promote cancer research and prevention in Spain.The study was partially funded by the “Accion Transversal del Cancer”, approved on the Spanish Ministry Council on the 11th October 2007, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (PI08/1770, PI08/0533, PI08/1359, PS09/00773, PS09/01286, PS09/01903, PS09/02078, PS09/01662, PI11/01403, PI11/01889, PI11/00226, PI11/01810, PI11/02213, PI12/00488, PI12/00265, PI12/01270, PI12/00715, PI12/00150), by the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (API 10/09), by the ICGC International Cancer Genome Consortium CLL, by the Junta de Castilla y León (LE22A10-2), by the Consejería de Salud of the Junta de Andalucía (PI-0571), by the Conselleria de Sanitat of the Generalitat Valenciana (AP 061/10), by the Recercaixa (2010ACUP 00310), by the Regional Government of the Basque Country by European Commission grants FOOD-CT- 2006-036224-HIWATE, by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation, by the The Catalan Government DURSI grant 2009SGR1489

    A Customized Pigmentation SNP Array Identifies a Novel SNP Associated with Melanoma Predisposition in the SLC45A2 Gene

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    As the incidence of Malignant Melanoma (MM) reflects an interaction between skin colour and UV exposure, variations in genes implicated in pigmentation and tanning response to UV may be associated with susceptibility to MM. In this study, 363 SNPs in 65 gene regions belonging to the pigmentation pathway have been successfully genotyped using a SNP array. Five hundred and ninety MM cases and 507 controls were analyzed in a discovery phase I. Ten candidate SNPs based on a p-value threshold of 0.01 were identified. Two of them, rs35414 (SLC45A2) and rs2069398 (SILV/CKD2), were statistically significant after conservative Bonferroni correction. The best six SNPs were further tested in an independent Spanish series (624 MM cases and 789 controls). A novel SNP located on the SLC45A2 gene (rs35414) was found to be significantly associated with melanoma in both phase I and phase II (P<0.0001). None of the other five SNPs were replicated in this second phase of the study. However, three SNPs in TYR, SILV/CDK2 and ADAMTS20 genes (rs17793678, rs2069398 and rs1510521 respectively) had an overall p-value<0.05 when considering the whole DNA collection (1214 MM cases and 1296 controls). Both the SLC45A2 and the SILV/CDK2 variants behave as protective alleles, while the TYR and ADAMTS20 variants seem to function as risk alleles. Cumulative effects were detected when these four variants were considered together. Furthermore, individuals carrying two or more mutations in MC1R, a well-known low penetrance melanoma-predisposing gene, had a decreased MM risk if concurrently bearing the SLC45A2 protective variant. To our knowledge, this is the largest study on Spanish sporadic MM cases to date

    Gastric cancer mortality trends in Spain, 1976-2005, differences by autonomous region and sex

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    Abstract Background Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of oncologic death worldwide. One of the most noteworthy characteristics of this tumor's epidemiology is the marked decline reported in its incidence and mortality in almost every part of the globe in recent decades. This study sought to describe gastric cancer mortality time trends in Spain's regions for both sexes. Methods Mortality data for the period 1976 through 2005 were obtained from the Spanish National Statistics Institute. Cases were identified using the International Classification of Diseases 9th and 10th revision (codes 151 and C16, respectively). Crude and standardized mortality rates were calculated by geographic area, sex, and five-year period. Joinpoint regression analyses were performed to ascertain whether changes in gastric cancer mortality trends had occurred, and to estimate the annual percent change by sex and geographic area. Results Gastric cancer mortality decreased across the study period, with the downward trend being most pronounced in women and in certain regions situated in the interior and north of mainland Spain. Across the study period, there was an overall decrease of 2.90% per annum among men and 3.65% per annum among women. Generally, regions in which the rate of decline was sharpest were those that had initially registered the highest rates. However, the rate of decline was not constant throughout the study period: joinpoint analysis detected a shift in trend for both sexes in the early 1980s. Conclusion Gastric cancer mortality displayed in both sexes a downward trend during the study period, both nationally and regionally. The different trend in rates in the respective geographic areas translated as greater regional homogeneity in gastric cancer mortality by the end of the study period. In contrast, rates in women fell more than did those in men. The increasing differences between the sexes could indicate that some risk factors may be modifying the sex-specific pattern of this tumor.</p

    Genetic polymorphisms in DNA repair and oxidative stress pathways associated with malignant melanoma susceptibility

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    Background: Base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathways eliminate a wide variety of DNA damage, including UV photoproducts. The ability of each individual to repair DNA damage following different causes might explain at least in part the variability in cancer susceptibility. Moreover, inflammatory response to UV exposure may further contribute to skin carcinogenesis by oxidative stress mechanisms. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes encoding various DNA-repair enzymes and oxidative stress factors may be candidate low-penetrance variants with a role in susceptibility to different cancers, particularly in those with aetiologies linked to environmental exposure, such as malignant melanoma (MM). Methods: In this case control study, 684 Spanish sporadic MM patients and 406 cancer-free control subjects were included and the role of 46 polymorphisms belonging to 16 BER and NER genes as well as 11 genes involved in oxidative stress processes were investigated. Results: One polymorphism was identified to be individually associated with MM in the Spanish population. The variant was found in the NOS1 oxidative stress gene (rs2682826; p-value = 0.01). These results suggest a putative role of oxidative stress processes in the genetic predisposition to melanoma. Conclusion: To the authors' knowledge, this is the largest DNA repair-related SNP study in melanoma risk conducted in the Spanish population up to now. Furthermore, it also represents a comprehensive genetic study of several oxidative stress polymorphisms tested in relation to MM susceptibility. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Nitrate and trace elements in municipal and bottled water in Spain Nitrato y elementos traza en agua embotellada y municipal en España

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    Objectives: To describe levels of nitrate and trace elements in drinking water from the study areas of a multicase-control study of cancer in Spain (MCC-Spain). Methods: A total of 227 tap water samples were randomly collected from 67 municipalities in 11 provinces and the nine most frequently consumed bottled water brands were sampled to measure levels of nitrate, arsenic, nickel, chromium, cadmium, lead, selenium and zinc. Results: The median nitrate level was 4.2mg/l (range<1-29.0), with similar levels in rural and urban municipalities (p=0.86). Trace elements were unquantifiable in 94% of tap water samples. Differences between areas were significant for nitrate (p<0.001) and arsenic (p=0.03). Only nitrate was quantifiable in bottled water (range 2.3-15.6mg/l). Conclusions: Nitrate levels in municipal water differed between regions and were below the regulatory limit in all samples, including bottled water. Trace element levels were low and mainly unquantifiable in tap and bottled water.<br>Objetivos: Determinar las concentraciones de nitrato y de elementos traza en el agua de consumo de las áreas del estudio Multicaso-Control de Cáncer en España (MCC-Spain). Métodos: Se tomaron al azar 227 muestras de agua municipal en 67 municipios de 11 provincias, y 9 muestras de las aguas embotelladas más consumidas, para cuantificar la cantidad presente de nitrato, arsénico, níquel, cromo, cadmio, plomo y zinc. Resultados: La mediana de las cifras de nitrato fue 4,2mg/l (rango<1-29,0), con similares resultados en municipios urbanos y rurales (p=0,86). Los elementos traza fueron incuantificables en el 94% de las muestras de agua municipal. Se observaron diferencias entre áreas para nitrato (p<0,001) y arsénico (p=0,03). Solo el nitrato fue cuantificable en el agua embotellada (rango 2,3-15,6mg/l). Conclusiones: La cantidad de nitrato en el agua municipal difiere entre regiones y es menor que el límite regulatorio en todas las muestras. Los elementos traza son mayormente incuantificables tanto en el agua municipal como en la embotellada