2,649 research outputs found

    Covering dimension and finite-to-one maps

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    Hurewicz' characterized the dimension of separable metrizable spaces by means of finite-to-one maps. We investigate whether this characterization also holds in the class of compact F-spaces of weight c. Our main result is that, assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, an n-dimensional compact F-space of weight c is the continuous image of a zero-dimensional compact Hausdorff space by an at most 2n-to-1 map

    Isometry groups among topological groups

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    It is shown that a topological group G is topologically isomorphic to the isometry group of a (complete) metric space iff G coincides with its G-delta-closure in the Rajkov completion of G (resp. if G is Rajkov-complete). It is also shown that for every Polish (resp. compact Polish; locally compact Polish) group G there is a complete (resp. proper) metric d on X inducing the topology of X such that G is isomorphic to Iso(X,d) where X = l_2 (resp. X = Q; X = Q\{point} where Q is the Hilbert cube). It is demonstrated that there are a separable Banach space E and a nonzero vector e in E such that G is isomorphic to the group of all (linear) isometries of E which leave the point e fixed. Similar results are proved for an arbitrary complete topological group.Comment: 30 page

    Dimension of graphoids of rational vector-functions

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    Let FF be a countable family of rational functions of two variables with real coefficients. Each rational function fFf\in F can be thought as a continuous function f:dom(f)Rˉf:dom(f)\to\bar R taking values in the projective line Rˉ=R{}\bar R=R\cup\{\infty\} and defined on a cofinite subset dom(f)dom(f) of the torus Rˉ2\bar R^2. Then the family \F determines a continuous vector-function F:dom(F)RˉFF:dom(F)\to\bar R^F defined on the dense GδG_\delta-set dom(F)=fFdom(F)dom(F)=\bigcap_{f\in F}dom(F) of Rˉ2\bar R^2. The closure Γˉ(F)\bar\Gamma(F) of its graph Γ(F)={(x,f(x)):xdom(F)}\Gamma(F)=\{(x,f(x)):x\in dom(F)\} in Rˉ2×RˉF\bar R^2\times\bar R^F is called the {\em graphoid} of the family FF. We prove the graphoid Γˉ(F)\bar\Gamma(F) has topological dimension dim(Γˉ(F))=2dim(\bar\Gamma(F))=2. If the family FF contains all linear fractional transformations f(x,y)=xaybf(x,y)=\frac{x-a}{y-b} for (a,b)Q2(a,b)\in Q^2, then the graphoid Γˉ(F)\bar\Gamma(F) has cohomological dimension dimG(Γˉ(F))=1dim_G(\bar\Gamma(F))=1 for any non-trivial 2-divisible abelian group GG. Hence the space Γˉ(F)\bar\Gamma(F) is a natural example of a compact space that is not dimensionally full-valued and by this property resembles the famous Pontryagin surface.Comment: 20 page

    The structure of a the C*-algebra of a locally injective surjection

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    We obtain a description of the C*-algebras which can occur as a simple quotient of the C*-algebra of a locally injective surjection on a compact metric space of finite covering dimension

    Wokół pierwszej polskiej systematyki zamówień. O zapomnianej propozycji Józefa Obrębskiego

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    The author discusses the first Polish systematics of magic spells against illness, which was proposed by Józef Obrębski in a brochure Index for „Treating the Polish people” by Henryk Biegeleisen in 1931. Obrębski introduced a division of spells into 9 groups, separated on the basis  of their  content,  form and  function.  It  was  not  an  autonomous  development.  It  have been created for the needs of someone else’s work and on the margin of a broader classification of material in the field of folk medicine as a whole. However, the proposal of Obrębski  can  be  regarded  as  a  serious  outline covering  all  material  concerning  the  systematics  of spells against illness. In the following parts of the article the author sets the discussed work in  a  due  context,  locating  it  in  the  history  of Polish research  on  the  genre  of  spells.  She recalls the first nineteenth-century works and analyses a possible impact of the Obrębski’s systematics on the subsequent approaches to the subject.The author discusses the first Polish systematics of magic spells against illness, which was proposed by Józef Obrębski in a brochure Index for „Treating the Polish people” by Henryk Biegeleisen in 1931. Obrębski introduced a division of spells into 9 groups, separated on the basis  of their  content,  form and  function.  It  was  not  an  autonomous  development.  It  have been created for the needs of someone else’s work and on the margin of a broader classification of material in the field of folk medicine as a whole. However, the proposal of Obrębski  can  be  regarded  as  a  serious  outline covering  all  material  concerning  the  systematics  of spells against illness. In the following parts of the article the author sets the discussed work in  a  due  context,  locating  it  in  the  history  of Polish research  on  the  genre  of  spells.  She recalls the first nineteenth-century works and analyses a possible impact of the Obrębski’s systematics on the subsequent approaches to the subject

    A note on an example by van Mill

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    Improving on an earlier example by J. van Mill, we prove that there exists a zero-dimensional compact space of countable pi-weight and uncountable character which is homogeneous under MA+notCH, but not under CH.Comment: Revision after referee's comment

    Cosmic dimensions

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    Martin's Axiom for σ\sigma-centered partial orders implies that there is a cosmic space with non-coinciding dimensions.Comment: 2005-11-15: new version, largely rewritte

    Few remarks on maximal pseudocompactness

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    [EN] A pseudocompact space is maximal pseudocompact if every strictly finer topology is no longer pseudocompact. The main result here is a counterexample which answers a question rised by Alas, Sanchis and Wilson.The author thanks Richard Wilson for the useful discussion concerning thepresentation of Example2.9. A great thank also to the referee for the usefulcomments and the careful reading. This research was partially supported by agrant of the group GNSAGA of INdAM.Bella, A. (2018). Few remarks on maximal pseudocompactness. Applied General Topology. 19(1):155-161. doi:10.4995/agt.2018.7888SWORD15516119

    Anna de Noailles Oui et Non: The Countess, the Critics, and la poésie féminine

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    Jean Cocteau pays tribute to his idol, the poet Anna de Noailles, in the \u27La Comtesse de Noailles Oui Et Non.\u27 Anna de Noailles is one of the most popular and widely admired among the 20th-century poets because of her unique talent and controversial topics. Her sensual lyricsm has received the criticism of many writers. Likewise, it has also been admired by great critics, such as Proust, Colette and Maurice Barres

    Reading the Romance with Colette in ‘La Lune de pluie\u27

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