87 research outputs found

    Sinonasal tract malignancies: prognostic factors and surgery outcomes

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    WOS: 000333960400009PubMed: 24693395Background: Cancers of the sinonasal region are rare and its survival rate remains poor because most of the patients are asymptomatic and diagnosed in advanced stages with surrounding important structures. Objectives: This study attempted to analyze the clinical and histological features in addition to survival and prognostic factors of surgical treatment of sinonasal cancers. Patients and Methods: A retrospective cohort study, involving 36 patients with sinonasal cancer who were treated with surgery in our hospital between 2000 and 2010, was performed. Patients were selected based on the convenience sampling. Patients treated with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy were excluded from the analysis. Clinical symptoms and histologic findings of patients as well as malignant tumor staging and its prognosis were collected from archives. Results: We found that overall 3 and 5-year survival rates of subjects were 52.8%, and 41.6%, respectively. There was a negative correlation between the clinical stage and survival. There was a significant difference between infrastructural and suprastructural localization in 5-year survival rate (P = 0.018). in the present study, there was a strong relationship between the local control and overall survival (P 0.05). Conclusions: the present study has demonstrated that clinical stage, suprastructural tumor, and the presence of tumor-positive resection margins are the most significant prognostic factors affecting local tumor control and survival. As a result of this study, these tumors should be treated in early stages by surgical margin of resection followed by adjuvant radiotherapy


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    Konka bülloza, en yaygın nazal anatomik varyasyonlardan biridir. Konka büllozanın boyutu, semptomatik hale gelmesindeki en önemli faktördür. Fungus topu; dejenere olmuş mantar hiflerinin sinüs içinde ekstramukozal ve invaziv olmayan birikimidir. Fungus topu, fungal sinüzitin en yaygın olan formudur. Fungus topunun etkeni sıklıkla Aspergillus spp.'dir. Bu olgu sunumunda, oldukça nadir görülen dev konka bülloza içindeki fungus topu olgusu sunulmuştur. 18 yaşında bayan hasta, kliniğimize son 3-4 yıldır tek taraflı burun tıkanıklığı şikayeti ile başvurdu. Hasta tıbbi tedaviye dirençli kronik sinüzit tanısı ile takip edilirken, paranazal sinüs bilgisayarlı tomografisinde sol burun pasajında intranazal kitle bildirildi. Hastaya cerrahi tedavi için fonksiyonel endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi planlandı. Cerrahi sırasında, hastada sol nazal pasajda eksplorasyon sırasında dev konka bülloza içinde fungus topu görüldü. Literatürde bu vakaya benzer sadece üç vaka bulunmuştur. Bu olgu sunumunda, biz hastanın bulgularını değerlendirmeyi ve literatürü gözden geçirmeyi amaçladık. Concha bullosa is one of the most common nasal anatomic variations. The size of concha bullosa is important factor in its symptomatic situation. Fungus ball is extramucosal and noninvasive accumulations of degenerating fungal hyphae. It is most common occur form in fungal sinusitis. The fungus ball is mostly caused by Aspergillus spp. In this case report, we present a rare fungus ball case which is localized chonca bullosa. Eight-teen years-old female patient was admitted to our clinic. She has unilateral nasal obstruction during last 3-4 years. While we were following her chronic sinusitis with resistant to medical treatment, in her paranasal computerized tomography, the intranasal mass was reported in left nasal passage. Therefore, the functional endoscopic sinus surgery was applied to patient for surgical treatment. During exploration the fungal ball was showed in giant chonca bullosa. It was found only three similar cases in the literature. In this case report, we aimed to evaluate to our patient's findings and to review of the literatur


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    Amaç: Bu çalışmadaki amacımız Mentha spicata (MS) türünün uçucu yağ ekstresinin kimyasal ve antioksidan kompozisyonunu, bu bitkiye ait ekstrenin antibakteriyel aktivitesini ve sıçan damak bölgesinde yara iyileşmesi üzerindeki etkinliğini değerlendirmektir. Yöntem ve gereçler: MS ekstresinin antioksidan aktivitesi DPPH serbest radikal giderim, ABTS katyon radikal giderim ve CUPRAC yöntemleri ile tayin edildi. Ayrıca türün antiaging poptansiyeli elastaz ve kollajenaz enzim aktiviteleri ile belirlenerek uçucu yağ içeriği GC-MS/FID ile analiz edildi. Yara iyileşmesindeki etkinliğin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla da 8-10 haftalık, 56 adet Wistar albino türü erkek ratın damağında 4 mm çapında eksizyonal yara bölgesi oluşturuldu. Denekler; kontrol grubu (K), ve Mentha spicata (MS) grubu şeklinde 2 eşit gruba bölündü ve 3, 7, 14 ve 21.günlerde sakrifiye edildi. Yara bölgelerinden histopatolojik inceleme için doku örnekleri alındı. Histopatolojik olarak; vaskülarizasyon, polimorfonükleer lökosit (PMN) sayısı, kollajen dejenerasyonu, fibrozis, vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktörü (VEGF) ve vimentin parametreleri değerlendirildi. Antimikrobiyal etkinliğin saptanmasında ise Streptococcus mitis (S. mitis) ve Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) bakterileri kullanıldı. Bulgular: Antioksidan değerlendirmede; daha çok monoterpenlerden oluşan MS uçucu yağ ekstresi orta derecede aktif bulundu. Yara iyileşmesindeki istatistiksel analiz sonuçlarına göre ise; MS grubu, kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında, 14 ve 21.günlerde anlamlı olarak azalmış vaskülarizasyon, PMN, kollajen dejenerasyonu, fibrozis ve vimentin değerleri görülürken; aynı günlerde VEGF değerleri anlamlı olarak fazla bulundu. MS’nin S. mitis ve Aa bakterileri bir antibakteriyel etkisi tespit edilmedi. Sonuç: Mentha spicata’nın ise ağız içi yara iyileşmesinde orta derecede etkili olduğu görüldü. Anahtar kelimeler: Antibakteriyel, Antioksidan, Kloroben, Mentha Spicata, Yara İyileşmes

    Vaccination Practices in Pediatric Dialysis Patients Across Europe. A European Pediatric Dialysis Working Group and European Society for Pediatric Nephrology Dialysis Working Group Study

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    Background: Data on the immunization practices in pediatric chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients are scarce. The purpose of this study was to evaluate current vaccination practices for children on dialysis across European pediatric nephrology centers. Methods: A total of 18 tertiary pediatric nephrology centers from 12 European countries were included in the study. The data on universal national immunization programs and immunization practices for children with chronic disease or risk were recorded from European Center for Disease Prevention and Control and the World Health Organization. The immunization practices and center protocols for monitoring antibody titers after vaccination in dialysis patients were obtained through a questionnaire. Results: All centers included in the study recommended immunization against hepatitis B virus (HBV), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), and streptococcus pneumonia in dialysis patients. In 16 centers, dialysis patients were vaccinated against influenza virus annually. HBV protective antibody titers were measured in 17 centers (during dialysis period in 14 centers, during pre-renal transplantation preparations in 14 centers or in both times in 11 centers). Hepatitis A virus (HAV) was reported to be followed in 13 centers, in 8 centers during dialysis period, and in 11 centers during pre-RTx preparations. MMR and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) protective antibody titers were measured during the dialysis period or before renal transplantation (RTx) in 12 and 15 centers, respectively, and in 6 centers both titers were checked both times. Conclusion: There are variations in vaccination practice across Europe. Children with CKD, those undergoing dialysis, and transplant candidates should receive age-appropriate vaccinations before RTx as well as before the transition to adult nephrology clinics and antibody levels should be monitored to evaluate the immunization status before and after RTx. (C) 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.Peer reviewe

    Professional collaboration in students of Medicine Faculty and School of Nursing

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    WOS: 000276796800014PubMed ID: 19804922This descriptive study has been planned to analyze the professional collaboration among the students of Ege University, Faculty of Medicine and School of Nursing. The study group consisted of 137 5th and 6th grade students from the Faculty of Medicine and 142 3rd and 4th grade students from the School of Nursing. The participation rate is 94%. For data collection, a questionnaire form (30 questions) which was specially developed for the purpose of the study and the Jefferson Scale of Attitudes toward Physician Nurse Collaboration (15 questions) were used. Permission was granted for the research by Ege University School of Nursing Ethical Committee and the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. The professional collaboration mean score of the students from the Faculty of Medicine who participated in the study was 30.40 +/- 5.82 and the professional collaboration mean score of the students from the School of Nursing was 26.11 +/- 5.27. The difference between the mean scores of professional collaboration was found to be significant in terms of their profession (p < 0.01). Physicians expressed more positive attitudes toward collaboration than nurses while female physicians expressed more positive attitudes toward collaboration than male physicians. Published by Elsevier Ltd