479 research outputs found

    La dimension historique du sacré et de la hiérophanie selon Mircea Eliade

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    Plusieurs commentateurs n’ont retenu que le premier moment de la dialectique du sacré de Mircea Eliade, celui essentialiste où l’archétype surplombe l’histoire, négligeant de considérer le second où l’archétype n’existe qu’à travers sa réalisation dans l’histoire. Ils donnent ainsi l’impression qu’Eliade est un penseur anhistorique qui conçoit le temps surtout à partir de l’éternité et non pour lui-même. Une analyse plus serrée révèle cependant qu’Eliade est un penseur beaucoup plus historique qu’il n’y paraît à première vue. En effet, Eliade considère le miracle de l’Incarnation comme étant la hiérophanie suprême et les autres hiérophanies comme ses préfigurations.Many commentators have concentrated their attention on the first moment of Mircea Eliade’s dialectic of the sacred, the essentialist one, where the archetype overhangs history, neglecting the second one, where the archetype exists only through its realization in history, and so they give the impression that Eliade is a anhistorical thinker, who conceives time mostly through eternity and not in itself. A closer look reveals however that Eliade is a much more historical thinker than what we usually make him to be. Indeed, Eliade considers the miracle of the Incarnation as being the supreme hierophany and the other hierophanies as being its prefigurations

    A Continental Rift? The United States and European Union\u27s Contrasting Approaches to Regulating the Monopolistic Behavior of Gatekeeper Platforms

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    Over the past decade, gatekeeper platforms, such as Amazon.com, Inc. (Amazon), have created highly monopolistic business models to benefit themselves while undermining third-party merchants on digital marketplaces. To illustrate, Amazon collects third-party merchant and consumer data on its marketplace to improve its private-label brands while simultaneously selling them alongside third-party merchant products, creating a significant conflict of interest business model. To address this anticompetitive behavior, the United States (U.S.) and the European Union (E.U.) have proposed contrasting approaches. The U.S., through the Ending Platform Monopolies Act, offers a structural separation remedy, giving the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission the statutory tools needed to sue and structurally split gatekeeper platforms that have conflict of interest business models. Contrastingly, the E.U., through the Digital Markets Act, proposes that gatekeeper platforms share their data with third-party merchants, allowing both parties to benefit while operating on a gatekeeper platform’s digital marketplace. Although strict and uncompromising, this Note proposes that the U.S. approach would be more effective in addressing the monopolistic behavior of gatekeeper platforms

    Somos estos nervios y esta sangre. Entrevista a Davide Enia

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    Davide Enia (Palermo, 1974) se inicia en la escena italiana en laboratorios teatrales de manos de Danio Manfredini, Rena Mirecka, Tapa Sudana y Laura Curino, pero es en 2002 cuando, con su Italia-Brasile 3 a 2, un monólogo en el que escenifica la partida de fútbol entre ambos equipos en el mundial de 1982, comienza a adentrarse en la modalidad del teatro como narrador solista. Su siguiente Maggio ‘43 (2003), sobre los bombardeos de su Palermo natal durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, profundizará en las peculiaridades de su dramaturgia de estos años, caracterizada por un uso cada vez más pronunciado del dialecto y por un desarrollo de las influencias del cunto siciliano. Los premios recibidos los años siguientes (el Ubu y el Hystrio, entre otros), lo consolidan como uno de los miembros más destacados de su generación. Además de interesantísimos espectáculos teatrales en los que combina narración y música, como I capitoli dell'infanzia (2007) o Canti e cunti (2009), Davide Enia ha desarrollado los últimos años una notable producción novelística, con títulos como Così in terra (2012) y Uomini e pecore (2014)

    Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Experimental Screening Instrument to Measure Multiple Barriers Associated with Adult dietary Practices: A Secondary Analysis of NHANES Datasets 2011-2012

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    Dietary practices, which are complex and reflective of one’s life experience, are influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Given that good nutrition is the underpinning of good health, it is prudent to measure factors associated with dietary practices. While instruments are available to assess factors associated with diet, none are designed to simultaneously measure the multi-dimensional nature of barriers associated with dietary practices. The aim of this dissertation was to develop a multidimensional instrument that can be used as a screening tool by practitioners to determine barriers associated with adult dietary practices. This dissertation compendium includes four manuscripts reporting results from: 1) an integrative review describing food insecurity interventions for African Americans in the United States; 2) a study that established content validity for a hypothesized multidimensional instrument designed to identify barriers to dietary practices; 3) an analysis to identify constructs within and validate the hypothesized multidimensional instrument; and 4) an exploratory secondary analysis to examine the relationships between dietary health status (DHS) and selected participant demographic characteristics and clinical outcomes. Results from the integrative review (Manuscript 1) suggested that multi-level interventions that address barriers influencing dietary access and choices demonstrated the greatest efficacy in improving access to healthful foods compared to one-dimensional interventions. Manuscript 2 established content validity for 12 theory-based domains comprised of variables that represent barriers associated with adult dietary practices. Manuscript 3 developed the DHS instrument, designed to measure barriers associated with dietary practices and tested the psychometric properties of this instrument. Exploratory factor analysis described in Manuscript 3 revealed adequate construct and internal validity of the DHS instrument and for the 10 subscales that comprise DHS. Manuscript 4 showed that participants who are older than 45 years, minorities, (Black, Hispanic or Other race), live in larger households, are not married, and have abnormal A1c or blood pressure levels were more likely to have lower DHS scores compared to their counterparts. These findings suggest these groups might have more barriers to adhering to healthful dietary practices than their counterparts, possibly increasing their risk for chronic diseases. The knowledge gained from this dissertation will guide future refinement of the DHS instrument. Ultimately, refining the DHS instrument so that it can accurately identify multiple barriers to dietary practices could have far reaching implications for education, practice, and policy

    Acquisition of spatial knowledge during navigation: the role of internal and external factors

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    The general aim of this project of research was to investigate the role of internal and external factors involved in the construction of a spatial representation during navigation. The main question of this dissertation was: do we need the same type of memory to retrace a route and find a shortcut? In other words: which type of memory is involved in the construction of route and survey representation respectively? In research the main question is about the role of working memory in the construction of spatial representation. According to Baddeley's model (1986), working memory is not a unitary system, but it is possible to distinguish an attentional control system—the central executive—and two subsystems—the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad, which encodes and maintains verbal information and visuospatial information, respectively (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974). Until now, research carried out to date on spatial representation has looked at the role of verbal (VWM) and visuo-spatial (VSWM) working memory in the construction of route representation during navigation (Garden et al., 2002; Meilinguer et al., 2008). However it remains unclear the involvement of working memory in the construction of survey knowledge. In addition, the construction of survey representation, as recent frameworks suggested (Montello et al., 1999; Kitchin et al., 1994), seems to depend also on individual difference, but little is known about the role of external factors such as the presence of landmarks or the influence of specific instructions in guiding navigation behaviour. A series of four experiments was carried out. In all experiments we investigated the role of both subcomponents of working memory through classic paradigm of dual task. Participants learned a route in a virtual (Experiments 1, 3 and 4,) or real environment (Experiment 2) performing spatial or verbal secondary task simultaneously. Reproduction of the route, pointing task, drawing map and finding a shortcut were used to investigate the construction of route and survey representation during navigation. Our results supported that the ability to retrace a route depends on encoding and maintaining the information in VWM and VSW whereas the ability to find a shortcut seems to be related on the involvement of VSWM (Experiment 1 – 2). In addition, our results confirmed that there are large individual differences in both ability to learn spatial layout and in how spatial layout is preferentially encoded (Experiment 2), and added that the sense of direction becomes the predictor of the acquisition of survey knowledge in the learning conditions without landmarks (Experiment 3). Moreover our results showed that the process of acquisition of spatial knowledge implicates also external factors, demonstrating, specifically, that the presence of landmarks and receiving specific instructions about the task facilitate the construction of mental representation (Experiment 4). In conclusion our results add to the growing body of literature supporting that the acquisition of spatial knowledge is a multi-level process influenced by internal and external factors

    Bearing capacity and durability analysis of existing prestressed concrete bridges

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    Es wird die Geschichte des Spannbetons im Brückenbau wiedergegeben. Hierzu wird unter anderem ein Normenvergleich zum Thema Spannbeton aufgestellt. Desweiteren wird erläutert, was die Grundlagen für die Nachrechnung bestehender Brücken sind. Für die Brücke über die Saale bei Jena-Kunitz wird ein Beprobungskonzept mit zerstörenden Prüfungen erstellt. Die erhaltenen Proben sollen in Labortests weiter untersucht werden. Die durch die Beprobung entstehenden Schädigungen sollen zu weiteren Messungen an der Brücke genutzt werden. Die Schädigungszustände werden statisch nachgewiesen. Zum Schluss werden Hinweise für den geplanten Abriss der Brücke gegeben.The history of the prestressed concrete building is reflected in the field of bridge building. A norm comparison for the theme of prestressed concrete is made for this. The basics of recalculation of bridges are elucidated. A concept for samples with destructive tryouts is made for the bridge over the river Saale near Jena-Kunitz. These samples are appointed to be tested in a laboratory. The damages made for the samples shall be used for further measurements on the bridge. The damaged states are structurally verified. At the end there are suggestions for the break down of the bridge

    Marketing digital en la carrera de Administración de Mercadeo, Promoción y Ventas en la Universidad de Panamá

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    Marketing continues to evolve and brings digital transformation as a useful tool that has served to face digital age. By allowing to be in contact with current and potential customers, it makes easier the purchase journey and improves companies to become more competitive. The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of digital marketing from the point of view of the university student from the bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Promotion and Sales Administration at the University of Panama, considering the strengthening of their skills and developing capacities in this area of marketing. The investigation is a mixed type, quantitative and qualitative, where an instrument was sent electronically with response from fifty-five students of this bachelor’s degree at the Regional University Center of San Miguelito whose participation was voluntary and anonymous. The results showed that 97% recognize the importance of studying digital marketing, and 38% suggest updating the academic program. The understanding of digital marketing would help students for a better performance of their future profession and entering to the workforce, concluding that its knowledge offers opportunities in the business and professional fields.El marketing sigue evolucionando y trayendo consigo la transformación digital como herramienta útil que ha servido para hacer frente a la era digital.  Como permite estar en contacto con clientes actuales y potenciales, hace que el recorrido de la compra sea más fácil y contribuye a que muchas empresas sean más competitivas. El propósito de esta investigación es examinar la importancia del marketing digital desde el punto de vista del estudiante universitario de la carrera de Administración de Mercadeo, Promoción y Ventas de la Universidad de Panamá, considerando el fortalecimiento de sus competencias y capacidades de desarrollo en esta área del mercadeo. La investigación es de tipo mixto donde se aplicó un instrumento enviado electrónicamente con respuesta de una población de 55 estudiantes de esta carrera en el Centro Regional Universitario de San Miguelito cuya participación fue voluntaria y anónima. Los resultados mostraron que el 97% reconoce la importancia del estudio del marketing digital, y un 38% sugieren actualizar los programas de estudio. El conocimiento del marketing digital ayudaría a los estudiantes significativamente en el mejor desempeño de su futura profesión y a insertarse laboralmente, concluyendo que su conocimiento ofrece oportunidades en el ámbito empresarial y profesional

    La capacidad anticipatoria del proyecto de vivienda en situaciones de excepción. Adalberto Libera en Tuscolano III

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    Exceptional situations allow us to rethink sociocultural dynamics that were previously taken for granted. Architecture is often part of these processes, anticipating with its projects situations that would only occur decades later. This is the case of the Tuscolano III housing project (Rome, 1950), by Adalberto Libera, which introduces a concept of domesticity based on the dissolution between the public and the private. In this project, inhabiting is understood as a phenomenon that occurs on a neighborhood scale; and domesticity as something that expands beyond the walls of a house, and depends on a complex network of social, spatial and political relations. In Tuscolano III Libera proposes an inclusive model of the city, embracing lifestyles that were not widespread at the time, but are so in current times, such as living alone. Through this project, the article aims to investigate the anticipatory capacity of architectural design in periods of great change, as was the period of post-war reconstruction in Italy, and as is the contemporary era, with its continuing economic, political and health crises.Las situaciones excepcionales permiten replantearse dinámicas socioculturales que anteriormente se daban por sentadas. La arquitectura suele ser parte de estos procesos, anticipando con sus proyectos situaciones que sólo se producirían décadas después. Es el caso del proyecto residencial Tuscolano III (Roma, 1950), de Adalberto Libera, que introduce un concepto de domesticidad basado en la disolución entre lo público y lo privado. En este proyecto, el habitar se entiende como un fenómeno que ocurre a escala de barrio; y la domesticidad como algo que se expande más allá de los muros de una casa, y depende de una compleja red de relaciones sociales, espaciales y políticas. En Tuscolano III Libera propone un modelo inclusivo de ciudad, que abarca estilos de vida que no estaban muy extendidos en la época, pero que lo son en los tiempos actuales, como vivir solo. A través de este proyecto, el artículo se propone investigar la capacidad anticipatoria del diseño arquitectónico en periodos de grandes cambios, como fue el periodo de reconstrucción de posguerra en Italia, y como es la época contemporánea, con sus continuas crisis económicas, políticas y sanitarias

    El Marketing del servicio en las Instituciones Públicas

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    At present the marketing is a tool that it must know all the private enterprises and public institutions. Undoubtedly, all these organizations of one or another form use marketing skills, even, without knowing it. The marqueting in the public services must be a fundamental instrument, which helps to give him opportune answers to the citizenship, across the diverse institutions that offer the service. The target of this article is to show that in the services institutions I publish also we can apply this marketing instrument, when we offer service to our users, analyzing, with it the miscellany of marketing, which there are the fundamental variables in the study of the marketing, they are: product, price, distribution, promotion, personnel and physical presence; with an approach to serve to the client and that he achieves its satisfaction and benefit. The used methodology consisted of the search of excellent information in educational portals, like the observation, that allowed to study in depth the subject-matter and know the diverse approaches, its importance and application of the marketing in the public institutions and conclude with it, that the success of the organizations without lucre fortitude and governmental it should measure itself for how efficient and efficiently they satisfy the needs of the citizensEn la actualidad el marketing es una herramienta que todas las empresas privadas e instituciones públicas deben conocer. Sin duda, todas estas organizaciones de una u otra forma utilizan técnicas de marketing, incluso, sin saberlo. El marketing en los servicios públicos debe ser un instrumento fundamental, que contribuya a darle respuestas oportunas a la ciudadanía, a través de las diversas instituciones que ofrecen el servicio. El objetivo de este artículo también es mostrar que, en las instituciones de servicios público, se puede aplicar este instrumento de marketing, cuando ofrecen servicios a los usuarios, analizando, con ello la mezcla de mercadotecnia, que son las variables fundamentales en el estudio del marketing, ellas son:  producto, precio, distribución, promoción, personal y presencia física; con un enfoque de servir al cliente y que él logre su satisfacción y beneficio. La metodología utilizada consistió en la búsqueda de información relevante en portales educativos, como la observación, que permitió profundizar la temática y conocer los diversos enfoques, su importancia y aplicación del marketing en las instituciones públicas y concluir con ello, que el éxito de las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y gubernamentales deberían medirse por cuán eficiente y eficazmente satisfacen las necesidades de los ciudadanos

    Music activity in music school "Jan Vlašimsky" in Virovitica

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    Glazbena igraonica Jan Vlašimsky u Virovitici s radom je započela 2008. godine s malom grupom djece. Ljubav prema glazbi svakodnevno je rasla a broj djece se povećavao. Od samog početka rada, naglasak se stavljao na razvijanje glazbenih sposobnosti od najranije dobi. Kroz dobro organizirane glazbene aktivnosti, maštovito osmišljene glazbene igre i kontinuirani rad, djeca uvježbavaju razne pjesme i brojalice, uče znanja iz područja početničkog solfeggia te razvijaju osjećaj za estetsku vrijednost glazbe. Djeca aktivno sudjeluju u svim aktivnostima, međusobno surađuju, sviraju, igraju se, pjevaju i plešu čime se uz razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti, jača i sposobnost rada u skupini, poštivanje reda i ostvaruje povjerenje između djece te povjerenje između djece i učiteljice. Kvalitetu svoga rada, pokazuju sudjelovanjem na koncertima, raznim manifestacijama i festivalima gdje su postigli izvrsne rezultate te osvojili mnogobrojne nagrade.The music preschool Jan Vlasimsky in Virovitica was founded in 2008 and started its work with a small group of children. Passion towards the music was growing on daily basis as it was the number of children in the class. From the start, the focus was on the development of the musical skills from the early age. Through well organised musical activities, creativity and creative musical games and continuous practice, children learn to sing and count and they even get introduced to a very beginning of solfeggio. That enhances their development in interpreting musics' aesthetic value. Children actively participate in all activities, interactively learn how to play the instruments through playing, singing and dancing. The development of musical skills further advances their social skills and also increases the respect for rules and regulations and also trust between children and the teachers. The quality of their work is evident in taking part in playing at the concerts, manifestations and festivals where they received admirable results and won many prizes